It was a normal day, the Great Rookie Sensation Lightning McQueen had a three way tie between The King, Chuck, and himself, he had acted excited, shocked, and determined at the track and around everyone as it was announced, but he was terrified, the joy he found in racing was shadowed by Him. He, had wanted him to win the race, which was why he hadn't stopped during the race.

He really glad that He had gone on ahead to California, leaving only a threat and memories to encourage him to win.

McQueen was not excited to see His response to the race.

Lightning was in the truck cab (his prefered place to ride) waiting for Mack to get back.


" 'llo?"

"Is this Leonard McQueen?"


"This is Nurse Brason of the Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, I'm calling in regards to your father, Jackson McQueen."

Lightning immediately sat up, he may not hold any love for the man, but it was still important to know what was happening to Him.

"What happened?"

"Your father had a car accident while driving, no one else is critically injured, but your father didn't make it."


"Will you be making the funeral preparations?"

"I will be in contact with the bank concerning a Will if he has one. Thank you for informing me about the matter, have a nice day."

With that, he hung up. He already knew that He didn't have a Will, so he contacted the right people to have his father cremated by the time that he was there, so he could deal with the ashes when he was ready.

It had yet to sink in that he was gone yet, so he decided to ignore it.

"Hey Kid, ready to go?"

"Yeah Mack, let's go…"

Hey everyone, sorry for not updating in like, over a year, but I got busy enough that I just didn't have time to haha,,,,

But! Here is chapter three, I will try to get back to a regular schedule, and in honor of that not only is there a chapter this week, but one next week too! After that there will hopefully be a consistent biweekly update,

