A/N: I decided to do a follow up to Tis The Season… I'm not sure I'll do anything again for another year ha, but you never know! Reminder you know how this story ends! Lol. ;)

The shot of tequila burns the entire way down serving as the inevitable truth serum in about thirty seconds. My body is still humming after my interaction with Christian Grey this afternoon and I can't seem to get my body back to a normal temperature.

I shift nervously in my seat and my friends seem to take notice, all of their gazes shooting to me. "What's up with you, Steele, you've been weird since we sat down. Rough day?" Jose says as he pushes an enormous nacho into his mouth loaded with guacamole and sour cream.

Kate, Jose, Andrea and I were sitting at the bar across the street from Neimans counting down the seconds with bated breath for when we had to return to hell tomorrow. Well not me. Thank God, I'm off tomorrow.

I shake my head, the words bubbling up inside and wanting to fly from my mouth. Don't blurt out what happened in your office. Do not blurt it out. Kate narrows her eyes from across the high top table and her eyes dart to the bathroom, her sign that I needed to move my ass. I roll my eyes. "I'm going to pee, anyone need to come?"

I don't answer and she glares at me. I sigh, "fine, me. Order us another round, will ya?" I look at Jose who was currently swiping through Grindr and trying to find his flavor of the evening.

I follow her down the long hallway towards the bathroom and as soon as we are safe inside the bathroom she looks me up and down and points at me. I don't even give her a chance to speak when I let the words fall from my lips. "I had sex with Christian in my office."

Her eyes widen and her mouth falls open. "I knew it!" She air punches the ceiling. "I knew you had sex!"

I roll my eyes and drop to the small couch in the corner and let out a sigh. "The best fucking sex of my life. Holy fuck."

"Tell me everything. Spare me no detail." She sits on the couch next to me and bounces up and down as she waits for me to spill the tea. I give her a detailed rundown while she all but salivates. "What do you mean you aren't going out with him? Oh my God, Ana!"

"I can't, he's a customer! I can't… I mean…"

"You had sex with him in your office… I think we are far past what's appropriate. Go on a date with him. Sit on his face again—"

"I didn't sit on his face."

"Don't you want to!?"

I bite my lip wondering if maybe I did want that. There wasn't a rule saying you couldn't date a customer. It was just a rule I had made for myself when I started attracting a lot of unwanted male attention.

She taps her fingers against her chin. "He's single right?"

"To my knowledge." I shrug.

"Oh my God, Ana. Tomorrow get his number and call him. You did get his number right? You put it in the system?"

"I think I have his card." I roll my eyes thinking about the tiny piece of cardboard in my purse that had his very personal cell phone number written on it, with directions to call me.

"Let's call him. Tell him you're coming over later."

"Oh my God, he asked me out, not for a booty call."

"I think he would take either." She raises an eyebrow at me. "Andrea said he was salivating over you."

"He was?" I can feel my cheeks and my sex heating in response and I stand up and move towards the mirror and fluff my hair. "Maybe you're right."

"Of course I'm right. Text him now. Tell him you can skip the dinner and get to the D-essert."

I bite my lip and nod my head. "You're right. One more time couldn't hurt?" I blink my eyes a few times as the tequila shots have made me bold and my head slightly foggy.

As soon as I get back to the table I pull the card out and I'm about to send him a text when I see the email blaring on my phone from human resources.

Fuck fuck fuck. How?!

I let out a deep breath and open the email scanning it quickly to see how much trouble I'm in for engaging in sexual activity—

With a customer,

In my office,

On the clock.

I am so fucked.

To: Anastasia Steele

From: Mallory Park, Regional HR, Northwest Region, Neiman Marcus

Cc: George Arden, Store Manager

Subject: Exemplary Customer Service

Can I just say, that we've received an email regarding one Miss Steele on her customer service. An email from Christian Grey just crossed my computer telling me that his experience today in the store with Miss Parker and particularly Miss Steele was the best he'd ever received. This is a huge win for our store as I know he is used to shopping with one of our competitors. His email is attached below. Well done, Ana!

Best Regards,


My eyes widen to the size of saucers as I read over his completely professional review of my service and if I didn't know any better I wouldn't even think we'd had a sexual encounter as well.

He goes on to say that he would like me to assist him with all of his shopping needs and was sure that his sister and mother would be interested as well.

So he was going to force me into this date, huh? A smile finds my face as I think about the fact that this meant that I would definitely be seeing him again.

Checkmate, Miss Steele.

"Did you see the email from Mallory?" Andrea's words cuts through the moment I'm having about fantasizing about riding Christian's dick until the next morning. "If he needs any more Chanel you better only go through me." I can practically see the dollar signs in her eyes and it makes me laugh.

"Obviously." I smile and nod at her.

I pull out his card and type out a text that tequila convinced me was a great idea before I can stop myself.

Me: You forgot to mention my amazing dick sucking skills in your review.

I slap a hand over my forehead. Why why why?!

The bubbles appear instantly.

Christian: As much as I love the greeting, most people at least say who they are first.

I don't say anything for a moment before I see him typing again.

Christian: I have an inkling but confirmation would be nice so I don't wind up in HR for being inappropriate with an employee.

Me: Do you usually let your employees suck your dick?

Christian: Do I need a lawyer present for this conversation?

Me: No! Sorry I was kidding. I'm drunk, ignore me.

Christian: You still haven't told me who this is.

Me: It's Anastasia Steele… from Neimans… sorry I figured you would have known.

This is why you don't drunk text, Ana. God you're so embarrassing!

Christian: I knew.

Me: K well, thanks! I'm thoroughly embarrassed. I'm going to go die now.

Christian: Wait before you do that, can I take you out first?

I don't answer for fear of further embarrassing myself and I sit my phone face down and take another shot followed by a large gulp of beer. Maybe I was drunk, and I would regret this in the morning, but right now I just want to pretend it didn't happen.

About twenty minutes later, I look down to find I have two missed calls and three texts from an unknown number.

Christian: Is that a no?

Christian: Shit, Ana, I wasn't trying to offend you. I thought we were just messing around.

Christian" You look beautiful with your hair up.

My eyes immediately look up from my phone and my eyes scan the bar looking for my sexy creeper and sure enough I find his eyes penetrating mine from the other side of the room, nursing a beer. He raises it towards me and my eyes circle the table. Jose and Andrea are huddled together now collectively going through their dating apps and Kate is staring down at her phone.

"Be right back." I say as I hop up and make my way towards the long hallway, hoping he gets the hint to follow me. I've barely made it two steps out of sight before a hand is sliding through mine and I'm pulled gently towards his chest.

"Miss Steele, a pleasure to see you again." His nose floats down my cheek, inhaling my scent as he moves. He finds the space behind my ear and I feel his tongue dart out and trail down my neck and then back up. I mewl under his mouth and he presses me against the wall. "You smell like tequila and it's turning me the fuck on."

"Why, because you think I'll take my clothes off?" I grin at my own joke, and he chuckles at my cheekiness.

"I would love to get you completely naked. Spread out for me on my bed, completely at my mercy. I wouldn't let you out of it ever."

"Can I come over?" I bite my bottom lip at my presumption and when he doesn't answer I feel the rejection spreading throughout. "Umm, sorry, I just… I live with Kate and…"

He pushes me back against the wall and cups my cheeks. "You apologize so damn much. You have nothing to be sorry for."

"It's okay if you don't want me to come over, we can go to my car and…"

"Car? Anastasia, enough." He growls. "Of course I want you to come over. I just didn't want you to get the idea that it was all I wanted…"

"What do you mean?" I furrow my brows together.

"Jesus woman, I've asked you out like twenty times today and you keep turning me down but you want to come over? I feel like the typical roles are reversed here. I want to date you and you just want to fuck." He chuckles. "Normally I would prefer that but…"

"But what?"

"But there's something about you. So I want to spare us both the fuck buddy bullshit and just cut to the chase."

"Which is?"

"You and me."

I clear my throat. "You and me what?"


"What? Seriously. You don't even know me." I squeak.

"I was hoping to change that." He smiles and rubs his thumb across my bottom lip.

I rest my hand over his, and let my tongue slide over his thumb. He groans and my eyes flit to his. "Okay, say I agreed to this dating thing. Does that get me sex tonight?"

He throws his head back and laughs and I frown wondering where the joke was. When he meets my eyes again, he leans forward and bites my lip. "I like you."

"I like your dick."

"It likes you too. Can you get away from your friends?"

I nod. "Yes."

"Wait… your car is here, you weren't planning to drive in your condition were you?" He frowns and glowers slightly at me as he prepares to scold me.

"No. I don't live far, Kate and I were just going to Uber home and I would have come back to get my car tomorrow if I needed it. But my days off I typically stay in bed or on the couch."

"You're off tomorrow?" I nod. "On a Tuesday?"

I raise my chin slightly and wink at him. "I work weekends, Mr. Nine to Five."

"I can't tell you the last time I went in at nine or left at five and didn't have to go in on the weekend."

"What do you do moneybags?" I fold my arms over my chest. I have vague memories of Kate explaining what he did, but the tequila had totally erased that.

"I own my own company. I'm in telecommunications." I nod. "Does that not impress you?"

"Not quite as much as what that mouth is capable of doing." I grab his jaw and squeeze.

He smiles and shakes his head. "You're going to be the death of me, Anastasia Steele."

"I promise to make it worth it when you go." I quip with a smirk.

Hands grope my ass as I rub against him as we move through the streets of Seattle. I learned that Christian Grey had a driver, that didn't seem to be bothered that Christian and I were dry humping in the backseat. "Fuck, you drive me so crazy." He growls against my neck as I ride his dick harder through our clothes. "I am not letting you go, Anastasia, I hope you know that." He bites down on my neck. I moan and slap a hand over my mouth. "He's got an earpiece in, don't worry." I press my lips to his tasting his beer, my tequila and a range of emotions swirling between us. Namely lust. His tongue explores my mouth, and I let him, meeting him back with eager passion.

Fuck I never wanted this to end.

I don't know how long we're kissing, but at some point the car stops moving, and even then we don't let up. I vaguely hear the sound of a car door slam, and yet we still don't stop. My coat has somehow made it's way off and his face is submerged in the v-neck t-shirt I'd changed into after work. "I need this off. I need to see you completely naked."

His words alert me of my surroundings and I pull back. "Here?" I look around the car and I notice the windows have fogged up slightly and I immediately turn my head to the front and breathe a sigh of relief when I realize we're alone.

"Let's go up." I pull my coat on and let him pull me out of the car and into the private elevator. We're in the enclosed space for no more than a second before I'm pressed against the wall and his lips are on mine. "I can't keep my lips off of you."

"Mmmm." I let out a moan and he swallows it.

He pulls away and gives me a smile. "Do you want a tour?" He asks as he pulls me through his apartment. I turn around and realize that the elevator leads right into his apartment.

"Okay that's so cool." I point at the elevator and then take a minute to take in the lavish surroundings of his penthouse apartment.

He smiles, as if no one had ever complimented that. Like people just had elevators that led right into their homes. "Thank you."

"Pass on the tour. I want to see your bedroom though."

"You know you're the first woman I've ever brought here that didn't want the Christian Grey experience."

"You know when you talk about yourself in third person like that you kind of sound like a douche." His eyebrows furrow and I slide my coat off. "Lucky for you, you're hot and you make me come like a freight train."

He chuckles and follows me up the stairs, like I had any idea where I was going. "Oh I'm just assuming your bedroom is up here…" I point and he nods with a smile on his face. "Do you mind if I shower?"

"Mind if I join you?"

The idea of a shared shower with this sexy man makes my insides heat and my body shiver with delight and I nod as he begins pulling my clothes off of me and discarding them in the hallway as we walk towards his bedroom.

His room is all floor to ceiling windows on one side overlooking the Seattle skyline. "Wow. Holy shit. This is incredible." I'm still in my t-shirt and jeans so I walk out onto the balcony and catch a glimpse over the railing before stumbling backwards. He catches me instantly and wraps his arms around me and pulls me back inside. "If you go over Miss Steele, I'm going over after you."

"That sounds tragically poetic." A tremor skates through me. "I'm kind of scared of heights. I just wanted to see…"

He nods and pulls my shirt over my head and unclasps my bra leaving me completely topless. "I've been thinking about your naked tits since we met today and they're… even better than I imagined." I remember that he didn't see them when we had sex earlier and now he was staring at them like he had no intentions of stopping. They pebble under his gaze and I'm starting to get antsy under his lascivious stare.

"You can touch them you know."

"I was just trying to memorize them first." He reaches his hand up and brushes it over my nipple and I almost combust from the lust coursing through me.

"Oh God." I close my eyes as he does it again and again and again. He pops the button on my jeans and slides them slowly down my body before getting them to my ankles and letting me step out of them. He's still on his knees in front of me and he presses a kiss to my covered sex just over my clit and I hiss in response.


I nod, unsure of how I'm even able to comprehend words at all. He leads me down a long hallway and into the largest bathroom I'd ever been in and turns on the state of the art, belongs in every home style magazine there ever was shower. He's still almost completely clothed and he backs away. "In you go."

I slide my underwear down my legs and prepare to step into the shower when I turn around to find his hand rubbing his dick as I can tell his gaze was fixated on my ass as it's now on my pussy. He licks his lips and I clear my throat getting his attention. "So I… I'm just… you're not a serial killer, right?"

He raises an eyebrow at me and crosses his arms. "You sure picked a fine time to make sure I wasn't… naked and alone in my apartment."

"I know, I just… I had a realization." I point at him and narrow my gaze. "I told my friends where I was going."

"Did you?" He raises an eyebrow.

"I told one person." Kate was beyond thrilled to know I was going home with him tonight and demanded a play by play the next morning.

He takes a step forward and cups my face. "You're not really afraid of that, are you?"


"I didn't think so." I move into the massive shower and I could honestly do a full cartwheel in here there's so much space. Don't try it, drunk ass.

I watch as he pulls off his clothes and then he's in the shower with me. Naked. We're both naked. I don't know how long we both stand in front of each other, staring at each other like it's the first time we'd ever been around a naked person of the opposite sex.

"Your body is insane." His voice is strained as he takes a step closer.

My eyes wander over his perfect body. Every muscle is defined, every ab on display and he has those sexy definitions in his arms and legs that show the veins protruding. His dick, perhaps the most magnificent is standing at attention, the head angry and purple and pointed directly at me, as cum pools at the tip. My pussy clenches in response. Desperate for a taste. "Fuck me." I let out a breath.

And within two steps he's in front of me, hoisting me into his arms and sheathing me on his cock. Our lips immediately find each other's and my hands grip his hair at the back of his neck as he pounds into me in a punishing speed. "Holy shit."

I'm seconds from going over the edge, my body tense and ready to shatter all over his cock when he freezes. "Fuck." He grits and tries to pull out but my body isn't having it. My pussy squeezes so hard, trying to alert him that I wasn't letting him go. "Fuck fuck fuck. Don't do that baby, I'm going to explode and I don't have a condom on."

"Don't care... P-pill." I manage to sputter out as a pleasure blooms in my body and I begin to come. Hard. "Oh my God!" I scream out just as I feel his hardness expanding inside of me and shooting deep inside.

I'm vaguely aware of him speaking, my name falling from his lips like a prayer but my mind has been momentarily wiped clean. My eyes flutter open, and my legs are still wrapped around his waist. "You're so beautiful when you come, holy shit. And I don't think I've ever come that fast. What are you doing to me?" He whispers.

The steam is all around us and I notice that his eyes are such a beautiful shade of gray that are highlighted by thick eyelashes that are holding drops of water from the shower. His eyes are staring into mine and for a brief second I have to look away because the moment is intense and raw and with him and his cum still inside of me, it's almost too much.

"Don't run from me." He whispers.

"I'm not." I'm still not looking at him as he sets me to my feet. I immediately back up, wanting a bit of space to clear my head of the mind numbing orgasm and the sexy as sin man that gave it to me within about thirty seconds of him touching me. "What was that?"

He shrugs and crosses his arms over his naked chest. "I don't know. Listen, I don't usually sleep with women without condoms, I'm sorry I attacked you like that… I…"

I take a step towards him and put my hand over his mouth. "I want it." I tell him after letting my hand lower slowly.

"Want what?"

"You and me."

He smiles a smile so wide that it makes my heart skip a beat. "So you'll let me take you out?"

"I suppose." I giggle and he pushes me against the wall again.

"That smart mouth isn't going to fly now that I have you."

"That's what you think." I raise an eyebrow at him as I push him slowly to his knees in front of me with a smirk.

Every part of my body hurts. It feels like I've been turned inside out and into a hundred different shapes over the course of the night.

Which was true.

I don't know how many times Christian and I had sex, but my body has a delicious ache that I've never felt before and my sex has never felt more sensitive. I touch the folds and notice that they're still slightly wet making me wonder how much of Christian's cum is inside of me. I let my eyes flutter open just in time to see the man in question walk back into the room with his towel wrapped around his waist.

God, he's gorgeous.

I wonder if he heard my thoughts, or perhaps felt my stare because his eyes meet mine and he smiles before dropping his towel and moving towards me. Without thinking and despite the soreness, I fling the covers off of me and then he's between my legs, dragging his dick through my folds.

"Aren't you sore?" He asks before he taps my clit with his dick.

"Like you wouldn't believe."

"I got a little aggressive with you last night." He winces and it's as if the comment combined with his empathy for my pain has my clit on fire.

"I loved it."

"Good to know." He leans forward and nips at my bottom lip and he smells like mint and his body wash. A body wash that I plan to use the second I get in the shower. "I had Taylor go out and grab some things for you, I wasn't sure what you liked-" he starts when I interrupt him.

"I'd rather use your stuff. I want to smell you on me for the rest of the day."

"I'd love that. But I figured you'd at least need a toothbrush."

"Your mouth got very acquainted with my ass last night, and I can't use your toothbrush?"

He throws his head back in a laugh and presses a kiss between my breasts before getting off the bed. "Touche, Miss Steele."

"Are you leaving?" I sit up, in attempts to get out of bed when he puts his hand over my chest.

"Yes, but stay. Gail will make you breakfast when you're ready."

"Who's Gail?"

"My housekeeper."

"Ah, I see." I briefly wonder if the duties of housekeeper extended to her keeping him satisfied, but I brush it away instantly. "But no, I should go. Do you think you can give me a ride to my car?"

"Of course, but I really think you should stay. I was going to have Taylor take you home whenever you were ready."

"I think I'd rather you take me back to my car." I smile and follow him into his walk in closet.

He raises an eyebrow at me as if he can hear my thoughts. "I can't fuck you."

"Well I didn't sign up for that." I put my hands on my hips as I take in his massive closet. "Holy shit, I thought I had a lot of clothes." I run my hand over the rows and rows of dress shirts and thousand dollar suits, designer shoes and everything so meticulously organized. "I'd ask if you were gay, but I know for sure you are not."

"Miss Steele, don't make me spank you again." He gives me a warning look and it heats my body all over.

"But I liked it."

He shakes his head as he pulls his briefs on, roaming his gaze over my naked body. "You're so fucking sexy, it drives me insane." He moves closer and before I can come up with a cheeky response, his hand is between my legs. He flicks my clit with his finger and my knees buckle. He grabs me, wrapping his arm around my waist and securing me. "I loved feeling your hot naked ass under my palm." His voice is dark and ominous and it sends a shiver through me. "Get dressed before I fuck you again and make myself late for this 9 AM meeting."

"Yes sir." I make my way out of the closet, just as I see his eyes turn from a light gray to almost black.

I take a sip of my coffee and pull my scarf tighter around me as we drive through the streets of Seattle. We're both quiet, reveling in the events of yesterday, though his hand hasn't left mine once. Every few minutes, he mindlessly brings my hand to his lips and kisses it, like he's been doing it all his life and my cheeks turn pink every time. Finally, he breaks the silence. "Can I see you tonight?"

"Yes." I answer immediately. Usually with men, I keep them at arm's length… and those were the ones I even gave a chance at all. But with Christian, I felt this spark almost instantly and I was desperate to feel it again and again and again. When he touches me, my skin almost ignites and when he kisses me, I'm a full blown inferno. Even his eyes on me set me ablaze.

"I'll call you when I'm leaving the office and I can swing by and pick you up." I nod as my car comes into view in the parking lot. It was still relatively early, though some of the early morning staff was there.

"I had fun."

"Me too." He smiles and leans across his console and presses his lips to mine, sliding his tongue through my lips once. He pulls back after no more than a second and I frown at the swiftness of the kiss.

"If I let that go on, it'll end with us fucking in the parking lot of where you work." He shoots me that dazzling smile and a wink.

"Fine." I pout and he grabs my jaw to look at him. "I'll make it up to you later."

I smile. "Deal."

Later that day, I'm sitting on my couch after just woken up from a nap given that I barely slept an hour the entire night prior when my phone lights up with an email. Now normally, I would ignore any emails I receive on my day off, as they're usually work related or just a slew of promotional emails. But seeing Christian's name has me on high alert.

From: Christian Grey, CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.

Subject: Itinerary SEA→ CDG

I click the email and immediately my eyes widen to the size of saucers. Paris? Wait… what?

I immediately call Christian and he answers on the first ring.

"I was expecting your call."

"Did you… mean to send that to me?"

"It has your name on the ticket, and I don't know many other Anastasia Steele's I would very much like to accompany me to Paris."

"Uh… Christian, this is so sweet, but… most people plan like dinner dates this early on in a relationship, not like… trips across the Atlantic."

"Well, I'm not most people. I have to be in France in six months for a conference. I want you to come with me. I know how sales jobs works and I figure this gives you plenty of time to take time off." He explains like it's the most normal thing in the world to book a plane ticket for a woman you've known all of two days and had deliciously hot sex with twice.


"If in six months you've decided you're sick of having me around, you don't have to come, Ana. This is by no means a trap to get you to be with me. But in six months if we're still doing… whatever this is, then I would want you to come with me."

Holy shit, I've never been to Paris. Can you imagine the shopping there?

"I don't think it's me that will ever get sick of you." I press a palm to my forehead and I feel my cheeks turning bright red. Jesus Ana, when did you lose all chill?

"Well, you have no idea how much it pleases me to hear that. But we can talk more about that later, I've got to get to a meeting."

"Okay, sorry… I didn't mean to interrupt."

"You're never interrupting. Laters, baby." He says before he ends the call and I'm left feeling like what in the world just happened.

Me and Christian Grey in Paris? What Cinderella story did I just stumble my way into?

A/N: For those of you that don't remember from part 1, Christian proposes to Ana in Paris after six months! This CG works quick ;)

Hope you enjoyed! Happy Holidays!