Chapter 08 The happy Family

Quanktumspirit: "Please review."

Back home Sparky and Anti-Sparky were beaming, Anti-Sparky embraced Timmy as tightly to his chest as he could, whiles trying not to make his lover upset anyway.

"Thank you, Timmy, thank you, thank you, thank you." Anti-Sparky beamed.

Sparky kissed his mate and was also beaming, however, Timmy faced the newly adopted Anti-Dog with a frown.

"Sparky I wish we all were in my room. Me in front of my desk and you two on chairs." Timmy instructed.

Anti-Sparky blinked confused, Sparky also blinked, faced his lover, shrugged his shoulders before poofing himself and Anti-Sparky into Timmy's bedroom.

Timmy was seated as wished at his desk and Sparky and Anti-Sparky in front of it. Timmy then got a piece of paper out about Sparky's adoption. He copied with his computer them over and wrote the info out into Anti-Sparky's way. His age, birthdate, how he looks, a photo in the corner, his vaccination shots and so on.

Just as he had it printed out he heard the keys being turned in the door, his parents have returned home. Timmy waited and saw his parents coming into his bedroom.

"Timmy we are home and have bought for your dog Sparky a new chew toy." Mr Turner smiled.

Sparky smiled a little bit up and accepted the bone, however, Mrs Turner blinked and looked at the second dog in the corner of the room facing them.

Mrs Turner faced her son, "Timmy who is that?"

Timmy smiled, "Mother, father this is Anti-Sparky, my new adopted dog as well. And I've already filled all the documents about him out on my own. Is it ok? Sparky is a really close friend of his and they love each other."

Mr Turner blinked and walked up to Anti-Sparky who was shivering a bit with fear, Mr Turner faced Sparky.

'Sparky help... what should I do?' Anti-Sparky asked facing the other dog.

'Just... follow his commands, for now, don't growl, don't bite or do anything else which could represent you as a bad dog.' Sparky replied back worried.

Anti-Sparky faced Mr Turner square in the eyes, he bent down to his height and stretched his hand out to Anti-Sparky. He faced Sparky and saw he was seated and just stretched his own paw out for a shake.

Anti-Sparky nodded his head, he sat down and handed his paw out smiling. Mr Turner took his paw and shook it.

"Well, we are very happy to welcome you into our family Anti-Sparky." Mr Turner smiled.

Mrs Turner bent next to her husband and stroked over Anti-Sparky's head, he wagged his tail excited and suddenly started barking loudly and excited.

Mrs Turner chuckled, "Aw what for a good dog. Ok, Timmy, you may keep both doggies."

Anti-Sparky smiled and walked up too Sparky smiling. Suddenly he was grabbed by Mrs Turner and placed in a cage, he blinked and faced Sparky scared.

'Sparky what is going on?' Anti-Sparky asked.

Sparky blinked as he himself was also placed in a cage, 'I think we have to go to the vets today for a checkup and you vaccination shots.'

"Oh, Timmy you have an appointment at the vets today with Sparky,... well with this second pooch as well, Anti-Sparky." Mr Turner reminded Timmy.

Timmy smiled and nodded his head. He walked with them towards the vets carrying both cages.

As they were outside Timmy faced both dogs. Mainly keeping his focus on Anti-Sparky.

"Ok Anti-Sparky a few rules before we get to the vets: One doesn't change colour or how you look otherwise people will notice something is up, don't growl or bark too loudly at other people, let me carry the cage towards the vets, and most of all don't use any magic or detect bad luck and attack on it. Just try and act as a normal dog," Timmy instructed the blue pooch.

Anti-Sparky promised and Timmy headed off towards the Vets. Along the walkway Anti-Sparky had to suppress the urge to shake, he could detect so much bad luck around Danville, but he promised not to act out on it.

As they reached the Vets Timmy placed the dog baskets down, Sparky and Anti-Sparky only whined a bit out of fear. Timmy smiled and stroked both dogs over their heads to clam them down again.

"Timmy Turner?" A call was then heard.

Timmy nodded and carried both dogs threw into the vet praxis. The vet just changed his gloves and smiled at him.

"Hello, Timmy, nice to see you again. Who are we checking over today?- Oh? You have two dogs now?" The Vet asked as he faced Timmy surprised.

Timmy nodded his head, "Yeah, I adopted Anti-Sparky a few weeks ago. And he and Sparky are also mated and Sparky is also currently pregnant from his mate."

Sparky blinked confused and faced Timmy shocked, 'Timmy what are you up to?'

"Ok I think we should begin with the quicker one then, Anti-Sparky you said is his name? Ok, place him on the checkup table please." The Vet instructed.

Timmy faced Anti-Sparky, "Please try and act as a normal dog, just jump up once I pat the vet's table."

Anti-Sparky nodded his head, Timmy got back up and patted the table.

"Anti-Sparky up boy," Timmy said smiling down at the pooch.

Anti-Sparky jumped up and landed on the table, Timmy smiled and pushed him down into a sitting position.

"Good boy." Timmy smiled.

Anti-Sparky blinked, "Um... ah woof, woof, woof."

"Aw, he is a beauty, Timmy." The Vet smiled.

'Shut it and get on with it.' Anti-Sparky thought as the vet patted him on his head as well.

He then saw him pull a stethoscope out and placed the earbuds into his ears and the round disc at the other end of it against the chest, Anti-Sparky breathed in and out and allowed his heart to beat in his chest.

The vet nodded and wrote his findings down, he then checked Anti-Sparky's teeth, nice and sharp and well-taken care off.

Then Anti-Sparky saw a needle filled with the injection against all known dog diseases on the table, Timmy pushed him down and held his paw as the injection was inserted into him. Anti-Sparky suppressed the urge to bite the arm of the vet because it was very painful.

Next, he was placed on a table like a thing on the ground, Anti-Sparky raised a confused eyes brow as red numbers appeared on the screen.

"60 lb. Quite good for his size good job Timmy." The vet smiled.

Anti-Sparky was let go and then Sparky had to climb up. Anti-Sparky keeps a close watch on his beloved, after all, he was carrying their joined future together.

"Ok dog number two. Male." The vet smiled.

He placed Sparky on the scales and blinked a bit confused at the heavyweight gain.

"He weighs 78 lb? Ok, I think he needs a diet... unless..." The Vet wondered.

He took Sparky of the scales and placed him back on the table, then he got a stethoscope out and listened to the lungs and heart, and not only could he hear them, but also feel small kicks coming from the abdomen of the doggy.

"Is he may be pregnant?" The vet asked Timmy confused.

Timmy nodded his head, the Vet blinked again and checked with an ultrasound machine on the stomach. True to the images sighed, Timmy, Sparky, Anti-Sparky and the vet saw the ultrasound image of 5 small baby puppies growing inside of him.

He smiled and printed the image out, handing it to Timmy.

"Everything seems to be well with your pregnant doggy. Keep a close eye on them, Timmy." The vet smiled.

"I will come Sparky and Anti-Sparky time to go home." Timmy smiled.

As Timmy got them down, Anti-Sparky suddenly sniffed something deliciously out, he pulled on his lead and sniffed around the doctor's cabinets.

'Um... what can I do to get the doctors attention without giving myself away?... ah yes...' Anti-Sparky thought.

From a cabinet, he could smell dog biscuits and he was hungry for one, he pulled Timmy up to them and scratched a bit against the door whiles barking like a normal dog.

"Raw, ruff, ruff. Wau!" Anti-Sparky went, again and again, scratching against the door.

The doctor chuckled and pulled from the cabinet a few dog biscuits.

"Ok, but sit boy, and you two Sparky?" The vet asked smiling.

Sparky and Anti-Sparky smiled and sat down, they even gave the doctor each individually the paws before receiving the dog biscuits.

He took both dogs passes, tied both dogs up again before heading with them home. Sparky and Anti-Sparky were smiling along the way ad Sparky gave Anti-Sparky a kiss after they finished their snacks.

'Good job Anti-Sparky, that was perfect.' Sparky sent threw to him in his mind.

Anti-Sparky smiled back, 'No problem dear.'

As the appointment by the vet was done Timmy headed back out with Sparky and Anti-Sparky towards home. But just as they walked past the shops Anti-Sparky froze in his movements. He looked left and right and saw a dog catcher's van parked not too far and scanning the area for untagged pooches.

"Anti-Sparky you ok?" Timmy asked facing his dog.

Anti-Sparky knew he couldn't talk to Timmy, especially with more humans around them. Anti-Sparky turned around and pulled Timmy and Sparky towards a pet shop.

"Um... a wau, wau, wuff, wuff." Anti-Sparky went and played menschen in front of the shop.

He was half pointing towards the collars and half pretending to follow a command out from Timmy. Timmy blinked and walked with them a bit towards the shop.

"Anti-Sparky what is it?" Timmy asked him confused. "This is very out of character."

But Anti-Sparky sighed and went out of dog mode. "Timmy, look across the road, that is a dog catcher. You need name tags for me, the puppies and Sparky if you don't want to find us with the dog catchers cages."

Timmy nodded his head, he headed with Sparky and Anti-Sparky into the pet shop and bought 5 name tags as well as one for Anti-Sparky. He wrote the 5 names of the puppies into the collars and smiled as that was also done.

He placed the collar round Anti-Sparky's neck and smiled at the pooch.

"Thanks' Anti-Sparky." Timmy smiled hugging the dog.

Anti-Sparky smiled, he has to keep the family safe after all.

As the family got back home Sparky and Anti-Sparky blinked as they found a few planks of wood in the shed. With Mr Turner's permission Timmy, his friends and Sparky and Anti-Sparky built a big enough dog house for the new additions to it.

It was a lot of fun and after building, measuring, cutting and combining the dog house was completed. Also perfect in timing since it was getting late. Not just late in the daytime, but also late in the pregnancy time.

Quanktumspirit: "Please review."