Hey all, WriKai here!

Sorry it took me a bit to put up the new segment, been juggling a few different ideas back and forth (and also trying to get more written down for Believing in the Bizarro, which I have sadly neglected). I'm splitting this season in half since it's so good and so packed, so the new segment will be All's Fair In Love and Interdimensional War.

Thank you so much to everyone that's been submitting reviews and sending me supportive messages! Special shout-outs real quick to anonymous commenter Danillyria (who I hope sees this later!) and Pavs.


¡Gracias por tu comentario! Me alegra que disfrutes de la serie y espero que sigas disfrutando de ella en la parte nueva.


Thank you so much for the frequent reviews! It always makes me smile to see I've got a new one up from you!