Hello everyone!
This story started from the realization that the "snowed in fic" season was starting, though this ended up going in a slightly different direction as I threw in some of that, some fated to love you and some all around craziness, and out came "Snowy Bunny" - which is what I call this in my head.

Thanks to wonder editor Sandy, for all her help!

Hope you like it!

Also, some heads up for some mild swearing.

Chapter One

This had to be a very bad cosmic joke. Or the proverbial good intentions that paved the roads to hell. Hae Soo knew that Woo Hee and Chae Ryung were just trying to cheer her up and it was really a sweet gesture, all things considered.

The office where Woo Hee worked part time had had a raffle to win a week-long hotel stay for two in a fancy hotel in Niseko, Japan. When Woo Hee had won, she and Chae Ryung had decided that Soo would be the one to enjoy it. So they had pooled their money and bought her the plane ticket (they couldn't afford a second one and frankly didn't want to have to decide who would go with her).

"You need this more than either of us!" Woo Hee had said, taking it upon herself to pack Soo's suitcase.

"I'm fine, Woo Hee-yah, and you two have done more than enough for me, letting me crash here and all."

"You did the same for me when I got into that nasty fight with my uncle," Woo Hee answered. "And God knows how many times you have helped me put Chae Ryung back together after that guy flaunts a new girlfriend in front of her."

"I heard that!" Chae Ryung said coming into the room with an armload of sweaters and coats. "And Won is a perfectly nice person, and a good boss."

"He takes you for granted, overworks you, and is willfully blind to the fact that you have a massive crush on him." Woo Hee said.

Chae Ryung just rolled her eyes, "Let's not get into this just now, okay? We have to get Soo-yah ready."

And so, Woo Hee and Chae Ryung had single-handedly packed her stuff, drove her to the airport and plopped her on a plane bound for Japan to spend one week at a ski resort. The minor details that she didn't know how ski and didn't even have appropriate clothes (and that she would be arriving to Niseko in the middle of a snowstorm that was lovingly being called the Japanese Snowggedon) quickly paled in comparison to the fact that she was stuck in the "Romantic Holiday" package during her stay.

She was trying to distract herself from take-off by opening the package Woo Hee had handled her with the various vouchers for free meals, discounts and other activities when she realized that she was going to be staying at a "romantic" chalet stylet boutique hotel. All of the activities were for two, so you and your partner could enjoy leisure time together and keep the flame alive.

Couple massages, candlelit dinners, couple's lift passes.

"Fuck my life," Soo murmured to herself, just before the plane dipped backward as it lifted up.


Wang So opened his eyes and took off his headphones when the flight attendant made the announcement that they would be touching down soon. The flight had been a little bumpy but So was used to traveling under any type of condition as part of his job included handling the international partners of his father's company.

He still couldn't figure out why, out of all his siblings, it had fallen to him to come all this way to freeze in Japan just to try out the services of the resort they were thinking of buying. (Particularly because he was supposed to be overseeing the merger of two manufacturing companies they had recently acquired.)

His money was either on Baek Ah or Mu, who were constantly nagging him about how he hadn't taken any vacation time since his failed engagement two years before. Not that he was going to think about that. Calling that farce off had been one of the best decisions of his life, even if his mother had basically disowned him for it.

Having been to the Chitose Int. Airport before, So quickly made his way to where the various busses and shuttles to Niseko departed. There were very few people around: a bored looking clerk, a girl in an oversized coat that didn't seem to be very warm given how she kept shivering and a couple other men.

Soon, the driver called for the passengers who were heading to the Snow Crystal Hotel to board the shuttle. It turned out to be just him and the shivering girl, who kept tripping in front of him until he wordlessly lifted her up and into the bus before wheeling both their suitcases into the cargo space of the bus, earning himself a glare for his troubles.

"Aren't we waiting for anyone else?" So asked in Japanese as the driver secured their cases.

"The storm is delaying the flights; many have been cancelled. The road to Snow Crystal might close if we wait more." The driver explained.

So nodded and boarded the bus moving down the rows of seats, settling on a window seat toward the back of the bus and spreading out. He was going to be stuck in this bus for the better part of two hours, at least, so he might as well be comfortable.

The bus was just starting to move when his phone rang and he noticed it was his favorite brother calling.


So far, Japan wasn't landing very high on Hae Soo's list of "Enjoyable Places To Be Just About Now." Chae Ryung and Woo Hee's couch was still number one, and had been since The Incident - and that was just because of how freaking cold it was. She had borrowed Chae Ryung's best coat and was currently wearing God knows how many layers, but she was still cold.

Then, as she made her way to the shuttle to finally get out of the freezing-cold waiting area, she had kept tripping over Woo Hee's snow boots, which were still half a size two big even though she was wearing double socks. And before she knew it, some random guy had picked her up like she weighed no more than a kitten and shoved her into the bus.

Soo had paused to make sure her suitcase was not left behind, and then huffed down the aisle and huddled into one of the seats, vaguely hearing the guy and the driver talking in Japanese. Just her luck. So far she had made it through with an awkward mix of English and her almost -non - existent - I - used - to - watch - anime - with - my - brother - Japanese, and now she was going to be stuck in a bus with two people she couldn't really understand.

Minutes later, her fellow passenger walked down the aisle between the rows of seats and Soo got her first good look at him and she barely managed to suppress a vexed sigh. Of course, he had to be gorgeous: straight, black hair that tended to flop over his forehead and eyes, a blade of a nose and a sharp jaw. He was on the slender side, but he had lifted her like she weighed nothing, even with the ten extra pounds of clothes she was wearing. Soo was fairly certain he wasn't scrawny under the expensive-looking jacket he wore.

And his voice! Soo heard him when he picked up his phone and it was very nice. He laughed at whatever the person on the other end of the line said and most importantly, he spoke Korean. That made him rise quickly in The Hae Soo Scale of Appreciation.


It was her eyes that he first noticed. Truly noticed. Not like how he had registered her clumsy feet and shivering; her eyes were something else. She had big, beautiful brown eyes that were currently peeking at him just above the headrest of a seat two rows ahead of his.

"I wasn't eavesdropping." She said, popping up like one of those jack in a box toys his brother Eun used to like. "I was just glad to find someone who spoke Korean. Are you from Seoul? I'm Hae Soo by the way."

"Eh, Wang So." He said, looking at her closely to see if his name registered with her. The Wangs were a powerful family in Korea, and even if he wasn't in the press like his other brothers, his name still came up plenty.

His name seemed to mean nothing to her, but the fact that he had given it apparently had been an invitation for her to plop down in the seat next to his before he could even blink. She moved fast for someone who probably only reached up to his chin.

"It's nice to meet you, Wang So-ssi." Hae Soo said with a big smile, which made her reach whole new levels of cute as her dimples showed.

Because 'cute' was just the word to describe this girl. Her hair was long and victim of a reddish-dye job that had seen better days, but it framed her face nicely, she had really smooth skin, milky but with a hint of pink, her smile was wide, her lips just a little pouty and, those eyes of hers…

So that was it!

Thanks for taking the time to read and please leave a comment if you can!

Hope to post second chapter soon.