Okay. This was a challenge from one of my friends. I got five minutes to brainstorm and fifteen to actually write it. I'm not allowed to go back and edit it later.

Merlin slowly entered the King's chamber with his usual, elegant breakfast and was trying to be careful not to wake the sleepy knight. He sets the platter on the tables and goes to open the curtains while saying, "Rise and shine, you prat."

Arthur picks up a pillow and throws it at Merlin. He picks it up off the ground and goes to drag Arthur out of bed. He grabs Arthur arm but to his surprise Arthur grabs him back, pulling him onto the bed. Merlin quickly sits up wondering what had just happened but before he can recuperate himself, Arthur pulls his face close to his and kisses him. Merlin is aback. He couldn't believe his eyes just now. Arthur, king of Camelot, just kissed him. He says, "What in the world. Is this a joke, Arthur? You must be joking."

Arthur grins looking up at his manservant to say, "No. This really isn't a joke."

"No, Arthur. You cant. We can't. No. Just no."

"Why not? There is no one here right now so what's stopping us?"

"Arthur, you don't understand."


"I can't. You could never truly understand me."

"What can't I understand?"

Merlin sighs and thinks about telling Arthur his magic. He figures he has to now though because Arthur is getting suspicious. Here goes nothing, he says, "Arthur. I can have magic."

Arthur laughs and says, "Merlin, of course you do. I've always known."

"You knew?"

"I knew."

"What? How?"

"Yeah. Merlin, I slayed a giant dragon without any trace of a body left."


"Yeah. So now can you just get over here and kiss me again?"

That's exactly what Merlin did. And they kissed and kissed and kissed which could have led to something else. That you can decide on.

My first one shot. I know it was short and probably sucked but I only had fifteen minutes. So thanks for reading this and wasting you time.

#SMM #SaveMyMerlin #MissingMerlin