We are back and very excited to share the next story in the Fragile Universe. It takes place right after "Fragile Reunion". If you have not read "Fragile Reunion" you might want to do that first or things won't make much sense to you. At some points, particularly in the beginning here, you might want to keep the Kleenex box nearby. Fragile Reunion started in the month of December, so it seems fitting we launch this new story around that same time period. This story promises to be full of love, family, angst, music and drama because we love all those things. All our favorite characters and couples will be back with a new character added we hope you love. We both are excited to be introducing her. Thanks for your support of our writing and this story. Please feed our muses and share your comments with us. Now, without further ado, "Fragile Journey"

Love always, Keeperofwords and Hayley

Fragile Journey

Chapter One: "Unexpected News"

Shelby was very careful with how she treated her youngest of students. They were so excited about the upcoming Kindermusik: Spring into Summer concert the next day. Though excited young divas could be quite the handful, Shelby was okay to deal with them. It was their parents who were driving her up the wall. But she was a professional. She knew how to direct difficult people of all ages and personalities on the stage and off and prided herself in staying on task and doing her job.

Watching as her lover got into a police car with Stef was making Shelby want to drop everything she was doing. She and Cass had been through a number of crazy, hairbrain situations in their lives. Working in foreign countries with foreign cultures had caused some missteps a few times. Cass had a special way of putting her foot in her mouth with her sarcasm. It had offended an older couple in a German McDonalds once. Shelby smirked for a moment when that memory came to mind, but it quickly dissipated. This wasn't the time.

Shelby could not think for the life of her what in the world Cassie could have done. Hell, they were prim and proper citizens of little Lima, Ohio. They even avoided parking tickets, (though admittedly thanks to Stef, at times) and the town was too small to speed. Shelby looked around for any adults that she could oversee dismissing the kids for the day. Rehearsal was basically over, anyways. Rachel and Natalie had walked across the park for ice cream and for that Shelby was thankful, because the singer had no idea how Rachel would have reacted to seeing Stef put Cass in that police car.

Rachel still was tentative with Stef compared to the other adults in their circle of friends. That would have just been the icing on the cake.

And speaking of circle of friends, Shelby smiled at a familiar face coming towards her. Her mocha-toned skin was shimmering with her favorite summer body spray, and she was wearing a long, turquoise skirt.

"Lena," Shelby greeted her friend with a nod as she scanned the park and counted the little heads left. She really wanted to get to the police station so she could find out what the hell was going on. "How are you? You're here for Mariana, right? She has been a real help with the costumes," Shelby forced herself to stay in work mode. What the singer wanted to ask was "Why in the hell is your wife taking my wife in to the station?"

"Stef called me an hour ago and asked when you were wrapping up rehearsal," Lena answered easily, giving the singer a soft smile.

Shelby wanted to ask, "Why?" but instead she only answered, "Oh?" Do you know what's going on? Her internal monologue refused to stop. Forcing herself to swallow, she said aloud, "Stef was just here. She came and got Cass and they went off in the police car." Shelby bit her lip as she threw a quick glance at the police station about three blocks down the street. "Why was my wife forced into a police car?" she couldn't keep the questions inside anymore, and she knew that Lena was good at reading people so her act was up. Her tension was obvious and she knew it.

"Good, I'm glad she found her. The station got a phone call this morning out of New Jersey," Lena volunteered some sort of answer. "They were anxious to get in touch with Cass and asked for the department's help."

Shelby exhaled a breath she didn't know she was holding. Though curious about the phone call, she was more than relieved it was something as simple as that. The idea of having to get Holly to get Cassie out of jail had not been a pleasant thought. Now Shelby could just be curious about the nature of the call. Still, this was troubling.

What's in New Jersey? Think. A pause. Cassie's hometown. Dear god…

"Want me to wrap things up here for you?" Lena asked, observing Shelby and how she seemed distracted with looking up the street every few seconds. The singer's lip was nearly raw from biting at it and her posture was anything but casual. "There are only a few kids left. Then I can go take Mariana to get ice cream. I saw the girls in there eating a banana split. They might be awhile."

Shelby's phone rang before she could answer Lena's question. She fished it out of her back pocket immediately, holding her finger up to Lena in apology, asking her to wait a moment while she looked at the screen to see who it was.

"It's Holly, " She told Lena, her heart racing. "I need to take this...Is she okay?" her question was blunt and she asked it as soon as she answered, not bothering with specifics. Somehow Shelby just knew that wherever Cass was, Holly would be with her. The singer realized she had not even greeted her friend or said hello, but she knew that Holly would overlook her abruptness. Shelby impatiently tapped her foot, waiting for a response.

To hell with this, Shelby thought. I am not just going to stand here and wait to be told what is going on. Lena's here, I need to be with my wife.

"She needs me," Shelby nodded, speaking out loud for Lena to hear. "I'm on my way. Lena is here." The singer thrust her clipboard into Lena's arms; it had the names of the children still needing to be picked up. Kicking off her shoes, Shelby sprinted down the sidewalk barefoot.. By the time she got in her car and drove she could already be there, and Stef probably would have just given her a ticket anyways because she wouldn't have taken the time to park in a designated spot.

What the hell have we gotten ourselves into now? Shelby couldn't help but wonder, feeling defeated. As soon as one thing ended another thing came up.

. . .

Cassandra, her face red and blotchy from her break down on Holly's shoulder, slowly made her way out the front door of the station, feeling uneasy and overwhelmed. Holly was right behind her, a hand on her back as she led her best friend forward.

"Take it easy, babes," Holly said to her, noticing how pale the woman looked. She glanced up for a minute, immediately blinded by the sweltering sun. Since Cass had been out in the elements all day and she'd just finished sobbing, she probably needed to rehydrate. Rubbing Cassie's back steadily, she said, "I'm going to go grab you a water, okay? Don't go anywhere fast."

Nodding but not really listening, Cass took another small step forward and put a hand to her mouth immediately, feeling nauseous out of the blue. She thought she saw Shelby walking towards her but she didn't have a second to stop and think about whether or not this was true or a mirage. She turned to the side of her and lost her lunch in the bushes, leaning against the side of the building for support.

She cringed when she stood straight again, her hand covering her mouth in deep thought and embarrassment. Holly made it back and pressed her lips together tightly once she realized what had happened.

"Oh, Cassie…" she said softly, unscrewing the cap of the water so Cass could at least rinse off her hand a little bit before getting a drink.

"I'm...sorry…" Cass winced, flicking the excess water off of her hand and rinsing her mouth out, grateful. She still felt sort of sick, but it seemed like the initial wave of shock was over, at least. Her head was throbbing, though, and when she finally looked up again she realized it really had been Shelby walking towards her. Shelby. Oh gods, how do I even start to explain this to Shelby...Sorry babe, I have to leave for New Jersey for a few days...have fun with the concert?! Oh, and by the way, I might be bringing back ANOTHER kid...Jesus Christ what is my life… Cassie closed her eyes to keep her head from spinning. You need to pull your shit together, July. You have responsibilities to tend to. Get with it.

"Shelby," she opened her eyes and greeted her wife, who was now standing right in front of her, panting slightly.

"Cass, there you are. What the hell is going on?" Shelby questioned, her question seemed frantic though her tone was calm. In control. Ready to take on the world.

That's a good attitude to have. I hope she stays that way. One of us needs to.

"Sweetheart?" Shelby changed her tone, leaning in close to Cass and speaking in almost a whisper. "I'm here." her words were simple and she leaned forward, pressing a kiss to her wife's forehead. Shelby did not like how pale Cass's face looked, and if she hadn't known better, she would have thought the woman was fighting a bad case of the flu. Cass was deathly pale, clammy, and showing all the basic signs of being in shock. She also looked as though her feet were going to fall out from under her. Putting an arm around Cassie's waist, Shelby guided her over to a bench underneath one of the oldest trees in Lima, Ohio. Holly quietly followed, saying nothing but keeping ahold of her other side. If the dancer fainted, the two of them would be able to keep her upright.

"Shelby… I don't know if I want to talk about this here…Can you take me home?" Cassie's voice was tired, trembling, and weak. Shelby knew that whatever just happened was severely taking its toll on her. She needed to lie down and rest, but Shelby was feeling desperate for information. Holly shot Shelby a reassuring nod.

"She's okay." Holly mouthed. "Just big news."

Big news like what?! Shelby wanted to pull her hair out. Instead, she rubbed Cassie's arm softly. "Of course I can take you home, sweetheart. Let me text Lena real quick and ask her to bring Rachel home whenever they're done down the street…"

The two women hovered over Cass as they walked her back to the park and guided her into the passenger seat of Shelby's car. Shelby hoped Cassie was okay enough to not throw up in her new ride, but chastised herself quickly. There were more important things. In the grand scheme of everything, it was just a car. She started it and cranked up the A/C as soon as she could, hoping the cool air would be good for Cassie.

"I'll meet you over at the mansion," Holly spoke more to Shelby than to Cass as she buckled her best friend into the front seat. "I'm going to call into the office and clear my schedule for a few days...I'll ask my assistant to check into Jersey flights for us..."

Shelby nodded, grateful that Holly was their backbone, as always, just like back in New York when she had been their assistant. The blonde lawyer was always six steps ahead of everyone, even Shelby the Planner. Shelby was curious as to why Holly needed to check into Jersey flights, but she figured for some reason or another they would have to end up going there to sort something out.

Ugh, but what about the show? A billion questions whizzed through Shelby's head and she was more than thankful that Holly at least had an idea how to start working through whatever newest curveball had been thrown at them.

"Thank you," Shelby whispered, her bare feet burning on the pavement as she moved from the driver's side to stand beside Hol. "See you soon?" She wasn't sure anymore about Holly's schedule or when she planned to show up to the mansion. It was not officially the end of business hours yet, but it was obvious that some changes were about to be made.

Hol nodded and kissed Shelby's temple.

As Shelby started driving she bit her lip, waiting for Cassie to tell her something. Anything. Her wife took a deep breath, let it out slowly, took in another one, and spoke.

"I have a baby sister,"

"A baby sister?" Shelby sounded doubtful. "How the-"

"I don't know. My parents weren't that old, I guess…"

"Okay…?" Shelby filed the information in her head. "What else? Is there something else?"

Cassie took another breath. It seemed like she was laboring over each one. "And my father is dead. And my mother might as well be. And I'm my baby sister's legal guardian now. Well. They're assuming. My name was forged on papers. But they're kind of talking like there's a living will..."

Shelby's head started to spin, more questions forming the more she learned. What happened to her parents? Why does that make her guardian, does the baby have no other family? How is she automatically being called guardian if both parents aren't even dead? I guess that would be the living will… Do we have to go to Jersey right away, then? Who's going to direct the show?

"Holly and I have to go to New Jersey to sort everything out. There's...a good chance I'm the only person this baby girl has in the world…" Cassie took a sip of water before continuing, her face stoic, her tone monotonous. Drained. "I..I don't know what else to do besides take her with me if that's the case, Shelby...I know it's something we need to talk about but-"

"Absolutely not. If your sister needs parents you bring her home to us. Not a question."

"That's such a big decision to make, shouldn't we take a minute to-"

"Breathe? Is there such a thing when it comes to us?" Shelby turned the A/C up more, feeling flushed and sweating nervously.

A pause. "I guess not," Cass sounded defeated. "I need a drink." she decided.

"You need some rest." Shelby shot back, worriedly. She knew how Cass could get alcohol. "Especially if we're going to…" Shelby stopped mid-sentence as she pulled into the driveway of the mansion, turning the car off and pushing her hair out of her face. "You said that you and Holly had to go to Jersey. You didn't say I was going with you." She turned to look at her wife, biting at her cheek. "You can't be serious, Cassandra," her voice held a tone of warning but Cassie cut her off.

"Shelby, please, someone has to stay home and direct the show," Cassie sighed.

"Don't you take that tone with me, Cassie," Shelby warned. "You expect me to just stay home and watch from the sidelines? Absolutely not."

"Oh, so what, you're going to cancel another show? Don't you think our students have suffered enough this year from our lack of teaching and lack of showing up? I'm surprised our parents have even paid us for the season. Our job can't be thrown to the side just because our lives get hard, that isn't fair to the kids. They've worked hard for this-"

"They're four," Shelby rolled her eyes.

"Well if you want to be the one to make a group of four year olds cry, Shelby, more power to you." Cassie snapped, clearly just upset because she was on edge. Shelby knew this, but she couldn't help but feel stressed out, too. It seemed that life liked throwing stones at them. Particularly this past year. "Look," Cassie spoke up again. "I'm sorry. I'm overwhelmed. I didn't mean-"

"I know," Shelby whispered, running her hand through her hair again. It felt greasy from the long day of work and she felt on edge. "Let's just...let's get inside."

While Shelby wanted to do nothing more than run her wife a bath and pamper her the remainder of the day and night, she led her to the couch instead. After settling Cass down, she walked to the hall and checked the thermostat. All the heat ever did was put them on edge, and the humidity wasn't helping anything.

"I'm going to get you some water," Shelby informed her wife, feeling at ease falling into the role to take care of everybody. This situation was unnerving but she wasn't about to tell Cass that. A baby? I didn't even take Home Economics in High School….We're good enough at teaching kids, but to raise a baby….can we do this? Shelby thought to herself, trying to keep it together. She needed to help Cassie, and deal with her own shit about the implications of this surprise revelation later. Opening the fridge, Shelby found herself calming down enough to think clearly. Of course she couldn't just cancel the KinderMusik Program. In her mind she saw fifteen four-year-old Rachel's pouting at her with watery brown eyes. Nope, that's not happening. And you can't clone yourself, so you're going to have to get your ass in gear and take each day one step at a time.

"You're right, love," Shelby said to her wife, handing her another bottle of water before sitting on the couch beside her and curling her legs around herself. She reached out her left arm and put it on the back of the couch, playing with Cassie's hair as she elaborated. "I walked into the kitchen and suddenly I saw a class full of four-year-old Rachels in tears because their hopes of a big debut on stage were swept away by teachers taking some personal time off." She let out a heavy sigh. "Are you okay to go with Holly alone, first?"

Cassandra shrugged. "Do I have a choice?"

Shelby answered with a question, "...What are we going to tell Rachel?" her voice was tentative.

Another shrug. "Shelby, I don't even know what I'm going to do, let alone what I'm going to tell Rachel."

"Sorry," Shelby whispered. "I know it's a lot." She shifted on the couch so that she was facing Cassie. "Look. Rachel is a smart kid, and very adaptive to change. She might not understand why you are going, but she loves you and will do all that she can to support you. And you know she'll be upset to hear that your baby sister is all alone, in a city with no family to care for her."

She is pretty good with the little ones… Cass thought to herself, rolling her shoulders to ease her tight muscles. "Can you imagine her as a big sister?" she voiced out loud. The idea both amused and terrified her.

Shelby smiled at the thought of her daughter having a younger sibling. Rachel was thriving now after these few months with Cass and herself. Shelby had never considered that she and her wife would have another child in the house...honestly, it had never even crossed her mind. Their lives were busy, full, complete, and wonderful already. Shelby didn't have any idea, personally, what it was like to have a sibling. Cassie did, however, and Shelby knew how much Monica meant to her. It would be good for Rachel, and if there was a Baby "July" out there and she was alone, there was no question in Shelby's mind they would open their home and hearts to her. That idea settled in her mind, she decided a more complete picture was needed to understand why this baby was alone.

"Cass, honey," Shelby started, her voice soft. She rubbed her wife's thigh comfortingly as she talked. "Why is your baby sister alone?" Before Cass could even reply, she asked a follow-up question. " You said your father is dead...How is your mother?"

"Well," Cass nearly growled, "My dad is rotting in hell, though it's 25 years too late. Monica would have loved another sister..." Cassie's voice fell off, in thought. "Funny thing, Shelby," Cass glanced over at her wife, her best friend. She knew she needed to tone it down-taking her emotions out on Shelby wasn't going to fix anything. "I should feel overjoyed that he is gone...but I just don't feel anything. I'm numb."

Unsure how to respond to that, Shelby asked what was on her mind for what she hoped would be the last time. But Cassie had yet to answer her about it, "So, what about your mother? The authorities called you….so that means your mother is hurt? " Shelby hated that there was no way to be gentle about the subject. This whole situation was surreal and unbelievable. It was just like some soap opera, or a Hallmark movie.

Cass wet her lips and sighed. "You know I detested my mother," she started bluntly. "That hasn't changed, even though she's lying on her deathbed." she glanced up at her wife, demons in her eyes. "Does that make me a bad person, Shelby?"

Shelby's lower lip pouted and she moved to pull Cass into her chest. "No, sweetheart… Of course it doesn't…"

"She just...was a terrible person," Cass sucked the inside, fighting back tears. This situation was so raw, and stressful. She wasn't sure how she was supposed to be feeling, but she was pretty sure the way she was actually feeling wasn't right.

"Was?" Shelby prompted, not trying to make things worse, but wanting to try to tap into Cassandra's head. The more she knew the more she could do to help Cass.

"She's in a coma…" Cassie picked at her fingers and then pulled her arms and into her chest, feeling small. "They were in a car wreck. The baby is okay. I don't think my mother's going to make it out though. And i'm not even sure i'm upset about that...What does that make me?"

"Human," Shelby answered simply. She caressed her lover's face, soothingly. "Cassie, they hurt you. They hurt you badly. Of course you don't feel remorseful or upset over their death, it's probably a relief to you, and that's understandable."

Cassandra shook her head, her eyes red and puffy. "It's not a relief, it's not upsetting, it's not anything…"

"You're in shock, honey," Shelby ran a hand through Cassie's hair. It was sweaty and tangled, but Shelby didn't mind.

"I am glad about one thing though," Cass said just as she heard the front door opening. She looked up to see Holly walking into the hall from the kitchen. "I am glad my baby sister doesn't have to grow up living in that house being raised by those two evil human beings." Cass stood, abruptly, and started to pace. "Damn, and i'm glad my baby sister won't have any memories of their sorry asses because I carry enough of those memories for the both of us."

"You just are glad you don't have to pay my fee to fight them for custody," Holly quipped with a small smile in an attempt to get her to relax. She peeled off her suit jacket and kicked off her shoes before flinging herself on the couch beside her two friends. "Shit," she groaned. "I could have gotten enough out of you for a good down payment on my house next door."

"I owe you nothing you ungrateful bitch," Cass sassed back, smirking at Holly's way of calming her down with banter. "I basically paid for your tuition through law school, and gave you a foot in the door to social circles most lawyers would kill to be introduced into."

"Yeah, Yeah," Holly waved her hand, leaning over to kiss her friend's cheek. "I spent time schmoozing your personal trainer, your dry cleaner, you and Shelby's drivers, and the cleaning staff of your apartment."

Cass couldn't think of a quick comeback for that. It was true, Holly had basically kept her and Shelby's lives running, and not just through college. Holly had been so valuable and probably kept Cass's relationship with Shelby from suffering irreparable damage more than once. Shelby and Cassie's life together had been so hectic and busy with work, Holly reminded Cass of the important dates the two shared, as well as sent flowers for her during Shelby's run in shows.

"Thank you," Cassie spoke in a strong, heartfelt voice, leaning her head on Holly's shoulder. "I can't begin to pay you back for all you did and still do for me, for Shelby, for Rachel and now, now….now this."

Holly's eyes teared up and she nodded silently in understanding, "I love you, Cass. I love you too, Shelby, and I love being Rachel's Aunt Holly." Holly reached down to the floor where her briefcase was and clicked the latch. "I stopped into the office and had my assistant acquire something for you." She pulled out a file folder and opened it. "Cass, Shelby...this is Cadence July."

Cass sucked in a breath. The baby girl was beautiful. She looked like a porcelain baby doll, with bright, dazzling blue eyes and locks of ash blonde hair. A spitting image of Monica Elizabeth July. Tears splashed against the inner wall that Cassie was trying hard to keep up. "Monica…" she whispered, barely audible, but enough for Shelby and Holly to catch. "She...she looks just like Monica…"

"I know she does, Cassie," Holly whispered, feeling terrible.

Shelby pulled her wife close again. "Oh, honey…" she was lost for words. What was she supposed to say in this situation? Sorry your sister looks like your other sister? Sorry your sister is most likely about to be your daughter? The entire thing seemed bizarre- just bizarre enough to make sense, the way their lives were.

"She doesn't have a middle name," Cass noted, continuing to flip through the file.

Holly shook her head. "I don't know why they didn't give her one, but if you are granted custody, you'll be allowed to."

Alarm washed through Cass. Holly used the word "if". If she was granted custody. There was no way in hell her baby sister was staying in New Jersey. Hell, if she was not given to some half bigot third cousin twice removed, Cadence would be thrown into foster care. Cassie refused to let that happen.

"Holly, she belongs with us," Cassie implored her best friend in a quiet, shy voice. "I have to get custody. I just have to."

"Holly, what do we need to do?" Shelby asked their lawyer. "Cassie's mother is still alive, but if she is gravely ill and it's only a matter of time…" the singer couldn't finish the sentence. Cass and Holly both knew what she was trying to say, anyways.

"We need to see the will," Holly told the couple, "I have already reached out to the lawyer. Cass, you and I have an appointment with him at 3:00 tomorrow. I also need to know if your mother has a living will and what her wishes were for end-of-life care. If she has a living will, this process will be much easier."

Cassie nodded, taking the information in. Gods, she better have a living will...please don't make me have to pull the plug on my own mother...Jesus Christ…

Hol kissed the top of Cassie's head. "You need to pack and get some sleep. Lena will be back here with Rachel, soon. Our flight leaves early and you need to rest. Shelby, I've got your ticket, too. You leave at 10:30 tomorrow night. Stef is driving you to the airport in Columbus. Rachel is staying with April and Natalie…." she took a breath. "I know this is a lot to take in."

Cassie scoffed as if to say, "You're telling me", and nodded in understanding. "Yeah. I'll get to packing, I guess."

Holly got off the couch and crouched down in front of her best friends. Cass was looking at her hands, and Holly needed her direct attention, as well as Shelby's. "July," Holly cupped the woman's chin so they were looking eye to eye. "This is a one day at a time situation, but for now, let's take this one hour at a time. We have an objective, and I am going to do all in my power for us to have your baby sister sleeping in the mansion, with you having full custody as soon as possible. Even though that situation will be overwhelming, too, it's our goal and I need you to focus. Stay on task. No drinking as coping skills." Cassie rolled her eyes and Holly's grip on her tightened. "I mean it, Cassandra. I need you at your best and all eyes will be on us. We need to show you are capable of guardianship and that it will be a good fit. Besides, you know how fans and paparazzi get on the east coast. Prepare yourself for that."

Hol shot Shelby a look that screamed, "Watch her, tonight," before kissing the top of her head, too. "You, too, honey bunch. We're going to get through this like we do everything else, and I know you're both in shock but I also need you both here, with me, okay?"

Cassie had a tendency to over-drink in situations like this, and she needed to be sober and in her right mind for what they were about to encounter the next day. Shelby, when she was in shock, became introverted and quiet. Holly couldn't have that happening right now, either, as bad as that made her feel. Luckily, her friends knew she wasn't being heartless. Just practical.

"Get some rest," Holly addressed Shelby. "Oh, and show Rachel the picture when you tell her. I think it will help her accept this. You know she doesn't do well with "new", but I think she'll understand. And it might be easier for her if she has a face to go with it. She needs to know why Cassie has to leave and she needs to believe that she'll come back."

The women nodded and Cassie sighed, standing and stretching before dropping the file on the kitchen table and heading to the cupboard to get a glass. Shelby and Holly looked at her sternly and she rolled her eyes, widening them for emphasis as she filled the glass with tap water instead of merlot. This was going to be a long night.