Episode1 pt1: "I get kidnapped, then I make a decision I know I'm going to regret."

"My name is Savannah Winters, and I used to be normal, but two years after the accelerator went off I found out I had powers, then I'm kidnapped by a man who says I'm met for bigger things, I'm not met to just be a hero, I was met to be a Legend. I am Trajectory."

Even the best of friends started out as strangers.

Location: Star City, 2016.

It happened out of nowhere.

One minute she was running home from Star Labs, then the next, in a flash of blue light, she was standing in front of a sign, welcoming people to Star City.

Her ocean colored eyes went wide in shock, looking around she found herself alone.

If no one was here, and she somehow got here in the blink of an eye...

No way. She thought, her lips parting in surprise, deciding to figure out what was going on, the 29 year old took a deep breath, before she took off running.

And found herself running at super speed.

Suddenly she tripped over herself, and flew forward, her body slamming into two trash cans.

"Ow." She muttered slowly pushing herself back up, while rubbing the back of her head. "That was a bad idea."

Thank you, Captain obvious. She thought sarcasticlly.

Rolling her eyes in annoyance to herself, Savannah Winters decided that going to Star Labs would prove useful.

Harper, Vanessa and Sabrina will freak out when they see this, or at least Harper will, Sab will probably roll her eyes, ad Ness will look up, and mutter something about asking God for strength. Savannah thought in amusement as she started to make her way out of the Wal-mart parking lot that she had ran into, more like tripped into.

"Where you think your goin' love?" An annoying sounding voice slurred from the shadows of the dumpster.

Rolling her eyes and mentally throwing her hands up in disbelief, the newly discovered speedster turned around to face the man.

"Home, it's late, I'm tired, and I need to catch up on my Netflix shows," She replied crossing her arms over her chest.

"'R not going anywhere sweetheart," He muttered leaning heavily against the side of the building.

Savannah, being the sarcastic person she was, couldn't help but slap a hand to her chest in mock surprise.

"Oh, I'm sorry your majesty please forgive me for wanting to leave without your permission! gasps I beg forgiveness!" Savannah said with as much sarcasm as humanly possible.

The fat, dark haired man let out a growl, before he narrowed his black beady eyes, he went to charge her, but ended up flat on his face, causing Savannah to bust out laughing.

"Wha ya laughin' at?" He muttered looking up at her.

"The reason why double doors were invented," She replied with a smirk, before turning around, "Thanks for the lovely evening!"

Before she started on her way back home.

Chuckling in amusement, Savannah shook her head, looks like Harper was right, there really were some strange people that hung out at Wal-Mart.

Just as she turned the corner, there was a bright flash of light before the world went black.

Line break brought to you by my love for Legends of tomorrow.

"...British dude with a flashy thing, ring any bells?" A young, familiar voice asked.

"Jax?" Savannah called prying her eyes open.

"The name's Rip Hunter." An unfamiliar voice introducded.

Pushing herself into a sitting postion, the blonde speedster tilted her head, and her eyes narrowed.

"Need a hand?" Jax asked offering her his hand.

"Thanks." Savnnah said nodding slightly as she took it, and he pulled her up.

"I'm from east London, oh, and the future." Rip finished, and that caught her attention.

"Nice to meet you Rip." Mick said with a smirk as his hand went down to his heat gun.

"While you were incapacitated, I may have, tampered, with your weapons." Rip admitted, and Savannah rolled her eyes for the tenth time tonight.

"Half the people here don't even need weapons, so I suggest you start talking, fast." Savannah said crossing her arms over her chest, while trying not to laugh at her own joke.

"I've assembled you all because I need your help. The future is in peril because of a man by the name of Vandal Savage."

Savannah took note of the tightness of Rip's voice, but didn't think much of it.

"That can't be." Carter started, looking confused. "We destroyed hhim."

"Yeah the Green Arrow and Flash helped us do it." Kendra added.

"And therein lay the probelm, unless you or Mister Hall deliver the death blow, Savage can be restored from but a single cell." Rip explained pacing back and forth.

"What the heck are you talking about?" Mick asked.

"Savage is immortal." Carter answered. "Kendra and I reincarnate."

"Yeah, I've done that." Sara said nodding.

Savannah was then tempted to rub her forehead as a headache started to form.

"What the heck does this Randal guy gotta do with us?" Mick asked obviously annoyed and confused.

"Vandal." Rip corrected. "In the future he will employ the evil he's perfected over his long life, and the power he's amassed throughtout history to finally, conquer the world."

The last part was said with a haunted look in his eyes, and everyone fell silent.

"I've been tasked with assembling an elite Team to stop him." He continued, and her eyes widened.

"How?" Sara asked, her arms crossed.

"To travel through time, to capture Savage before he grows into the monster he becomes." The Time Traveler replied.

"You got the wrong guy, 'hero' ain't on my resume." Snart spoke up walking away with Mick close behind.

"Or mine." The arsonist agreed.

"I know its difficuit for you to fathom, but where-when I'm from, the year 2166, you and everyone on this roof aren't just considered heroes. You're Legends."

Rip told them, and Savannah let those two words roll over in her mind.

Legends? "Legends?" She thought and Ray said at the same time.

"I, um, I hate to nitpick but doesn't a legend have to be dead?" Martin asked nervously.

"Yeah, see, uh, thats a deal breaker for me, so I'm gonna pass." Jax agreed.

"It's to dangerous for any of you too know to much about your own futures, but I am here because each of you as indivivuals, is destined for greatness." Rip said, and Savannah could see the slight hint of despreation in his eyes.

This isn't just about Savage. She thought narrowing her eyes further. There's something else.

"I could get behind that." Ray said sounding interested.

"And if you don't follow me, this is in-store for your world 150 years from now." Rip said to them walkinng forward, he held up a small device, before the world around them changed to fire and destruction.

The female speedster felt horror sink deep in her chest, this image wasn't going to leave her for a long time.

Then it was gone.

"I could have chosen any time and any place, of all the people that who lived I chose you nine. I hope you don't let me, and the world, down." He said looking at the ground.

"If your answer is yes, meet me at this address in 36 hours." Rip finished before walking away, and leaving them all in a stunned silence.

Another line break brought to you by my love for Ninjago.

"...then he left." Savannah finished with a shrug as she sat on the treadmill at Star Labs.

Harper nodded her head, her auburn hair was tied back in a bun and her kilidoscope like eyes were full of interest

"Sounds awesome Sav, but are you sure this guys for real?"

"Yeah." Vanessa Sterling chipped in leaning against the the glass window, her carmal eyes narrowed in thought. "Didn't Thawne mention this guy?"

Savannah flinched slightly at the name.

"Yeah i know, but what if he's telling the truth?" The blonde argued. "What if Savage is really still alive and plans on taking over the world?"

Both of her friends went silent.

"I think you should just go." Another voice spoke up from the doorway.

Tiltinng her head up Savannah caught sight of Sabrina, who was giving her a mildly annoyed look.


The brunette nodded.

"For one, if you don't go I'll have to hear about it, and i dont feel like hearing about it, and two, you can't base everything on what Thawne says. He was and forever will be a jerk, plus all of you guys against one man? I think you'll be just fine."

A small smile touched her lips.

"Then it's settled, I'm going, and if I die, it's all Sabrina's fault."

Here we go again, another line break, there's a lot of these in this chapter...

Savannah was the first person to arrive, bouncing on her heels nervously, the speedster was wondering when the others were coming.

Rubbing her forehead the blonde could feel a headache slowly starting to make a comeback from last night.

Since she got no sleep last night, Savannah was like a zombie, she had stayed up the rest of the night thinking about today, her mind runninng through the seemingly endless possibilities of what could possibly go wrong.

Looking around, and pulling her duffle higher up on her shoulder, Savannah tried to keep herself busy as she waited.

I hope I'm making the right decision.

Thats when she heard a car drive up, looking back Savannah realized it was both halves of Firestorm.

Jax though, appeared to be asleep, Savannah narrowed her eyes.

Stein looked at her for a moment before getting out of the topless car.

"Professor! This is the place!" Snart called and Savannah jumped in surprise. When had they gotten there?

"I think we're being punked, do people still say punked?" Ray asked as the group walked over.

"No." Sara replied shortly.

"You don't look to happy to be here." Snart pointed out looking over at Kendra.

"Perceive." She replied crossing her arms over her chest.

The washed out blonde rolled her eyes. Seemed like someone forgot to take their happy pills this morning.

"I see you've all decided to come!" Rip said happily, appearing out of nowhere.

Again, Savannah jumped, before muttering under her breath:

"Where do these people come from? Thin air?"

"Well then, we can be on our way." Rip said turning around.

"I ain't footing it anywhere." Snart said crossing his arms over his chest.

Savannah rose an eyebrow, and without turning replied.

"Yeah, he probably wouldn't get too far without his walker, plus, i don't think he brought it anyway."

The speedster could hear Ray choking back laughter, and a small smile touched her lips, and she could feel Snart glareing daggers in the back of her head.

"A time master's sacred charge is to do no harm to the timeline." Rip explained pulling a small device from his pocket.

"Can you imagine what a Time Ship would look like, in say, Victorian England?"

"Holographic indigenous camouflage projection." Martin said in shock, but Savannah just narrowed her eyes in confusion.

"Indeed." Came the reply, then Rip turned and hit a button on the device and suddenly Savannah could see a large Time Ship.

"It's called the Waverider, it's been my ship for over a decade." Rip told them with a hint of pride. Then looking at each of them. "Shall we?"

Being the first to come out of her shock, Savannah quickly followed Rip inside.

Once inside the speedster couldn't help but chuckle.

"This is amazing." She said, not realizing how loud it came out until Rip spared her a glance, and a ghost of a smile appeared on his lips, obviously amused at her amazement.

The female speedster smiled brightly and did a 360, her ocean colored eyes were wide as they took in everything around her.

Then they walked into what looked like the bridge.

"And just when I thought it couldn't get any cooler." She said with a breathless chuckle.

"Whatever you roofied him with, I'd like some." Mick said walking in with one arm slung over Stein's shoulder.

"I did not roofie him!" The professor snapped.

"Oh, I ain't judgin'." Mick replied.

"I have never sen anything like this before." Kendra said walking in with Carter on her heels.

"Neither have I, and considering I have 4,000 years worth of memories that's saying something." Carter agreed.

Savannah dropped her duffle bag then walked over to lean against one of the 10 chairs.

"How does a vessel of this size function without a crew?" Stein asked as they gathered around the console.

"I don't need one." Rip answered. "I have Gideon."

"Welcome aboard. I am Gideon, an interactive artifical consciousness programmed to operate this ship's critical systems, and aid Captian Hunter in his missions."

"Captain?" Snart asked leaning against one of the other chairs.

"Is that jealousy I hear, Snart?" Savannah asked raisng one eyebrow, with a smirk on her lips.

"Gideon's been working on helping me locate Vandal Savage." Rip repiled before Snart could.

"I thought you said that he's pretty active in the 22nd century." Ray said his eyes narrowed in confusion.

"Well maybe trying to kill him while he's at full strength isn't a good idea." Savannah pointed out tilting her head slightly.

"Indeed. Unfortunately, Savage has kept his movements hidden throughout history. Not even Gideon can determine where or when we can find him. But I have the next best thing: The man who can. Professor Aldus Boardman." Rip told them also leaning agaisnt the console.

"Professor Boardman is the world's leading-well, only-expert on Vandal Savage. We're going to pay him a little vist."

"Course plotted for St. Roch, New Orleans." Gieon announced happily. They all shared a look of surprise and uncertainty.

"St. Roch?" Carter asked.

"October 17, 1975." The AI finished.

"I suggest you all strap yourselves in." Rip advised, going to what seemed to be the captain's chair. "Temporal navigation isn't something one wants to be, standing up for."

Quickly they all found themselves a seat, then pulled the harnesses over their heads.

"Time travel, cool." Mick commented.

"Some of you may experience some slight discomforts. In very rare instances, there will be some, uh, bleeding from the eyeballs." Rip informed them, then muttered the last part under his breath.

Savannah didn't know what to do, to panic, or laugh.

"I'm sorry, what?" Kendra asked, her eyes wide.

"The human body is used to Time unfolding linearly." Rip explained.

Suddenly Jax moaned.

"Jackson, I'm so glad you're awake I didn't want you to miss this." Stein said, sounding excited.

"Miss what?" He asked in confusion. "What the-" Then he started pulling at the harness.

"Oh, no, I wouldn't do that if I were you." Rip warned.

"Get me off this-whatever this thing is!" Jax exclaimed glaring at Stein.

"Good luck explaining this." Sara said not sounding the least bit apologetic.

"I did him a favor." The professor argued.

"He doesn't look all that grateful." Snart added.

"Just hang on and remain calm." Rip started, his chair turning around. "All your world's are about to change."