Watch Out For Sammy

Chapter 52

The End of the Beginning

Almost a month had passed since the events that led to Sam and Dean being taken by CPS. Dean had paid his dues for his wrongdoings and for the most part, everything was back to Winchester normal. That meant that John was back to hunting and the boys were back to being left alone.

Dean had taken to his orders to watch out for Sammy even more fiercely in the wake of everything that had happened. In fact, he rarely let his brother out of his line of sight for longer than a few seconds. This, of course, wasn't always easy since they had to go to school, and as much as Dean wanted to, he couldn't just hang out in Sam's classroom with him. Instead, he just made sure to always be outside of Sam's classroom before Sam walked out the door, even if that meant he got in trouble for leaving his classroom the second the bell rang and ran down the hall as fast as he could.

Once they were home, Dean made sure to lock the door and inspect the salt lines right away. And he never gave in to his brother's complaints of boredom, no matter how sad Sammy looked. Or no matter how much he wanted to go outside, either.

At the moment, both boys were sitting in front of the television, watching a rerun of Thundercats that they'd seen at least five times already. Sam's bony elbow was digging into Dean's ribs, but he didn't really mind. Dean took comfort in knowing that his brother was right next to him and he had learned a long time ago to take comfort in any way he could.

Once the show was over, Dean looked down at Sam, who was just about to fall asleep. His face was flushed and Dean had noticed that his voice sounded funny when he talked. He didn't know how to describe it, other than the fact that Sam sounded croaky. Like maybe he was getting sick. "Sammy, it's time for bed," he said and just as expected, Sam immediately said he wasn't tired. "It doesn't matter, Sam. Dad said your bedtime is eight o'clock, remember?"

"But he's not even here, Dean. And there's another episode of Thundercats coming on. I don't think I've seen it yet."

Dean couldn't help but laugh at the look on his brother's face. "C'mon, Sammy…. You've seen every episode at least three times. Go brush your teeth and get in bed." He was surprised when Sam did as he was told without further argument and once Sam was settled in bed, Dean laid down next to him.

John had been gone for almost four days and was supposed to be back by the next day. Dean didn't really trust that he would be back by then, but he hoped he would. Their supplies were running low and Dean didn't want to have to go back to the store he'd stolen the peanut butter and soup from. Even though the owner had been understanding, Dean still felt bad. Of course, he'd do it again if it meant that Sam didn't have to go hungry.

As he thought about everything, he started to fall asleep and almost missed the sound of the motel phone ringing. By the fourth ring, though, he'd finally realized that it was ringing and moved to answer it. He knew that it was probably his dad, even though the man hadn't used their secret ring code.

"Dean? What took you so long to answer the phone?"

"Um… I, um… I was asleep, Dad," he stammered.

"Already? It's only nine o'clock. Is everything okay?

"Yeah. I was just tired, I guess."

"Well, then I want you to go back to bed when I hang up, okay?"

"Yes, sir."

"Okay, well it looks like I'm not going to make it back by tomorrow. This hunt is taking longer than I thought it would. Think you can make it a few more days? Maybe another week?"

Dean started to answer yes, but hesitated just long enough for his dad to get suspicious.


"I don't know, Dad. We're almost out of food and I think Sam's getting sick."

"Why do you think that, Dean?"

"His voice is all funny and he's been really clingy lately. He doesn't even want me to leave him to go to the bathroom. And he felt a little hot tonight, like maybe he's got a fever?"

"Well? Does he?"

"I don't know. We don't have a thermometer, Dad. We left it at the last motel room, remember?"

John was silent for several minutes and Dean was growing more and more nervous by the second. "Dad? Are you still there?"

"I'm still here. I'm just thinking up a plan B, Dean."

Dean waited for a few more long seconds before John spoke up again. "Okay, Dean. I'm going to work on a few things here on my end and I'll give you a call tomorrow. It's Saturday, so just relax and let Sam get some rest. Keep a close eye on him, okay?"

"Yes, sir."

"Okay. I'll call you in the morning."

Dean hung up the phone and looked over at Sam. He suddenly didn't feel tired anymore, but Sam's restless movements had him returning to the bed and curling up next to his brother, hoping to offer some comfort, if possible. Minutes later, he was sound asleep, too.

Dean had no idea what time it was when he woke up the next morning. He didn't really even know what woke him up at first, but it didn't take him long at all to realize that someone was knocking on their door.

Quickly climbing out of bed, Dean reached under his pillow and grabbed the gun he kept there. Glancing over at Sam, he was relieved to see that his brother was still sleeping soundly, undisturbed by the knocking.

Dean stepped over to the door, trying to figure out what to do. Maybe he should stay quiet and make whoever was out there think that the room was empty. Maybe he should try to look out the window and see who it was. Maybe he should just shoot straight through the door and get rid of whatever threat there was out there straightaway.

Just as he had almost talked himself into bringing the gun up and shooting through the door, he heard someone call out his name. It only took him a few seconds to recognize the voice, but then he was confused. What was Jake Fuller doing here? How had he found them?

"Dean? Dean, are you there? It's Jake Fuller, Dean. I need you to open the door."

Dean stepped closer to the door. His heart was pounding painfully in his chest. He didn't know what to do. Was it really Jake? Was it a trap?

"Jake? What are you doing here?" he finally asked though the door.

"It's really me, Dean. Your dad sent me. Oh, he said to tell you "wendigo." Said that was the code word, so you'd know it's really me."

Dean immediately opened the door. "My dad sent you? Why would he do that?" He couldn't quite wrap his mind around the idea of John Winchester reaching out to Jake Fuller in such a way.

"He said he wasn't going to be able to make it back today and that you boys needed help. Said that Sam was sick? Is he okay? Where is he?" Jake looked around Dean, peering into the room.

"He's still asleep," Dean answered as he stepped aside to let Jake into the room. "I think he's got a fever."

"Yeah? Do you have any medicine for him?" Jake asked. He took the time to look Dean over, too.

"Yes, sir. I gave him some Tylenol last night."

"Good boy. How about you? Are you feeling sick?"

"No, sir."

"Okay. Well, why don't you get your stuff packed up and I'll wake Sam up."

"What? Why?"

"You're both going to come home with me, Dean. Until your dad gets back."

"I d-don't know, Jake. I don't think my dad would like that."

"It was his idea, Dean. He wants you to come home with me, so Sarah can take care of Sam."

Dean really couldn't believe what he was hearing. Would his dad really want him to go with Jake? Really?

Jake could tell that Dean was reluctant to believe him and having met John Winchester made him understand why. The man wasn't usually the type to ask for help. "Dean, your dad said you probably wouldn't believe me, so he told me to tell you that this was his Plan B. He said he told you last night that he was going to have to come up with one."

Dean still couldn't believe that his dad would ask for help like that, but he knew that Jake was telling the truth. Suddenly, he felt excitement growing in his chest at the thought of going to the Fuller's house. With a single nod to Jake. Dean turned and started packing up the stuff he thought they'd need. Jake moved towards the bed and gently nudged Sam. Dean made his way over to the bed, too, not wanting Sam to wake up scared.

"Hey, Sammy…. Look who's here?" he said when Sam opened his eyes.

Sam looked at Dean and then looked over to see Jake just a few inches away. "Dean? What's going on?"

Dean could tell that Sam's eyes were glazed over with fever and his face was flushed. "It's okay, Sam. Dad's not coming home yet, so Jake came to take us home with him for a while."

"Really? We get to go see Sarah?"

"You sure do, Sam," Jake answered. "She's cooking up breakfast for you right now."

Sam tried to sit up, but he quickly laid back and started crying. "My head hurts, Dean."

"Okay, Sammy. I'll get you some more Tylenol, okay? That'll help your head." Dean ran to get the medicine and some water for his brother and after Sam had taken the medicine, he turned back to finish packing up their stuff.

Thirty minutes later they were sitting at the table in the Fuller house, eating pancakes and waffles.

Sam and Dean spent almost three weeks at Jake and Sarah's. Sam quickly got over his cold and Dean managed to dodge the virus. Life with the Fuller's was simple and after the first few days, Dean allowed them to take over Sam's care while he sat back and acted like a kid for the first time in a long time.

He was even doing better in school, since Sarah was there to help him with his homework every night. The only issue they had was when Dean was sent to the principal's office for running out of his classroom without being dismissed one afternoon. His teacher had kept the students in their seats after the bell rang while he finished discussing a project with them, but Dean had to get to Sam's classroom before Sam left the room. In his haste to get there, he ran down the hall and was stopped by the hall monitor for the fourth time that week.

Jake had been summoned to the school for a meeting with the Principal and when they finally returned home, he sat Dean down for a talk. Dean ended up having to spend the rest of the night in the room he was sharing with Sam, missing out on the movie they were watching, but he didn't care. He would do whatever he had to do to watch out for Sammy.

When John finally returned, Dean was happy to see him, but sad to be leaving the Fullers. His little glimpse into what a normal life could be like was eye opening and he couldn't deny the fact that it had been nice. The idea of going back to life on the road was a little too much sometimes, but he knew they didn't have a choice. And he knew there were parts of that life that were good, too.

Saying goodbye to the Fuller family was tough. He had even gotten along with Ryan during the time they spent there and Dean had to admit that he would miss him. All in all, it was hard to leave them, especially after John said that they would be moving on. Dean knew that the likelihood of ever seeing the Fullers again was pretty small.

Dean listened as his dad talked to Jake and Sarah. He wondered if the man would say thanks to the couple who had stepped in and taken care of his kids when he couldn't, but he knew that was probably expecting too much from the man. John didn't say thank you very often, especially if it in any way impugned his parenting ability.

Once they were in the Impala and moving down the road, Dean listened as Sam went on and on about all the things they'd done with Sarah and Jake. He could tell that his dad was getting annoyed with Sam's incessant chatter, particularly since it all revolved around what he probably perceived as an attack on his performance as a dad.

Dean wasn't surprised when the man finally lost his cool.

"Sam! That's enough! If I hear one more word about the damn Fullers, I'm pulling this car over and tearing up your backside. Understand?"

Dean looked back at Sam, who immediately started to cry. "Dad…."

"I mean it, Dean. You better make sure Sammy knows I'm serious. Or else. And you better get him to stop crying, too."

Dean didn't waste any time in trying to get Sam to calm down, but the boy was overly tired and scared. He could tell that his dad was getting angrier and more annoyed with each passing second. Not knowing what else to do, Dean climbed over the seat and into the back, knowing that his dad would probably be pissed at him, but not really caring. Sammy needed him.

"What the hell are you doing, Dean? You know better than to climb over the seat like that."

Dean didn't say anything in response to that. Instead, he just moved to sit beside his brother and tried his best to calm him down. Within a minute, Sam's cries had turned into sniffles and he was sending short, quick, nervous looks up to John.

"It's okay, Sammy. Dad's not going to spank you, okay? Now, how about we play a little game or I could tell you a story, if you wanted."

Sam curled into Dean's side a little more. "A story," he finally said.

Dean put his arm around his brother, pulling him in even closer. "Okay, do you want a story about a skunk that wanted to work in a perfume store? Or a hyena that liked to tell jokes?"

"The hyena!" Sam answered immediately.

Dean and John shared a look in the rearview mirror and Dean didn't miss the nod of approval his dad sent his way. Without really thinking more on it, Dean settled himself in the seat and started his story. By the time he was done, Sam's sad tears had become tears of laughter and Dean's heart felt lighter than it had in a long time.

He felt like he was right where he needed to be…. Riding in the Impala, his little brother next to him, his dad driving, and the familiar sounds of Metallica playing over the radio. Sure, it would be nice to have a house to live in or friends to play with, but all in all, everything he needed was right in front of him. He was content to be the son of a hunter. He was content to be a Winchester. And he was content to be Sam's big brother. He knew exactly what his place in the universe encompassed….. following orders, learning to be a hunter, saving people, hunting things, fighting evil, doing good whenever he could.

Yes, he was content with his life. But most importantly, he was content to do exactly what he did out for Sammy.

Author's note: Well, there you go, peeps. I really hope this last chapter didn't feel too rushed and I hope that it was a nice wrap up to this story. I've been writing this story since December of 2017 and I've put a lot of heart and soul into it. Thank you so much for sticking through to the end. I hope you've enjoyed the ride and I truly, truly appreciate every single one of you.

Take care of yourselves in this crazy, crazy time. Stay healthy and keep reading.