It had been almost 18 years since Mal disappeared. No one knew exactly what had happened to her. All they knew is that she hadn't gone willingly and that she was pregnant. She and Ben had been married for about two months when Ben came back to the room to find it a mess and a note that said he would never see Mal again. While the police searched the room for any clues as to who took Mal, they found a positive pregnancy test. Ben was devastated. He had lost both his wife and his child. Everyone came up with theory as to what happened, most of which said that Mal had had an affair and that the kidnapping was a cover up as she was pregnant with another man's child. Ben dismissed most of these. He knew that Mal loved him and wouldn't have cheated on him. His entire family, which include Evie, Jay and Carlos, still had hope that Mal would return some day, along with his kid.

It was Maleficent who had taken Mal. She was finally free of her lizard form after building up her magic for almost seven years. She had escaped and had gotten some help returning to her human self. Maleficent didn't want Mal, but the baby that was growing inside. Or babies as the case might have been. Mal was pregnant with Sextuplets. Six babies, And Maleficent could sense their magical power already. She wanted it for herself. The first step was done. Separate Mal from her goody-two shoes of a husband. Now Maleficent had to wait a few months for Mal to give birth and then she could begin her next step of world domination. King Ben's own children would be his downfall.

In the end Mal gave birth to three girls and three boys. The youngest, a little girl, however did have trouble breathing to begin with. Maleficent was determined to not lose a single one of them and used magic to force air into her small lungs. After that, she started to breath normally. Mal couldn't help but feeling great relief. Maleficent sighed in annoyance and handed the youngest to Mal's waiting arms. Mal smiled as she looked at the baby in her arms and around her. They're eyes were all blue. They all had Ben's eyes. Fairy's never changed their eye colour. They would always have blue eyes. Mal's had always been green, like her mothers. "You can name them." Maleficent muttered, walking out of the door. "But nothing sentimental. They're trainning as soon as their magic shows up and they can walk without falling over." Mal thought it over. Tyler, Rebekah, Hunter, Victoria, Kol and Skylar. little Skylar was in her arms. "I love you." Mal whispered. "All of you. And your daddy will find us. He is going to love you all so much." Mal could feel tears rolling down her cheeks. She wiped them away before they fell onto Skylar. "I am going to protect you with all of my power. For as long as i live. You will never be alone." Mal was crying harder now. "I wish Ben was here to see you all. To hold you in his arms." Mal then started humming, humming Ben's parent's song.