Nat was in his first hated (and last) class of the day: Language Arts (his second hated being Science and third being History). Nat sat in class with an nervous yet annoyed look on his face praying that the teacher didn't pick him for anything. You know, what he usually did in all his classes except for math, art, and gym. Mike wore a jacket as he had a bored expression on his face as he answered the fortieth question a teacher had asked him this day. Unfortulently (or fortunately as you see it) Mike was basically a genius.

He got all A-pluses in he classes and honestly he could be at Harvard right now actually having a challenge in his learning instead of being bored out of his mind. Mike knew everything and had read everything on the island. The only thing that confused him was the animatronics and how Pearl had built them. And the only reason he stayed was because he wanted to be with his friend's, plus his parent's had said no wanting the boy to be around kids his age. Amber was simply writing down notes as her demon wings fluttered anxiously as she wanted more then anything then to fly and get out of the school.

Royal was writing down notes as well but unlike Amber she had an intrigued look on her face. She loved Language Arts. And she decided to pay close attention in the class in order to become a novelist when she got older. And then their was Pristine, she was writing a list of insults to call Nat, Mike, and Amber hoping she'd make the three "losers" cry. Suddenly the bell rang, and Nat immediately grabbed his backpack ready to leave a Nat-shaped hole in the wall.

But the teacher stopped everyone from leaving as she got their attention.

"Hold it everyone!" The teacher said, everyone (but Royal) groaned clearly not in the mood to be held up more then they had to.

"Don't be like that it will only be a minute! I have a project that all if you in no more then a group of five needs to accomplish." The teacher said, Mike cheered up an actual smile appearing on his face. Pristine rolled her eyes, Royal smiled even wider then she had overjoyed at the thought of a project. Amber smacked her forehead in annoyance, and Nat had froze his cheeks losing all color as he broke into a cold sweat.

"The project has to be about a book you've read. You have to have a visual diagram and a paper written essay or have a PowerPoint essay. If you do your essay on the computer then you can have visuals in it to count for your grade. Your essay must have a summery in your own words, you must have information on the author. How they got the inspiration for the story, or maybe even some information from them by their website or by simply e-mailing them. And you all must state on why you like the story and the author. The essay must be two to three pages long, and for extra credit you can even video chat the author to get their own opinion on your essay, right in front of the class. That is all, and make sure you all pair up right now so I can write down the groups." The teacher said, and by the time the teacher was done Nat was having a mini-panic attack. And while Nat was temporarily paralyzed in fear the other kids made their way around the room making teams. Once they did they walked over to the teacher and she wrote down which kids we're in which teams. The teacher was going to leave until she saw that five kids we're left the oddball threesome that was Nat, Mike, and Amber. And finally the troublemaking duo: Royal Plum and Pristine Diamond.

The girls we're absentmindedly talking to one another while Amber and Mike we're trying to unfreeze Nat. Finally Amber flicked Nat's ears and the boy snapped out of it,

"Hey! Don't do that! Now come on let's get out of here! We can work on our project at Mike's." Nat suggested,

"Alright! But let's work outside I slept in the wrong way on my wings and I need to pop some locks!" Amber said. Mike smiled as he playfully rolled his eyes,

"Okay, my laptop us fully charged so that shouldn't be a problem. And we're taking that extra credit! I need to keep up my GPA!" Mike said. Both Amber and Nat rolled their eye's,

"Yeah right! You've gotten the all A's certificate at graduation since you we're in diapers!" Amber said.

"You can say that again! But yeah we're taking the extra credit……I'm not doing so well in this class." Nat admitted, his cheeks going scarlet.

"Or any class for that matter!" Amber said, Nat winced and looked at the ground grinding his shoe into the floor. While Mike crossed his arms and gave Amber a scolding look.

"Amber…." Mike started only for the demon herself to cut her off,

"I know, too far! Sorry Nat, I was just joking around. You know I do that from time to time." Amber said. Nat gave an obviously forced crooked smile as he quickly wiped tears from his eye's. He opened his mouth to respond but, to his horror, he heard hauntingly familiar laughter. The three turned around to see Pristine laughing while Royal looked at them with pleading eye's behind her superiors back. Pristine wore a white shirt with blue roses on it and a skirt to match as she wore three inch white heels.

While Royal wore a pair of tight jeans as they seemed to be bedazzled with amethyst sewn in them. Her short was a simple royal purple shirt with a picture if a crown on it. On top of Royal's head was her miniature signature crown that she usually wore (unless it was getting re-jeweled or cleaned of course).

"Good one Amber! If you weren't a literal demon sent from hell, I'd let you join me and Royal!" Pristine said in between laughs.

"Oh I'm so flattered to become another slave! Oh and I'm so sorry for your loss Royal, I'll be sure to remember you for who you we're." Amber said gaining a smirk, just after shot Royal a quick pitiful look. Pristine growled and shot a glare at Royal who changed her look to one of scorn and mockery.

"Uhhh…..well our project will be a lot better then yours! Unlike you idiots we have talent!" Royal said,

"IDIOTS!? I'll have you know I—" Mike said but soon a loud whistle got their attention. Mike, Nat, Amber, Royal, and Pristine looked at the teacher. Who was getting behind her desk fearfully as if expecting an earthquake.

"Uhh….funny thing about the project. I said no more then a group of five kid's. Which means no more……no less." The teacher said, and that's when it all sank in for the children. Each group looked at each other, every rounded face having a mask of terror and horror. The teacher plugged her ears, and she did it just in time as the entire island heard five children screaming.