Chapter 1 To Gain and to Lose.

It was the beginning of the school year and regular, ten year old boy with a somewhat bad attitude was sighing the whole morning about how summer was over. He was really bummed out that he had to spend all of his summer with his grandpa Max, and his, former bitch, cousin Gwen.. Well it wasn't that bad. It took half the summer, but he learned to actually like her and enjoy hanging out with Grandpa Max.

He woke up early in the morning and got ready, without bothering to do his hair or eat breakfast he was on his way out the door.

"Hold on a minute Ben." The boy stopped and turned around.

"You look terrible, are you sure you want to go to school looking like that?"

"There's no one I need to impress mom, and it's not like Gwen will judge, and she's the only one that I know who's there." Ben Tennyson said back. He wasn't really the kid to have friends, in fact he gets bullied everyday for money or homework, which is funny because he isn't all that smart. Not to be a dick, but Ben was the definition of a loser. Even his parents know and they have been worried that their son would fall into a depression eventually, which was the reason why they sent him off with his Grandpa. It took a moment for him, but it worked, he was actually happy for once, after the conflicts between cousins he had a really good time. It all went down the drain when the First day of school started.

"I just want to get this year over with mom, so don't enroll me in the spelling bee again." Ben was always forced to do some sort of extracurricular activity. Guess they did it for his own good, but it didn't help him whatsoever.

Ben finally left his house and walked down to the sidewalk and on his way to school. He looked over and saw the rust bucket parked next to the house. He thought about good times that him, Gwen, and Grandpa Max had during their trip.

'It's probably not a good idea to wake him up this early.' The boy thought, as he turned and began walking at a slow pace.

The bell rang and Ben barely made it to his assigned locker and started to put his belongings in his locker. He stopped however to have his locker door hit the side of his face...hard. He looked over to see J.T. and Cash looking at him with a smirk on his face.

"What's up Tennyson? How did you enjoy your boring ride with the dead man and the bitch?" Ben usually passive about this, he was not happy about what Cash said about his family.

"I bet you just had the worst time dealing with the prune drinker." Ben looked at the two with anger in his eyes.

"What? You can't do anything Tennyson, you never do." Ben was caught, he didn't have the guts nor the balls to stand up to them.

"How about you lay of Dweebs." Ben stopped looked over to see his cousin Gwen show up to save the day.

"What's it to you? Ben is worthless and he can't do anything. All he does is hide behind you or the dead man." Ben gulped, he wanted to do something, the more he listened the more ticked off he was getting.

Seeing that Cash was still right behind the locker door, he pulled it back before quicky smacking Cash's face with it. He stumbled back and his anger flared.

"You bully me, you can talk all the crap you want to me, but don't say such things to my cousin, or my Grandpa." Ben was shaking, but he was still standing his ground. Gwen ran up to me and grabbed my shoulder.

"It's ok Ben, these guys aren't worth it." Ben wanted to disagree with her, those two did so much more than just a locker to the face. He took a deep breath and began to turn around.

"Oh no you don't." Cash got up while Gwen tried to reason with Ben, as he was turning around Cash jumped on him and started punching him in the face. Ben, with now a bloody nose, flipped cash over and started punching him to make him bleed. It was then the teacher was called and the fight broke up.

Ben was now sitting in the principal's office. He looked at Ben with disappointment on his face.

"Ben, this is the first day of school, and you're already in my office." Ben didn't say anything, and the principal did nothing but ramble on about student safety."

"You will be doing community service after school hours."

"And Cash and J.T.?" Ben asked.

"They reported that you started it with a locker to the face." He said. Ben only got up and left without a word. He saw Gwen as he looked out and she looked very worried for her cousin. Ben trying not to break down he turned and left to go to the bathroom to wash his face.

Turning on the water he splashed his face as his eyes began to turn red. He wasn't the type to cry, he didn't like to, but it just happens anyway.

The day finished and went straight home without doing him community service after school. He didn't bother to wait for Gwen as they walk home on the same street. He entered his house and saw his parents looking at him with a disappointed look.

"We got a call from the school." His dad said.

"So what?" Ben said looking avoiding eye contact.

"We were going to let you off the hook if you accepted your punishment, but you decided to run away." Ben began to feel even more despair.

"Fine then lecture me how my actions bring consequences and how I need to accept them no matter how the situation."

"Cut the attitude mister, you are going to do your community service and you will not complain!" His mother chewed.

"I didn't do anything wrong, those jerks had what was coming to them."

"That doesn't mean you should start a fight, they aren't worth it Ben, you are better than this." Ben clenched his fists.

"No, I'm not, I'm not good at anything but being a loser, WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND HOW I FEEL!" Ben's parents were more shocked than anything he left his parents and went straight out the door.

"Ben wait!" His mom reached out.

"No don't, he needs to figure things out, he is a kid, we all have that time in our lives." The father said.

Ben ran outside it began to rain, he didn't want to be here, he wasn't happy. He ran straight to the rust bucket and banged on the door. A moment passed and it opened.

"Ben?" Grandpa Max opened the door. He was wearing his usual Hawaiian shirt and he noticed the look on Ben's face. He opened the screen door to let his Grandson inside and sat him down.

"Bad day Ben?" Ben could only nod.

"Need a drink? I have my dried squid tea if you want some?" He said, Ben only looked down.

"Grandpa? Let's go, there are a couple places that we haven't gone yet, can we just take Gwen and leave?" Max only took a deep breath.

"Listen Ben, no matter where you go, your problems won't go away, you have to face it and deal with what it throws at you, and when you do, you become stronger. Even if this place is not where you want to be, you have to realize that the people that love you are in Bellwood." Ben looked up at Grandpa. His words went through his head, what feels like a million time.

"I heard what happened and I'll give you a deal. You do the community service, knowing what you learned today, and we'll go down to Mr. Smoothies." Ben gave a gentle smile before nodding.

"Thank you Grandpa, I think I've figured it out now." Ben stood up and left after giving his Grandpa a hug. He went back inside and faced his parents as they were making dinner.

"I'm sorry, I'll do the community service tomorrow, and I'll try to be more responsible with my own actions." He told them straight in their eyes. His mom kneeled down to face him.

"All we want you to do is try Ben, because if you try, you won't feel like everyday is so hollow and nothing but grief." Ben nodded.

"I love you guys." Ben said with a smile.

It was the next day and Ben tried to put out as much effort as he could today, the two bullies tried to give him crap but it didn't bother him as much. He had a good time with Gwen during lunch as they laughed about the funny moments during vacation. It was then that Ben was now doing community service for the school. He first asked the principal if he required any assistance and it took off from there.

Ben was now sweeping the floor thinking that today wasn't all bad, and he was excited to tell his parents how much of a good day he had. His thoughts were interrupted however when the ground started to shake. Doing what he learned, he dropped everything and went outside to wait for the earthquake to stop. He was looking out at the clear night sky and saw something strange coming in from the distance. It was a metier and it was coming from above the school and it looked like it was going to hit him. He ducked and covered and was picked up by the wind it made.

"AHHH." He screamed as he was going to hit the ground and roll. The meteor hit the football field and it glowed bright red.

"Cool, I just survived a meteor strike, I'm going to check it out." Ben ran to the crater to fulfil his curiosity of a natural ten year old boy.

Was at the site and he was looking down to see a perfect sphere lying inside the crater.

"What is it, a satellite or something?" Ben thought out loud. He was going to turn around and get a teacher, but he slipped and fell into the crater.

"Ouch, hey what is that thing?" He got a closer look and it seemed to be opening up. Ben flinched as the sphere made a sound before opening up completely. A platform arose and reveal a weird looking watch on the small platform.

"What is that doing in outer space?" He said as he reached out for it.

Ben moved his hand closer to the watch until it moved, jumped and wrapped around Ben's left wrist.

"Hey! Get off me!" Ben yelled as he began to freak out. He climbed out of the crater and wrestled with the watch. He then heard the staff coming out of the building to check to see what was going on."

"Ben! Get away from there!" The principal yelled at Ben for his safety. Ben hid the watch behind his back, afraid that he would get in trouble.

"What happened?" Ben didn't hesitate.

"A small meteor came down and almost hit me, but I'm ok." The principal nodded.

"Ok Ben, if you not hurt you can go home, we'll take it from here." Ben wasted no time turning around and running for the hills.

Ben stopped running as he was on a field close to where he lived. He looked down at the weird device that wrapped around his hand.

"What the heck are you?" He asked the watch like it would talk or something.

"Can you get off me?" It didn't respond. He then started to turn the dial and and press anything that looked like it could be pressed. He jumped when he pressed a button the dial popped out of its socket. He then noticed a weird picture of a figure in the watch. Not exactly knowing what's going on he pressed the dial down.

"Oh please don't explode." Ben said while pressing the dial down. It was then his body felt tense and started to feel a weird sensation in his left arm. He looked at it to find that rocks were growing out of his arm."

"Oh crap.' Ben thought hoping that he wasn't turning into stone. He then realized that his whole body was a moving rock, and it started to catch on fire." He looked at his hands to find that they were on fire.

"AHHHHH." Ben in his new rock form yelled which was a deeper voice than his usual."

"Change back, CHANGE BACK." Ben screamed. We didn't know what to do.

'It's ok, Grandpa can just grab a hoes and wash me down.' Ben thought as he ran toward his house.

He made it to his house and started knocking at the door very quickly. The door opened and Ben reached out just to have a fire extinguisher to the face.

"Ow! Grandpa!" Grandpa Max stopped for a moment and he noticed the symbol on Ben's chest.

"Ben, how did you get like that?" Ben shrugged.

"I don't know, a meteor came down, and now I have a watch on me, and now I'm this!" Max looked at ben in astonishment.

"Get behind the Rustbucket. It should go off anytime now." Grandpa Max suggested. Ben took his advice and went around.

"So a watch went around your wrist and you turned into this?" Max questioned.

"Yeah, I kind of pressed a button somewhere down the middle of that story." Ben said still in his form.

"What I want to know is what the heck am I? I mean it came from space, so does that mean I'm an Alien?" I asked.

"Yes, yes you are."

"Sweet guessed it right, wait, how do you know?"

"Maybe it's not a good time." Max said. Just be careful with that thing, and don't use it ever again." Ben nodded.

"Ok Grandpa, I just hope I change back." Suddenly a beeping sound was heard by the two and then a bright flash of green light appeared and disappeared, but in the end Ben was back to normal.

"Wait, so I could turn into that guy again?" Max nodded.

"Probably." He said.

"I guess I got to name him then." Ben smirked.

"How about Heatblast." Ben laughed. While Grandpa smiled.

"I trust you Ben so don't ever use it again." Grandpa Max winked at his Grandson. It was then a rumbling was heard from a distance. Ben ran from behind the Rust Bucket to see a giant robot that was ready to destroy the town. Ben only stood there he gulped not believing in what he was seeing.

"Grandpa!" Max ran out and had the same look as Ben. The two looked at each other and Max gave a nod.

"This is your choice Ben, just do what you think is right." He looked over to see his mom and dad looking at him and telling him to come inside. Probably to hide in the basement. Ben slowly picked up his wrist and pressed a button on the watch. The dial lifted and he looked for the guy that he had before. After a few scrolls, Ben realized that the Robot was coming right after him. With no time left he slapped the dial down and waited to see what would happen. His body became crystallized and he looked twice as big. His parents looked at him in astonishment, not believing in what they were seeing.

"I guess I'll name this one." He rubbed his head.

Diamond Head, Ben yelled. Deciding to wing it, he ran right at the Robot and punched one of its legs, causing it to fall over.

"Oh yeah, this is awesome." Diamond Head yelled in excitement. He stopped however as the Robot began to get up.

"Crap." He said. Diamond Head reached his arm out to see if that would do anything like a super power. Crystal Shards began to fly out of his fists. The shards hit the Robot and it began to malfunction and it fell to the ground. Another beeping was heard and Diamond Head turned back into Ben.

"What was that?" Ben's mom was freaking out.

"Hey mom, guess what? I can turn into Aliens." Ben laughed awkwardly. The parents were dumbfounded from what just occurred.

"Okay dear, were just going to have dinner, and hope that this is a dream." The two parents turned around and entered the house. Ben looked at Grandpa.

"They might not understand Ben, but you did great out there." Ben smiled. I just hope that's the last of them." Ben turned to his house to just go to bed after a crazy day. We took two steps for the door until he was stopped by an explosion that happened right in front of him. The victim… was his house. It was so quick, the smile on Ben's face was still there, but slowly it turned to pain.

"No no no no no." He reached for his watch.

"Heatblast…" The watch was red.

"Heatblast Heatblast Heatblast! HEATBLAST." Ben began to cry. Grandpa Max was in shock but quickly snapped out of it, knowing that they would miss the real target next time. He ran to Ben and picked him up over his shoulder.

"NO YOU CAN'T! I HAVE TO SAVE THEM, MOM… DAD!" Ben cried out as loud as he could.

"I'm sorry Ben, but they're gone." Max said with pain in his eyes, but he knew he had to get Ben out of here. Max grabbed him and went inside the Rust Bucket and drove away from the demolished house leaving the dead parents inside.