Emison fanfiction set a little over 10 years into the future after episode 6x10.

Alison and Emily have been together a little under 10 years after neither one of them could deny their feelings for eachother any longer. After a drunken night out with Hanna, a crazy suggestion by Ali becomes a reality and Hanna and Caleb moved back to rosewood so her and Ali could open a store together. Spoby are still madly in love all these years later and are living their hapily ever after with their three year old son and Ezria found there way back to each one night in Boston after years apart.

Hope you enjoy! #emisonendgame

Chapter 1: Silence Worth Breaking.

"Alison are you nearly ready?" Emily shouted up to the blonde as she fixed her hair in the hall mirror. "Come on, we're going to be late!"

"I'm coming!" Ali called out to the brunette as she made her way down the stairs, putting in the new earrings that her wife had got her for their three year wedding anniversary a few weeks before.

Emily lips curved into a small smile as she watched her wife trail towards her. Her blonde curls falling onto her shoulder and her tight jeans hugging her legs in all the right places. "Wow" she breathed out, interlocking her fingers with Alison's. "You look...amazing"

Alison rolled her eyes. "Oh, so your talking to me now"

"I've been talking to you all day Ali. It's you thats ignoring me" Emily stated as a matter of fact.

"Look" Alison raised her hands. "Can we just forget last night ever happened, atleast pretend that we're okay infront of the others"

Emily furrowed her brows in confusion. "We are okay...Ali, it was one fight"

"Third one this week Emily" Ali huffed as she took Emilys spot infront of the mirror.

"I'm sorry okay" Emily sighed into the blondes neck, standing behind her and running her hand along her curves. "I won't bring it up again...I promise"

Alison looked into the mirror and watched her wife give her the puppy dog eyes. No matter how angry she was right now she could never stay mad at her wife when she looked at her like that. It was a typical Emily move lately when she wanted to smoothen the waters between them and it almost always worked.

"Okay" Alison let out an exasperated sigh and gave Emily a hint of a smile before turning around and leaning into the kiss the brunette was placing on her lips. Alison's hand tangled in the brunettes wavy curls while Emily's gripped onto Alisons waist and pulled her closer. The blonde pushed the brunette against the wall and savoured every moment of the kiss that was heating up a lot quicker than either of them expected. In that moment, neither one of them wanted to let go of eachother, solely because neither one of them knew when another oppurtunity for a moment like this would come along. A moment where they were both willing to put all their problems aside and fall into eachothers loving hold.

Before things could go any further, Emily hesitantly pulled away with a deep sigh. "You know I'd love more than anything to stay exactly like this right now but if we don't leave soon we're going to be very late"

Chocolate brown orbs met icy blue and Alison gave an understanding smile as she pushed a brunette lock behind Emilys ear. She couldn't remember the last time her and her wife had a moment like this. A moment where they got so lost in eachother gaze that all their problems just seemed to disappear. Even if she was forcing it, it felt good. "Just let me get my bag"

After loading up the last of the gifts in the car, Emily and Alison made their way to the Cavanaugh household where their nephews third birthday party was being held. When they pulled up behind Ezra's car, they looked on into the graden to see their blonde best friend Hanna spitting fire into the phone to whoever was on the other end of the call.

"I don't care less if it's not your problem, it's not mine either" she scolded, waving her hands animatedly in the air. "I swear, that order better be in my shop by tomorrow morning or I'll show you where to put that...hello...Jared you there?" Hanna pulled the phone away from her ear and looked at the screen. "Fucker hung up on me" she scoffed in realisation as she threw her phone into her back pocket, running her fingers through her hair before resting both hands on her hips. Her eyes brightened when she spotted Emily and Alison stepping out of the car and quickly made her way over to them.

"Hello m'ladies" she chirped.

"What was all that about" Ali questioned with furrowed brows as she slammed the passenger door closed.

"Hmm" Hanna sighed with a tight lipped smile. "Just the usual store drama. This idiot messed up our order for the spring collection and the shipment won't be delivered for at least a week!"

The two blondes discussed business as they trailed in through the front door of the cavanaugh household, Ali clearly 'forgetting' that there was a boot full of gifts that could use her assistance being brought into the house.

"Alison" Emily called out but her wife was already gone inside the door. She knew she could go inside and make a fuss about Ali not helping her with the gifts but figured she should just leave it because this was not something worth arguing about right now.

She grabbed all the gifts herself and after a lot of muttering to herself as she struggled to close the boot, she sauntered in through the gate.

Tobys eyes caught sight of the brunette from the living room window and quickly, without hesitation he rested his beer bottle in the hall table and made his way out to help her.

"Jeez Santa Clause" he called out with a smile as he trailed down the garden path to Emily.

The brunette left out a breathless chuckle and stood up straight, dropping one of the heavy, toy filled bags on the ground.

"Em" Toby sniggered when he looked at the bags to Emilys side. "You shouldn't have...no wonder Noah loves you so much" he added with a grateful smile as he tossed one of the bags over his shoulder and clutched the other with his fist. Emily was about to respond but was interrupted by excited squeals from her nephew as he ran towards her with his hands held out.

"Hello little man, how's my favourite today" Emily sang as she knelt down, picked him up and smothered him in kisses. The little brunette giggled and squirmed in her arms and when she let him down in the grass he grabbed her hand and excitedly guided her in through the front door to show off his super-hero themed party.

When Emily entered the kitchen she looked around her. Spiderman ballons and superhero banners were scattered through the house and the dining room table was filled with sweets and drink. She scanned her eyes around for her wife and immediately spotted her standing at the counter with Hanna, the two of them talking animatedly between eachother as they filled their glasses with wine.

When Alison put her lips to her glass she felt eyes on her from the other side of the room and sure enough, when she looked up, there Emily was, eyeing her from the corner of the room with an expression on her face that was a little hard to read.

"Here" Alison called out as she made her way towards Emily, holding out a glass of wine.

"As much as I'd love that right now...We have the car." Emily sighed.

"We can take a cab Emily...It's no big deal" the blonde said.

Emily took the glass from her wife and forced a smile but before she could say anything their moment was interrupted by a loud squeal and Noah ran straight towards them, giggling and mumbling to himself as he hid behind Emily's legs.

"Noah. Stop running" They heard spencer call out from the living room to the toddler who was now hiding on his mom.

Spencer made her way through the kitchen door and scanned her eyes around for her son. "Has anybody seen the birthday boy?" she announced to the group of people gathered in the kitchen.

A loud squeal was heard from behind Emily legs and Alison laughed down at the little boy flanking his aunt with both hands covering his mouth to quiten his giggles.

"Too bad" Spencer sighed with folded arms. "I guess the birthday cake can wait until later"

Without hesitation, Noah popped his head out from behind his aunt and shouted to his mom. "Here mommy"

"Come here you little rascal" she chuckled as she walked towards him and scooped him up, wiping his chocolate covered face and smothering him in kisses. "Daddy wants you in the living room"

"Kay" the blue eyed three year old smiled as he squirmed in his Moms arms and waited for her to leave him down.

Emily smiled at the interraction between Noah and Spencer and Ali could see the love in her wifes eyes for their nephew. She sighed and took a mouthful of wine as she made her way back over to Hanna who was rummaging through the MM's on the table, picking out all the red ones and tossing them in her mouth.

A few hours into the party things began to quiten down. The cake had been cut and the food had been eaten and Spencer and Toby were standing at the front door, waving off the last of Noah's daycare friends and their parents. Alison and Hanna were in the dining room, both of them nearing their fifth class of wine and laughing hysterically at whatever they were talking about now while Aria and Emily sat on the patio table talking among themselves and watching Noah and Caleb running around in the grass.

"Daddy" Noah squealed when he saw Toby walk out towards them. "Can u play"

Spencer followed Toby outside a few minutes later and reclaimed her seat on the patio table next to Aria. Now that all the judgy parents from daycare were gone and it was just the girls, Toby, Ezra and Caleb she could finally relax and pour herself a much deserved glass of wine, maybe even something stronger to cure the pounding headache that had settled in through all the sqeuealing and screaming from the handful of todlers that had shown up to the party. It wasn't long before Hanna and Ali realised they were the only ones still inside and made their way out the back to join the rest, both of them looking slightly tipsy from the alcahol they had consumed over the past few hours.

Minutes later Ezra strolled out through the sliding glass doors, his hands filled with a few cans and a large bottle of red. He tossed Toby and Caleb a beer each and placed his own on the table infront of him while he filled the girls glasses with the new bottle of wine he had retrieved from the kitchen.

He emptied the can of diet soda into the glass of ice infront of his wife and smiled when he noticed her eyeing the wine infront of her. "Only a few more weeks babe, dont worry"

Aria sighed and rubbed small circles on her stomach. "It's worth the wait"

Ezra leaned down and placed a kiss on Arias lips, then took his can from the table and made his way over towards Toby, Caleb and Noah.

"Sooo" Emily grinned. "Two more months until we get to meet baby Fitz"

"Its been a tough pregnancy" Aria sighed. "I can't wait for it to be over"

"Oh, I know the feeling" Spencer added, her gaze held on her three year old son in the garden. "But its all worth it in the end"

All five of them watched Noah laughing hysterically as he ran away from Caleb and Toby with the new spiderman ball he had gotten from Emily and Alison.

Hanna shook her head. "God, can you believe he's three already. Feels like yesterday we were all piling into the hospital room to see him"

"I know" Spencer sighed. "My baby isin't a baby anymore"

"I can't wait until all our kids grow up together" Aria smiled, watching as Ezra scooped Noah up and ran after Toby.

Alison, who hadnt inputted a single word in this conversation continued to sip her glass of wine and stare absentmindedly into the garden infront of her, trying to ignore Emilys glassy eyes as she listened to her friends talk about how much fun it will be to raise their kids together.

"How about you guys" Aria asked, directing her question to the blonde and the brunette who were doing everything in their power to avoid making eyecontact with eachother. "Have you guys talked about having kids yet"

Ali threw back the last of the wine in her glass, hoping this converstaion about babies can swerve in a different direction because now was not the time to be fighting with her wife. Again.

Emily cleared her throat and thought for a few moments before she answered. She took a sip of wine from her glass and felt her throat tighten as she swallowed it because what she was about to say was definitally going to stir up trouble between her and Alison, especially since just a few hours before she promised Ali she wouldn't bring it up again.

She curved her lips into a small smile. "Hopefully soon"

Ali filled more wine into her glass and sighed, allowing the conversation between everyone else to fade off into the distance.

"Can...Can I hab a jink Ali" Noah panted as he tapped his aunts shoulder, breaking her from her thoughts

"Course you can big boy...You want apple juice or orange" Alison smiled, holding the three year olds hand and guiding him in through the back door.

Spencer watched Emily as her eyes followed Ali inside and she looked at her brunette friend with furrowed brows when she dropped her head and sighed once her wife was out of sight.

"Whats going on with you and Ali? You've barely said a word to eachother all day" Spencer whispered to Emily as Hanna and Aria talked between eachother.

Emily ran her fingers through her hair and swirled the contents of her wine glass.

"Em" Spencer called out.

"Its nothing" Emily spoke out but Spencer tilted her head and looked at her with widened eyes.

"Just the usual you know" Emily took a sip of her wine. "Married people not being able to agree on certain things"

Spencer sat back on her chair and sighed. "Ya I hear you. That's the worst part about marriage, you gotta learn to compromise"

Emily shuffled uncomfortably on the chair and shot her eyes up when she saw Ali walking toards them. The smile on Ali's face as Noah handed her his beaker and ran back off with his uncles was not missed by any of the girls, especially not Emily. She heard Hanna whisper "Imagine a mini Emily or Ali running around" and that was enough to make Emilys eyes sting with unshed tears. 'If only Ali could see how good she was with children...If only' Emily thought to herself.

The drive home from Spencers house in the cab was torture. Neither of them said a word to eachother and the silence was defeaning. When they trailed in through the front door Ali immedaitely reached for the bottle of wine on the counter. She needed atleast two more glasses in her system before the silence was broken because she knew exactly what was going to be said when it was.

Ali sauntered into the living room, wine glass in one hand and bottle in the other. She kicked off her shoes and slouched back into the chair with a loud, exasperated sigh.

Emily couldn't stand the silence anymore. She needed to talk to Ali. They needed to talk about their problems before they consumed their relationship.

"Alison" Emily called out as she walked towards the chair.

The blonde swallowed the contents of her mouth, staring blankly at the wine glass resting on her knee. "Yes...Emily."

"Can we talk...Please" Emily said in a voice that was just above a whisper, taking the glass from Ali's grip and placing it in the coffee table with the bottle.

Ali rubbed her temples with her fingers and sighed, slouching further back into the chair. "Don't start this...not tonight" she pleaded, doing everything in her power to avoid eye contact with the brunette.

"But we need to talk about this Ali, we can't just keep ignoring it and..."

"We already have talked about it Emily...Many times. I've told you already, I DO NOT WANT CHILDREN. Why can't you just accept that. I hate when you ask me repeatedly, knowing each time what my answer is!" The blonde surprised herself with her outburst but she was sick of Emily asking about children. She hated seeing the hurt look on Emily's face each time they fought about that one thing that was burning a hole in their relationship.

It wasn't long before the argument got really heated. After about ten minutes of shouting and crying, Emily did what she did best when things got hard with Ali, she left. She couldn't stand to watch her marriage crumble away underneath her and it broke her heart to see her wife cry. She knew that there was no way they would ever get through their problems if she kept leaving, but she knew if she stayed one of them would say something they would regret.

The brunette went to a small bar in Rosewood, the one where she was on a first name basis with the bartender, Jeffrey, who had become her personal therapist over the past few months. That bar was her escape from the troubles in her life and it seemed she was spending more and more time there. Sitting on the barstool she switched from wine, to jack daniels and it wasn't long before she was shooting back tequila shots like they were going out of fashion.

When Emily slammed her empty shot glass onto the table she heard someone call her name. The hairs on the back of her neck rose and she felt goosebumps form on her skin. She knew she was really drunk and figured it was her mind playing tricks on her until she turned around and a familiar face almost took here breath away.

"Paige" She called out, stumbling as she tried to make her way off the stool she was sitting on. "Long time no see" she slurred as she reached her ex girlfriend, pulling her in for a hug. A hug Paige accepted with open arms. The two had a lot of catching up to do...a lot.