Warmth in the Night

Disclaimer: I don't own the Teen Titans.

It was a rainy day in Jump City. Starfire had insisted Robin and her go out and shop, which he begrudgingly did out of love. Cyborg was in the garage, working on the T Car, as it was severely damaged from the last drive to a fight. Raven was in her room, mediating, as per usual, leaving Beast Boy alone playing video games in the common room.

"Ugh, I hate single player! I've beaten this story three times over." He spoke, frustrated by boredom. He had bothered Cyborg over an hour ago, but Cyborg demanded Beast Boy leave when his "help" only made the damage worse. He checked his phone; no texts and it was now 2:48pm. He logged off him game, and started towards his room, to change into workout gear, and do some training. Robin would be so proud.

Raven had just finished off a mediation session. She put on her cloak, and left her room, to grab some Black Tea, her favorite after-mediation tea. She ambled down the hall, looking at her phone, checking her favorite author's twitter.

Beast Boy was striding down the hall, excited to workout, already starting a workout que for his music. He suddenly bumped into Raven, dropping his phone. On impulse, he grabbed her waist to prevent her from falling.

"Whoa, Mama, you gotta watch where you're going!" He spoke, squeakily. She retorted, "You were on your phone to, so don't even start with me." She shook off his grab, and continued walking, but Beast Boy didn't let go that easily. He grabbed one of her arms in response, "What's going on with you today? You already have been mediating for half the day!" She rolled her eyes, "Garfield, I have to mediate half the day, everyday. And I am just grabbing tea and then I'll be reading."

His face grew a toothy grin. "Do you wanna go see a movie? We could just go rent one, or we could go to the Jump City theater!" She almost laughed, "Are you asking me on a date?" His face turned a very dark green. "No, that's not, I didn't... it's just, you always are locked away in your room, and I just, I just want to hang out with you, Rae." She smiled underneath her cloak's hood. She totally knew she had him cornered. She wouldn't have minded his company. As annoying as he was sometimes, he was the sweetest guy to her. Beast Boy never let her down and was always there when she needed help. Raven noted how his facial features had changed since the beginning of the Teen Titans. His jaw had become more defined, his body more toned and he grew taller than her. His hair was still short and spiked, and he still had his signature ears. She didn't care that she was basically checking him out, mainly because she had gotten lost in his emerald eyes.

He noticed her silence, and spoke again, "How about 7pm, in the common room." He grinned a bit more convincingly, feeling her eyes on him. Raven snapped out of her trance and realized she had to reply. "Fine. Go rent a movie." He immediately embraced Raven and started rambling off thank yous and "you won't regret this". She enveloped him in a black orb, and tossed him down the hall. "Hope you have good taste in movies." She giggled silently, and arrived to the kitchen to brew her tea. She brought her tea to her room, and read her book, until 7pm came about.

A/N: This is my first story ever. I hope you guys enjoy. I want this to become a couple of chapters. I'm not really sure where this story is going to take me. Thanks! ~ Gingie