A/N: I want to thank you all for reading this little idea of mine. I hope you guys had as much fun reading as I did writing it. I'm not one for long fics, so this will be the final chapter for ASZ Plasma Center.

A big thank you and love you girl, to isisnicole for all her help in getting me through this.

Y'all had me cracking up with some of the comments, and it made me so happy down in my soul that I got some laughs from you.

Now, here is the conclusion to this AU of Richonne and the TWD family's busy lives.

PS: You will need to suspend your beliefs (*wink*)

Chapter 12

Mission Accomplished

Outside Mercy Savings & Trust Bank…

Rick and Shane, outfitted in their SWAT uniforms, hopped inside Carl's surveillance van that was parked and camouflaged several blocks away from the Mercy Savings and Trust Bank building. Anxious but able to keep his calm, Rick tapped the side of his headset, the mic close to his lips and spoke quietly, "White-Cap, what's your 20?"

They had switched from walkie-talkies to secured, wireless ear mics to prevent the suspects robbing the bank and other officers outside their team from hearing their conversation.

Glenn responded, "Team Two is in the next building on the roof. Southeast side of the bank. I have eyes on the occupants on the fourth floor, but my vision is impaired. The suspects have lined civilians against all the windows. The only thing I can see is the top of their baseball hats."

Shane and Carl looked at each other when Rick told Glenn, "That's not good. Keep looking and let me know when you have eyes on the girls. They are supposed to be hiding in a bathroom. If you see them peeping around the corner, you let me know first thing."

Shane grumbled to himself, "So help me… they'd better not come out of that bathroom…."

Rick walked behind Carl and bent over his shoulder as he watched several monitors showing all the activity going on inside the bank. "I need the building plan and the total number of suspects."

Carl reached out and hit a couple of switches. The images changed to show different angles of the lobby and offices inside the building. He also pulled up a schematic that displayed its entire layout. "There's a total of twenty suspects. I counted two lookouts on the first floor, four each on the second and third, three on the roof. On the fourth floor where the bank is located, there are seven primary persons of interest."

Shane spoke in a low voice, "That's where the Sasha, Michonne, and Maggie are."

Both studied the floor plan of the building when Rick asked, "Weapons check?"

The young man with a fresh crew cut handed his senior officer a list. "Each of them is carrying a Kel-Tec P-11. A semi-automatic 9mm pistol."

Shane took a closer look at the image of the guns, "That's kind of old hardware. I bet half their shit don't even work. How many civilians?"

Carl went to his notes, "About 200, the majority are on the fourth floor. Atlanta PD is waiting for your instructions on what to do next."

Andre broke in over the coms, "Colt, this is Blade. No one's on the lookout, sir. I've been tracking their routine and they haven't checked the outside perimeter, not even when they took over the building."

Morgan spoke next, "He's right. The only ones paying attention are the three on the roof and those two on the ground floor, but they have yet to make surveyance around the building. You and 12-Gauge could go inside right through the back without anyone being the wiser."

"Thanks, Bow-Staff that's exactly what we're gonna do."

Rick took only a second to think of his first action, "Carl, find out what those people use to talk to one another. Radio, coms, beepers… whatever it is."

All team members listened to Rick's instructions, "Once you find the source, set it up so we can cut off their communication. When it's ready, I want them all taken out. Floors One and top of the roof go first, simultaneously."

He pulled out his Colt Python and checked that it was fully loaded. Shane did the same for his shotgun and his sidearm. Rick instructed into his mic, "Blade, tell Atlanta PD, I want them to stay in their positions while we sweep the building. Once each floor is clear, Atlanta can come in and clean up and get the civilians out."

Shane pulled out his phone while Rick gave more directions to their people.

:Manny: Sash, where you at now?

:Manny: Girl, don't have me come in there all crazy. Cause I will.

:HerFineAss: Shane, I'm fine but hurry up, this man's got a few screws loose.

:Manny: What's he doin'?

:HerFineAss: He put people against the windows to keep you guys from seeing inside.

:Manny: And how do you know this?

:Manny: Aren't you still in the bathroom?

:Manny: Sash? Answer me, dammit!

:Manny: That came out wrong. Please…

:HerFineAss: We kind of got into a fight, so that would be a no.

:Manny: What!

Shane yelled it as well as typed it, startling everyone in the small confines of the van, "Rick, you're not gonna believe this." He took several deep breaths to calm himself down. "They got into a fight in there."

Glenn and Morgan could be heard over the coms, saying "Say what now?" collectively.

Rick froze for a second then went into leader mode, "I want eyes on them, now! Blade… Ice, any information on who these fuckers are?"

Outside the back of the building, Andre handed Judes a small electronic tablet, she spoke calmly and quietly, "Sir, they're con artists hailing from Florida, called the Saviors. They have been reported to have steadily robbed or swindled businesses on their way up north. Some of the member's names are aliases; Simon, Regina, Arat, Gavin, Fat Joey, Jared, Sherry, Dwight and a Eugene Porter. The head person in charge of the organization is named is Negan. There are no last names on record for most of them."

Earlier inside the bank….

Michonne hurriedly crept away from the bathroom door and pushed the girls back inside, "Shit, someone's coming. Quick, get inside the stalls and stand on the toilet. If they see us, come out swingin'."

All three whirled around, their long coats swaying with the motion, and took a bathroom stall each, closing the door quietly as three women walked in, talking amongst each other.

Michonne, Maggie, and Sasha watched through the crease in the doors.

The slim, muscular one with short dark hair complained, "Arat, can believe Negan? What difference does it make whether it's a man or woman that searches the bathrooms?"

A young girl with black hair and blonde highlights, added, "Yeah, I can believe it, Regina. Even though we've robbed several banks along the coast, he still insists that women should deal with women and men should deal with men. Our leader is ass-backward."

Regina agreed, "That's true. It is what it is, though. We're getting a lot of money out of this job, so I won't argue with semantics. Sherry, check the stalls on the end. Arat, take the middle and I'll check these right in front of me. If someone's in there, then they already know we mean business.

The one girl with long red hair, inched her way to check out the stall where Maggie hid.

They all held their breaths as the robbers came closer to the doors. Michonne prayed that Sasha and Maggie were ready and that their timing coincided. She took quick note of the women carrying sidearms. She wished they had time to discuss what to do but they'll just have to wing it.

As soon as the one named Regina stuck her face close to the opening, Michonne shoved the metal door outward, smacking the woman dead in the face. Thankfully, Sasha and Maggie's timing matched hers perfectly.

They all jumped out and immediately went for their guns and got them away from them. Maggie was the only one to hang on to Sherry's weapon. Arat and Regina put up a fight and theirs got dropped.

Regina threw a punch at Michonne, which she easily ducked, then kicked her in the abdomen, slamming the short-haired woman against the sink, cracking her back on the porcelain edge. Regina fell to the floor screaming in pain.

When Arat tried to pull her gun up to Sasha's face, Sash just snatched it out of her hand and threw it into the toilet, then hauled her fist back and punched Arat dead in the nose, her multi-colored hair whipped around her head as her hand flew up to stop the gushing of blood that began to flow.

The three friends fought and disarmed them silently while the criminals were the ones to scream, grunt and cry out in pain.

Until Maggie ended the silence.

Sherry lay on the floor, afraid to move as Maggie stood over her with the pistol dead-aimed straight at her dome. Maggie, through gritted teeth, growled, "Don't move, dirtbag!"

Michonne and Sasha stopped to give Maggie the 'really?' scrutiny.

Suddenly, they were all surprised by the restroom door being kicked open by a man with a big mullet standing there with his gun pointed at them, "I see you have disarmed the muliebrous branch of my organization. I would most appreciate, if you would relinquish said firearm, young lady, thus relieving myself of implementing retaliation on my part."

"In laymen's terms… drop the gun, missy, before I have to hurt you." He said to Maggie. When she complied, he pointed it toward Michonne and Sasha, "Please withdraw yourselves." When they backed away, Sherry got up and helped Arat and Regina stand on their feet. Then they went over and stood behind Eugene.

Sherry tried to give an excuse, "They ambushed us, Eugene, and took our guns."

Eugene jerked his head back toward the lobby and spoke in a deep country accent, "Save your elucidation for our illustrious leader, Negan. He will not be overwhelmed with delectation upon hearing your defeat at the hands of common plebeians, who I must say, have a peculiar taste in their trousseau."

To Michonne and her friends, he flicked the gun, "Hands up. I'm afraid I will have to usher you to the person responsible for this operation." He backed out of the room, allowing them to go past then led them to the front where all the other hostages were being held.

Sasha walked closer to Michonne, "Who's Negan?"

Michonne shrugged she didn't know as she straightened the collar of her coat. She was getting hot in all that leather.

As they entered the lobby, Michonne, Sasha, and Maggie hesitated in surprise when they saw that most of the customers and workers of the bank were being used as human shields to cut off all visibility from anyone on the outside.

The wanna-be gangsters were scattered throughout the area…standing in front and behind the cubicles, kiosks and going through the teller's money drawers. Most notably, not one of them seemed to notice that no one stood near the entrance doors keeping a lookout. The petty robbers pretty much had their backs turned away from it. 'Rick should have no problem getting in here,' she thought as she looked for other ways for the SWAT team to enter.

She felt Sasha move slightly behind her, using the cover of their long coats to hide that she was using her cell one-handed. Michonne could hear the almost silent beeps of her hitting the keys on her phone. She kept looking straight ahead so not to give her friend away as she sent a message, she guessed, probably to Shane.

The people standing in front of the wide windows, which covered almost all the walls on the floor, looked scared and some were crying. Michonne, Sasha, and Maggie were told to stand next to several men and women dressed in suits, all of whom were standing in line as if waiting for an inspection.

They were most likely the bank's management team.

Michonne was placed, shoulder to shoulder, next to an elderly man with a snow-white beard, holding a white cane on his side.

Eugene stepped ahead of them while a bleeding-like-a-stuck-pig Arat, Regina with the jacked-up back and a still frightened looking Sherry followed him.

Eugene went over and interrupted a man speaking to another. They wore all black, military fatigues, baseball caps, and combat boots. Eugene holstered his gun when he spoke to the man Michonne assumed was the leader and probably the loudmouth they heard while they were in the bathroom.

When Negan turned around toward them, Michonne struggled not to roll her eyes. Somebody did a terrible dye-job on the hair underneath his hat. And, it looked like it had been done recently, too. Black ink could be seen sticking to his scalp, near his hairline.

His beard showed his true coloring. Sprinkles of dark hair mixed amongst the mostly grey tuft covering his chin, cheeks and on his upper lip.

Tall and lanky, the man leaned so far back as Eugene talked to him, that he looked like somebody could knock him over by plucking him on his forehead.

He was dressed pretty much the same as his crew except for the giant ass gold chain from the 80's, draped around his neck. A golden baseball bat charm dangled damn near low enough to reach his abdomen.

She heard Maggie on her left whisper, "What in the blazing fuck is that supposed to be?"

Michonne answered with a question, "Ghetto fabulous?"

Sasha, on Maggie's other side, leaned forward and stared at Maggie in shock. "Did you just say fuck?"

Before Maggie could respond, Negan's overwhelming personality via his attention, bore down onto the newcomers.

He glanced at his lady henchmen and then at Michonne, who stood a head taller than her friends. He asked the mullet wearing smart mouth, "Who's this?"

Eugene put his hands in his pockets and rocked back and forth on his feet, "I was following protocol and performed a methodical perusal of this monetary establishment. That's when I happenstance disinterred my fellow members engaged in disputatious behavior and had their armament appropriated unwillingly."

Negan spun around and turned on Eugene, "What the fuck did you just say to me?"

Michonne was pretty sure Negan had no idea what Eugene just said.

A dude with long, stringy hair and horrible acne on one side of his face spoke up, "What I think he's saying boss, is that they beat up your ladies and took away their guns. I knew it was a mistake to let them do the search."

Negan whirled around to face him, "Boy, I didn't ask you and I know exactly what Eugene meant. Next time you want to open your fuckin' mouth and tell me something I already know, I'm gonna fucking shut it. Get what I'm sayin', Dwight?"

Dwight swallowed hard as he looked nervously up at his leader, "Uhm… I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to come out sounding like that. I meant no disrespect and I wasn't saying you were at fault. I only…"

Negan cut him off, "Shut the hell up and get out of my face." He dismissed him as he turned back to Michonne, Sasha, and Maggie. He put a hand to his chin as he paced back and forth in front of them, "You three are some beautiful, fiery women… I like that. Tell me your names so I can add you to my list."

When they spoke their names, Negan could tell they weren't clearly happy about it. He even thought if they ever got the opportunity, they would happily slit his throat.

That turned him on.




"That wasn't so hard, was it? Hmm… So, you beat up my people," he snapped his fingers, "just like that?"

The girls remained quiet as they kept an eye on everyone around them.

Negan called to one of his men. "Fat Joey, come here." A heavy-set man with pretty eyes, brown curly hair and a beard walked slowly over to where they stood.

"Yes, sir?"

Negan pointed to Michonne's group, who stood tall glaring at him, then pointed to his people still smarting from the scuffle in the bathroom, "See this here, this is the kind of feistiness we need for our organization. Look at 'em, not one of them is breathing hard, and they're mad," he smacked Fat Joey on the shoulder, "and, they just came out of a fight with chicks who look like dudes. Well, not you Sherry, you look like a pussy."

He hooked an arm around Joey, who didn't seem very happy to have all of Negan's attention and pulled him along with his pacing, "Look how they're dressed. Who do they remind you of?"

Fat Joey opened his mouth to answer, then nervously shut it before saying shyly, "Like women in long coats?

Negan moved so fast, he scared almost all of his crew, grabbing Joey by both shoulders and yelling in his face, "Don't you fucking watch movies? Simon!" He gestured to the older looking man that was balding with a handlebar mustache and looking like the villain dressed in black from old cartoons.

"Who do they look like to you?"

Simon adjusted his pants, "I think with the long leather coats, I'd say they remind me of them folks from The Matrix."

Negan smacked Joey on the shoulder again, "See! He gets it. The Matrix. He pushed the worrisome man closer to Maggie, "Hmmm, you can be Trinity," he pointed at Sasha, "You're Morpheus," and then his eyes landed on Michonne, who never let up on keeping eye contact with him, "And, you must certainly be Neo."

Negan reached out and grasped one of Michonne's dreads and rubbed the loc between his finger, "You owe me for beating up my girls."

Rick paced inside the van as Andre, Judes, and Carl searched for more information on the gang, while Glenn searched through his binoculars for any sighting of Michonne, Maggie, and Sasha.

A couple of minutes later, Glenn's voice over the radio filled the room, "I still can't see over the civilian's heads… wait… I can see Michonne. Somebody… I think it's… the leader is touching her hair!"

Morgan could be heard growling, "What in the mother fuck!"

All rational thought left Rick as he turned to fly out the door to bust his way inside the building, disregarding any strategy he had planned. He jumped out of the van and would have made it halfway down the alleyway if it wasn't for Shane grabbing him. Rick would have gone through each floor and shot every person that stood in the way of him reaching his queen.

"Rick, stop! I wanna go in there too, but we have to stick with the plan." Shane held onto a struggling Rick turning him around to face him. Shane grabbed Rick's tactical vest for good measure, "Yeah, I know… patience comin' from me is weird. But that's our girls in there and I don't wanna do anythin' that'll get them hurt."

Everyone on the team chimed in:

Morgan: "That's right."

Judes: "We'll get everyone out safe, sir."

Carl: "I didn't know you were dating the Commander's daughter, that's cool."

Andre: "Can we focus, please?"

Glenn: "I'm 'bout ready to shoot one of these motherfuckers."

Their usually calm and quiet Glenn flying off the handle was what brought Rick back to his senses.

Taking a deep breath and rolling his shoulders to relieve the tension, Rick appealed to the agitated sniper, "Glenn…Glenn, Shane's right. I lost my head there for a minute. I'm straight now. Now, it's your turn to get your head in gear, buddy. Don't shoot anybody just yet."

He took another fortifying breath and gave his orders, "Everyone knows the plan, take out the ones on the targeted floors. Secure them with zip-ties and duct tape. I don't want them screamin' a warning to those on the 4th. Shoot only if they pull their weapon."

Shane had let him go and he spoke to Morgan and Glenn. "Team Two, on my signal, incapacitate the ones on the roof and Glenn, as soon as we enter, I want a report of all movement from these assholes. I want them all cleared before we take on the fourth floor."

Rick squinted and tilted his head as he eyed the alleyway where the bank building was located several blocks down, "We're goin' in."

Negan was pulling away from messing with Michonne's hair when he noticed the man next to her kept staring at him with a strange smirk on his face. He backed up, "What are you lookin' at fuckface?"

The man just stared wide-eyed at him and then dropped his gaze to what seemed to be Negan's crotch. The discount, hip-hop bank robber yelled his disgust, "Are you staring at my dick, old man? And, what's the stick for…think you gonna hit me with it?"

Now fear showed on his face when he felt all attention directed at him. Fearfully he kept silent.

Michonne narrowed her eyes at Negan and his group. No one spoke up to correct this fool or stand up for this frightened man. "He's blind, you idiot. If you took your head out of your ass for a minute, you'd notice that's a walking cane in his hand and not a stick for decoration."

A bit of embarrassment passed over Negan's features before he thinned his lips in a grimace, "Well, scuse the fuck outta me."

Michonne rolled her eyes and didn't give a fuck if they got pissed at her or not. She needed a good reason to get over to the window.

Rick, Shane, Andre, and Judes crouched near the entrance to the bank. He spoke quietly in the mic, "One-Eye, on my signal, cut their shit off. Bow-Staff and White-Cap, you know what to do. On three, two, one!"

Shane pushed open the entrance door and Rick went past, his gun raised in front of him. Andre and Judes followed. They fanned out with their guns up. The two that were guarding the bottom floor, ran out from opposite sides of the room and took hits to the knee by a blast of Rick's Colt and Shane's 12-Gauge. Andre and Judes, immediately zip-tied and placed duct tape over their mouths. Andre sent a message to Atlanta PD to come in and pick them up.

Rick picked up one of their sidearms and Shane picked up the other. The chambers were empty. Rick passed on this surprising bit of news.

They head for the second floor. They performed the same routine, with Carl on the outside providing them with intel on each suspect's position.

Michonne gently grasped the man by the elbow, "My name is Michonne and if you don't mind, I'm going to take you over to the right and have you sit down. I know you can do it yourself, but these so-called bank robbers have moved all the furniture around, disrupting your layout."

The man gave her a whispered, "Thank you."

Negan and gang stood speechless as they watched Michonne, backed up by Maggie and Sasha, escort the gentleman over to a seat, out of the way, and into the far corner. They took the opportunity to search above the customer's heads standing next to the windows and see if they could spot any of the SWAT team on the roof next door.

Morgan watched closely through the scope of his rifle. He knew his girls were smart and he waited patiently.

It didn't take long for Michonne to find a way to get near the window and search for any message or to give one. As soon as he saw her, he took out his penlight and sent a short message in Morse Code:





Michonne caught several flashes, reflecting off something shiny and after a few seconds of reading the Morse Code, she sighed in relief, her dad was out there, too.

The girls went back to stand in their original positions and looked at Negan, daring him to do something.

Negan was so impressed with the shade the women threw his way, that the man with the craggy beard just lifted the side of his mouth in a crooked smile, "See this is the kind of fresh meat we need in this group."

Regina, finally recovering from the hit on her back, pulled her gun and pointed it at Michonne. "No, we don't need these types of bitches in our group." Arat followed her fellow member's actions and pulled her weapon as well.

They moved closer to Michonne, raised the barrel and squeezed the trigger.

Morgan clapped a firm hand on Glenn, who lay on a folding cot where he could rest his cast as he held his sniper rifle. "The girls are gonna be okay. Now, what's this about you and Maggie? You know she's like a third daughter to me. She's a sweet girl and it's in your best interest to treat her like a gentleman."

Glenn froze in fear… he wanted to tell his boss the truth. He had moved in with Maggie and he's probably not going to leave once his leg heals. Keeping his eye on the scope, he braved enough to tell him, "I will, sir. I promise I will treat Maggie with the utmost respect."

"You'd better, or I'll have her kick your ass."

Rick and Shane were now on both sides of the glass doors leading into the bank. Andre and Judes were busy tagging and bagging the four henchmen they had knocked out on the third floor and releasing civilians. Morgan came through the coms, "Three on the roof, dispatched. Message sent to Katana to wait for a distraction. Get in there and get my girls."

Shane responded, "Will do, sir." To Rick, "We need something to create a distraction. Them folks don't seem too bright and it won't take much to catch their attention."

Rick holstered his gun as he nodded in agreement. When he let go of the Colt's grip, his hand bumped into Michonne's egg he forgot he'd put in his front pocket. "I know what will distract them."

He pulled out the pink silicone trinket and held it up for Shane to see, "Is that what the fuck I think it is?"

Rick grinned, "Nope." He pressed the tip of his finger onto the small indentation, turned it on then reached up and quickly pulled the door open and rolled the loud, vibrating toy onto the floor of the bank.

Because none of the robbers were watching the entrance, they didn't see Rick throw something into the lobby.

*Click Click*

Regina pulled her gun back, puzzled. She opened the chamber and saw that there was no ammunition. "Where are the bullets?" She asked Negan.

Michonne let out a sigh of relief.

Negan went and snatched the weapon out of her hand and growled in her ear, "You dumb fuck. Why did you have to say that out loud? You think I'd really give a real weapon to any of you? They were only supposed to scare people into giving us the money, now our cover's blown. Keep quiet and let me fix this."

He gestured for Eugene and Simon to come to him. "I told you to put blanks in them, not leave 'em empty."

Eugene stammered out an apology, "Sir, I…I failed to conduct the allotment needed in getting the proper vacuous cartridges you required. However, I felt that the perception of a visual forced simulation would suffice."

Negan pushed him back, "Shut the fuck up, Eugene. Simon, how much loot out of the vault did we get?"

Simon held up his two-way and tried to get a message to the one in the bank's depository. "Negan, the radio isn't working."

"What?" He pulled out his radio and tried to speak to Gavin, "Gavin, Jared, can you hear me?" There was nothing but static. He told his right-hand man, "We gotta go, who's on watch?"

Simon was reluctant to answer, "I don't think anyone was watching the doors and we lost contact with everyone on the other floors."

Negan ran a hand down his face and tugged on his beard, "I can't believe how fucked up this job is. Alright, we leavin' this joint. Push everyone into the vault and we'll escape out the alley. Make sure Regina, Arat, Sherry, and Dwight are left in the back. The police can have them. I want Neo and her friends to come with us."

Michonne and the girls paid close attention to their body language and strained to listen to their conversation. She had already told Sasha and Maggie her father's message and they were just waiting for Rick's signal.

The last thing she thought he'd ever do was to throw her vibrator into the room.

All three watched as Rick quickly tossed the egg and stared in disbelief as the pulsating, buzzing sex toy rolled to a halt underneath a desk.

The dimwitted bank robbers panicked and ran to gather around their leader. Not seeing where the sound was coming from, they all yelled at the same time for Negan and Simon to do something because they thought a bomb had been thrown into the room.

Gavin and Jared came running out from the vault room because they heard the shouting. Eugene covered his face and tried to hide in a corner.

That's all the signal Michonne, Maggie and Sasha needed. While Negan and Simon tried to push off their people from crowding him, Michonne snatched the walking stick from the blind manager, "Excuse me, but I need to borrow this." She swung at the nearest thug who happened to be Regina and whacked her on the back of her knees. The surprise hit made the women crumble like a house of cards.

Sasha grabbed a chair and began pummeling people left and right and Maggie joined her.

While they went through the crowd busting skulls, the customers and office workers cowered over by the windows.

That's when Rick and his crew burst in, shouting out orders, "Hands up!" Judes went to get the hostages and pull them away for safety. Carl left the van to help since the rest of the gang captured downstairs, were now in Atlanta's custody.

He and Andre held up their rifles and directed some of the gang members to get on their knees.

Michonne, Sasha, and Maggie drew close to where Negan tried to hide behind Simon. Michonne pulled off her long coat and threw it over Simon's head. Then all three began to beat him with the stick and chairs.

Rick and Shane came up behind them, their guns pointed at Negan. When his right-hand man went down on the ground getting beat through a leather jacket, Negan knew the jig was up and raised his hands.

While Shane kept his shotgun pointed at Negan, Rick pulled the girls off Simon.

He held onto Michonne's waist longer than he should as he hugged her to him in relief.

After all the robbers had been secured with zip-ties, Rick focused on a still unsecured Negan.

Even though his plans had been thwarted by the police, Negan kept a creepy grin on his face. "Don't think you'll be seeing the last of me. This isn't my first crew to go down."

Michonne had gone and returned the walking stick to its owner and Negan pointed at her. "That one there is a keeper. When I come back, I'm taking these three ladies. Maggie looks so sweet and innocent but when she's mad, I bet she could ride my ass 'til sunrise. And, Sasha. Oh, Sasha with those dark cherry lips. She likes to cuss like me and I would love to have those wrapped around my dick. Michonne? She's gonna be my number one babe 'cause I'm pretty sure she could beat up everyone in my organization. I want to fuck that sweet, juicy ass… every night."

Shane was on the other side of the room with Sasha making sure she was alright, so he didn't hear him. Glenn, however, heard him through the coms. He spoke tightly as he raised his scope and put Negan in his crosshairs, "Colt… Sir, may I?"

Morgan, who was still sitting by his side, "You don't want to do that, son. I know how you feel and I want to go over there and do something myself. But you are an officer of the law and taking this man's life over words won't do anything but get you locked up." He put a hand on Glenn's arm and gently forced the rifle down, "Maggie is on her way over. Comfort her and don't worry about this gang. There are other ways…"

Rick in the meantime, pulled off his earpiece and handed his gun to Carl, who stood by his side typing his report into his tablet. "Hold this, please." He told the young rookie before calling Michonne over, "Michonne… Michonne, could you come here a second?"

Michonne gave Rick a puzzled look and put a comforting hand on Hershel's shoulder before leaving him, "Everything's okay, Hershel. Thanks for letting me borrow your stick. This nice officer, Andre, will take down your statement and then you can go home. Okay?"

"Thank you, Ms. Buchont."

"Call me Michonne and take care." She pat the young policeman on the back and let him go past for him to sit next to Hershel and ask him some questions. "Thanks, Andre. Be good to this guy, he's a real hero."

Andre smiled at her when he sat down, "Yes, Ma'am." He stopped her, "Oh, and congratulations."

She turned back, "For what?"

Andre pointed to a still-waiting Rick, "For that."

Michonne chuckled as she finally made her way over to Rick standing in front of a leering Negan, "What's up?"

Rick wrapped an arm around her shoulders, "Oh, just wanted to tell you that Negan here says you got a sweet, juicy ass and he was gonna fuck it every night."

Michonne scrunched her nose at him, "He did?"

Negan looked confused, "Why the fuck are you telling on me?"

Rick gave his girl a soft kiss on the cheek and then set her back a little ways from him, "I told her so she knows that no one, especially not some dumb-shit worthless criminal, can talk about her that way and get away with it."

Michonne gave her man a worried look, "Uhm… Rick…"

He smiled back at her, "I got this, honey," then he turned back to a still smirking Negan.

Michonne waved her hands, trying to get Shane's attention but he was busy locking lips with Sasha, neither one paid attention to anything outside that corner.

All the other officers were busy, so she turned back and prayed that her dad would get Rick out whatever trouble he was about to bring upon himself.

Suddenly, Rick grabbed Negan's big ass gold chain and yanked the man toward him. He then raised his fist and hit Negan square in the throat. Rick let him go as he fell to his knees, choking with his hands holding his neck as he tried to breathe. Rick was about to bust him in the face when Negan snatched the charm off his necklace and smacked the officer's fist with it.

Michonne could have sworn she heard a bone crack as Rick yanked his hand back for a split second. He immediately shook it off and proceeded to go for another punch to Negan's face. However, Michonne got there first. "Oh, no the fuck you didn't!"

Negan didn't see her coming when she grabbed the bat out of his hand and with all her might, she whacked him in the back of the head, knocking him out cold.

With Michonne now standing in the way, Rick quickly switched his momentum, only to fall forward and land on a comatose Negan. He crashed onto him with a grunt as his broken hand hit the floor.

He yelled out in agony until Michonne crouched on her knees beside him. They completely forgot that Negan was under them when she helped him sit up and cradled his hand. "Aww, my baby got a boo-boo," she briefly placed an air kiss over his bleeding and broken knuckles, "Let's get you fixed up and you're moving in with me until this heals. And, you owe me a vibrator."

Negan began to groan underneath a sitting Rick and Michonne kneed him as she moved closer.

Rick placed his uninjured hand on her cheek, "I'll buy you a dozen more. Do you think Sasha will mind?"

They both looked over to the couple getting raunchy in the corner, "Nope," they laughed as they spoke at the same time.


A/N: Thank you all so much for reading and for the follows favs and comments. I really enjoyed writing this version of Richonne and got to slip in some of my other favs. I can't wait 'til Feb 25th, so I can get my cry on.

Please let know your thoughts on this story.

Have a wonderful weekend!