I finally did it. I had the power, the will to become the only thing that mattered to me anymore. I became an Avenger. I killed my brother. It was everything I wanted since that night, the only thing I dreamed of. It was only right for the survivor of the Uchiha massacre to take the life of the murderer. It didn't matter that he was family. It didn't matter that he was my brother. He deserved death, and I was right to kill him. Except, it wasn't right. It was wrong, it was all wrong. It was all lies. He lied about everything! He told me he never cared for me, that he only pretended so he could watch me, watch to see if I could be a challenge for him. That was the only reason he let a pathetic, eight year old, that was afraid of death, live.

I never completely believed his reason for killing them, but did it matter? What reason could ever be good enough to justify what he did. He showed me, used gen jutsu on me, to make sure I knew he was guilty. I disregarded trying to find an explanation, a reason for why he did it. I just knew he had to die.

I should have known better. Why did he have to be so good! I was so blinded and didn't see through his deceit. He knew exactly what to say and how to act to manipulate me into doing what he wanted. I know the truth now, and it makes me want to hate him more, kill him again. Why? How, how is it that he did this for me? Threw his life away and became a traitor for me. I wasn't worth it and again, the reason doesn't matter. My brother is dead. He gave his life so that the village's secret would be kept. Danzo is also dead by my hands and it's not-will not ever be enough. I will see it all burn. They will pay for what they did to him. I will avenge my brother's name.

I stand up, sword ready to strike down whatever has distracted me from my thoughts. I hear rustling in the bushes. "Come out now", I say hoping that it is someone I can take my anger out on. I hear a sigh before what seems to be a spirt fazes through the bushes and floats before me.

"Sasuke, is this really how you spend your days now, contemplating who you should kill next? It's a sad thing to watch." I'm contemplating killing this thing at the moment. I activate my brother's sharingan to see if I'm caught in a gen jutstu. The spirit laughs.

"No need to point those things at me. I'm here to help you Sasuke." I don't deactivate the eyes.

"What is it that I need your help with and how do you know who I am?" It smiles at me before answering, "I am a Spirit of the Fates Sasuke. I have been watching you your whole life. As I said before, it's a sad thing to watch." I throw a shuriken that passes harmlessly through the spirit. It rolls eyes at me.

"How rude to attack a lady while she is trying to hold a pleasant conversation with you. I know your mother taught you.." I cut her off.

"Shut up, unless you want me to end your life, I suggest you leave." She sighs again.

"I shouldn't have said that, and it's not possible to kill what's not alive. However, I know you are a "get to the point" kind of guy, so I'll get to it. Do you want to change killing your brother Sasuke?" What she is asking me isn't possible. I don't believe it can be in the slightest, but that doesn't stop me from asking, "How?"

"I think you deserve a do over. Unfortunately, I can't alter what happened with your clan, but I can send you back."

"Back to where?" There's that annoying smile again.

"To a young Sasuke who is surrounded by so many choices, opportunities, and love that he failed to accept because of what happened with his brother." This time I roll my eyes and turn away prepared to leave this pointless conversation.

"Why would I want to go back to a time where I was weak. I have the power to change my fate however I please as I am now." As I walk away, I can still sense the spirit following me.

"I honestly want you to have a happier life. Let me put this in a way that should sell it to you. You would have the power of future knowledge, you would be prepared for anything and anyone that came your way. You could change things for the better Sasuke. Don't you want that?" I stop and stare up into the dark sky. I've spent the whole day training until I couldn't stand, then thinking of my brother and focusing on my hatred to push me to train harder. That's what my purpose in life has become. I continue to seek more power. And avenge people who have been lying to me.

"I know you're tired of living like this. You don't deserve to live this way." I close my eyes before finally giving my answer.

"If I thought it was possible, I'd take you up on your offer." I harden my facial features before turning to face the spirit again. "But it's not. Stay out of my way or I won't be so pleasant next time you approach me." Despite my threat, the spirit seems happy.

"I promise you wont regret this." Then the spirit is gone like it was never there.

When I make it back to the cave I've taken residency in, I wonder if I may be going insane. Really, a Spirit of Fate thinks I deserve a second chance. I lay down and close my eyes. Sleep comes quickly tonight.