So this is my first M-Rated fic, and for a good reason. This Fic is going to have a very dark tone, and I may have a lemon or two later on, but I don't have any planned right now. It's mostly rated M for the language though, so if you don't like swearing (and lots of it) then this fic isn't for you.

Chapter 1: Gohan's Chance

"Dad!" Gohan shouted as he watched his father, Son Goku, fall to the floor with a hole in his chest. On the other side of him stood a tall pink warrior, Majin Buu. "You bastard!" Gohan shouted, flying towards the pink demon, who just laughed and disappeared, bringing Gohan with him.

They reappeared in a place that was all white, a single temple adorning the landscape. Gohan's younger brother Goten, Goten's best friend Trunks, and Gohan's teacher Piccolo all stood to fight against Buu, who simply killed the three and disappeared again.

Again Gohan stood watching Buu kill his friends, Vegeta fell to the floor dead, then Krillin, Tien, and Yamcha. After that Gohan watched as his girlfriend Videl died by Buu's hands as the pink demon strangled her, and he could do nothing. "YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" Gohan shouted, the planet quaking from his anger.

His eyes snapped open, 'Just a dream.' He thought, "No, a nightmare." He said as he got dressed, he looked out to the horizon and saw the demon floating there, waiting for their daily battle. 'Not today Buu, I'm done.' Gohan thought as he flew up to face Buu. "Let's go." Gohan charged at him, trying to punch but missing as Buu shot his hand forwards, towards Gohan's heart, he didn't dodge, allowing the demon's hand to kill him.

"Huh?" Buu questioned, Gohan had always beat him, was he just lucky today?

"Thanks Buu, now I can join everyone else." Gohan said as he closed his eyes.

Gohan opened his eyes, death hadn't been painful like he thought it would be. He looked around and noticed nothing but a large white dragon. "Where am I?" He called out.

"Outside the Multiverse." A huge booming voice said as the white dragon moved his head so that he made eye contact with Gohan.

"Who are you?" Gohan asked, "What do you want?"

"I am the immortal dragon Kimerth, I am here to offer you a chance to save the universe." A huge white dragon said. "I will send you to any one point in time, of your choice." Kimerth said.

"Send me to the day before the Cell Games, I'll change history from that point." Gohan said.

"Very well." Kimerth said, his eyes glowed red, "Your wish has been granted"

Gohan woke up in his teenage body, he was much shorter than he was used to and he hadn't been in Super Saiyan in quite some time, but it felt natural now, like he had been in that form for months, 'I have been in this form for months.' He remembered.

Suddenly Goku burst in the room, "Gohan, what happened?" He asked, Gohan's power had spiked in mere seconds, nearly doubling.

'Is the Mystic power is still in me?' Gohan thought he couldn't feel it. "I don't know dad." Gohan said, smiling, he hadn't seen his dad alive in years, but that wouldn't be an issue after tomorrow, that was definitely going to change. "But there is something that I want to talk to you about."

"Alright, shoot." Goku said, sitting down at the foot of Gohan's bed.

"I want to fight Cell first tomorrow." Gohan said bluntly.

"No." Goku said, he wanted to protect his son, and he wanted to make sure that Gohan would be able to win.

"I can beat him, and if I don't I'll get your help, but we both know I'm stronger than you."

"I'm sorry Gohan, but I can't let you." Goku said, "You're the secret weapon."

"Fine, I'm going out." Gohan said as he stood up and flew out his window, towards the mountain where he would build his house in the future, 'The future that I won't let happen.' He thought as he landed on the tallest mountain that existed on earth, and cleared the top. "Perfect." He smiled as he flew to get some trees.

The next day Gohan got up in his bed, his mother was knocking on his door. "Gohan, wake up." She yelled.

'Good to hear her voice again.' He smiled, getting up and using a clothes beam on himself, making a copy of his dad's gi. "Coming." He said as he opened his door and walked into his mother, squeezing her in a giant bear hug.

"Nice to see you too Gohan." She hugged back.

"Hey mom, after this can I go to school?" He asked, he was in a hurry to meet Videl again, "Like with other kids?"

"What?" She screeched.

"Talk about it later?" He asked as his dad called him, it was time to go.

"Sure..." Chichi wasn't sure what had come over her son, but she kinda liked it.

"Let's go dad." Gohan said as he walked out the door, "Love you mom!" He shouted as he closed the door behind him.

"Goku!" Chichi started, "You'd better not let him get hurt." She said.

"Don't worry, I'll be fighting first."

Goku then rushed out of the house, meeting up with Gohan, "Ready?"

"I hope so." Was the young demi-saiyan's response. Much like the first time, Krillin and Tien met them on the way.

"Hey Goku, Gohan. Long time no see." Krillin said, flying next to them.

"Nice to see you guys." Tien said.

"You guys too." Gohan smiled, "Really been too long." He said under his breath.

"Chiaotzu not coming?" Goku asked.

"I made him stay home, he's not strong enough." Tien said.

Piccolo then flew up to them. "Hmph." He grunted to alert them of his presence.

"Hey Piccolo!" Goku smiled.

"Piccolo." Tien and Krillin said.

Gohan meanwhile, was overflowing with happiness, much like when he had seen his parents. "Piccolo!" Gohan shouted, tears forming so he flew faster.

They soon arrived at the place of the Cell games, Vegeta and Trunks already there, along with #16 and Hercule, who was trying to fight Cell, but was being smacked around.

"At last, Son Goku has arrived, the tournament may commence!" Cell clapped as he sidestepped Hercule and sent the man flying with a burst of ki. "So who is first?"

"I'm going." Goku said, jumping down to the arena and slipping into his natural position. "Ready?"

"Always." Cell said, slipping into the same position. "Though I am a bit disappointed that you are fighting first, I was hoping to save the best for last." The two flew at each other in a flurry of punches and kicks.

"They're so fast!" Krillin gasped, "I can barely keep up."

'This is slow.' Gohan thought as he watched the fight, criticising the small mistakes, against Buu there could be no mistakes whatsoever.

"Kakarot is too close to Cell's power, even in Super Saiyan." Vegeta said, and he wasn't wrong, Goku should have been much stronger after a whole year of training but he wasn't. "Even the brat here is stronger." Vegeta gestured towards Gohan, who did nothing to acknowledge the prince.

"Piccolo, do you think he'll win?" Trunks asked.

"I hope he does." Piccolo answered, his cape fluttering in the wind as he watched Goku and Cell fight in a match that looked like a stalemate. "Right now it comes down to stamina"

"Cell's going to win." Gohan blurted out, already seeing the fatigue on his father's face, 'Just like last time, dad's getting tired and Cell is fine.' He thought.

"Well Goku, are you ready for the real fight?" Cell asked.

"I thought you'd never ask." Goku smirked, the two of them doubling their efforts to defeat the other, a smile plastered on either face.

Cell disappeared behind Goku, knocking him towards the ground and charging up an attack, "Kaa" Cell started, causing Goku to do the same.

"Kaa" Goku chanted.

"Mee" The two chanted in harmony, "Haa" The two continued, "Mee" The blue orbs growing in their hands stopped and they shot their hands forwards towards the other person, "HAA!" The two blasts of ki met in the middle, causing a large shockwave.

"Goku, don't lose!" Krillin shouted towards his best friend.

"Dad, don't fool around, just kill the fucking cockroach!" Gohan shouted, surprising everyone who heard.

"My, my Gohan, I thought you were an introverted child." Cell mocked.

"Gohan, we'll talk about your language later." Goku said, dodging a blow from Cell.

"For now just kill the fucker." Gohan responded as the two blasts cancelled each other out.

Goku and Cell's fight continued, the two evenly matched, until Cell released his tail and threw Goku to the ground, Gohan could see a strange ripple appear around the android, but thought nothing of it. After Goku was on the ground, Cell's tail retracted as he began to charge a Kamehameha.

"Kaa" Cell chanted, "MEE HAA MEE" Cell pushed his hands forwards, the blue beam pushing through the air towards Goku.

"Kamehameha!" Goku shouted, making a smaller Kamehameha that met with Cell's in the middle.

"DAD!" Gohan shouted, appearing next to Goku in an instant, pushing him out of the way and firing his own Kamehameha wave at Cell. The two blue beams met and caused an extremely powerful shockwave that shattered a few of the mountains around them.

"Gohan, move." Goku commanded, walking beside his son. "Hey Cell, I'm sorry about that, can we restart?" Goku asked, hoping that the green thing would let him.

"As much as I loved fighting against you Goku, rules are rules and you're out. Your boy Gohan here will be next in line." Cell said.

"I'm sorry dad, I couldn't watch you die like that." Gohan said, then turned to Cell, "I'll be the one who'll beat you." The demi-Saiyan said, getting into a stance without bothering to power up.

"Fighting me without Super Saiyan?" Cell asked, sliding into his own stance.

"Gohan, don't be stupid!" Goku yelled.

Gohan merely waved off his father. "Let's go." He said to Cell, flying at the android as soon as he did, landing a powerful kick to his face and sending the green warrior flying, he rushed towards Cell, he didn't want this to go on too long. "Roaring Dragon Fist!" Gohan shouted, using one of the moves he had used to fight Buu, he appeared behind Cell with his right hand charged with ki in the shape of a dragon's head and delivered a powerful punch, "Dragon's Crazed Barrage!" Gohan shouted, using the ki from the dragon to encircle his whole body and flying at Cell, delivering powerful attacks with his whole body.

"Not good enough Son Gohan." Cell taunted, getting up and wiping purple blood from his face and smirking. "Now show me your true power." The android said, then his tail opened and shot out six smaller Cells that were blue instead of green. "Go my children, destroy them!" Cell said, hoping that he could get a good fight from Gohan.

"Sorry, but that can't happen." Gohan said calmly, disappearing from in front of Cell and reappearing by the Cell Jrs and holding a hand towards them. "Dragon Burst." He said, causing a large blast to destroy the small androids. "Cell, if you wanna fight me in Super Saiyan, why not just let me go to the second level?" Gohan asked, "I'll surpass everyone at that point." Gohan powered up, going to his normal Super Saiyan level, then going even further, his power making small cracks in the stadium, then causing the large tiles to all explode as he ended his power-up, now in Super Saiyan 2. "I'm ready." Gohan said, he saw the distortion around Cell again, but this time he took notice of the fact that Cell powered up, why did that happen?

"Finally, a warrior who can push my perfection to its maximum!" Cell laughed, charging at Gohan and trying to punch the young warrior, who merely dodged and slammed his fist into Cell's gut hard enough to cause a blonde woman to fly from his throat. '#18!' Gohan thought, he hadn't seen her in a long time, he didn't even know if she was still alive in his time or not. 'Shit, he's gonna explode!' Gohan remembered as he grabbed #18 and threw her to Krillin, who was on his way already, "He's gonna blow!" Gohan shouted, trying to make as much distance as possible.

"Gohan, you did well." Goku said, appearing next to Cell, then turned to his friends, "Listen, there's not much time left and I can only think of one way to save the Earth now."

"What are you talking about?" Piccolo asked, as everyone was shocked.

"No, don't." Trunks said, "I think I know what you have planned Goku, you don't have to do this!"

"Goodbye my friends." Was Goku's response.

"Goku, wait." Krillin begged, "Don't leave us."

"HAHAHA, ten more seconds and the Earth will be gone!" Cell laughed, ready to take the whole planet with him, "I guess we'll call the game a draw."

Gohan was sobbing at this point, he was unable to save his father a second time, and that meant that again Goten had to go without a father.

Goku looked at Gohan, "Hey, you put up a good fight Gohan, I'm proud of you." Goku said.

"What, daddy?" Gohan's hormones were still acting strange, he was eleven after all.

"Take care of your mother for me, she needs you." Goku said, "Tell her that I had to do this Gohan." Goku then smiled one last time, "Goodbye, my son." And then used his instant transmission to teleport him and Cell away, leaving an empty clearing.

"DAD, COME BACK!" Gohan shouted.

"GOKU!" Krillin yelled at the same time.

Then Gohan felt his anger swell to it's breaking point, and clear that easily, he could no longer contain all of his power, his hair began to grow and his eyebrows disappeared, leaving just the brow, his power level caused the ground around him to shatter, leaving him flying mid air above a large trench.

So as some of you may know, this is the first chapter of an M-rated fic I was going to write a while ago (A year or two ago) but I ended up not going past the second chapter because I wrote a really really really shitty lemon and probably lost the entire following of the story with it. It was actually that bad. After all this time I still haven't given up on the idea so I decided to rewrite it, without the lemons -unless I manage to write a half-decent one later on, not gonna stop trying. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and thanks for reading.