From the time he was a little boy up until now as a grown man, Damon Salvatore loved a challenge.

He thrived on them, whether it was in his career or his personal life.

In terms of his career, striking out on his own to start his own law firm was by far the biggest challenge of his life.

What made it worse was that he was doing it in a small town where practically no one knew him, so his connections were limited. He had to build a clientele from scratch.

Had he decided to do this in D.C., he would have had a better shot at succeeding. No doubt about it.

But again, Damon liked a good challenge. He loved testing himself.

It was the same in his personal life as well.

Damon took after his father in every way, from his handsome looks to his love for beautiful women.

But unlike Giuseppe Salvatore, there was a caveat to Damon's attraction to a woman.

There had to be an addition to her beauty. She had to be more than just a pretty face.

Every woman he dated was a knock-out, but there was always something else about her that made her stand apart from the rest.

With Bonnie, it was no first. Of course, the attraction was immediate.

Her face and the way she filled out those cut-off shorts captured Damon's attention.

But what sparked his interest was seeing her race twenty guys on a dirt bike and win.

The challenge came later on when Damon realized that Bonnie didn't like him to tough.

Now that Damon was a Mystic Falls resident and living on the same side of town as her, the two of them were constantly running into each other.

Whether it was at Mai's diner, Patty's store or the gas station they saw each other at least a few times a week.

And each time Bonnie would go out of her way to avoid him.

It was such a blow to Damon's ego because shit like that NEVER happened to him.

He was so used to women falling all over themselves to gain his attention and this little slip of a girl was doing everything she could to not be anywhere near him.

It was the damnest thing!

After a while it began to irk Damon, getting underneath his skin and as a side-effect to that he became provoking towards her. Intentionally inserting himself in her space some type of way and forcing her to acknowledge him.

It was such a petty thing to do. But that was Damon.

At any rate though, it didn't work. Instead of avoiding him, now Bonnie just ignored him.

But she damn sure wasn't ignoring him now with their two mouths clued together.

That impulsive, reckless side of Damon reared its ugly head yet again and without thinking he grabbed Bonnie and kissed her.

What was fucking him up was that she had yet to push him away...because he fully expected her to do so any second.

Instead she was just standing there allowing him liberties he never thought he'd have with her.

But that didn't make him stop as his mouth continued to learn the texture of hers.

It was only when it became paramount for them both to breathe that he ended the kiss, and he hated doing so because her mouth was sweet. Her lips soft.

Being the first one to open their eyes, he got the chance to see hers flutter open and they stared at each other, neither of them speaking.

No longer angry with her, Damon reached up to touch Bonnie's face and that's when she took a step back. Reality hitting hard of what she allowed to happen.

But this time, she couldn't run away because he was still holding her arm.

"Let go of me."

Damon's eyes lowered to find his hand still gently gripping her. He released her arm, his gaze once again searching her face and finding confusion there.

"You shouldn't have done that."

Damon ran his left hand through his hair, looking just as confused by what just happened. "You're right...I'm sorry."

Bonnie searched his eyes, not believing him. "No you're not."

Not waiting for him to deny it, she walked away.

Damon couldn't take his eyes off of her if he wanted to, watching as she got inside of her truck and pulled off.

He stood there a few moments, gathering himself. So much happened that day that his mind was trying to play catch up.

A shiny black Camaro pulled up in front on Damon.

It was Tyler.

Opening the passenger side door, Damon slid inside shutting the door. "Thanks man for coming to get me because I did not feel like walking." He said, buckling his seat beat.

Tyler pulled off, leaning back in the driver's seat, with one hand on the wheel. "Why.. your booty hole hurting? You messed up and dropped the soap?"

Damon laughed at the jail reference joke. "Fuck you."

Tyler shook his head coming to a stop at the red light. "Nah, never that. I like pussy."

"No you are a pussy." Damon retorted.

Unfazed by the jab, Tyler responded in kind. "What's that saying, you are what you eat?"

They laughed..

Damon needed that light heartiness after the day he had. Leaning his head back against the leather seat and closing his eyes becoming quiet.

Tyler glanced at him after a moment. "Seriously though man, you okay?"

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Damon sighed. "Physically yes... mentally no. I really fucked up this time. If I lose my license, I don't know what I'm going to do. And then there's my parents. My father is going to lose his shit when he finds out. I'm screwed."

"No you're not." Tyler said simply like he knew something Damon didn't.

"What do you mean? Tyler, I assaulted someone and if I'm convicted it's a done deal. It's over for me."

"Not if the person you assaulted was in the United States illegally and is currently in the process of being deported back to fucking Mexico were he belongs!"

Tyler laughed at the startled, shocked expression on Damon's face.

"That's right my man, you're in the fucking clear! You good good!"

Damon couldn't believe his luck. He sat in that jail cell for hours thinking about how he just ruined his life and like that, it was over. This entire ordeal was over.

A sense of relief filled him and he laughed joyously along with Tyler. "Oh my god, I don't fucking believe it!"

"Welcome to Trump country...we're making America great again and I love it!"

It was as if someone had doused a bucket of cold ice water on top of Damon's head.

Hell, he damn near expected Tyler to do a Hi Ho Hitler salute because that's how indoctrinated he sounded, like some white nationalist.

Damon was stunned, never having heard Tyler speak like that before.

"Where the hell did that come from?" Damon asked incredulously, looking at Tyler like he lost his mind.

"What? I love my country. What's so wrong with that?"

"Absolutely nothing. But there's a vast difference between patriotism and nationalism. And a second ago you sounded like some white supremacist carrying a torch about to burn a cross in someone's yard."

Tyler laughed it off, finding what Damon said to be ridiculous.

Damon glanced out the window, letting the subject drop. But he knew what he heard.

Silence filled the car, but after a while Tyler needed some answers as to what was going on between Damon and Bonnie, so he just came right out and asked in his dick move way.

"So you fucking Bonnie Bennett?"

The way he said it made Damon cringe inside.

It also made him think about the crude things he said to Bonnie and he felt bad about it. His behavior was inexcusable.

He crossed the line.

"No, I'm not fucking her." He responded with his jaw tightening.

"But you want to right...I mean that's why you ran to her rescue and got yourself locked up?" Tyler probed further, gripping the wheel.

Damon found himself getting very agitated by Tyler and it was evident in his voice. "No, that's not why I did it, you fucking asshole! Jeez just shut the hell up already and drive."

Tyler grew silent in thought and drove.

Damon stared straight ahead, his face taut with renewed anger.

The next few days found Bonnie busier than ever at the shop and she welcomed the distraction that way she didn't have to think about Damon Salvatore and that kiss.

Everything that happened that day was still so confusing to her.

Other than her father, Bonnie never had anyone stand up for her before. And for him to be a friend of Tyler's, she didn't know how to take it.

But being raised the way she was, Bonnie had to thank him for what he did.

So when she called up to the Sheriff's office to inquire about Damon and found out that he was being released that night, she drove back into town and waited for him. Just wanting to get it over with so she could move on and forget about the whole thing.

But that wasn't to be because Damon copped a funking attitude with her and Bonnie wasn't having it. The nerve of him blaming her for what happened! It was unbelievable because none of that was her fault.

Then she found out that he could possibly lose his license if he got convicted of the assault and that made her feel bad for him. And after that, everything just went left and then out of nowhere, he kissed her. It was the last thing she expected to happen. And yet it did.

Mores surprisingly though was the fact that she didn't do anything about it.

Sure, at first she was caught off guard but after that why didn't she push him away? Slap his face? Do anything but just stand there and let him kiss her. Bonnie was confused.

When that Friday rolled around, Bonnie managed to talk Emily out of going to Lucky's because she didn't want to risk running into Damon. She hadn't seen him since the kiss and was hoping to keep the momentum going for as long as possible.

So instead, Emily and her two young boys came over to Bonnie's house to make some nachos for dinner and watch a Disney movie on Netflix.

An hour into their night, Emily popped open a beer to calm her nerves because Chance and Carter were fucking lit to deaf after eating the brownies Bonnie made. Sugar was a drug. Emily was convinced of it because before having the brownies her boys were behaving fine. Now they were bouncing off the walls.

"I ought to kick your ass Bonnie. I told you not to give them those fucking brownies!"

Bonnie laughed. "They'll calm down once they have dinner." She stood by the stove, cooking the ground turkey.

Emily leaned over the counter, rearranging the lemons in the bowl, wishing she was at Lucky's right now.

Seeing the pout on her best friend's face, Bonnie knew exactly what she was thinking. And in response, she turned on some music.

"There you go Em...some music for you to shake your ass to and get krump."

She rolled her eyes, still salty because she let Bonnie talk her into staying in tonight.

Emily loved her boys to death but Friday and Saturday were her nights to have a little fun while her kids spent time at Nana and Papa's house. She worked too damn hard during the week not to deserve some time for herself.

Realizing that Emily wasn't going to lighten up, Bonnie turned off the music. "You know what, just go to Lucky's and I'll watch Chancey and Carter. They can even spend the night and you can pick them up tomorrow."

The smile Bonnie had been waiting to appear moments before suddenly surfaced on Emily's pretty caramel face. "Oh god, thank you Bonnie! I love you, I love you, I love you so much!" She squealed happily hugging her neck.

Bonnie patted her back, smiling softly. "I love you too. Now go. Have fun and be safe."

Not needing to be told twice, Emily dashed out of the kitchen and kissed her boys goodnight while they played nosily in the living room. She told them to be good for Bonnie while she was gone.

Then she grabbed her purse and was out the door in no time flat.

Bonnie came out the kitchen to lock up the house.

"Alright guys, dinner will be ready in a few minutes, so go into the bathroom and wash your hands okay."

"Okay Aunt Bonnie." The boys said simultaneously, Carter six and Chance four dropping their toys on the floor to run to the bathroom.

"And don't play in the sink! Wash and dry your hands, turn off the water and come straight back!" She yelled loud enough for them to hear her. "And no fighting...I mean it!"

"Okay!" They yelled back, making Bonnie smile.

Those two little precious boys may not have been her children, but she loved them like they were.

As Bonnie predicted once the boys had food in their bellies, they calmed down enough to watch the movie.

When it was over, she made them both use the bathroom before tucking them into bed in the guest room.

They were knocked out by ten o'clock.

Bonnie got busy cleaning up the mess they made of her home, not minding one bit because having them there made her feel not so alone.

Around midnight, Bonnie decided to turn in herself and took a long hot shower before getting ready for bed.

Just when she was about to lay down she received a text from Emily stating she'd spend the night as well, promising to make a big breakfast for everyone in the morning.

Bonnie knew that was Emily's way of saying she was sorry for bailing on their night.

She smile to herself, placing the phone back on the dresser

Deciding not to wait up because there was no telling when Emily would return, Bonnie went to bed.

That Sunday everyone at Temple Grove Baptist Church where in for a surprise when Damon Salvatore showed up to morning service.

It wasn't exactly hard to miss him considering he was the only white person in a sea of black faces sitting in the church pews.

Bonnie sat up in the choir section along with Emily and they whispered furiously back and forth wondering what he was doing there.

What the two young women didn't know was that Emily's father, Jonas Martin, who was the pastor of the church sought some legal advice from Damon earlier in the week and liked him so much that he invited him to Sunday service and there Damon was on time, dressed in a suit and tie.

Service got underway and things went smoothly like normal, Bonnie making it a point not to look anywhere near Damon's vicinity.

When Pastor Martin entered the pulpit, she sighed in relief because now she could focus all of attention on the message and stop worrying about Damon Salvatore sitting in the congregation staring at her.

And she knew he was staring because Emily kept whispering in her ear damn near every two seconds that he was.

It was protocol for the choir to give one last selection before the sermon, but today of all days Pastor Martin made a request wanting to hear a specific song.

"Sister Beavers, if it would be alright, I would love to hear Alabaster Box this morning. We haven't heard it in a while." He smiled at her."

Sitting at the piano, the older woman nodded her head.

Everyone who was a member of the church knew Bonnie Bennett sang that song. It was a solo performance, meaning she had to sing without the choir and she hated doing so.

But it was what Pastor wanted, so she stood up and came down from the choir section to stand up front a few feet from where Pastor Martin sat in his chair behind the pulpit.

Deacon McKee handed her the microphone and Bonnie waited for Sister Beavers to play the piano.

Closing her eyes, she took a few moments to center herself and when she opened them back up, Bonnie sang for the Lord and no one else.

Never having set foot inside of a black baptist church, Damon felt completely out of his element.

But he was there because Mr. Martin so graciously invited him, so he couldn't say no.

He had no idea that the church he was going to was Bonnie's church. Hell, he didn't even know that she even went to church let along sang in the choir.

In any case, he couldn't take his eyes off her. Especially when she started to sing.

She had a beautiful voice and as she sang people began to stand up, holding their hands up in worship.

Of course Damon didn't know that's what they were doing. All he knew was that he could no longer see Bonnie so he stood up as well.

Damon couldn't explain the strange feeling stirring up inside of him while listening to Bonnie sing, but something was happening to him.

But all too soon, the song came to an end and Bonnie gave the microphone back to Deacon McKee as the church clapped for her.

Damon watched as Jonas Martin embraced Bonnie in his arms, giving her a fatherly hug before letting her go back to her seat in the choir section.

"Everyone give her another round of applause. I tell you, every time she sings that song, it stirs my spirit!"

"Amen!" A few people in the congregation agreed aloud.

Damon wondered if that was what was happening to him. Did hearing Bonnie sing stir his spirit? He wasn't sure.

The rest of the service went on for another hour and by one thirty it was over as people began to slowly file out of the church.

Damon went up to speak to Pastor Martin, shaking his hand. "I really enjoyed the service, thank you for inviting me."

Jonas Martin smiled warmly. "You're more than welcome son..."

Emily and Bonnie tried to sneak passed them unnoticed but her father saw them. "Emily, Bonnie come here for a moment please. There's someone I want you to meet."

The girls gave each other a look, but did as they were told walking over.

"Damon, this here is my daughter Emily and her best friend Bonnie. Girls, this is Damon Salvatore. He just moved to town a couple of months ago."

Emily turned to Bonnie, giving her that look again. Both of them not sure how to proceed. Should they confess to knowing Damon already? Or pretend like they never met him?

But there was no need to sweat it because Damon took control of the situation. "It's very nice to meet you Emily."

She smiled in relief. "Likewise. Did you enjoy the service?" She asked.

"Yes I did. Very much so. Thank you."

Then he turned to Bonnie. "Hello Ms. Bennett, it's nice to see you again."

Bonnie's eyes bucked at Damon in disbelief. So he was going to stand there and pretend like he didn't know Emily, but completely throw her under the bus in front of Pastor Martin? The nerve!

"You two know each other?" The pastor asked surprised.

Before Bonnie could answer and add some context to that, Damon's spoke up. "Well, yes sir we sure do..."

Bonnie glanced at Emily with worried eyes not sure what was about to come out of Damon's mouth.

"...she fixed my car a while back. Got it running like new."

Jonas Martin beamed like a proud father as though Bonnie was his daughter too. "I'm sure it is. She's the best. Her daddy would be very proud."

Damon's eyes cut back to Bonnie but she avoid his gaze.

Just then one of the ushers interrupted them. "Pastor everyone's waiting for you to bless the food in the fellowship hall."

There was to be a second service that afternoon, so the church was providing dinner for everyone.

"Thank you Evelyn, I'm coming." Pastor Martin then turned back to his invited guest. "Damon I hope you'll stay and fellowship with us. There's some mighty fine cooks among my congregation, including these two..." Speaking of Emily and Bonnie. "Emmy made the potato salad and Bonnie made a cabbage casserole and some banana pudding."

"How could I say no to that, I would love to stay."

"Good, good, good." The pastor smiled, giving Damon a slight pat of approval on his back. "Well, if you'll excuse me now, I have to go and bless the food. I got some hungry people on my hands!" He chuckled.

Once Pastor Martin was gone, Bonnie proceeded to ignore Damon like he wasn't standing there.

She hugged Emily goodbye. "I'll see you later, I have to get going."

"Wait, what? You're leaving Bonnie?" Damon asked because the only reason why he was staying was because of her. He wanted to clear the air between them.

Acting like she didn't hear him, Bonnie turned to leave, unzipping her choir robe as she walked quickly down the isle of the church heading for the front entrance.

With just the two of them standing there, Emily looked up at Damon feeling bad for him. She knew about the kiss and how Bonnie was avoiding him at all costs.

She decided to throw him a bone and explain.

"Relax, she's not leaving because of you. She has to be somewhere at three o'clock."

Now that Bonnie was gone, Damon wanted to leave as well. But he couldn't. Not now.

"Follow me, I'll show you to the fellowship hall. You can have a quick bite to eat and then jet, saving face with my father."

Damon gave her a sheepish look. "Thanks Emily."

When they got there, Emily made Damon a plate making sure to give him some of Bonnie's cabbage casserole and banana pudding.

He ate it all.

The rest of Damon's Sunday was spent hanging with the guys at Tyler's place, drinking beer and watching baseball in his man cave. It was great because they could be as rowdy as they wanted to without disturbing Caroline and her friends who were upstairs drinking white wine and getting lowkey drunk while gossiping.

Somehow while watching the game, the conversation turned and all of a sudden they were discussing Damon's love life or rather lack thereof. And he found himself defending why he wasn't interested in Hayley.

"Come on man, you got to be kidding me...she's smoking hot though!" Tyler's other friend, Jeremy exclaimed. Matt wasn't there, he had to work.

"Look, I didn't say she wasn't. I think she's a very beautiful girl...I'm just not into her like that. Case closed." He said, wishing they'd talk about something else.

Tyler stood behind the bar, pouring himself a glass of Scot, a couple of drinks away from being plastered.

But even so, he was sober enough to know Damon wasn't into Hayley because he had his eye on Bonnie. His Bonnie.

And he needed to put a stop to it now.

So he came out from behind the bar and took his seat, pretending to watch the game.

During a commercial break, he brought the subject up again. "Look Damon, no one is saying that you have to marry her. Just take her out on a few dates and get to know her better. And maybe you'll change your mind. Hayley's a really great girl."

Damon was so over this topic of conversation and just wanted it to end already and then he suddenly thought of something.

"Tyler, didn't you say that Matt and Hayley used to date?" .

"Yeah, a few years back. But they decided they were better off as friends. Why, what does that have to do with anything?"

"Well Matt and I have become friends. Dating Hayley would be breaking the bro-code. And that's just something I don't do." It was total bullshit, but Damon was willing to say anything at that point to drop the discussion and move on to something else.

The game came back on and the men watched for a while.

During the 9th inning, Jeremy got up to use the bathroom and Tyler took the opportunity to tell Damon about he and Bonnie.

"Look, I know the real reason why you're not into Hayley is because your interested in Bonnie. Which is why I think you should know that she and I had a thing a few years back...we fucked. In fact, I was her first."

So many thoughts ran through Damon's mind as he sat there in silence, trying to digest Tyler's words.

"I didn't want to keep that from you, man because I value our friendship."

Damon lifted his beer to his mouth and drank.

Jeremy came back from the bathroom and they finished watching the game.

Damon didn't say shit for the rest of the evening, he just drank.

When the night was over before leaving Damon just had to ask what was on his mind. "So what happened between you and her...why did it end?"

The lies just flowed effortlessly from Tyler's mouth, making what he said believable.

"You know how it is with girls when they lose their virginity to a guy. They instantly fall in love and Bonnie was no different. But at the time, she was too young for me. I never should have fucked her, but she begged me to. So I did. Afterward, she became really clingy, wanting a relationship with me but I told her no and she took it pretty hard."

And then Tyler ended his tale of lies with this. "I think she's still in love with me."