
Disgusting little piece of shit.

You deserve nothing. Nothing.

Die, faggot.

Ichigo was sitting on the cold bathroom floor, his arms hugging his knees. He knew no better than crumbling into a tiny human being. The tears were slowly leaking from his eyes, rolling onto his cheeks and eventually turning into a puddle of tears. He was cold. So incredibly cold. But his mind wouldn't give him the warmth he needed.

After the dinner, Ichigo gave a solid ''thank you'' to Grimmjow and helped him with the dished. He was feeling more uneasy by the minute, and said to Grimmjow he was going to take a shower. And here he is, in the bathroom, door locked, having a panic attack.

Hs breathing was off, way too quick, way too rapid. He needed to cough several times before his stubborn mind even realized he was having another panic attack. He tried to stand up steadily, legs and arms shaking with fear, only to collapse on the cold tiles again. He was drained. He couldn't stand up.

And he couldn't breathe.


He tried to call his boyfriend. But his voice was way too weak. He couldn't even do that right.

His vision began to swim. The lack of air finally taking its toll on him. He was happy. Happy he didn't have to suffer the world anymore, and his fucked-up mind. Black spots covered the already blurry sight he had. Steadily, he began seeing black only, and felt his body go limp. The last few seconds were peaceful before his fainting; there was only silence.

''Karakura town has broken a record to coldest day in December in history.''

Grimmjow was watching the only program that seemed interesting enough for him to watch. His life must be very exciting if that program was the daily news.

Though, he didn't really care. He thought of other things, good things, great things, things that couldn't outstand even Star Trek, and seriously, nothing in Grimmjow's eyes has ever been better than Star Trek.

And then he met Ichigo.

Sweet, beautiful Ichigo. HIS Ichigo.

He just couldn't shrug of the thought of his beloved on the grass, naked, beautifully laid against the sunlight, covered in flowers. The sight was beautiful, and he was sure that next summer, he would make sure to get a real-life version. That would be even more stunning.

''Íchigo is sure taking his time.'', Grimmjow mumbled, looking firmly at his watch.

Ichigo was already one and a half hours gone, taking a simple shower.

Taking a simple shower.

He's more than an hour gone.

A simple shower…

Grimmjow quickly stood up from where he was sitting and proceeded a walk to the bathroom door. He really should have looked earlier. What if there is something wrong?

Grimmjow softly knocked on the door, and noticed the silence that emerged from it. He knocked somewhat harder, but got no response from both attempts.

Now he was worried.

''Ichigo? Babe, are you there?"

Grimmjow knocked on the door now fierce fully. He wanted to open the door, but noticed within panicking that it was closed. Locked. Ichigo never locked the bathroom door.

He quickly ran to the kitchen, and searched for a somewhat small but strong knife. He found one in one of the drawers, and quickly ran back to the bathroom door. He picked on the lock with the knife, trying to hold it steady with his trembling hands. Eventually, he managed to turn the lock and dropped the knife. He grabbed the door handle, and pushed it downwards. He was way too afraid to look, but he eventually did.

And what he saw made his blood run cold.