Home for the Holidays

Chapter 12

Six Months Later

"I am not saddle sore, Hannah."

"Well, either you're saddle sore or you're old. Since you're retired…"

"I'm in my forties. Not old."

"Late forties."

"Forty four."

"And some change. You were the one griping about sleeping on the ground last night."

"I was not griping. Teach me to plan father daughter time with you."

"You love it and you know it."

"Alright, agreed."

"A couple more hours and we'll be at the trailhead. I can drive us back to St. Louis so you can take your afternoon nap."

"Just because I nap when Tommy takes his nap in the afternoon doesn't mean I need one every day. He sleeps better if I rock him to sleep and I just happen to rock myself to sleep."

"That's your story?"

"Yes and you're not driving on the interstate."

"I have to try it sometime and when is a better time than when you're with me?"

"Not today. I noticed you rubbing your knees and elbows earlier."

"I'm fine."

"Hmm? That your story?"

"Okay, the humidity is a little rough. I am looking forward to taking a bath in your bathtub with the jets on."

"Will you be okay to ride the rest of the way?"

"I'll be fine. Star is a gentle ride."

"You tell me if you start having issues, clear?"

"Yes. Crystal. And Daddy?"


"Thanks for this. I've had a really good time. I love you."

"I've had a great time. I love you too."

They rode the rest of the way out, it had been a four day trail ride and they were both worn out. They had camped under the stars every night and had done a lot of talking and bonding. He had a trip planned with Emma taking her on an architecture tour of Chicago and a small tiger cruise with Sailor, down the Mississippi. Mallory and he had been able to spend a night away for their anniversary. For the first time, he felt like a decent husband and father.

As he suspected, Hannah fell asleep as soon as she got settled in the truck. She had done extremely well since her diagnosis. Conveniently, Charlie's parents had moved out of the area and so she didn't have to deal with the ramifications where he was concerned. Mike and Mallory had stuck with some of the conditions of her grounding but neither of them had the heart to force her to do the cleaning and as much of the childcare as had originally been suggested. She still had some serious guilt concerning Mike's "broken heart."

Mallory was working on a fellowship with the pediatric rheumatologist. She had originally planned on being an Emergency Room pediatrician but Hannah's case and treatment had fascinated her and the doctor was already talking about her taking a position in his practice. The hours would be better and Mallory would know about any new treatments or therapies. She was also looking at a joint fellowship with a pediatric endocrinologist since many of the diseases were dual diagnoses. The practice she would be working for was not necessarily just pediatric and although Mallory preferred to stay as a pediatrician, she was going to also be treating adults.

Dana was a frequent visitor and had really stepped up as a role model for Hannah. Tom loved having a family member back and he and Dana had redeveloped a close relationship. Mike was beyond thankful that he had found her.

When Mike handed his resignation over, President Oliver understood his reasoning. He told Mike that he figured it would happen at some point. He did convince Mike to be a consultant on training for the Navy, but Mike was insistent that he work from home and it worked perfectly for him. He had also remodeled the basement and had built a home gym himself. Hannah and he both used it the most but Mallory also liked having it and would run on the treadmill every other day. Having it had really helped Hannah and he had also installed a bathroom in the basement with a large jetted bathtub and steam shower. Hannah used it frequently but liked his and Mallory's better because she could holler for help if she needed it.

Mallory had surprised him the month before with a positive pregnancy test. They hadn't really been trying for another baby at that point but an ultrasound showed that it wasn't just one baby but twins. They were thrilled but agreed that there would be no more babies after the twins. They planned on telling the kids after they got back from the trail ride. Mike was thrilled that he would be the one home with them every day. He would be missing no more milestones or moments. He pulled into his driveway shortly before five pm and Emma ran out to meet him. Mike shook Hannah awake before he opened the door to the impatient Emma.

"You're finally home, Daddy! I missed you. Mom said that Tommy was going to walk without you here. He hasn't yet. Did you have fun?"

"I missed you too, baby girl. Let me help your sister out."

Emma backed up so Mike could get out of the truck but instead of allowing him to go around the truck; she gave him a huge hug. He returned the hug and kissed the top of her head. He was looking forward to the trip he had planned with her. He released Emma but kept a hand on her shoulder, gently massaging it, which had become a habit since her kidnapping even when she wasn't complaining of pain. He went around and helped a very sleepy Hannah out of the truck and they all walked up the steps. He had offered to build a ramp but Hannah refused to give into her disease that much. There had been a few times that he had had to carry her up them but she refused for the house to be altered a lot. Dana told him that it was normal.

They walked in the door and he made it to the living room. Mallory was trying to walk Tommy and the baby wouldn't let go of her hands. When he saw Mike, he let go and Mike knelt down on the floor with his hands out. Tommy would have to take a couple more steps before he got to Mike but the baby didn't seem to realize he was even walking. The girls were all watching but staying quiet so the baby wouldn't stop. Once he finally got to Mike, they all started cheering for him. Tommy didn't realize what he had done only that he was happy that his daddy was holding him. He stood back up, still holding the baby and gave Sailor a hug and kissed Mallory.

Hannah opted to take a shower in the master bathroom and Mallory stayed upstairs with her. Once she was done, Mike headed in for his shower and Hannah hit the recliner. Despite the heat, she allowed Mallory to throw the electric blanket over her. She wasn't having a flare up but they wanted to head it off at the pass. Hannah rocked Tommy to sleep and the younger girls were in the backyard. Mallory made her way up to the master bathroom and waited for Mike to finish. When he stepped out, she handed him the towel with a grin.

"Where are the kids?"

"Hannah has Tommy and the younger girls are in the backyard. Supper is in the oven."

"What's going on?"

"It's good news. Julliard has reopened and Hannah's violin teacher sent them a cd of her playing. They've accepted her without an interview or anything. Full ride scholarship too. There is a pre-college division they will want her to do next summer but they've already accepted her for the undergraduate program. I have a nurse friend who went to work at New York Hospital for Joint Diseases. She has an extra room and it's close to Juilliard. She and her husband, who is a rheumatologist will take her every day and pick her up. I trust them completely and they are thrilled to help. It will be an amazing opportunity for her."

"She'll be gone all summer?"

"Yes. She'll come back for her senior year and then back for the pre-college and then September starts the undergraduate program. And there is a high possibility she'll get in for the graduate studies."

"It's New York City."

"Yeah, it is. I hadn't said a word to anyone because I knew you might veto it. Other than my friend of course. I knew you would never go for it, if she didn't have a safe place to stay."

"What do you think?"

"Mike, it's an amazing opportunity and one that Hannah has been working towards her entire life. If she doesn't do this, what will she do?"

"I don't know. I'm worried that she'll have a flare up and we're hours away."

"Which is why I chose Allison and Robert for her to stay with? Short of one of us moving there, this is the best option. We will have five other kids to think about by then too."

"Yeah, I know. I'd like to meet Allison and Robert."

"Just so happens, they're in town and I invited them for supper."

"And what about Hannah?"

"Mike, she'll be thrilled. We hold off on telling her until we've talked to Ron and Allison. I also am taking a week off work and we'll go to New York. See their place, tour Juilliard, Emma can look at the architecture there, it'll be a nice vacation. I wanted to do it before I got too far along and the girls went back to school. I haven't made reservations but we will need to soon."

"Alright. I guess I'd better get dressed and shave. I don't think we want your friends to meet me in this towel."

"Allison might enjoy it but it might throw Rob a bit. And don't shave, I like this scruff."

"Is that a fact?"


"Well, I wouldn't want to not give you something you ask for. How long have you and Allison known each other?"

"We worked the same waitressing gigs to get us through nursing school, and she helped me with Liam and Allie. She's who I named Allie for."

"Must be a special person."

"She's my Tom."

"Which is why you were okay with me wanting to name Tommy after Tom. She's your person."

"Technically you're my person but I know what you mean."

"Yeah, sorry. So are you."

"Don't worry about it. You'll like Rob and Allison. And what's more, so will Hannah. I'm going downstairs to finish supper. Green button down, khaki's, Mike."

"Yes, ma'am. What would I do without you?"

"Not match your clothes for one."

She gave him a kiss and headed downstairs. He changed into the clothes she told him to and went to the backyard to turn the grill on. Mallory had a potato casserole and a cake in the oven and he was grilling steaks and hamburgers for the kids. Mallory met Rob and Allison at the car and exchanged hugs with both of them. She quietly told them that Mike was mostly onboard with Hannah going to Juilliard but she didn't know that she had been accepted and was not feeling a hundred percent. Rob was doing some research concerning cold therapy and had brought some ice packs that were infused with menthol. They were already cooled and ready to apply. As soon as they walked into the living room, and Mallory introduced Rob and Allison to Hannah and explained that they wanted to try the cold therapy on her, she threw the heated blanket off and handed Tommy to Mallory. Rob and Allison started putting the cold packs on her knees, elbows, shoulders and ankles. She had fortunately changed into shorts and a tank top and Mallory could see the change in her within five minutes.

"They told us the heat therapy would help her." Mike had come in and was automatically worried. Mallory had introduced him to Rob and Allison and explained what Rob was doing but his attention was on his oldest daughter.

"It does in the winter but Lupus flare ups can be brought on by humidity and overuse of joints too. Doesn't mean you shouldn't do fun stuff, Hannah. Heat and cold can be alternated. What'd you do this last week?"

"Daddy and I went on a trail ride in the Ozarks. Four days on horseback in some nasty terrain and we camped. I loved it."

"Sounds nice."

"You aren't going to tell me I shouldn't have?"

"Nope. I don't agree when other doctors tell patients they shouldn't do stuff like that. You know your limit. And you came home and started relaxing to prevent a full blown flare up."

"I hate when they tell me I can't or I shouldn't. Mom and Dad don't but the doctors do."

"Just know what you can do. That's all that matters. You may need to eat your dinner in here to stay with those wraps on your joints but we'll stay in with you."

Mike was impressed with Rob and Allison's ease with Hannah and she seemed comfortable with them. His mind was made up as long as Hannah wanted to go to Juilliard. He'd miss her but Mallory had been right. She had been working her way to Juilliard her entire life and it wouldn't be fair for Mike to hold her back.

They did end up eating in the living room and visiting. Rob and Allison had just bought a townhouse and insisted on the Slattery family staying with them. The girls had gone downstairs to the family room that Mike had built when he remodeled the basement. They could talk more freely about the cold therapy and Hannah's acceptance into Juilliard. Mallory had timed her time off between Mike and Emma's trip to Chicago and the tiger cruise he was taking Sailor on and she had factored travel time in so they would be driving.

Rob and Allison left the cold wraps for Hannah to try out on a more extensive basis. Mallory hugged both of them and Mike shook their hands. He could tell Allison was assessing him to make sure he was good enough for Mallory and honestly hoped he'd passed the test. When she came back inside, he was fiddling with the cold wraps.

"So, did I meet their approval?"

"Yes. They love you. You need to tell Hannah because she has a violin practice tomorrow."

"Okay. Does Wolf know she was accepted?"

"No. I kept the circle small. Wanted it to be up to you."

"I'm still worried about her having a flare up there. Even though Rob specializes in this stuff, and Allison is a nurse, I'll still worry. It's Hannah."

"I know. And if it was Emma, Sailor or Tommy, you'd also worry just as much."

"I'd worry but it's different. Hannah has so many strikes against her."

"You're doing the right thing. And Hannah will love you even more for it."

"I suppose. Guess, I'd better tell her, huh."

"You act like its bad news."

"My baby boy took his first steps today and my oldest, with a chronic, debilitating disease, was accepted into a college at least a thousand miles away. Not to mention Emma and Sailor look like they've grown an inch in the last four days."

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, Emma started her period. I think Sailor will be right behind her too."

"Did I need to know that? My baby girls?"

"Probably a good idea for you to know. Send Emma and Sailor upstairs. And remember, you have two more due in about six months."


"Go, Mike. Head the girls up here and talk to Hannah. I've got Tommy."

Mike kissed Mallory again and headed down to the basement, the kid's movie was just finishing up and he kissed Emma and Sailor good night. Hannah seemed to know that he wanted to talk to her and seemed nervous. After the two younger girls left, Mike sit down next to her and wrapped an arm around her.

"Uh-oh, this probably isn't good."

"Nope, it's great news for you. Your violin teacher sent a CD of you playing to Juilliard. They just reopened and you've been accepted for your undergraduate degree. They have a pre-college program they want you to go for between your junior and senior year and then again after your senior year before college opens up. It's full ride. The reason Mallory had Rob and Allison come tonight for dinner, is you will stay with them, at least during the pre-college division. Do you want to do this?"


"Okay. We are going to go to New York City later this summer so I can scope out the school and Rob and Allison's townhouse. Make sure it meets my approval."

"Daddy, how do you feel about this? You seem…detached?"

"I'm happy for you. It's an amazing opportunity. And I am proud of you."


"I'm scared, Hannah. Your health. The distance. New York City is huge and scary. A lot of things can happen in a city like that. I won't stop you though. But I will worry."

"I'm excited."

"And I'm excited for you. But when Uncle Tom found you and they told me your heart and lungs were affected from the pneumonia, I promised myself that I would not hold you back. You will definitely be missed here though."

"I'll still visit. You'll have Tommy and Emma and Sailor will keep you on your toes."

"I'll still miss you though. And Mallory may shoot me for telling you this but she's pregnant with twins. We were waiting to tell you girls until we got back from the trail ride."

"That's awesome! I'm so excited for you guys. When are they due?"

"The end of December."

"Christmas babies!"

"They will probably be early given that there are two of them. Easier for Mallory. "

"As long as they are all okay."

"Yeah, I'm sure they'll be fine. I'd better go help Mallory. Don't say anything to Emma and Sailor, please? We'll tell them soon."

"Sure. Thank you, Daddy. I love you."

"I love you more."

Mike kissed her temple and headed upstairs. When he got to the top of the steps, he saw Mallory's side profile. She was barely three months along but she was showing already. It made him smile. He was actually thankful for hearing Hannah say that she hated him. It had made him reevaluate things and realize that his family was far more important than the fame and power that came with being the Secretary of the Navy. He had never cared for the power and the fame annoyed him. Tommy was walking around Mallory's legs and greeted him with a huge smile. They would be celebrating his first birthday soon and Mike had planned his party. It did make him miss Lucas a little. Just as he was tearing up thinking about him, Lucas' baseball fell off the entertainment center where Mike kept it. It was the only indication Mike needed that Lucas was around. And the smell of roses was almost always present. He didn't mind it though.

I may pick this back up at some point. Sorry it took me so long to get this done! Life happens. Please enjoy and review.