Oh...hey! I'm back after being dark for...almost three and half years? Yeah...Sorry guys. I'm going to leave this short but sweet, no excuses(If I can). Alot has happened in the past three years. I graduated, got a job, went through some life changes, had a few health scares, went through two car accidents(my most recent one was last year), left that job and got my most recent dream job at a hospital, and now I'm dealing with a huge health scare. I've been in the hospital a handfull of times in the past few weeks for mutiple issues and I'm currently awaiting more tests and doctors visits, and currently at this time, no answers yet. So to keep my mind off of everything, I thought I would try to get back into writing again. I missed it alot. But I hope getting back into it, I won't recede back into hiatus again without leaving a note.

As for my other stories; Redemption, Pantera Drift, and Chapter Black. Specifically Redemption will be updated when I get around to trying to rewrite up the next chapter. I had gotten a new laptop recently and lost all my stories on the old one after it had died. Pantera Drift and Chapter Black will most likely go up for adoption as my writing style has matured over the past few years, and I no longer like how the stories were written. Please feel free to PM if you're interested in either or both of these stories. If not, they will most likely be deleted in the future. In the meantime, Redemption will stay on temporary hiatus until I can get the feel for the story again, but I will not give up on it! Anyway, I said I would keep this short and sweet, and I'm kinda dragging my ass with these excuses...lol. Anyway, guys! Please let me know if I should continue this story, and enjoy!


Full Summary: She was his son's best friend, extremely beautiful best friend. There should have been nothing between them, but sparks began to fly, and sneaking around soon followed. It was only a matter of time before Naruto found out, or caught them in the act.

WARNING, this story will contain the following: age-gap(Minato is 39, Sakura is 17-her age will progress as the story goes), explicit sexual content, explicit language, dirty talk, underage alcohol use, etc, etc, you know the deal. I'm just letting you all know now, I have absolutely NOTHING against Kushina Uzumaki. I love that woman to death, and there will be absolutely no bashing whatsoever towards her. There will however be complications between her character and the others strictly for this story. This is the only warning I will give. If any of this bothers you, please click the back button now, or precede and enjoy.

Forbidden to Love


He could feel her small hands running up his abdomen, fingernails lightly scratching his skin. Her skin was so, so soft. Like velvet, and her hair the color of the sweetest cotton candy.

"Minato, please..."

It was music to his ears when she moaned.

"Patience, babygirl."

Sakura's giggling turned into fullblown laughter.

"Babygirl, really?"

Minato sat up, his eyes curious.

"What? I thought it was cute."

He was pouting now. Sakura thought it was adorable. He would glance off to the side and jut his lower lip out. Naruto did the exact same thing, and she can see where he got it from.

'Like father like son.'

"Minato, men only call women babygirl when they're trying to be their sugardaddies or get into that DD/LG fetish stuff. Trust me, it's not something you want to say to the wrong girl."

Sakura winked at him before getting up off the bed and grabbing her shirt off the floor, giving Minato a shot of her lacy cheekies. His eyes followed her to the door,

"Where are you going?"

Sakura quickly glanced back,

"You didn't hear the loud music blaring?"

Minato shot up and rushed over to bay window, eyes wide.

"Sakura, if Naruto-"

"Trust me, Naruto spends at least fifteen minutes in his car listening to Taylor Swift each time he comes home. I live two houses behind, I'll just sneak out the backdoor through the garden again."

Sakura whispered the last part in his ear before pulling at the front of his basketball shorts. Minato grabbed her wrist before pushing her hard against the door.

"Are you sure you want to start that Sakura? Graduation is six months away. We promised I would not do anything until you were ready."

'You liar. You wanted to wait until she was 18 and legal, and then you could fuck her without consequences.'

Minato grimaced at his thoughts. He was 38 going on 39 next month. Sakura was 17, but their situation was still deemed inappropriate, and highly illegal. Sakura was still underage. He would go to jail, and the list goes on...

Sakura's smile fell, and she instantly felt sick. She could not keep doing this, they could not keep doing this. Everytime they got to the heat of the moment, the guilt sank in and she would shy away. What was this? What were they? Sneaking around? He was her best friend's father for Christ's sake! This man used to change her diapers and after her parents died, acted as a father figure to her. Fast forward to now, and here they were, half undressed and in the midst of temptation.

'My parent's would be ashamed of me. If they were still alive, they'd disown me.'

Sakura lowered her head before pushing out of Minato's grasp.

"I-I have to go. Naruto should be coming in soon. Um, I'll see you later."

'Naruto...Oh god, when he find's out...Fuck he'll kill his father, then he'll break his friendship with me. I'm a shit friend.'

Minato watched as she left, and the mood in the room sombered.


Frustration rose in him as he heard the door slam close downstairs, signaling that Sakura had left. He slammed his fist against the wall, tears streaking down his face.

"Why her?! Anybody but her."

He had practically raised her from birth. Her parent's Kizashi and Mebuki were driving to their anniversary vacation when they were struck head on and killed instantly. Sakura was only four. In their will, they had entrusted Sakura's care to their closest family friend, Chiyo. She was a middle-aged stay at home grandmother who took care of her grandchild, Sasori. He was also orphaned at a young age. Sasori himself was only a few years younger than him. He was a teenager when Sakura was brought in and over time, she had grown on him, much to Sasori's annoyance.

On that note, his son was born not too long after Sakura. Naruto was born when he was 20. He and Kushina had met in school very young, and practically formed a close friendship right away. As they had gotten older, friendship turned into a more serious relationship and a few years later, Kushina became pregnant. Minato was shocked, but excited to be father. Although young, he was very mature for his age, and wise beyond his years. Kushina was a spitfire, but she was not to be taken lightly. Unfortunately a few months after Naruto was born, Kushina couldn't take it anymore and called it quits. She granted full custody of Naruto to Minato and left. That was 17 years ago, and he was still left without answers.

'Had she not left, would I be in this situation with Sakura?'

He slammed his head against the wall,

'Selfish of me to think that. Who knows, I could've still been with her, but she had other plans...'

"Fuck, fuck, fuck."

Dropping his head into his hands, he heard the distant thumping of feet running up the stairs.

"Dad! Dad you in there?!"

Minato plastered a smile on his face and stood up, fixing his shorts and pulling on a t-shirt. Opening the door, he smiled at the bouncing energy that was his son.

"Hi, son. How was work?"

Hey guys! Please let me know how this was and if I should continue or not. Remember to R&R, it helps!
