Yeah. Some of these scenes I'm hoping will happen in future episodes.

HOPEFULLY, the first one would REALLY happen.

Also, take note that I might skip some scenes.

When you're stressed, you relieve yourself by fighting.

And boy! Was the Evil Queen of the Undead really stressed! And angry!

She blasted everyone of her spectral minions. Most of them tried to flee, but they couldn't escape their queen's wrath.

Curse those Mysticon Brats! Just as she was gaining the upper-hand in getting her gems back from them, they...! Ugh! She doesn't even want to think about IT!

When she finally blasted her last minion, she collapsed on her throne. And she's still stressed out.

She doesn't understand; A fight like that would have relieved her. Every time.

Of course, the last time she and Dreadbane...

Sigh. Dreadbane. Why couldn't he had freed her sooner?

"Leave me." Necrafa commanded her specters.

She waited until all of them left the room. When she sensed that no one was around, she began to cast her spell inside the room;

Red energy scattered around the room. Some of it gathered in order to transform into a holographic projection of Dreadbane facing the portal from where he freed Necrafa.

"I failed." The hologram spoke, "I was so close to freeing you, my Queen. So that we can be together again! Curse you Mysticons! Curse your bones!"

If only you knew how I longed to see you too. Hesitantly, Necrafa caused the hologram to disappear.

"Dark Magic!"

"Seize her!"


Necrafa suppressed those hurtful memories. She thought back to those torturous years, trapped within the dark realm, waiting for her most loyal general to set her free. It took her years to reach him, to finally connect with him. And what did he do in return?

He took longer than she expected to set her free.

It was like, he didn't want her back. That, and he wanted to permanently replace her as Ruler of the Spectral Hand.

And to think he wasn't like the others. The ones who unjustly drove her away.

And still; She found herself... missing, him.

Necrafa shook that feeling off of her. He deserved to suffer in that cursed realm where she will never, ever see his pathetic face EVER again!

Even if he was a powerful sparring partner. And a good listener. And someone who can be reasonable with her.

Enough of that. She has a plan to formulate. Alone...

How did theses pests even get here in the first place?

She just left the throne-room for a minute, and when she returned, she finds an Astromancer, a Cyclops, and the quivering gumlump, who she retrieved her gem from, sneaking around. They tried to flee, but she managed to restrain them with her magic.

She barely even thought of a punishment when one of the boys began to cry about his ex-girlfriend.

"Lateensia!" Gawayne wept in Doug's arms, "I'm sorry you couldn't love me any longer!"

"Love." Necrafa scoffs, "Let me tell you foolish boys a thing or two about, love."

2 hours later...

"Oh! And don't get me started on that pitiful look on his eyes." Necrafa went on as she sat on her throne while her three prisoners attempted to escape her magical restraints.

Girls, where are you?! Just how long do they have to listen to her failed relationship?!

"Alright Lady! We get it!" Gawayne cried after having enough, "You're still in love with him!"

Necrafa shot up from her throne in a mix of shock and disbelief, "WHAT?!"

"You've been complaining non-stop about your so-called 'failure-of-a-man', when all you've been doing is boring us to death with the fact, that you actually MISS HIM!" Gawayne snapped.

Necrafa was caught by surprise. No one has ever snapped at her like that before. Except the Original Mysticons.

But seriously; Has she been talking about Dreadbane all these times?

As Doug comforted a tired Gawayne, Malvaron spoke, "Yeah. I'm with him. So the guy forgot about you for a thousand years, but did you have to toss him away like trash?"

"Yes. Yes I did." Necrafa turned her back on them so that they couldn't see the sadness in her eyes, "So long have I waited to be with him again, and he kept me waiting. It's, as if, he completely forgotten about me."

"Oh come on! Its not like he moved on with another girl when you're away." Malvaron pointed out.

"At least he never stop thinking about you!" Gawayne cried.

"He did keep his promise." Necrafa mused, remembering the day she was finally free, "Still..."

"Oh come on. Don't you miss hanging out with him? Don't you miss his voice?" Doug asked.

"He always did know what to say to me." Necrafa reminisced.

"Or his eyes?" Doug went on.

"They always burn with fire." Necrafa sighed.

"Or the way he touches you, making you forget the flaws of the unfair world that makes you go 'boom'?"

"He always did have that effect on me."

"And just the thought of him, being with you..."

This time, Necrafa didn't reply. She was too busy thinking about Dreadbane. He was the only one who kept her sanity in check.

"Uh, I hate to interrupt, whatever you guys are doing," Malvaron snapped her out of her thoughts, "but where's Dreadbane?"

Ear-piercing screams echoed from within the Spectral Hand's Lair. They travelled far, almost reaching throughout the entire realm.

Necrafa waited impatiently for her three prisoners to stop screaming. Why did she even listen to their foolish notion on love?

When the boys stopped to catch their breathes, she asked, "Are you d...?!"

The boys interrupted her with another round of screams. This time, it lasted only for a few shorter minutes.

"Dreadbane?! Seriously?!" Malvaron exclaimed with disgust.

"Dump him! Dump him really bad!" Doug took back everything he said to the lich queen, "Let him rot for centuries if that's even possible!"

"Because of him my parents were turned into bone!" Gawayne cried, "All because of a stupid disk!"

The Dragon Disk? Turning the King and Queen into bone? Necrafa didn't know Dreadbane was capable of such acts. And when did he possess ancient dark magic on his own?

"And if that wasn't bad enough, he almost broke the team apart!" Doug added, "Just so he could take the Codex pieces to set you free!"

The team? The Mysticons? He separated them and took the Codex pieces, just for her?

He always did...

Necrafa shook the, feeling off of her, "It doesn't matter. I don't have to see that, pathetic face of his ever again. Besides; It's not like he's going to emerge from the portal in the next...!"

The next thing everyone knew, the portal began to glow.

So much for retrieving the Codex. At least they got out safe.

But now they have to deal with Tazma who had just recently switched bodies with the Evil Queen of the Undead all thanks to the Codex.

Tazma's evil laughter echoed throughout the lair. Finally! She's the Queen of the Undead!

"It's a shame you didn't see this coming, my queen." Tazma taunted Necrafa who was now trapped in her body.

"Not a surprise actually." Necrafa gave a look of indifference. She knew the Shadow Mage would betray her eventually, "Once an Astromancer, always an Astromancer."

This did not sit well with Tazma who used her Dark Magic to restrain and levitate the former queen into the air before commanding the Spectral Hand to attack the Mysticons and their friends.

While her new minions were busy with the Mysticons, Tazma wonders what she'll do with the former queen. Her answer came in the form of a groan. Oh right. She forgot he got out too.

Dreadbane had just regained consciousness and the first thing he saw was "Tazma" being levitated into the air by "Necrafa".

"Dreadbane!" Tazma barked, "Make yourself useful and 'take care' of this little, low-life mage."

Why that...! Necrafa turned to Dreadbane, glaring at him, warning him not to fall for such a measly trick. Or else...

At first, Dreadbane looked confused. Then he looked quizzically at "Tazma" before turning to "Necrafa".

"If you say so, you blasted little mage!" Dreadbane sent bone shards at Tazma, knocking her to the ground and releasing Necrafa in the process.

Before Necrafa could hit the ground, Dreadbane managed to catch her in his arms.

"How...?" Necrafa was speechless. Did he knew it was actually her inside the Shadow Mage's body?

Her thoughts were interrupted when Tazma attacked, but Dreadbane managed to shield them with his sword.

"Come on, Dreadbane." Tazma taunted, "You wouldn't want to hurt your queen, would you?"

"Oh please." Dreadbane scoffed, "This isn't the first time she tried to kill me."

True. Necrafa had to admit; There were times she'd almost obliterate him during some of their sparring sessions. She's surprised he actually remembered that.

Dreadbane struck the ground with his sword, sending sand flying everywhere. Tazma coughed as she breathed in the sand. When her vision cleared, Necrafa was no longer anywhere near Dreadbane.

Suddenly, she was struck from behind.

"You should really have been more aware of the differences in power." Necrafa taunted as Dark Magic surrounded the two.

When Tazma opened her eye, she realized, to her complete dismay that she was switched back in her own body. The newly-returned queen struck her from behind as punishment.

For some strange reason, Necrafa felt dizzy. It must have taken a great deal of magic to switch them back-and-forth. She would have collapsed if Dreadbane hadn't caught her in time.

"Dreadbane." She looked her general in the eye, still puzzled by what he did earlier, "How, did you know it was, me?"

"As if I could ever forget about you." Dreadbane replied, "Or your deathly gaze. Or,"

As Dreadbane kept enumerating the many things about her, Necrafa couldn't help but listen in marvel.

"At least he never stop thinking about you!"

And he never did...

"We get it!" Gawayne cried in disgust, interrupting Dreadbane, "You two can't stop thinking about each other!"

"Wait. Necrafa and Dreadbane?" Arkayna exclaims in disgust. The others shuddered in disgust as well.

Necrafa blasted Gawayne before her face began to twitch and change.

Through years of experience, Dreadbane knew what it meant and braced himself for a lot of screaming. Instead, something else happened that caused him to gape in complete shock.

While the others were busy with the specters, Arkayna managed to retrieve the Codex. But something else caught her attention and caused her to gape in complete shock and disgust;

Necrafa was... kissing Dreadbane?!

Necrafa pulled away, leaving Dreadbane shocked and stunned on what she did. Dark Energy suddenly surrounded him, causing him to roar in pain.

As the Dark Energy continued to surround Dreadbane, Arkayna noticed there was something different about Necrafa. When did Necrafa had red hair?

Red hair... It looks like that of...

The Dark Energy dispersed, and from it emerged Dreadbane. With a brand new look.

The muscular skeleton was now adorned in red and black armor. Large black wings sprouted from his back and his entire skeletal system turned from white to black. He also grew to a feet taller.

Dreadbane roared, signaling the end of his transformation. He landed on the ground and knelt before his queen.

At that moment, Necrafa turned around, allowing Arkayna to take a closer look at the evil queen's new face. What she saw, shocked her.


Upon hearing the name, the Mysticons stopped to gape at Necrafa's new face; It was more human, complete with skin and a mouth. Her eyes remained the same. She had long, flowing pure red hair.

Just like that of the Original Mysticons' Solon.

Necrafa was caught by surprise when they spoke her name. The name she tossed away for so long. When she saw the way the Dragon Mage was holding the Codex, she figured out how they knew.

Why did they even insist in including their picture in there in the first place?

"You're Nessira." Arkayna muttered in disbelief, "You were the Original Mysticons' Solon."

"Were." Necrafa emphasized before returning back to her undead face, "Before they betrayed me."

"But they were your friends." Piper pointed out.

"And you dumped them to hang out with creeps like that." Zarya pointed to Dreadbane.

"Say that again, Ranger!" Dreadbane roared, surprising Zarya.

"Great. He's not completely mindless." Zarya remarked.

I don't want him to be mindless. Necrafa turned to Dreadbane and silently commanded him to attack.

Dreadbane would have turned Arkayna into grounded Dragon Mage if Zarya hadn't tackled her out of the way.

"Dude, I still can't believe you're still going to work for that lich." Zarya remarked as she shot her arrows at him, "And after she banished you."

Dreadbane managed to knock all her lightning arrows away, "What are you talking about, Ranger?"

This caught Necrafa's attention.

"And how did you Mysticons got here so fast?" Dreadbane asked as he deflected another attack.

"Seriously?" Zarya asked in disbelief, "You just left with us."

"Left?" Dreadbane countered as he countered one of Piper's hoops, "I barely step foot outside my lair. You Mysticons are just trying to confuse me."

"Confuse you?" Em retorted. That's when realization struck her, "Oh great. He just got amnesia. Just a brief recap; Necrafa sent you...!"

Before Em could finish, Necrafa blasted her from behind.

Travelling through the portal must have messed up his memory. Good. Necrafa wanted it to stay like that. After what the Mysticons' friends told her, she realized that she needed Dreadbane to turn those Mysticons into bone so that she can finish them once and for all.

But also, there's another reason why she doesn't want him to remember what happened in the dark realm.

As Dreadbane continues to clash with the Mysticons, Necrafa can't help but mentally (but hesitantly) thank the Mysticons for returning back what she mistakenly threw away in the dark realm.

Yeah. Got the last part from the wiki. I so can't wait for Sunday! Or the day after that! And I can't wait to see Arkayna's Sister!