Hey Slushie Addict here! So I wanted to make this a super lengthy story that consists of many chapters but I was like, nah let's just keep it short and light-hearted to the best of my ability. This story will be separated into two chapters, one for Veronica's POV and one for Heather Duke's POV. It will all be in third person POV, just as a heads up. Oh right, and this happens in a modern AU without any deaths. With that, I don't own Heathers!


"Veronica, I know this sounds like a really bad suggestion especially after what you've been through... but maybe you could try meeting someone new?" An overweight woman with wavy brown hair tied back with a pink scrunchie suggested to another woman who was slimmer in comparison with the first woman. The second woman, Veronica, had dark circles around her eyes and a wary look on her pale face. She wore a loose grey t-shirt and a pair of black cargo pants, with a blue woollen scarf draped around her neck.

"I appreciate the suggestion Martha, really I do. It's just... I don't really have the time to meet new people." Veronica replied, sighing heavily. The first woman, Martha, nodded. They both knew that it wasn't that Veronica had no time to meet new people, it was because Veronica had just left a relationship and she wasn't interested in entering a new one at the moment. "You know how the first one turned out..."

"Veronica, it's been two years. And while I'm always here for you, some times it's best if you just take a baby step outside your comfort zone." Martha continued, placing a reassuring hand on Veronica's left shoulder. "Besides, I didn't say that you should enter a new one. I just said to meet someone new, he or she could be your next best friend apart from me."

"You know that I don't like new things, people included." Veronica mumbled, hugging her legs as she cast a pleading look at Martha. Martha shook her head, bringing Veronica into a side hug. "What if I mess things up again? What if that person doesn't like how I dress or how I speak or how sharp my nose is or-"

"I'm going to cut you off there Veronica. You're the most wonderful, beautiful and bestest person anyone can ask for in a friend or something more! Conclusion, you are awesome."

"There isn't a word such as 'bestest' Martha, but yeah you're the best friend anyone can ever ask for." Veronica cracked a small smile and patted the hand on her shoulder as her response to the hug. They stayed like this in silence for a while before she broke it with a question. "So, who are you hooking me up?"

"Aw come on Veronica! 'Hooking' up is such an ugly way to describe it..." Martha pouted, poking Veronica's cheek with her other hand. "But okay, since you already know what I did I'll tell you. I've signed you up for a speed dating event in two weeks time, and I just want to tell you that it's perfectly okay if you don't wish to attend it. I can always cancel it in your place, five dollars is no big deal."

"What? Oh, you don't have to do that! I mean, it's perfectly okay if it's just making friends at a speed dating event..."

"Don't worry, there's no one here pressuring you to be in some form of relationship with anyone there, friendship or not." Martha reassured her best friend, holding up her smartphone for Veronica to see. "Anyways, it's a LGBT plus event. I'm not sure how does it work, but I can assure you that they wouldn't make your life hell because you're bi."

"I... guess that's reassuring in a way?" Veronica admitted, she already felt much safer knowing that the event had people from the LGBT plus spectrum. She gently held Martha's phone, scrolling through the details of the event. The event was held in a reception hall at a nearby hotel, it started at 9 am and the age group was between 21 to 35. There was even a dress code, informing participants to attend the event in smart casual attire. "Seriously?! I don't even know if I have anything that's considered smart casual!"

"We can go shopping for it!" Martha said, a smile on her face. "It'll be fun!"

"I guess I don't have a choice..."


"I'm starting to feel a sense of crippling regret. Martha, say something to convince me out of this." Veronica paled, the hotel building looming above her. It wasn't a five-star hotel, yet Veronica was worried that she showed up too casual to the event. "I bet the receptionist is going to go all like 'check out that skank, she's a fucking slob'!"

"Veronica, no. You're not a slob and you're definitely not a skank! What does it even mean anyway?" Martha asked, pushing Veronica into the hotel's lobby. "I've signed you up under your name for 'Candy Store Speed Dating', go ask the receptionist which level is it held at."

"Another thing, what if I'm not slutty enough for the event? I mean, the name suggests that it's for prostitutes and hustlers!" Martha rolled her eyes, dragging her to a receptionist. The receptionist simply stared at them, an amused smile on her lips as she waited patiently for them to ask her something. "Oh god. The way she's staring at me shows that she thinks I'm a freak in a zoo."

"I assure you miss, I'm certainly not staring at you like some 'freak in a zoo'. Now how can I help you?" The receptionist answered, not looking the least bit offended at Veronica's comment. Veronica gulped, shrinking behind Martha while Martha rolled her eyes at her best friend's actions.

"She's not going to eat you Veronica. Anyways, could you tell us which level is 'Candy Store Speed Dating' held?"

"Certainly, it is held on the fourth level of this hotel. The event is held in the Phoenix Hall." The receptionist replied professionally, though her amused smile was still present on her face. "We hope that you have a pleasant time here."

"Now remember Veronica, you don't have to stay if you don't feel comfortable. If you want to leave early-"

"Feel free to call you to pick me up, yeah I got it Martha. Sometimes I think that you're my mom."

"Isn't that a good thing?" The two women laughed, with Martha gently pushing Veronica towards the lift. Veronica gave a hesitant wave, tugging on the collar of her navy blue blouse. She wasn't sure if her clothes were good enough for the event, but Martha (and the saleslady at the clothing store they went) reassured her that she looked fine. The lift doors parted, bringing Veronica to the event. There were quite a few people hanging outside the ballroom that was holding the event, with another receptionist right beside the doors. Veronica gulped, exiting the lift and making her way to the receptionist.

"Hello, are you here for the 'Candy Store Speed Dating' event?" Veronica nodded, her caramel eyes darting around nervously. "Don't worry sweetie, they won't bite. Probably. Could you tell me your name then?"

"Veronica. Sawyer." The receptionist nodded, her fingers clacking away on a computer's keyboard. "Um... how does this work?"

"The event? Oh we'll give you a number and your table number, then you just go sit at that table and we'll call out even numbered people to move. Last time we made everyone move, guess what happened." The receptionist chuckled, handing Veronica a clip-on card, a scrap of paper and a score sheet. "Here you go, the number on the paper is the table number while the number on the card determines whether you have to move or not. The score sheet is used to fill up the numbers of those lucky people that you're interested in."

"So... that means that I get to sit at my original table if I get an odd number?" Veronica asked, with the receptionist nodding warmly at the question. "Well fuck, that means 50 percent chance to be the one awkwardly moving around.."

"Don't worry dear, have faith." Veronica glumly sighed back in response, glancing down at the two items she had just received. The number on her clip-on card read '75' which meant that she didn't have to move around much to her relief. She was assigned to table 68, implying that there were at least 136 people attending this event.

'Oh boy, I have at least 68 people to talk to. How peachy.'


"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 'Candy Store Speed Dating' event! Today, I'm proud to say that we have a total of 200 participants attending this year's event! You will be given three minutes to interact with them so please choose your questions wisely! Oh right, and when we ring the bell, those who have an even number on your clip-on please move to your left." A well-dressed man announced, which made Veronica internally panic. She wasn't expecting the event to last for a total of five hours, and she had a feeling that Martha didn't know either. Resigned, she slunk lower onto her chair, hoping that she could just disappear if she fell off. It was now 8.55 am, and the person sitting in front of her was a man who gave off the impression that he was a player. A fashionable player to be specific.

'I'm so fucked. I have to talk to 100 people and the first person in front of me is a sleaze. Do I really have to do this for five fucking hours?' Veronica noted, sitting up straight as she observed the man. Before she knew it, the announcer had announced the start of the event and she was now forced to interact with the man in front of her.

"So, what do you think about sex on the first date?" Veronica cringed, unable to believe that someone actually asked her if she was alright with sexual relations on the first date. She wasn't sure what turned her off more, the fact that he dared to ask her that question or the fact that it was his very first question.

"Um... I would prefer to save it to several months after we officially enter a relationship." Veronica tried to answer the question with a straight face, masking her horror and shock at such a question. The man continued to ask Veronica sexually explicit questions, until the bell rang. She breathed a sigh of relief, and waited for the next person to take the seat opposite her. The next person was a woman that looked to be in her early 30s, but what stood out was that she had snowy white hair despite her youthful face. 'She looks like a workaholic... oh well, better than Mr Sleazebag...'

"Occupation?" The woman opposite her asked, cutting right to the chase.

"A-Ah um, I'm an English teacher at a high school?"

"I see, annual salary?" Veronica felt intimidated by the woman, she wasn't able to get a question in edgewise. Then again, she would rather not know how many millions was the woman earning in comparison to her measly salary.

"I-I'm not sure, around 50000 dollars annually?" The woman continued to grill Veronica for her financial status, which exhausted her greatly. Sure, she was a high school teacher that was haunted by her memories of her failed relationship, but that didn't mean that she was desperate. '... I'm starting to think that dating JD is way better than this. At least he didn't care about how much I earn, he always control the finances after all...'


'I have talked to a total of 73 people and I'm super tired. At least they didn't say anything about my clothes, the way I speak, nose and why haven't I been asking them questions... JD would always say that my nose is too sharp and I have an annoying laugh...' Veronica thought to herself as she waited for the 74th person to take their seat opposite Veronica. What she didn't expect was that her 74th seating partner was a woman around her late 20s, her raven hair styled into a messy ponytail and was decked in mostly green. The first thing the woman did was to flash a friendly smile at her, basically radiating confidence despite being shorter than average. That really got her attention, and for the first time since the start of the event, Veronica felt herself interested in participating. 'Whoa, she's hot. And probably likes green.'

"How old are you?" The woman asked, which made Veronica snap back to reality. "I'm 28 this year."

"O-Oh me too..." Veronica's voice cracked slightly, which made her even more nervous. The woman in front of her didn't notice and even if she did, she said nothing about it. "U-Um, is this your first time speed dating?"

"Yeah, you?" From what Veronica could tell, the woman was direct but at the same time willing to offer her own information first. Veronica nodded once, which prompted the next question from her. "Optimistic or pessimistic? People tell me that I always think that the glass is half-empty even when it isn't anywhere near empty."

"I'm probably the same as you? Do you have any pets?"

"No, mild allergies. I like looking at cats though. You seem like a cat lover if I'm being honest."

"Well yes, I don't own any cats though. Or any other animals for that matter." Veronica smiled for the first time at the event, the woman in front of her was easy to talk to and wasn't triggering any of her fears so far. "I guess I'm going to be a cat mom in the future.

"You do have that vibe. What season do you like the most?"

"Autumn, perfect season for reading! I-I mean, I like books so um..." Veronica panicked, realising that the woman didn't know that she liked reading. The woman grinned, leaning closer to Veronica. "U-Um, what about you?"

"I'm a winter girl, and I think it's great to curl up in my bed with a good book waiting for me on my pillow." The woman smirked, which sent a shiver up Veronica's spine. She didn't know why, but it made her feel tingly inside. It was a foreign feeling that she had first experienced four years ago in her first relationship. "I'm also pretty active at night, you have no idea how hard is it for me to wake up for this event."

"I'm not too sure about myself, considering that my sleep cycles are pretty off lately... Probably a night owl though, it's more peaceful at night." For once, Veronica felt comfortable conversing with a total stranger. It made her feel at ease, making her more open in their conversation. "Do you like travelling?"

"I guess? I have to travel around a fair bit so it helps to enjoy it." The woman shrugged, but her answer gave Veronica some insight to her occupation. "What about you?"

"I don't know... I haven't gone anywhere outside Ohio since I was 12." Veronica replied, remembering an occasion when her ex prevented her from leaving Ohio by citing that it was 'selfish' of her to take a break without him and she would just 'splurge on his hard-earnt cash'. "B-But I would like to visit London once, it would be nice to visit the Elizabeth Tower even though Big Ben doesn't ring anymore."

"Yeah, it's pretty iconic. Say, what would your best friends say about you?" The woman asked, a sympathetic frown present on her face before melting away into a small smile. Veronica blinked, and laughed at the question. "Did I ask something inappropriate?"

"No, it's just that I only have one best friend. Martha told me two weeks ago that I'm the 'most wonderful, beautiful and bestest person anyone can ask for'." Veronica quoted, directing the question back at the woman. The woman flinched, and for a moment Veronica could see discomfort in her hazel-coloured eyes. That discomfort soon vanished, but Veronica couldn't shake what she had just sensed. 'It doesn't seem like she wants to talk about her friends... Why raise that question then?'

"Me? Well... Best friend one says that I suck while best friend two says that I'm a sad little poser." The woman chuckled self-deprecatingly at the exact moment the bell signalled the time to change partners. "It's fun while it lasted. It'll be nice if I could see you again Ms 75."

"I bet you say that to everyone." Veronica replied, searching for the woman's clip-on card. The number on it read '192', and she made sure to burn that number into the back of her brain. The woman softly laughed, raising an eyebrow as her response to Veronica's comment.

"No, even heartbreakers like me don't hope to see everyone a second time." The woman moved on to the next table, and the empty seat opposite Veronica was now replaced with a man that towered over her. He condescendingly glanced at Veronica, taking his seat with an audible sigh.

"Let me guess, you're here to find someone rich so that you can leech on them right?" Veronica groaned, immediately praying for her very first conversational partner to come back. At least talking about sex sounded way better than getting looked down, something that Veronica needed last after her relationship with JD.

'What was that woman's number again? 192 right? I wonder if she wants to see me again...'


"So how was it Veronica? Did you meet anyone nice?" Martha asked her best friend, who sported a silly grin ever since she left the hotel. "I'll take it as a yes. How were they like?"

"You mean 192? She's... charming, and easy to talk to yet there seems to be something unknown hidden within her. It's like a treasurer who is armed with a tattered treasure map and some details of an unheard of treasure, she's just like the mysterious treasure!" Veronica started to ramble about her three minutes with as she called the woman, 192, with Martha nodding with interest. She only stopped when Martha interrupted her with a question, an apologetic look crossing her face. "S-Sorry Martha, it's just... you know."

"I know. When will you get her number?"

"You make it sound like she's definitely interested in me. But the organisers said that if there's a match, they'll send you the other party's info three days later."

"That's pretty standard. Anyways, anyone else?" Veronica immediately shook her head, eliciting a laugh from Martha. "That bad? I thought the event was a decent hunting ground! Oh and I met my best friend from elementary school! I was so surprised to see her there, she's super hot now by the way."

"Really? Maybe I've met her. Anyways, the event was alright... it's the participants that weren't great... most of them."

"I see, that's a shame. Oh right, movie night at my place?"

"Nah, I think I'll have to pass today. I have a mountain of essays to look through."

"Got it, I'll see you Friday evening?" Veronica nodded, and they parted ways. Veronica sighed, her smartphone buzzing. She wasn't sure who would contact her on a Sunday, but nonetheless she pulled out her device to entertain the other party. 'Oh, it's Ms Chandler. What does she want at this hour?'

"Took you long enough!" An angry shrill voice was heard, something which Veronica dreaded to hear especially on a weekend. She and Ms Chandler weren't on great terms with each other, but unfortunately for both of them, they were usually paired up to handle school events and the same homeroom class. "I've been trying to contact you since 11! What the fuck are you doing that's so important that you have to ignore me?!"

"None of your business, I'm tired and I just want to mark my class's essays. Is that so much to ask?"

"Fuck you Sawyer. Anyways, are you done with the tasks you're assigned to for Sports Day?"

"No, do I look like I have the time? You do it."

"As much as I would love to, I'm stuck waiting for the chemicals to arrive. I just used them to scare away your ex."

"My what?! JD showed up at school on a weekend?!" Veronica was horrified at the mere mention of her boyfriend showing up at her workplace. "Wait, he entered the school?!"

"Don't worry, I called the cops on him. Took him away so it's all good. But seriously, fucking help me complete my tasks since you're not doing anything now."

"And as much as I'm thankful towards you calling the cops on my ex, please use the wait time for the chemicals to do your own tasks." Veronica hung up on Ms Chandler, sighing at the mere thought of her ex breaking into the school. 'JD... I'm sorry but I really can't do it anymore... I can't take it anymore...'


"Welcome to Wednesday bitch." A lanky woman with curled blonde hair reaching her waist sneered at Veronica, her icy blue eyes boring into Veronica's being. "Managed to survive Monday and Tuesday again I see."

"Do you really have to do this to me Ms Chandler?" Veronica sighed, half-heartedly glaring at the woman. Ms Chandler cackled, her lips curling upwards to form an amused smile. "Your lipstick looks even redder than usual, what's the occasion?"

"Are you kidding me? Today is Picture Day, god you're such a pillowcase!" Ms Chandler sneered, pulling out a comb from her left blazer pocket. "Use this, your hair is a literal bird's nest."

"You didn't lace this comb with some acid? Either I'm dreaming, or you won the lottery." Veronica warily accepted the comb and used it to tame her unruly hair, with Ms Chandler scoffing at Veronica's remark.

"Neither, I'm just feeling nice today. Anyways FYI, the usual guy is unavailable so the school hired someone else. Apparently this one is an actual photographer, heard that the principal paid a pretty penny for his services." Ms Chandler grinned in delight, her eyes lighting up with a lustful gleam. "I'm gonna sink my claws into him."

"Aren't you dating someone? Won't you make him cry?"

"Sawyer, you're such a pillowcase. Of course I'm not going to cheat on my lover, I'm just... going to flirt with him a little. You know, leave him out to dry as soon as he's done with my picture." Ms Chandler sighed, crossing her arms. "Anyways, we're going by first names so you're the last one."

"What about you? Actually, what's your name? I always address you by your surname..." Veronica asked, which made Ms Chandler raise both eyebrows at the English teacher. "Look I'm sorry, I never once bothered to look up your name!"

"Urgh, whatever. It's Heather, Heather Chandler." Ms Chandler groaned, massaging her temples. "Seriously, I know you're Veronica despite you being a loser but really? I'm the hottest shit in school!"

"Honestly? I don't give a shit. Where is the picture taking being held for teachers?"

"Computer Lab A. Sawyer, pay some attention to the principal next time will you?"Ms Chandler sighed, parting ways with the English teacher. "It starts at 3.30!"

"Got it!" Veronica replied, making her way to her next lesson. Her phone buzzed, and upon glancing at it, a smile crept onto her face. She had just received a text message from the organisers of the 'Candy Store Speed Dating' event, and it contained information on 192. It included her name and number, which was enough for Veronica.

'Heather Duke... nice name, if only it isn't the exact same name as Ms Chandler's...'


"Why are you grinning to yourself?" Ms Chandler asked Veronica, who was smiling at her phone. She was texting Heather Duke, and was busy texting her. "Hello, earth to creepo here?!"

"O-Oh sorry Ms Chandler. Just texting an online friend. What is it?" Veronica asked, pausing her typing. Ms Chandler shrugged, a bored look crossing her face.

"Nothing really, just... how does it feel to break up with someone?"

"You broke up with your lover?!"

"NO! One of my best friends had broken up, and the way I tried to comfort her then was pretty shitty even for my standards. So I want to hear from you how does it feel to break up with Mr Crazy-School-Bomber-Wannabe." Ms Chandler snapped, glaring at Veronica as though she was out of her mind to even harbour the thought of her breaking up.

"Well basically, anyone would appreciate it if you don't say anything bad. No one likes to hear bad stuff, trust me I've been there." Veronica replied, vaguely telling her co-worker about her past relationship. Ms Chandler nodded, and soon it was her turn to take her picture. Veronica took that as a cue to text Heather, now free of any distractions.

Duke: [it seems like i'm going to be here for a while, how does dinner at 7 sound?]

V. Sawyer: [Sure, I'm looking forward to it.]

Duke: [as am i veronica, but u should know that i'm not exactly a great person]

V. Sawyer: [No worries Heather, I'm pretty fucked up too.]

Duke: [guess we can find out who wins the award for being mega fucked later]

Duke: [ah my next client is here, i'll text you after i'm done with my work]

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Veronica could hear Ms Chandler yelling in the computer lab, before she stormed out in a rage.

"... You sure you didn't break up with your lover...?" Veronica hesitantly asked the glowering teacher, instantly met with a scowl from said teacher. "O-Oh okay I'll leave."


"Finally, it's my turn." Veronica muttered to herself as she made her way to the designated computer lab. Thanks to Ms Chandler, she was indirectly forced to wait somewhere else. That made it difficult for her to keep track when was her turn to take her picture. Usually, Picture Day is reserved for the students but the yearbook committee insisted that this year, they had to have every faculty member in the book along with the students. Veronica took a deep breath and knocked on the door, peering in when she didn't hear anything. "H-Hello? I-It's supposed to be my turn now..."

"Veronica?! What are you doing here?" Waiting for Veronica in the computer lab was 192, real name Heather Duke, with a camera on a tripod stand. "I didn't know you work here!"

"Well considering that we didn't exactly say much to each other apart from date plans, I'm not surprised. When you said that you travelled, I didn't know you work as a travel photographer!" Veronica was just as shocked as Heather, but wasn't bothered by it. "... Hold on, you know Ms Chandler?!"

"Heather? Yeah, she's best friend two. I didn't know that you two worked at the same school." Heather commented, beckoning Veronica to stand in front of a white wall. "Smile for the camera?"

"Sure." Veronica smiled, and within a few seconds Heather gave her a thumbs-up. "Good to go?"

"Yup. Are there anymore teachers after you?" Veronica shook her head, which elicited a grin from Heather. "Awesome, let me pack up and we can grab dinner. Any preferences?"

"Not Chinese, I had that yesterday. Apart from that, I don't mind."

"Great, because I have zero idea what to eat today. Are you fine with pizza for dinner? I'll drive."

"You're lucky that tomorrow's a holiday." Both women laughed, and Ms Chandler poked her head into the room with a surprised look on her face. "Oh, Ms Chandler. What can I do for you?"

"I didn't know that you knew Heather. If I did, I would have hooked you two up a lot sooner." Ms Chandler glanced at them, a small smile forming on her face. "At least it's not some cheating ex or some crazy stalker."

"You ex cheated on you?" Veronica asked, surprised to hear that someone like Heather was cheated on. Heather shrugged, pushing Ms Chandler aside.

"Let's talk about it at dinner. Move it Heather, go fuck Heather or something." Ms Chandler scowled, allowing Heather and Veronica to pass. Veronica was extremely surprised to see someone drawing out a defeated scowl from Ms Chandler, who wasn't nicknamed 'mythic bitch' for nothing. Heather glanced at Veronica, noticing that the latter hadn't engaged in small talk on their way to her car. "Veronica, did I say something to offend you just now?"

"What? No! I'm just impressed that Ms Chandler can make such a face, not befitting of her status as a mythic bitch you know?" Heather sported a jubilant grin on her face, relieved to hear that Veronica wasn't in anyway offended with her.

"Oh believe me, if you think I'm impressive just by making her admit defeat, you should see her when she gets fucked silly by her girlfriend." Veronica chuckled, she sure as hell wasn't ready for a new relationship but something about Heather convinced her that they could be more than just friends. Emphasis on the 'could be'.

'Heather Duke may be fucked up, probably more so than me, but I'll choose her over JD any day.'


I'm... I'm just going to leave it at that. Seriously, I can't do dates. And I sure as hell don't wanna delve deep into abandonment issues and one-night stands and all that shit. Wait, I didn't mention anything about one-night stands? Shit. That's a spoiler isn't it? (No it isn't, Heather mentioned that she's a heartbreaker so why the fuck not.) Okay so... that's the end of Veronica's POV, next chapter will feature Heather's!