Chapter One

Hey guys! This is my second story so far, and I'm really excited! This story probably will be updated much more slower than any of my other stories that I may post because I'm pretty much gonna go with the flow with this one and see how this story turns out. But anyways, I hope you enjoy it!

In a seemingly endless meadow, walking along it's grassy fields, was a lone girl. Her long, silver hair flowed with a slight breeze of the wind that felt soothing against her porcelain skin. The sun shone throughout the meadow, causing her one aqua blue eye and the other golden one to glisten as she took in the familiar scenery. She was dressed in a silk white dress that reach just above her knees, her sleeves coming down to her elbows. Resting on her back were a pair of dainty angel wings, two on each side. They appear to have a soft golden glow to them, causing her form to glow as well. Her feet were bear as she walked, the soft strands of the grass tickling against her soles.

As she continued to walk, she couldn't help but admire the plethora of daisies that graced her path. A small smile made its way onto her features as she stopped momentarily. The flowers created a patch beneath her feet as she bent down on her knees to smell the delicate flowers. She close her eyes and leaning forward, inhaling their sweet aroma, before letting out a content side. The smell was simply amazing to her, as it always was. It seemed to have banished away all her worries and fears and made her feel at ease.

She slowly opened her eyes, and looked around once more into her gaze paused at something in the distance. It appeared to be a rather large oak tree she noticed earlier, it's branches hidden among thick leaves that were sticking out every which way. As she continued to look, she couldn't make out a figure standing by the tree. The figures back was turned, not giving her the privilege of their identity. Her eyes widen slightly as she stood up from her sitting position. Could it be who she think it was? This scene wouldn't be complete without him after all, so it had to be, right? Curiosity biting away at her, she began to make her way over to them, deciding to confront them.

As she got closer, their figure became more and more defined. From where she was, she could easily tell they were a male, due to their muscular build. When she reached him, she was almost certain it was him. The height matched, just reaching to below her shoulder. A map of rowdy blonde hair rested on his head as it too, swayed slightly in the wind. He was a tired in a white button front long sleeve shirt with a few buttons undone at the top, covered by a black sleeveless vest. A pair of white pants fitted his legs, stopping at his mid calf, and ankle boots with the blacks pointing outward. Yes, it was definitely him.

He seem to have not noticed her presence as she observed him. This was the same guy that was always here. The same guy she dreamt of. The same guy she was madly in love with. It was rather strange, to love someone you didn't know anything about. She didn't know him, but at the same time she felt like she did. The feeling of remembrance whenever she saw him was a mistakable. However, whenever she try to remember, it seemed almost impossible, as if that memory with cast aside in a thick haze. But still, that didn't change the fact that she was in love with him. Deciding she wanted to see his face, she reached out a hand to gently touch his shoulder. However, her fingers didn't even graze his shirt before he turned around on his heel, facing her.

When he turned, she was met with the most mesmerizing pair of emerald green eyes she's ever seen. They were filled with merriment mischief as he looked at her with a lazy smile forming on his lips. That look always made her breathless as she let a small smile grace her lips. The feeling of remembrance grew stronger as she observed him. She could never explain the feeling, But she loved it.

Her lover let out a small chuckle at her gaze on him, the sound of sending a pleasant chill down her spine, before he took a step closer to her. Her breath hitched at the sudden change of their proximity, however she didn't move. She saw his hand reach out and touch her jaw, his hands feeling soothing over her flushed face. She hummed appreciatively as his fingers trail lightly across her jar, leaving a sensation of sparks along its trail before stopping at her chin. Her eyes never left his as he tilted her head downward to him, the mischievous glint in his orbs never wavering. He slowly moved a finger up to her soft lips, tracing over them gently, causing her to blush slightly, but nonetheless pleased by the action. She found it amazing how no words needed to be exchanged between them to show their love. Just feeling and touches. The feeling of his hands felt incredible against her, his rough skin contrast to her soft. She didn't want it to stop.

As she was caught up in her thoughts, she did not notice his unoccupied hand snaking around it behind her before pulling her close to his form, causing a surprise squeak to come from her. They were now chest to chest, she was sure he could feel her heartbeat quicken at their closeness. They were so close that she could feel his hot breath fanning against her lips. She noticed how his smile never failed as he studied her face before his eyes landed on her lips. She watched his gaze land on her lips as one thought came into mind;

Was he going to kiss her?

The anticipation made her lick her lips unconsciously. His eyes darkened slightly at the sight, watching her tongue dart across her plump lips slowly before retreating back into the cavern of her mouth. A low growl emitted from his throat, leaning forward as if trying to catch the appendage with his lips.

Her mind raced as his lips were near centimeters from hers, certain he was going to kiss her. The thought of it made her bubbly on the inside. Her body craved the touch of his lips. Deciding to give into her desires, she wrapped her arms around his neck gently and closed her eyes, leaning into the initiated kiss.

She waited for the feeling of his lips against hers, but it never came. She opened her eyes confused and found that he was gone. She looked around, a mixture of shock and surprise plastered on her face. Where did he go? She was positive he was here a second ago, or was she imagining things? No, it couldn't be that, his touch felt too real. As she continue to look, she noticed her vision becoming hazed. She squinted her eyes and stumbled backwards slightly. As her vision blurred, she could make out his figure in front of her again as she heard him mutter her name. "Elizabeth..."

That was all she heard before everything went black.