Infernal Dawn

Chapter 14: Das Ende des Anfangs

Screams and gunshots rang out from the courtyard. The mighty chanting army had quickly turned into a fleeing mess once the Slayer stepped outside with the Mancubuscannon.

Maia was sitting on the ground, her dress was nothing more than a rag soaked in demon blood. Her entire body was drenched in Michelle's red drink, slowly drying as she stared at the ceiling. Next to her was her 'dear husband's' charred and still burning corpse. At this point, there was barely any cooked flesh left.

Only charred bones.

The former Shield's empty gaze didn't stop as she was slowly replaying what just happened.

Mitchelle nearly forced himself onto her. He then tried to 'stop' the Slayer. He then turned into a Demon. And he got killed.

She killed him.

Tears welled in her eyes and flowed freely. She was finally free. Mitchelle Pantielle was dead. He was never going to touch her ever again. He was never going to abuse her again. She will never be forced to play a dress-up doll for that pig again. She will never be forced to wear that damned slave collar. She will never be forced to carry his seed again.

And yet it was not over.

The Black Dogs, even after the Slayer's slaughter would still rule over Eostia. The only way to stop them would be to completely wipe them out. To make sure that no trace of them remains and that all their allies are slain. Feoh and Ansur were liberated, but there are still Rad, Thorn, Geofu, and Ken!

She couldn't just stand by and let the Black Dogs continue with their empire. Letting out a sigh, Maia rose back shakily to her feet. Looking down at the carcass of Mitchelle on last time, she spat on it and began making her way back to the bedroom.

After opening the door to the bedchambers, she tore the bloody dress off her and threw it out of the window. She made her way to the bathroom and cleaned herself using a bucket of room-temperature water. She stepped out of the bathroom and stared at the mirror.

Her body.

She had always been blessed with beauty. Even before she joined Volt and later the Seven Shields, all of the village boys always swooned over 'Milky Maia' as they called her between themselves.

And while she did appreciate her own looks, what she had truly prided herself had been the muscles she had built up over the years. Fighting alongside the Black Dogs had meant training and bodybuilding. During her fighting days, she had a nice 6 pack and had quite the athletic body.

However, being turned into Mitchelle's plaything had made her lose most of her muscle. In fact, she had felt quite weaker for some time. She once managed to hold a sword a few weeks ago and realized how heavy it had felt compared to before.

Gritting her teeth, she marched over to the closet and began rummaging through it. There hidden beneath several layers of Michelle's clothes, she found a wooden box. Opening it, she was greeted by her old outfit.

The Orange Leotard, blue pants, and gloves mix was neatly folded and cleaned. With the red headband rolled inside it. Her skin went pale and dread began to build up as she stared at the headband. Back when she was with the Shields, she had worn the headband as a memento of her time with the Black Dogs.

But now…

Letting out a scream, Maia grabbed the box and threw it out of the window, shattering glass everywhere.

No. This was the old her. The same one that had been naive enough to still believe the Black Dogs were tricked. The same one to fall into their trap.

She wasn't gonna let that happen ever again.

The Streets of Ansur, 4 hours later…

"RUUUUU-" another Black Dog, was silenced as the Slayer chopped through the fool's body with the Argent Blade. Thousands of corpses littered the area, burned, crushed, sliced and shot. Even as the moon was high on the horizon, the Slayer did not falter in his slaughter, instead only getting more personal.

A Minotaur rushed at him from the side, only to end up as ash, with the Slayer pulling out the Mancubuscannon. Another Orc went for a rush but got incinerated. More and more tried and failed in attacking the Slayer. The bodies began to pile, the air around the city becoming metallic as the blood began to evaporate, creating a faint reddish mist.

Finishing up another Imp with a squish, the Slayer looked around him.

So many corpses, so much death. The familiarity of the situation caused him to grin. As always his enemies underestimated him, believing him to be nothing but a nuisance. Now, these insects felt his wrath as the Demons did. For at the end of the day the Black Dogs were not humans. They did not deserve to call themselves humans.

They were Demons in Human skin.

And as the Slayer does with Demons, he will rip and tear.

The curs began to flee from the Slayer. Their ego and confidence that had been built up from pillaging and raping, has been shattered. Their will to fight in the name of Volt has been extinguished. And like the dogs they claim to be, they ran with their tails between their legs.

The Slayer did not care, for they could run all they wanted.

In the end, there would be nowhere to hide, for judgment would come for them. And there will be blood at the end.

The Hellwalker pulled out Quietus, the green argent sword blazing with fury. The fleeing soldiers were struck down, their bodies sliced into ribbons, their limbs flying all over the place. Those that tried to fight back, realized how futile its was once the Slayer was upon them.

The last Black Dog was crawling away, only for the Doom Slayer to squash his skull.

It was done.

The City of Ansur was purged.

Now it was time to get to the other city. His HUD's map showed that the next town would be Rad.

Good, he was looking forward to this.

Unsheathing his Blade he marched down the bloodied streets. His thoughts beginning to wander back to days gone by.

Argent D'nur

He gripped his blade and sliced another Hellknight apart. The People of Argenta, they had captured him, put him into that damned arena, and made him a frontline soldier, fodder so to speak.

They stripped him of his armor, HIS ARMOR. The same green sleeveless armor that had served him for all his deployment. Still, the crusader-like white armor was comfy though. Unlike his Mega Armor, that thing covered his whole body and was made out of some strange metal, like a suit of futuristic full-plate armor.

Still even though he had been found, they gave him only one thing, an honorable death. As a 'frontline warrior' he would be the first one to fight and die for this pretentious shithole. What those asshats did not expect was for him to still be standing while the 'oh so powerful' Night Sentinels were laying in a pool of their own blood, a pinky gnawing on its insides.

Again history repeats itself with everyone else dead, the entire army of the hell trying to kill him, and him kicking their ass single-handedly.

Hundreds upon hundreds of Demons were making their way towards him, screeching and howling. The Barons pounding their chests like gorillas, the Imps jumping around like dancers, the Pinkies charging at him like rhinos.

This is what he fucking lived for.


And so they came.

The Imps and Pinkies came first, throwing fireballs and pouncing at him, they received his sword through their bodies. The Hellknights and Mancubuses, were blasted by the Argenta railguns, and the Chain blaster. Finally came the Barons whom gave their everything to squish the 'mortal' in their wake. All they got were their insides, outside.

When the battle was finished, he stood there surrounded by the bodies of both allies and demons.

He fell to his knees cackling.


The Slayer's thoughts were brought back to reality. Turning his head back, he stared at the direction from where the voice came.

Maia was now dressed in a leather cuirass with leather pants and boots, and a pair of gauntlets. Several protective straps and belts were attached to her, two steel blades hanging from her hips.

"You're the Doom Slayer, right?"

The Slayer nodded.

"First of all, I want to thank you for killing the Black Dogs and also saving me."


"Without you, this city would have never been freed, and for that, you've got my gratitude."

Alright very nice, now he just had to go back and kill mor-

"I'll join you on your crusade."

The Slayer stared at her for five seconds and then continued to walk back towards the city gate.

"H-Hey wait!" Maia ran up next to him. "Is that a yes o-"

"No." The Slayer didn't stop, actually quickening his pace.

"What! But I want to help you! I've got intel on the Black Dogs! I know the land! I can help you!"


Maia's left eye twitched. "B-But why?!"

"You're gonna slow me down. Stay here and be safe."

Slow him down.

She had fought ever since her parents were killed by monsters, having become one of the fiercest individuals in Eostia. She had been once one of Volts commanders in the Black Dogs, back when they still served Eostia. Impressed with her skills she had been then knighted by Celestine and given a title of nobility for her efforts. While most would flaunter in their gold, she used her title to still fight and command throughout the war.

She had then been betrayed by the Black Dogs, and turned into their slave. She was treated as nothing more than a pet by some fat bastard who constantly used her like some toy. And now where she was free again, this man had the gall to tell her, she'd slow him down.

"Why you b-"

Maia stopped herself.

Regardless of his dementor, he saved her and the city. If she insulted him he'd either just ignore her and walk off or worst-case scenario, punch her head off.

"Look, I'll be straight with you." Maia glared at the Slayer. "I don't trust you."

The Slayer actually stopped and turned his head.

Both had a silent staring contest for a few seconds.


"Because you're an oddity. Eostia is doomed, raped, and being used to fuel Volt's mad conquest. Then SUDDENLY, you show up! Some green titan in alien armor, with alien weapons slaughtering the Black Dogs! Most would call you an angle, or a holy knight! But I know better!"

Maia pointed at the Slayer's chest.

"We used to call the Black Dogs heroes because the came to us in our darkest hour! We used to trust them and praise them blindly! And look what it got us! Degeneracy, Murder, and Chaos! Maybe you are here to save us, maybe your intentions are pure. But there's an equal chance that the second you killed Volt, we are next! And all we did is replace rape with endless bloodshed!

"That's why I'm coming with you. If you truly are our savior, then I will aid you. I know these lands well and while being stuck with the pig I've been snooping in some of his letters and information. If you wish to betray us I will know first hand and I will do anything in my power to try and stop you, may it cost my life."

The Slayer took a step towards her and loomed, casting a shade over her. She could now see the two orange orbs glowing slightly behind his helmet.

"And if I refuse?"

"Then I will follow you regardless!" Maia tried to rise up to his height but had to tiptoe. "You can try to run! You can try to get rid of me! Hell, you can even try and kill me! All that would do is prove my point!"

The Slayer's eyes narrowed. He didn't owe her anything. He could just walk past her and continue on his journey to kill the Black Dogs, regardless of anyone's opinion. She would eventually tire out and worst-case scenario die from dehydration or exhaustion from trying to follow him.

But something caused him to hesitate.

It was her eyes. In her crimson irises, he could see her fury burning like an inferno, waiting to unleash. These were the eyes of someone who had been broken and reassembled, seeking vengeance against all who wronged them. The same eyes he would see when he looked at a mirror or the reflection of his visor.


Immediately, Maia's face fell, her eyebrows rising.

"Just like that?"

"Try to keep up."

He began walking towards the gate again, Maia shaking her head and making her way next to him. While she had kept a stern visage throughout the whole exchange, internally she had been filled with dread.

"So, where are heading?"

The Slayer glanced at her for a second, then shook his head.


Maia grimaced."I don't recommend that."

And so the annoyance already began. With a Sigh, the Doom Marine turned his head towards her.

"Explain. Now."

"Uhh," Maia felt some sweat flowing down the back of her head. "You see, even if you liberate the cities, by the time you're done Volt will be able to replenish his forces in only a few weeks."


"The Monsters! They are parasitic. While there are no female monsters, when monsters breed with another race they will give birth in only a week. The child will then only take a month to be fully grown. Even now, more monsters such as imps and orcs are being bred for Volt's army. The best way to stop this is to destroy them at their source."

"And that would be?"

" The North! The Black Fortress! When Volt began his conquest, he used the Black Fortress as his base. After taking over Ken, Volt turned the Black Fortress into his breeding factory. All the slaves that don't sell or are too headstrong to 'break' get send there. If we destroy it, we will deal a major blow to the Black Dogs and cut off a large portion of their reinforcements."

The Slayer rubbed his chin. The Longer he stayed here in Eostia, the more time Hell had to try and fix their situation, which means that he had to speed things up here. If he had to run back to places to teach these bastards another lesson he'd be wasting time that he needed to stop hell, Glancing at her, the Slayer nodded.

"Alright! Then let's kill some Greenskins!"

And so The Slayer and Mercenary Queen marched out of the city, ready to shed more Black Dog blood.


1 week later.

"YOU TOLD ME THIS WOULD WORK!" Volt howled, as he slammed his fist into his armchair. "BECAUSE OF YOU, AND YOUR 'GIFTS' ANOTHER CITY HAS BEEN RUINED BY THE SLAYER!"

In the center of the throne room, hovering above the satanic circle was Azrotar, his green eye staring at Volt intently.

"I did no such thing, mortal. I told you that my gifts will aid you in your battle. That does not mean they are a guarantee that they would defeat him. I simply said they would aid you."

"Yeah?" Volt growled. "Well, they certainly didn't fucking help now that my slaves fled and most of the city is a mess. With the factory gone, we'll lose one of our main sources for magic potions! Taking the city at this point would be a waste of manpower, especially since those assholes at Feoh have begun attacks on my outposts and caravans! Worst of all, that green bastard is still running around the countryside killing everything!"

"Careful mortal. Shifting the blame to me can be very...unhealthy for you."

"Yes Volt," Kin walked over to his Emperor. "I wouldn't antagonize him. He may be bound to our service, but we've seen that he's powerful enough to break the seal if he so desires. This is him cooperating with us."

"Hmpf.." Volt's brows burrowed." So if he's cooperating with us, then why did he only give us some measly stones? I expected an army! Warriors! Artifacts for my soldiers!"

"Unlike what you may think I have been busy trying to come to an arrangement with my lord." The Trickster growled."I may be of high rank, but that does not mean I can do anything I please. You see hell is currently busy with another...endeavour. My lord wants all available troops ready, so asking for an army at this time would be...difficult.

"However I did manage to convince my Lord of your plea and there he had given me the approval for several forces to be transported here…"

"Well if that's the case, when is your army going to arrive?" Volt leaned back into his throne, tugging at the chain the was connected to Celestine.

"Ah yes. Unfortunately, a major force like that is unable to arrive here at the moment. You see accessing this realm as a few individuals isn't hard. An army, however, will take a bit more time. I will need a lot of magic, blood sacrifices and argent energy to create a stable portal for the ritual...until then I will stay in this realm and aid your wizard in that regard. As for some minor aid, however…"

Azrotar snapped his fingers. In an instant a large, red wormhole appeared behind him, causing several of the guards to unsheathe their weapons. A few seconds late, a figure shuffled through the portal. Red eyes, a crown, a brown robe, and old looking while carrying a staff.

"Hail, Emperor...I am Deag Nilox, Hell Priest, and the voice of both the Khan Makyr and the Dark wish for aid, yes?"

Volt narrowed his eyes. "Get to the point Old man."

Nilox shook his head. "So rude, so impatient. But that is not for me to judge. BEHOLD LORD OF THE HOUNDS! THE EIGHT CHAMPIONS OF HELL!"

The Portal became bigger, with eight silhouettes marching though. These twisted beings were humanoid but all had certain mutations or styles going on representing one of the carnal sins. The figure at the front, however, could only be described as a parody of the Slayer himself, in gladiatorial armor, two horns and an Argent Axe strapped to his hip.

The Marauder and the Sinful Seven have arrived.

The Hunt was on.

okay so first of all





I would like to thank everyone personally for following and sticking by me for these past 3 years. I know I haven't always been active and that my stories kinda suck, but Everytime I see the numbers of this story it makes me happy since it is my dream to write my stories and most importantly entertain people.

Okay so why is this chapter so late? Fucking Corona that's what!

I was stuck in Africa for 3 fucking months! We went there with my family for a celebration and instead what happened was the lockdown. I was unable to play DOOM eternal (worst is that even though I pre-ordered due to being 3 months late I didn't get the DOOT revenant and the classic weapons pack. I did get the Demon outfit at least though), and was stuck with a low-end toaster that was overheating all the time due to the natural heat of the country and the humidity and an internet connection that made me want to click-clack myself. Seriously I had to wait until midnight to work on my stories because the internet was that bad. I couldn't even work on Bloodlust due to being unable to do sessions with spirit and also cause he was busy with IRL stuff.

I did get a custom cover, however! So yeah Infernal Dawn ahs now a proper cover!

So yeah atleast not all sucked.

Still, there's also some interesting tidbits. While I still haven't played Eternal the game DID confirm that OG doomguy is the Doom Slayer. That means the entire backstory I had planned can be thrown out of the window. Still might as well give you guys a behind the scenes…

Anyway onto the big issue. Both infernal dawn and Bloodlust are kinda delayed due to the coronavirus and my late arrival home. I'm only now playing DOOM Eternal, and I need to replay PN2 cause i'm on a new computer. Also the Elder Scrolls fanfic is in works and i'm also working on a 40k/Taimanin fic. If you're wondering; it's a Deathwatch Squad.

Now onto the reviews!

broarmy354: And more will come.

Touhoufanatic: Still it's more about world-building. If I fuck up somewhere it might be jarring when someone else reads the story after reading another kuroinu story.

EnriksD8: Thanks, a lot dude. Glad to hear that you're still writing. Shame about the first version but it makes sense. Something I've noticed in your stories is that you tend to write LONG paragraphs. Tip from my Beta, Spirit: Try to shorten it a bit, since that makes it easier on the eyes for people than huge boxes of words. Still good luck with your fic!

darkpit65: Found an Artist now! they did a great job!

Crusader 0625: I LOVE THE SMELL OF NAPALM IN THE MORNING...smells like victory.

Chosen-One-92 c: it does get very boring when you have to write a scene and you don't know how to follow up and don't want to bore your readers.

Ph0enix17: Remember, thots and hentai are temporary. Doom is eternal!

American Blitzkrieg: I will

DannyPhantom619: lmao.


Max Moreno: Maybe.

Danteinfernus: thanks again dante.

Multiple-Characters1-Acc: Yeah, while it may be the story that got me a bit of fame, it still needs to be improved. Think of it as a ...second edition.

H20 Ferrum Dominus: Thanks and I will!

Janne Rolfe Jalandoni: HUGE GUTS BIG GUNS

Angel Arcano92: Yes and no. It's a bit complicated and I don't want to spoil what I had in mind…

Kopul: 69

torresfrancisco14: here.


Jebest4781: Thanks! I really appreciate your patience!

Zachdheart: Thanks, but I do find this story rather bad. Improvement time!

Super heavy weapons guy: Pootis! Thanks

R-king 93: Thank you

S31tora: The Issue has been sorted! So now worries anymore!

Kill king: Thank man! I'm not planning on abandoning these stories but I will have to admit that I will probably need to begin working on actual novels and such, so that I can finally develop my craft.

azrael09876: A cameo or reference would work. But I don't think he will appear sorry.

jaalco: Oh that! Yeah and no. it is a Jojo reference but it's also because the symbols mean Menacing and I thought that would be fucking awesome.

Trey Alexander: Yeah I'm probably gonna go with the Oblivion one being somewhat mixed with the combination. SPEAKING OF WHICH, why has no one voted for the Nerevarine on and Pelinal one? Are you people really not in the mood for CHIM and ELVISH NECKVIENS!? REMAAAANNN!

ZILLAFAN: Wow calling my fic shit without actually bringing up some criticism. You're wearing your big boy pants ey?

Charles: Thanks for the support. Hopefully, you'll enjoy it!

Arbiter3670: Nah, I don't like Harems. They are kinda unrealistic and I'm not in the mood for any love triangles. Harems only work well for evil or morally flexible characters and Doomguy is pretty much the definition of Chaotic Good. Also, I'm pretty sure Doomguy doesn't care about THOTS. Only thing he wants to penetrate is a demon's chest with his chainsaw or/and fist.

KnowingEzmend: I know but I'm working on several other fics and sometimes I've got writer's block and such.

Chaos: Thanks. While I did find an artist for the cover, I'm gonna have too look for one for the comic still.

WowohWow0: Would you be interested in joining the cult of our lord and savior KHORNE THE BLOOD GOD?

Drfail: I can confirm to you that Maia was internally SCREAMING when that happened.

tomahawkESP: Reverse the text and remove the zalgo font. Then you'll see.

JensenDaniels32: PerhAPS

Guest 1: Bro...can you PLEASE not spam the same comment all over the reviews? I literally had to delete 90% of the comments so don't spam.

Guest 2; Once I played eternal I'll be working on this again.

SpudyPotato: Thank you mate

Chronos0305: Thanks, and stay frosty!

Z: Soon enough…

Marx Avian II: The comedy is somewhat necessary to balance out the GRIM DARK and not turn it into a edgefest. I will admit that I went a bit far in some way but most importantly i'm trying to have the comedic aspect be more focused on slapstick, and 90s action tropes, instead of "Lol random xddd".

JadeRovks: Sorry, shop closed due to Winnie the Flu.

Randomdude21: LET EM RIPPPPP

Napster153: I mean I wouldn't call it a piece of fan fiction art and more a piece of shit fanfiction but thanks. Also seems like your wish got granted.

wanawana245: Sorry bruva, soup kitchen closed.

searvok: Ultimate DOOM, DOOM 2, Final DOOM, DOOM 3, DOOM 3 BFG Edition, DOOM 2016. Yep pretty sure I've played most DOOM games. Also I think it's really funny how you're basically saying I've never played doom, and when I'm trying to PM you to elaborate you have your account private. Are you a clown? Cause your review is a fucking Joke.

Edgar115: I am alive, but was stuck in Africa

Lucius Walker: Thanks! When I came up with the idea of the story initially I had planned to do the generic, Saves the land during the world route but realized that wouldn't work because if Doomguy was in this situation he wouldn't try to save Olga and escape; No he would SLAUGHTER EVERYONE OF THE BLACK DOGS THE SECOND VOLT EXPLAINS HIS PLAN AND DRAG OLGA BACK TO KEN BEFORE FUCKING OFF AGAIN. Basically, the fic would only be 5 chapters long and while funny, it would lack any satisfaction. Not just that but I wanted to have a sort of horribleness to balance out the Slayer's win-streak. If the Slayer won the entire time this fic would become boring and people would call him a mary sue. However since the universe suffered from like 2 years of constant rape and evil, doomguy coming around and killing shit balances the horribleness with sheer awesome.

Guest 3: Later.

lim.5purity : Thanks, i'm glad you're enjoying yourself!

Guest 4: "It is done."

kukuhimanpr: Thanks, definitely taking this in consideration.

Brown: Glad you're enjoying yourself

Guest 3 ; I know but the fic was written before DOOM eternal came out and before we had story details. So yeah this is getting changed in the rewrite so don't worry.

Eat my booty: Here

Anyway that's it for now. Sorry for the wait and the upcoming delay, but hey at least you guys might get some Warhammer and elder scrolls next!

Also before I go, please stop asking or demanding that I upload my chapters. I'm doing this for free because I love writing and telling the world my stories. And while a harmless "Are you alive" and "Is the next chapter soon finished." is acceptable, what I don't accept is demanding me to work. A few weeks back Guest wrote me a review demanding me to upload a chapter. I won't tolerate something like this in the future. So please be more respectful guys, otherwise, I'm banning guest reviews, and honestly, I don't want to do that because some readers don't have an account and want to write their criticism which I would love to keep.

Anyway time to play through DOOM eternal and FINALLY rewrite! Also if anyone does Like this version of the fic, Last warning; when the rewrite is done all of the chapters will be deleted and replaced. So last chance to download an OG copy of the fic for anyone who wants.

Well cya guys! and remember! Warhammer is for everybody, except if you're poor.