Today is the second anniversary of the Ancienverse! It's also the final day of the Ancienverse! I have so much to say, and so much to express, but I'll save that for the very end. For now, I'll allow the final chapter to do all the talking for me. Please enjoy Chapter 26!

Chapter 26

A Farewell

"The future is now, thanks to science! Full electricity on!" shouted Clemont's voice. Murmurs cascaded around the crowd that was gathered near the electrical station of Ancien City, each waiting with bated breath for the inventor to restore full power to the still broken city, many of the generators having been destroyed in the battle. Among those gathered was Serena, standing near the front of the crowd with Bonnie as a wind blew across them. With a grin to everyone that was there, Clemont pushed forward on the switch. Electricity sparked, and with a great burst of light, the whole power station lit up with little lights.

"Ooh!" Bonnie cheered out along with the rest of the crowd, clearly excited over the symbol of restoration that was now spreading throughout the city. Serena turned, as everyone else did, looking at the lights now popping up throughout the city. A cheer passed through the crowd, as if in a wave, and Serena found herself smiling as it did so. After just a single day, life was finally restored to Ancien City.

Clemont stepped away from the site of the power station, approaching both Serena and his sister with a wave and a rather embarrassed expression upon his face while he did so, rubbing at the back of his head. The action reminded Serena heavily of her husband, somewhere off doing something in helping to try and patch up the city. Not that he was alone, joined by his fellow rivals, Meyer and a number of civilians. This particular task had simply been their own job, restoring morale to the city by restoring the power. After all, it had been of top priority, only taking a little less than a day to succeed with the task. It helped that Clemont had quite the amount of experience in working with power plants, and specifically Ancien's own power grid.

That served as a bright beacon of hope for everyone there, patting him on the back and grinning. Even so, there was still a lot of work to be done.

While Clemont continued to approach, Serena cast her gaze out to the city. In less than twenty-four hours since the battle against IDEAL, the city had been an absolute flurry of activity, and their lives with it. Not that Serena had expected everything to quiet down in an instant; these sorts of things never really seemed to do that. Everyone had found their own roles, from researchers like Gary and Burnet examining the site of the final battle, where the meteonite had disappeared, to Serena leading her group of surviving Performers to passing around refreshments and lightening the mood in the city. Each and every person was focused on repairing the city to what it once was.

She let out a sigh, realizing the long road that was still ahead of them. The stadium had been almost completely demolished, with at least half of it gone. The hotel, thankfully, still stood, and workers with their Pokémon were definitely hard at work repairing it, thanks to the string from Vikavolt being as tough as ever. The Champions and researchers were certainly using it as a space to coordinate all the construction and relief efforts around the city, even while it was being patched up. All too keenly, Serena was reminded of their last battle here, all those years ago. This latest one had been far more devastating to the city and trainers that had fought as a part of it, but there was still a silver lining amidst that sizeable cloud.

"Whew, that took less time than expected," Clemont stated, finally reaching the two of them. Bonnie reached out and thumped Clemont on the back, all while Dedenne ran up her arm to nuzzle the inventor. Before the Antenna Pokémon's shocks could spark out, Bonnie grabbed him back and held him close. In her bag, Squishy burbled, but continued sleeping. The three began walking away from the power station, while those surrounding them also broke away, clearly invigorated to get some more repair work done before the evening. Serena still couldn't believe that everything had taken place such a short time ago. They hadn't even had time to get themselves or their Pokémon checked out! After all, Brock and all of the Nurse Joys there were too busy with the major glut of Pokémon injured through the battle.

Then, there seemed to be other things to deal with on a far less physical level than the collapsing city.

"Let's head back to the hotel," Clemont pointed out, wiping some sweat from his brow. "Get some lunch before I meet up with Korrina."

"Clemont, I don't need to know about the two of you making kissy faces, okay? Just get married. Tomorrow would be good," Bonnie insisted, throwing her hands behind her head with a rather large grin. Everything seemed lighter to Serena, beginning to skip a bit. Clemont flushed at the implication and began to stammer.

"Bonnie! We are engaged! I'm not about to marry Korrina tomorrow! These things take planning, and with everything we have to do…" Something seemed to strike into Clemont's head, and he whirled on his sister with a rather incredulous expression. "What do you mean you don't want to know? ! You've done nothing but try to find out every little bit of me and Korrina's relationship these past nine years!"

"Not interested anymore," Bonnie responded with a shrug and a disinterested look. Serena quirked an eyebrow, soon assuming a rather sly expression.

"Maybe it's because you have some of your own romance in your life now," Serena teased the lemon blonde. Bonnie skipped a bit ahead, Squishy bouncing about in her bag, until she stopped to face them, pulling her eye down with her tongue out.

"If you're thinking me and Max, you're totally wrong! We're just here to kick his butt!" Bonnie indicated, tossing her fist into the air. Serena shook her head at that, sharing a rather knowing grin with Clemont. "Speaking of, I'm going to go find him. Nothing like a battle to get people excited!"

"Denene!" Dedenne agreed. Before Clemont could even call to his sister, Bonnie had twirled right around and dashed down the street happily as Rotom seemed to taunt her from her bag, the girl merely skipping away as she nearly knocked into Paul and his Electivire. They scowled in her direction, carrying heavy stacks of wood, but otherwise did nothing to chastise her. Clemont sighed out, a very clear chuckle on his lips.

"I'm glad she's okay," he confessed as the two began walking back along towards the hotel. "To be able to be happy is great, especially with all the things she's seen."

"Mm," Serena vocalized in agreement. She raised her hand to a group of nearby citizens that were cementing the bricks of a nearby building. They waved back, smiles coming to their faces. "It is rather nice to finally have some peace again after all the fighting, and if my father's theory is right, then it should be long lasting…well, I hope."

"That's all we can do, right?" Clemont asked. To that, Serena let out a small giggle and nodded. It was what they had always been about: fighting to hold on to hope. Ash had displayed that quite clearly against Deirdre, and at long last, she was able to find her hope, if just for a small moment, giving it to Alastair. That thought made Serena stop in her steps, musing on where the man had disappeared to; if he had clung to her hope, or had gone and found his own. Clemont hardly noticed, and by the time she picked up her steps once more, the blond was speaking once again. "We fought for hope, so that the next generation can have that hope."

"The next generation, huh?" Serena commented, continuing to smile. Clemont looked at her, as though confused. She just reached out and, like her husband, slung her arm around him. "I know that won't be a problem. We may have lost people, but each one instilled hope in the person next to them, I know it. Their own will and hope will be carried on. So, right now, let's just enjoy the peace."

"Yes!" Clemont stated enthusiastically, pumping his fists with excitement. To that, Serena laughed, the duo turning down a side street that fed into the main road, right for the hotel that was still being worked on. Serena knew that it would take time to repair, as with everything else, but in time, everything would be all right again. She supposed that was how it was with everything. Seeing all of the civilians, each having survived, helped her know that with every breath. Clemont was soon speaking again. "Speaking of peace, I hear the doctors have finally lightened enough of their load to see some of us…"

"Surprising, considering everything we went through. Not that I want to sound selfish," Serena admitted. She could still feel all the cuts and bruises on her body, temporarily patched with light bandages and antiseptics. Clemont shook his head, however, as though he didn't quite think it was selfish at all. The sound of beating rotors was heard overhead, as well as the sound of a streaking jet plane, and Serena looked up. A fleet of helicopters was passing over the city, some containing supplies, ranging from food to construction materials, while one looked like a news helicopter, recording on the events below. Latias was with them all, carrying her own materials while Ash was directing her. It certainly answered the question of just where he was.

From up above, despite the fact that she must have appeared to be a pinprick, he apparently saw her, raising a hand and waving at Serena from atop Latias, while Charizard roared past him with his other fliers. She waved back at him and nodded, like an agreement they'd talk later. They hadn't had much time since the conclusion of the battle, and she wanted to take care of some things before then, in any case. Clemont was once more speaking as they were arriving at the hotel, seeing that its lobby, despite having taken the heavy damage from the battle, was packed with plenty of officials.

"You should make sure to get yourself checked out right away. I know I am," Clemont admitted, as they came inside. Any other words that he would have wanted to say were immediately interrupted by the great blonde blur streaking for his side and hugging him.

"Nice one, Clemont! Lights are back on!" Korrina shouted, leaning in to kiss him before he could even protest how in public they were. Serena shook her head and laughed, heading towards the back of the lobby. Off to the side, away from some of the still falling rubble of the ceiling, all of the remaining Champions were stationed, along with some others like Hau and Kahili, both patched up from the fight they had waged.

"Did you get checked on, Korrina?" Clemont asked, like he was in a worried state. Serena knew he had nothing to worry about, which Korrina began to confirm as the Performer walked away, towards the back, where Brock was speaking with Aria. The former Kalos Queen seemed to see her and turned, smiling.

"Serena, I see Clemont managed to restore electricity," the pinkette said brightly. Brock took a look to Serena for a moment, emitting a soft smile before turning away, like he was telling her to join him in the back anytime. "That should brighten up the place in more ways than one."

"Yes, though I don't think anyone's been having a problem," Serena told her. Aria acknowledged that with a graceful nod. The honey blonde looked away for a moment, over towards the collected group of Champions. It must have hurt them to lose one of their own the way they had, and it was clear that it was going to take time to rebuild the League, even if the rumors over the last day revealed some of their intentions. Either way, Serena knew, the battle being won ended up being worth it; no doubt the fallen would have agreed. "Are you doing well?"

"Well enough," Aria admitted, tapping at her chin. Serena considered her a moment before Aria turned away, as if allowing her access to the room that Brock had gone into. "I think we'll have lots to talk about in the coming weeks, but why don't you make sure everything's okay first. We'll talk after that, okay?"

"Sounds good to me. Wanna meet back here in the lobby?" Serena questioned. Aria nodded, and took a look around the space before moving to join with the meeting Champions. Serena turned and went towards the backroom. Soon as she entered there, her Pokémon emerged from their pokeballs, catching clear sight of Brock and approaching him for their own checkups, Braixen more than any of them. Serena, meanwhile, moved on towards the familiar Nurse Joy from the Hub, waving her over.

As she entered the room, laying down on the makeshift cot that was set up there, the television seemed to come on, showing the currently live news report on the screen. She was so engrossed by what was taking place on the screen, that her body moved on instinct to allow the Nurse Joy there to check over her.

"Electricity has been fully restored to Ancien City!" Malva's image said with a cheery smile. She looked tired, as though she'd been running through reports and newscasters all day. That, combined with her own role in battling across the city, was no doubt the reason for her clear and present state of exhaustion. "After a twenty-four-hour relief effort, we have confirmed sightings of the electricity restored to the city. Much damage still remains, but with coordination from the League and Aether Foundation, Mayor Chrissy expects to have the city up and functioning fully by the end of the week."

"Ancien City suffered yet another major blow," the mayor spoke, adjusting her glasses as she seemed to speak to a slew of reporters from earlier in the day. "Like the Debacle nine years ago, our city has been devastated by the battle that took place here. With the stadium halfway destroyed and the Ancien Grand in need of major repairs, it will take time before our city is whole again." Here, Chrissy seemed to pause, breathing out, but wearing a smile on her face.

"However, our citizens are safe, thanks to the great efforts of those who fought here. Ancien Castle suffered minimal damage, and is being used as a temporary housing until things will be patched up. I am sure with the efforts of the trainers that are here, and the assistance of those big organizations, we will be able to move people back into the city proper by the end of the week. It is with great thanks that I bow my head in reverence for them. Without all of your efforts, Ancien City and its people would not have survived. Therefore, thank you!"

The image quickly shifted away from the mayor's press conference and back to a rather solemn Malva, adjusting some papers on her desk. "In related news, the League has announced that in light of what occurred within the battle, there will be no televised celebration or ceremony. Champions Lance and Steven have gone on record saying that their focus needs to be less on awarding medals and instead on grieving for the fallen, while building for the future. They plan to announce who will replace Diantha, as Kalos Champion, following her funeral, along with the funeral of all the others that died, which will take place tomorrow evening.

"In the meantime, other relief efforts…"

"Serena," Nurse Joy called, bringing her back out of her fixation with the television and facing the pinkette. She turned a screen towards her, and Serena looked at the readout upon it, giving out a major sigh of relief. "Everything seems to be fine. Just need to give your scars time to heal."

"Oh, good…" Serena breathed out, reaching up to her chest and clasping at her ribbon. She had started to worry after everything, but it seemed that things had turned out okay. At that exact moment, Brock finished with her Pokémon, as well, all of them coming to join her. As a team, they all moved to exit the room, with Brock escorting them out. She stopped before exiting to the lobby, patting Sandshrew and Pancham on their heads. "Thanks, Brock. I appreciate you making sure they're all okay."

"It's just fine. So, when are you going to tell him?" Brock asked, leaning against the doorframe with a bit of a smirk. Serena swallowed, realizing that he had figured it out. "It's none of my business, but I was just wondering."

"Tomorrow, I think," Serena answered, running her hands down her skirt, smoothing out the folds. She smiled to Brock. "I wanted to tell him after the Champion Tournament, but things happened, you know. In the meantime, I think you need to tell Aria if you want to take it seriously. She's quite smitten with you."

"Wha-?" Brock stammered and spluttered, as though he hadn't quite expected that to be said. She offered him a wink, and Serena turned right around to aim for Aria, sitting at a couch in the lobby. To Serena's surprise, most of those sorts of comforts were still available…or at least those that hadn't been destroyed in the Hyper Beam blast. Ho-oh's power might have restored the world, but like Jirachi before it, it hadn't healed everything.

As Serena walked over to the couches, she could see that Aria wasn't alone in the slightest. In fact, it seemed that while she was checking in, the pinkette had clearly called on a number of Performers and many others that were now seated around the area, some pulling up chairs, or just makeshift versions of ones. From Shauna to Miette seated closest, and then to Maka and Keoni, both sitting a little closer together than Serena would have thought, their hands almost intertwined. Lillie was also there, stroking Komala's fur with a content smile on her lips. Off by the windows of the hotel, washing them down or fixing them (she wasn't sure which), was Team Rocket, Jessie clearly keeping one ear on the conversation in the first place. Before Serena reached the site, she looked to the side and noticed Aston hobbling over towards the Champion's table. He paused and she looked at him.

"You've taken quite the step," he said with a toothy grin, as he leaned upon his cane. Serena watched him for a second and then smiled right back, choosing to correct him.

"Not at all. We've all taken a step towards the future, together."

"Ha! So true!" Aston barked out in response to her correction. He straightened his back a little bit, trying to appear as the regal mayor he once was, and Serena knew he was still. "This is the second time you've done so much for this city, Serena. Can't say I'm not grateful. You've grown into a fine, young woman. I should have known you'd become someone this current generation could rely upon from the moment we met on the riverbank."

"I'm still surprised you can remember that," Serena admitted with a laugh. Aston grinned at her in a more teasing manner, taking his weight off his cane for a moment.

"I'm not so old yet, that I'd forget things like that!"

"Sorry, sorry," Serena laughed out, and he joined right in, even if some coughs were laced in amongst those chuckles. "But still, Mayor Aston, it's not about my generation anymore. We just have to set an example for the next one, now!"

He seemed a little taken aback by that, but quickly agreed with the sentiment, nodding. Serena flashed him one more smile, and then continued onwards for the group of young women gathered at the couches. Now that she was even closer, Serena saw there were a lot more there, including Emmy and some others of the newer Performers. Serena, however, made sure to take a seat near Aria, eyes twinkling as she looked to her friends. Miette quirked an eyebrow but said nothing, flicking her gaze outside, as though looking for Sawyer, or something like that. Finally, Aria leaned forward and began to speak the words that Serena knew were coming.

"Well, it looks like Ancien City is on the road to recovery," Aria spoke, everyone riveted upon her words. Serena tapped her foot a bit, causing Shauna to look at her, though the honey blonde didn't speak a word. "And, from everything that's said, the whole world is moving towards that state of recovery, as well, but there's still a lot to be done."

"You can say that again," Miette murmured out sardonically. A cascade of agreements followed. Aria looked to Serena, and she picked up the thread of conversation; it was something mentioned only in passing to Aria earlier in the day, but now that Ancien City was further along than it had been, she decided it was time to move forward on it. She, herself, had been stirring on the thought for far too long. Looking across to Emmy and her friends that were there, each showing the kind of exuberance and dedication that a Performer needed, light smiles adorning their faces, Serena knew it was the right choice.

"A lot of places were hurt," Serena spoke, "and a lot of people. The battle is over, and the world might be healing, according to the scientists, but there are still scars. Organizations like Aether may be working to restore those places and their Pokémon populations to what they once were, but it's going to be a long road ahead, and as Performers…no, as candidates for the role of Kalos Queen, or an Ali'i ka Leilani, we have to support them on that road."

"What are you asking for?" Keoni questioned. Maka leaned forward, placing her head upon the palm of her hand while she considered Serena. Jessie had drawn closer, too. "Like, volunteer aid work or…?"

"Knowing Serena, it'll be something interesting," Maka stated, grinning across at her. Serena stood at that, her body growing restless.

"Times are changing," Serena elaborated, now having everyone's eyes drawn to her while she paced back and forth. "The League is about to have its first major shakeup in eight years, and I'm sure with who and what IDEAL was, they'll be considering other roads for the future; roads that I'm sure Ash, Clemont and others like Paul and Alain will help guide them down. But that doesn't mean we can lose sight of everyone else in the coming peace."

"Peace?" Emmy asked, her body language suggesting that she was rather apprehensive. It was almost like, after being shocked by what had occurred, she didn't think there could be peace. "Do…do you really think that's what we'll have?"

"I can't imagine otherwise," Lillie stated, her voice raising higher. Serena looked to the young woman, who finished stroking Komala and stood, smoothing out her own skirt now. "We fought for peace, after all. Everything that was making the world sick is gone, too. At least, that's what Burnet said. Maybe it'll be a long road before it seems like we've actually achieved peace, but it's out there, waiting for us."

"We just have to work hard to grab for it," Serena insisted. That seemed to relax Emmy, and her other contemporary Performers, who nodded. "I want the Kalos Queen, the Ali'i ka Leilani, all those things in between…I want us to be about more than just the individual regions we live in. I want it to be about the entire world. Every region, and even any that we still don't know about which might lie beyond. One step at a time, one smile at a time…we can fix the rifts that Deirdre and the rest of IDEAL exposed. It's what we've been trying to do, but maybe weren't aware of its necessity.

"I know, the thought of doing that is scary, plunging into the unknown, but by doing that, we're able to find ourselves and move towards the future together."

None of the girls said anything, while Jessie seemed to scoff at the notion, but the smile on her lips said it all. Serena waited, twisting around in her spot to observe each and every individual that was there, listening to her. Miette smirked at her, clearly already okay with it, while Shauna nodded. Aria smiled. Maka flew to her feet, dragging Keoni with her and pumping her fists with excitement, as though it was a new challenge they'd been presented with. Even though some weren't there, like Dawn and May, Serena knew that they'd be accepting her suggestion once they'd hear it.

"So, what's the plan?" Miette finally asked, folding her arms with that same smirk.

"I want us to go forward and help in different things. Dancing and performing is nice, but we can only do it so much. Sometimes, you need to give hope in other ways; whether it be an encouragement of someone's dreams, or finding different roads, or even helping someone to stand again. I, myself, want to help build the League into something even better for all the people out there that have slipped through the cracks, alongside Ash."

"Sounds like someone wants to be with their husband," Miette continued on, herself, wiggling her eyebrows. Her smirk seemed to become knowing, and though Serena's face flushed, she didn't offer her the satisfaction of indicating anything in particular. "Hey, I'm game for it. I've been thinking of doing something when it comes to baking…Not gonna be able to dance forever, but making sweets and pokepuffs…I could do that."

"I could help with that," Shauna suggested.

"Well, I've got no problem! Film number two is on its way," Maka stated, throwing up a peace sign with a grin. "Keoni's even thought of holding a big film festival at Po Town, but maybe we could expand it elsewhere."

"Just a thought," Keoni admitted, looking a little embarrassed that he had even suggested it in the first place. Maka seemed to reassure him of this path by squeezing his hand comfortably and leaning over to land a quick kiss on his cheek. He looked to her with rolled eyes at her cheeky grin, but said nothing. Serena breathed out, glad that her suggestion seemed to have been received so well. Other different ideas sprouted up among the younger ones, talking of going to a new region, trying a different profession, or even Emmy mentioning her friend Brian and helping to promote friendly tournaments that weren't League sponsored.

Last, but not least, Serena looked to Lillie, who was smiling with all of the suggestions given.

"I think I'm going to join Professor Burnet," Lillie stated upon the attention turning to her. Serena tilted her head, listening to her reasons for what she'd chosen. The blonde strode forward a bit, approaching Serena, and she could see the years of traveling and wisdom that she'd accumulated in her eyes. Years later, the young woman had grown strong. They all had. Now, they were going separate ways once more, yet still taking that vital step forward as one. "She and Gary have been looking over the site of the Alpha and the Omega at the stadium, and they've come to some conclusions.

"They think that because of IDEAL, ties to the other universes may have become established once more, but they're not sure, exactly. That's why, I want to go with them and see," Lillie admitted. She already seemed to be holding on to her bag across her shoulders, and she straightened the straps there. "Maybe, we'll even be able to see Nebby again, and show him the world we've managed to build. I think he'd like that, right, Komala?"

"Komaaaaa…" Komala yawned in agreement.

"I think that sounds like a wonderful idea," Serena admitted, stepping forward to take Lillie into a hug. "Healing is better, after all, and I think it's time we do that together."

"Then we're in agreement?" Aria asked, leading all of the rest of the girls in coming to stand together. Serena placed her hand out, followed by Aria and Lillie together. It didn't take long for the rest of the girls to put their own hands in. "It would appear we Performers will be quite busy in the weeks and months to come, but until we split apart, let's make Ancien City come to life again."

"And always remember," Serena stated, looking to all of them with her usual beaming smile, "we may be going separate ways, doing separate things, but we are always inseparable. This is what we're doing for the future, and the generation that will come after us, to inspire all of them the same way we were inspired. So, no matter what, let's take that step forward into the future together!"

"YES!" they all cheered gleefully. Serena exhaled, and their hands threw themselves up into the air, clasping in fists. Once they had, their whole group separated, with Aria moving towards the Champions' table in order to no doubt deliver their decision regarding the whole idea. Serena breathed in, but her thoughts were quickly interrupted by an all too snappish voice near her.

"Well, looks like you've got everything all figured out, don't you, twerpette?" Jessie called over. When Serena looked at her, she could see the magenta-haired woman leaning against a broken pillar in the lobby. James and Meowth had halted in their window cleaning, watching her with care and trepidation in equal measure. She sighed heavily. "We walk out of a battle, and you're already working towards something."

"You're not?" Serena asked, stepping forward and placing her hands behind her back. Her former rival looked at her, lips twisting as she seemed to try and come up with an answer, but failed. Serena just gave her own low chuckle, and continued walking forward. "Well, you'll find it, Jessie. I'd expect nothing less of my top rival, you know. Just find what you want to do. I know James and Meowth will stay by your side."

"Of course they will," Jessie scoffed out. She finally reached her hand up to her head and rubbed it back and forth rapidly. Both James and his feline companion were now staring at one another, blinking, but with smiles on their faces. "I know wherever we go, we'll be just fine, since we've got skills that not even you twerps can match!"

"That's the spirit!" Serena called out, turning right around to face Jessie and extend her hand. The vain woman stared at it a moment, as if wondering why it was being offered in the first place. "I look forward to whatever you choose."

"Tch, of course you do," Jessie responded, but she reached forward to take Serena's hand anyway, pulling her close the second they had clasped together. "But don't you worry, twerpette, we're not going anywhere."

"Ain't dat da truth," Meowth finally spoke up, approaching now with James, their window cleaning supplies slung over their shoulders. Serena looked to them. "Jess may not know what she's doin', and tinkin' about it is real scary, I have ta admit."

"Team Rocket's gone, and now there's really no more use for us in ARC, either," James pointed out with a sigh. He seemed to puff his breath upwards, looking like he was lost in confusion for a moment, before lowering his gaze down with a grin. "But no problems, twerpette! Our own kind of Team Rocket is tougher than letting a little loss of direction get us down!"

"Yeah, Jess gets us lost at least twice a week," Meowth pointed out, only to have his face kicked in by Jessie. That led to the feline leaping forward on to Jessie's face, and beginning to scratch at it. Jessie let go of Serena's hand and the two began tumbling around, knocking into Wobbuffet (who'd popped out of his pokeball), while James sighed.

"Well, at least you have each other," Serena admitted. James folded his arms and nodded sharply.

"That we do, twerpette!" James admitted, giving off a nervous chuckle. Jessie looked up from the middle of her brawl and seemed to smirk. That gave Serena hope for the trio's future together. "And who knows? Perhaps I'll give that ol' League a good one-two with my Pokémon true!"

"Maybe we should drop da rhymin', Jimmy…" Meowth admitted. James nodded, like it made sense, while Jessie punted the feline away and made to stand, smoothing her clothes out while she pointed a finger at Serena in challenge.

"Well, whatever we decide, twerpette, you and me remain rivals! I need someone like you to continue helping me look beautiful in comparison!" Jessie declared. Serena laughed, and raised a hand to her, acknowledging the receipt of her rival's declaration. It was a reminder of the fact they'd always be intertwined, no matter what the future held. Whether, in time, Jessie would become an even greater Performer, someone for hire, or even just starting a family of her own. Whether James would go on to battle or work for the League, or if Meowth would start up a noodle shop of his own in support of the two. None of that mattered, because Serena knew that all three would be right there, each side pushing them and others towards the future they had worked for together.

Knowing that, Serena adorned herself with a smile, and began to walk back out for the streets of Ancien City. At long last, all of those wounds that had been caused by Michael's actions over the years had begun to heal. Reeree's dream of a better world was finally bearing fruit, no doubt her own pain finally healing itself, all of it being washed away wherever she rested. And healing is better.

Serena then stepped out of the Ancien Grand, and into the city proper, leaving the past behind and striding for the future with a grin upon her face.

The night sky was clear, stars glittering up above. Other lights, like little yellow dots, peppered the city, surrounding the broken stadium. Near to that crumbled structure stood a wave of civilians and trainers, wending their way through the city like a sea of people. However, the one thing they seemed to make room for were the people moving down the streets, particularly the main road, each carrying a body of the fallen. And there were many, though perhaps not unbearable, no matter the severity that each one represented.

Ash, himself, remained in a solemn mood, clutching tightly to the casket that contained Diantha's body, his faithful partner in Pikachu resting quietly on his shoulder. Hauling it alongside him were Steven, Lance and Alder, each looking appropriately silent and grieving. Behind them, Seamus, Guzma, Gladion and Christopher were bearing the casket that held Merry's own body. Though no one said a thing, Ash also knew that many others were following in a long procession to mark those who had fallen in the battle just two days ago.

It still didn't seem real to Ash, he could admit. After spending so much time trying to patch the city up, working to restore it, he hadn't had the time nor energy to think about those that had died in the battle for their world. Knowing that he was now carrying Diantha's body forward, it felt like a frightening ushering in of a new era that would be full of peace, yes, but also of uncertainty. That alone made his mind draw in, finally free to think of their procession and the inexorable future that was almost beginning to frighten him.

Every step closer to the stadium, Ash had to wonder if that was what had frightened Deirdre the most, causing her to give her future to Alastair: she was so scared of what a future without her rage would bring, that she cast it all aside. Ash breathed out a shuddering breath, continuing to walk. As he did, people moved closer, as though they wanted to say their own fond farewells to the Champion that had worked so tirelessly to change the League. Some, such as those that were older, appeared to be crying, while the younger trainers, those that had never faced death, could only stand in shock, clutching to their Pokémon.

Ash and his fellow pallbearers continued on, holding Diantha aloft. There were no flashing lights, no reporters; nothing but those who had fought in the battle, and those whom Diantha had given her life to protect. Even now, Ash could remember her words: The future is yours now. It was a daunting task she had put before him, one that Ash hadn't given much thought to in the frenzy of repairs. Yet, thinking about it now, and what she had entrusted to him, Ash enabled himself to stand a little straighter, a little taller, and continue on without a tear to his eyes.

Instead, he held himself with the grace that Diantha would have exuded from herself, had she still been here. He faced forward, his eyes scanning along the crowd. There, he could see many other familiar faces, bowing their heads in reverence, like Bonnie, Max and Lillie. Joined with them were those like Astrid, who stood next to Y, Kahili, and Acerola. The latter two seemed to be holding their own tears in (Kahili better than Acerola), and Ash had to wonder if his sister was actually mourning the one without a body. Nanu wouldn't have wanted to be a part of the ceremony, anyway. Then, near the front of the crowd, towards the steps that led up to the stadium, were Serena, Aria, and Aston. His wife shot him an encouraging smile, sad though it looked.

Ash nodded to her, and continued on. His foot came forward, planting itself on the makeshift wooden steps that had been constructed for the funeral and the construction efforts. He and the three Champions continued onward slowly, leading the way, and as they did so, some of the crowd began to fully follow them inward. The procession continued on silently, until finally, they reached the top of the steps, passing through the ruined lobby and into the broken stadium. Right in the center of the arena, some of the floor surfaced over for the funerals, they placed her casket down, and Ash took a look.

She seemed so peaceful, the once elegant actress now being laid to rest. Her smile was still upon her face, her grayed hair softly shimmering in the open casket. Clasped in her hands was a rose, and draped around her body was her elegant style of dress. Next to her, Gardevoir's own casket was placed, looking just as graceful as her fallen trainer. Ash reached over, his hand hovering over Diantha's own, before he touched it, as if promising to build on the future that she'd begun. Pikachu bowed his head in reverence. Ash soon began to turn away, only briefly catching sight of Steven leaning over the woman's body.

More caskets had now filled the arena as some made their way towards what was left of the stands. Serena was by one of the other caskets, hands clasped near a young Performer that couldn't contain her tears. Ash's hand ghosted against her back a moment as he moved to join Seamus over Merle, standing with the others that had borne her there. He remained silent for a moment, and Ash watched Guzma bowing his head, Plumeria joining him. They only stayed a moment before leaving to pay respects to their fallen brothers and sisters. Gladion, too, remained for only a second before going after them. Christopher remained, soon joined by Bethany.

Finally, Seamus spoke, his voice gravelly from disuse. No one but Ash and the other two heard him. "Merry…she was…she was like my shot at a second life, I always felt.

"Standing here, in the place where I showed the worst of myself," Seamus continued, reaching up with a sleeve to wipe his tears away, "I thought I had changed…wanted to believe it, after all of these long years. But Deirdre, it was like she reminded me of those worst times, because of Travis. I had spent years promising myself I would never let another Travis exist, but…I still needed you…still needed others to save me. Merry shouldn't have had to give her life. Not for me."

"But she chose you," Ash spoke, softly. Seamus looked over, slightly taken aback by the statement. Ash turned to him, reaching out and taking his friend's shoulders. "No matter what you think you were, Merle thought your life was worth saving at the cost of her own. She…she believed in the future that you could build, regardless of her. Don't ever discount that, Seamus."

"But…she…Merry was…" Seamus reached up, gripping at his head with pain, but Ash stepped forward and pulled the man into a hug. From beyond, Ash could see a rather solemn Aidan approaching, his repaired glasses back on his face as he strode away from the fallen form of Derek. Seamus almost seemed to be sobbing, but containing his grief that he hadn't yet seemed to be able to process. "She was my friend…I…I loved her…and…she was the last thing I had to…to remind me of Dalton, and of…of her…"

"I know," Ash spoke. Pikachu, who had been silent up until now, padded forward and put his paw upon Seamus' face. "But Dalton isn't gone, just like Travis wasn't. They may have affected us in ways we didn't want, but they're there, and it's that example that will push us into the future that, well, at least Dalton wanted to build. No more despair."

Seamus choked out a sob, even as the others all walked around to visit with those that would be passing on. Many moved into the stands, but Ash remained there, holding his friend as Aidan stopped close by. Seamus' father stayed there a moment, and then slowly reached his hand out, touching tentatively to his son's back. Seamus jerked a little, and gripped into Ash's jacket before pulling away. "I'm sorry…I'm a mess…"

"No…you're human," Aidan said, his own voice filled with the grief and sadness that smoldered inside of him. Ash could only imagine; the weight of ARC's destruction, and Lionel's death, must have remained deep within. Seamus looked up towards his father, their eyes meeting. For the first time since Ash had known either of them, he finally felt like they were father and son. "We've both lost someone precious to us, and have nothing remaining. You lost Merle, and I lost…everyone. But…we're still alive. We're still living, Seamus, and as long as we do, we have a duty to carry on that will and build something they would be proud of."

"I know that," Seamus admitted, and for a moment, Ash wondered if he'd return to his standoffish ways with his father, but the exhale he put out moments later proved that wrong. "I always thought I was working towards that all these years, moving forward, together with Merry. Now that she's gone, though, I wonder if I can really do this, myself."

"But you're not alone, dumbass," Bethany stated. Seamus blinked, looking over at the married couple that was now addressing him. "We told you from the day you got that crazy idea in your head for a school that we'd be with you every step of the way."

"Hasn't changed," Christopher agreed. "Seamus, your school gave us all hope. When we were at a loss, it gave us something to work for. A lot of students look up to you, and one day, Thea will grow up to be a strong, young woman that will learn from you and us. Then, she'll inspire the next generation, on and on and on. So, don't think that just because she's gone that you're ever alone. We still have a lot to live up to. Both she and Rocky would want us to."

Ash raised an eyebrow, almost surprised, not at what had been spoken, but rather how much of it had been. Finally, Seamus began to chuckle. "All right, all right! Thank you. I know you're serious when you talk that much, Chris. I get it."

"Seems you have a couple vacancies, though," Aidan spoke up. The man reached towards his face, adjusting his glasses a bit. Ash brought a light smile to his lips, even surrounded by death. "If…well, if you don't mind, I'm looking for a position…something to do. Is your mother around?"

"Sometimes…Though with all this meteorite business sorted out, there's no doubt she won't be away as often. Once we rebuild Nova Town, at least." Seamus spoke out suspiciously. "But what about ARC?"

"ARC…" Aidan sighed outwards, and that same hand from earlier reached behind his head to rub at it swiftly. "Jack, Lionel and I founded it to pursue our passion, and eventually to combat everything that Michael had done to this world. That's over now, and they're gone. I'm all that remains of that broken relic.

"ARC is being disbanded, for good this time. I hear tell that Alpha Squad is already being recruited by the League, but that's a part of me now long gone."

Seamus considered his father a moment, watching him as he listened to his words. Then, the blond stepped forward and hugged his father. They may have both been adults, but that connection between them was finally bridged, allowing them a wider path of possibilities. It brought to mind Ash's own father, and his smile widened; everything that Jack had sacrificed himself for nine years ago had finally fulfilled its purpose. "All right, dad, you've got the job. You start work as soon as we all get back to Nova Town. But you sure as hell better believe it that you've got a lot of explaining to do to mom."

"I'm quite aware of that," Aidan replied, and finally the two pulled back. Father and son were finally a family again, and it warmed Ash's heart to see. At least one member of ARC could go after their happy ending, and no one deserved it more than Seamus, who had worked harder and more constantly than anyone Ash knew to get to where he was today.

Finally pleased with Seamus' state, Ash turned away, walking towards the edge of the stands where all of his other friends and wife were gathered. At the edge stood Kahili, wistfully looking out over the gathered caskets. Ash stopped near her.

"Everything all right?" he asked solemnly, his voice quiet under the bereaved murmurs. Kahili didn't answer right away, brushing hair out of her eyes before turning. Ash noticed the grim smile.

"He really was a crazy old man, wasn't he?" she asked. Her voice carried an edge, yet Ash could hear the pride mingled in. "The world is for the people…"

Ash chuckled dully. "He always did like to pretend that he didn't care."

"Yeah, he did," Kahili joined in with her own dry chuckles. "Mm…puts my role as a member of the Elite Four into perspective. I've got a lot to live up to, now that that crazy old bastard is gone. Gotta be better, and help others a lot more, you know?"

"Just stop by for a dinner," Ash said, nodding in agreement with Kahili's assertions. The golfer smirked again, moving past Nanu's death easier than Acerola, who smiled, but hung her head low. Kahili reached over, taking Ash in a headlock and giving him a noogie.

"You know I will. We haven't sparred in a while. I need to make sure my little brother is still doing things right." She continued for a moment, but Ash eventually swatted her away, muttering that he hated it when she called him that, yet smiling nonetheless. They stared at each other a moment longer, and then reached their fists forward to bump against one another; it was their own promise to move forward towards the future Nanu helped to build.

Their unspoken exchange ending, Ash turned away to head further into what remained of the stands, aiming for his wife there. He quickly saw that Serena wasn't alone, with her father standing next to her as the two were engaged in conversation. The closer that he drew, the clearer the content of their conversation became. Serena was the one currently speaking. "So, you'll be going away again?"

"Short term, I hope," Y admitted, hands shoved in his pockets. "Of course, I plan to visit your mother before I do so. Don't want another leave of absence like before the Day of Stars to happen again, after all. But…well, there are still things that I think need doing in the wake of my counterpart's actions."

"Alastair, you mean," Serena confirmed. Her father didn't answer right away, but it may as well have been a confession regarding his true intention for his departure from his family once again. Now that Ash really thought about it, he knew an awful lot of fathers that tended to take off and leave their children behind. Meyer had been about the only one that was different, currently drawing his children and soon to be daughter-in-law close to him with loving care.

"That man is the sole remaining link of IDEAL," Y spoke, breathing out loudly as he did so. "I honestly couldn't say what he'll do in the future, even if I doubt it would be anything harmful, but he has quite a bit to answer for, no? Besides…I want to see the path he chose, and, perhaps, we can draw closer to the mysteries of this world if we work together. I have a friend who might help me find him quickly, so that's a plus. Probably find him and his Swampert in a diner somewhere, gorging food but never gaining weight. No better ally, though, ha ha. In any case, once I've found Alastair, I plan to return and work closely with Professor Burnet. If there is, indeed, a way to connect to other worlds or learn the mysteries of our own in relation to the Legendary Pokémon, then imagine what kind of world we can build."

"It's definitely something, right, Pikachu?" Ash asked of his partner, finally intruding upon their conversation. Serena smiled to him, while Y just grinned, rubbing the back of his head like Aidan before him. There was light chuckle there as Pikachu responded.

"Pi!" Having his partner's own enthusiasm, Ash grinned at his father-in-law. Serena seemed to roll her eyes, and almost everyone who could was nearly done packing themselves into the stands. He even caught sight of some of his Pokémon beyond, just watching. Ash's wife turned to her father, a glint in her eyes.

"Just…please be back within the year, dad," Serena asked of him. Ash and Pikachu tilted their heads, unclear as to why she was requesting him to return within a specific timeframe. Y looked at his daughter a moment, as if in contemplation and then realization, but eventually nodded. Turning away from the married couple, Ash could see a very giddy grin stretching his face. It made no sense to Ash, who took Serena's hand and faced the stadium, all the caskets now arrived as the lights that remained there began to dim.

After a moment of hushed silence settled down across the crowd, Cynthia's voice began to speak, and all of them listened raptly.

"Today, we stand here in remembrance of the dead," the Sinnoh Champion spoke with just as much dignity as her fallen comrade. "Those who gave their lives to protect our world deserve our respect, our tears, and our words. Because of them, we were able to secure tomorrow, and the next day, and on and on until we entrust the world to the next generation. It is them that we celebrate this night: not for their deaths, but for the way they lived.

"So, please, cry your tears of mourning and grieving for them. But also, please remember them for who they were, and what they did to safeguard what we now hold dear. When your tears dry, stand up and move forward. Celebrate the life you've been given. Bid farewell to the past you, and strive for what they did. Honor them with that every waking moment." Cynthia then raised her hand up, clasping it as a fist. It spoke volumes: their deaths had never been a defeat, but only a victory. They'd been wounded, but invigorated, as well. Ash raised his own hand, and Serena hers. Soon, all around them, like the day that symbol first became a show of solidarity, every trainer in the stadium followed suit, and all together, they spoke, led by Cynthia.

"Praise for the triumphant fallen!"

There was no music, or prayer, or any of that solemnity. Instead, the people of Ancien City decided to do just as Cynthia had asked for, and a firework went whizzing off into the air. It exploded in a burst of colors, looking like a rose that accurately depicted the Champion they were celebrating. More fireworks were sent into the air, and soon the entire city was dazzled with light. Some of the citizens moved in, those that were able to work, and began to bring those they had put to rest away from the stadium, likely to be transported to the place of burial that the others had been discussing. Shortly after, tables were brought in, food spread out across them. Ash grinned; it wasn't necessarily a celebration of victory, but a celebration of life, itself; the life that all those that fell had given them.

Recognizing it for what it was, Ash turned to leave the stands and partake of the food that was below. He was, by no means, the first one there at the table, though he had definitely gotten separated from Serena as he did so, instead finding himself joining up with others as he reached the table. The first ones there, however, had been Hau and Guzma, both already picking into their food. As Guzma tore into a piece of meat, he seemed to be speaking to Hau. Pikachu ignored them both, running to grab plates for them. Around the air, Ash's other Pokémon, still not returned to Pallet Town from the battle, but having hung back for the funeral, quickly joined to get food. What had started as a solemn ceremony had now become one of jubilation; he felt it was exactly what they would have wanted, for them to move on.

"Can't believe old man Nanu kicked the bucket," Guzma growled out, chewing fiercely as he did so. Hau was loading up on malasadas, nodding his head with a rather heavy expression to his eyes. In a corner, alongside Olivia, Kahili and Hapu (who Ash had hardly noticed there), Hala was standing and listening, observing his grandson with interest. "Ula'ula's probably gonna be a wreck now…"

"Yeah…we need to find a new Kahuna," Hau admitted, tossing a malasada in his mouth. Pipi chewed on her own, furiously, from next to him. Across the table was Gladion, who nodded to Ash as he ate some bread, but clearly kept one ear on the conversation between the two nearest to the food. "Then there's all the stuff on Mount Lanakila, so I'm sure the Pokémon population has gotten a big shakeup…"

"Rai…" Pipi agreed, clearly very quickly beginning to eat more malasadas than her trainer from her upset state. Pikachu returned with plates full of food, and Ash immediately began eating; he hadn't realized just how hungry he'd been.

"Man, being a Kahuna is hard! Tutu always made it look easy before he retired," Hau groaned out. After shoveling another piece of food in his mouth, Ash watched as Hau's eyes began to spark with an idea, one that he seemed to be proud of. While he seemed to be working through it, many others had gotten to the tables and had begun to eat and talk while the fireworks continued to go off. Ash turned away for a second, watching the procession of bodies away from the stadium, giving one final farewell in his mind. "I got it! We need someone who's way aware of Ula'ula to be the new Kahuna."

"And the traditions, Hau?" Gladion asked, looking almost amused by the other young man's ever-present effervescence. Hau waved it aside with a grin while Guzma continued chewing, looking unhappy at the thought of it all.

"Eh, tutu did away with those when he elected me as Melemele's Kahuna and Elite Four position," Hau said. Then he spun around, turning to Guzma and pointing forward with his plate. "So, whaddya say Mister Guzma. Wanna be Ula'ula's next Kahuna?"

"Say what now, kid?" Guzma demanded, dropping his food to the floor of the stadium. Ash found it rather funny, beginning to laugh right alongside Gladion. Even Hala's pleased chortles, mixed with the guffaws of Kukui and the giggles of Akela, filled the air with the other sitting Kahunas'. Guzma's mouth dropped open, like he had never expected to hear those words, and it took him quite a while to recover. To Ash's surprise, Hau managed to remain silent until he was able to do so. "You…you want your boy Guzma to be a Kahuna? Is there somethin' wrong with you?"

"Nope!" Hau confirmed, placing his plate down and his hands behind his head. "You've been on Ula'ula a lot, and with all your kaina and kaikuahine, I'm sure you'd make a great leader on the island. I can't be handlin' everything, you know. Not with a wedding coming up."

"What?" Gladion deadpanned, his amusement dropped in a second. Hau grinned in the young man's direction, and Ash decided to get away before Gladion could no longer stop himself from lunging over the table and trying to kill Hau. Before that happened, Guzma seemed to recover, looking just a little pleased with Hau. Ash was sure that Alola would turn out just fine. To that, he turned away and decided to head for a different table, running into Lillie on the way.

"You might want to stop your brother from killing Hau. Made him pretty unrestrained when he mentioned something about a wedding," Ash told her. Her eyes narrowed, seeming a little exasperated by Hau's ability to cause trouble.

"I'm pretty sure he's talking about Clemont's," Lillie sighed out, reaching up to slap her palm against her forehead as Komala yawned. Ash couldn't help but laugh at that, though he did notice the blush that was spreading across her cheeks as she puffed them. "Though, I've been trying to get him to ask for months…"

"Komama…" Komala agreed with another yawn. Ash put an arm around her, squeezing the young woman to him for a moment before letting her stop the now lunging Gladion, while Guzma was crying manly tears. Plumeria just rushed to his side and smacked him over the head. It was eerily reminiscent of Misty, who seemed to currently be talking with Serena and Iris, squealing loudly over something and calling it romantic. Ash had no idea what that was about, so at his continually rumbling stomach, he headed for one of the other tables, where Dawn and May were enjoying their own food. Dawn waved him over.

"Hard to believe we're having a party after a funeral of all things," Dawn chuckled out nervously. Pikachu leapt on to the table, in order to join Piplup for some more food. Buneary was also there, sidling up to Pikachu with a wink. He seemed surprisingly okay with it, raising a paw in greeting and allowing Buneary to get closer.

"I'm sure it's what they would have wanted," Ash told her. Dawn nodded, but didn't say anything. Rather, it seemed that she wasn't sure what to say. May, however, had no such problem.

"You would know better than us," the brunette said quietly. "You were pretty close to Diantha by the end, right?"

"I guess," Ash stated, shoving his hands in his pockets as he answered. His eyes were drawn away, to two very distinct spots within the stadium: where Diantha and then Deirdre had died. It made Ash think about Marshadow, who had vanished into the shadows with Alastair. He wondered if, now that they had failed, they would decide to remain as shadows, or someday step into the light once again. Ash was sure that Y would help them find that answer. And I hope to hear it when they do.

"So, Serena's shared her plan with us," Dawn piped up, making Ash put his attention back onto her, tilting his head to the side. He hadn't had much chance to speak with his wife over the last two days, too busy at work. Noticing this fact, Dawn chose to elaborate. "She really wants Performers and Coordinators to branch into other things to help enrich the world and make it a better place. I like it, personally, so I was thinking about opening a traveling Coordinator's program. May likes it, too."

"It's a great plan, and I'm sure we'll be able to get a lot of veteran Coordinators and Top Coordinators to help out. Drew's already said he's down for it, much as Max hates that," May said, shoving a whole kebob in her mouth without much compunction. "Think about it, if we hadn't met you, Ash, we'd have been these total newbie trainers who had no idea what they were doing."

"So, just imagine if we could sponsor new trainers!" Dawn said cheerily, pumping her fists. Piplup agreed, his flippers flapping up into the air with joy. "They don't have to do coordinating, but it would be a great chance to experience some other side of things and could really improve the Coordinators in the next Grand Festival, or even encourage them to come to Kalos for Showcases. Especially if they're able to get mentoring from great trainers like Zoey or Nando…even Jessie, if she's up for something like that."

"It definitely sounds awesome!" Ash agreed, reaching up above and giving a high five to Dawn, their clap resounding around the area. Feeling pleased with the plan, Dawn decided to grab her own food, markedly less than May's. While she did so, she put her own query forward to Ash.

"So, what're your plans for the future? And how's that whole Champion Tournament thing going to be resolved?" Ash started thinking a moment, his mind never having spent much time on what the future could hold, or what he wanted to do with it. There wasn't much time to dwell before the thought was interrupted.

"It's not going to be resolved," called Cynthia's voice. All three of them turned to face the now incoming entourage, while Pikachu's ears perked up a bit, scrambling back over to Ash side before he began licking the ketchup off of his paws. Once he had, the whole group of Cynthia, Steven and Lance had finished approaching. Dawn and May seemed to bow to their group, though it appeared to be more out of habit than anything else. "With the news of what happened here, we decided to forego the results of the tournament. It wouldn't feel right without Diantha."

"Makes sense," Ash admitted with a nod. Looking beyond the Champions, Ash could see Charizard, Infernape, Greninja and Decidueye going for a large bowl of fruit with glee. Ash almost shook his head at his most stoic acting that way (except for the latter, naturally). "What are you guys planning to do about the position of Kalos Champion, anyway? I mean, that's kind of important, right."

"That's what we've had to discuss the last couple days, and it hasn't been easy, I'll admit," Steven said. Out of the three of them there, he seemed to be the one putting on the bravest face, having been closer to Diantha than most of the others, possibly barring Cynthia. "Kukui and Alder were on completely separate sides of the debate, and if we wanted to take other Elite Four members' thoughts, like Kahili's, into the mix, it just became more complicated. Thankfully, Nanu didn't sit on the League, so that's one less issue averted."

"Though still leaving some of its own issues in its wake," Lance conceded with a sigh on his lips. "Matori's in custody and both Alastair and Marshadow have vanished. IDEAL is broken, but they certainly left a large impact on what remains."

"I wouldn't worry about Alastair," Ash pointed out, putting his hands in his pockets. Lance was nodding, clearly agreeing with the sentiment before he puffed out another sigh and continued on with his thoughts.

"I'm not, but it did bring to light some of the League's less savory moments," Lance said, running a hand through his hair. "We don't want to hide them, of course, but it brought up that sharp contrast in direction, and one we want to try and avoid in the future."

"The tipping points may be past, of course," Steven chose to elaborate, "but it doesn't mean we can relax. There are still dangerous people out there; people that those such as Team Neo deemed as threats. From smugglers to smaller criminal syndicates and even other regions that could use a League representative to get them in line from pulling any horrible stunts to its citizens. It's a dangerous world yet, but perhaps with the future we've all secured, we can make it safer, one step at a time."

"Sounds like a challenge worth taking on. Right, buddy?" Ash asked. Pikachu grinned, and the two gave each other a light fistbump. Dawn and May snorted at the action, while Cynthia looked back at her fellow Champions with a rather indiscernible expression.

"Yes, it is," Lance agreed. "In fact, it's something Alpha Squad has already joined in on. We want to make things better than the old days: own up to our mistakes of the past. Perhaps, one day, we'll be able to bring Matori to aid us in creating that better world, though I realize that for people as damaged as them, that road may be far too long. Either way, we're all willing to walk it. The League will persist, and we'll be using plenty of people looking for a second chance to do it."

"And we'll walk it with you! Serena's already gotten her own goals in mind, and everyone's walking their own paths. In time, I know we'll reach exactly the kind of perfection Deirdre may have wanted to see, but we'll do it by our own hands!" Ash insisted, smirking at those gathered there. "But…uh…you still didn't answer my question about what you guys had decided on for the whole Kalos Champion thing."

The Champions were silent, staring around at each other, while the trio of Ash, May and Dawn also stared at them, the latter two munching rather loudly. Then, Cynthia looked forward. "To be honest, Diantha had always hoped for you to be the one to inherit the title."

"Pika? !" Pikachu expressed with shock, but Ash couldn't help his own chuckle. He had expected it at some point, despite the words that Diantha had never spoken.

"You and she were close, and she knew you better than most of us here," Cynthia admitted, fluffing her hair out a bit as she did so. "However, she did also fear you wouldn't accept the role, having turned it down a few years back, which she was fine with. I believe we lost her well before you would have been ready to accept the position, though, which is what led to the debates."

Ash tilted his head. They must have seriously considered him for the position of Kalos Champion if they'd spent so long arguing it. Of course, Cynthia was right: the wanderlust hadn't quite left his veins, even if it had simmered down. He wasn't someone that wanted to be stuck in the position of a Champion. Still, he wanted to know the decision that the League had reached. "And…what did you choose?"

"Malva will make a wonderful Champion," Steven admitted, a light smirk on his lips. Ash's eyebrow rose up at the answer. "She knows the media well, and has as much an eye for politics as Diantha did. Her past with Team Flare is largely irrelevant at this point. In the meantime, we'll fill her position with quite the capable trainer in Alain, himself. His battling blood seems to have reinvigorated itself with the recent circumstances."

"We did offer the Elite Four position to Clemont," Lance admitted. Ash, somehow, was less surprised at that than at any other piece of information. "However, he turned it down, stating that he's right where he wants to be in improving the lives of people and Pokémon, even saying that he hopes to one day drag those in the shadows back into the light. Ambitious young man."

"I think they're all great choices," Ash said, nodding his head with sharp agreement. However, at his words, Cynthia's eyes seemed to twinkle. Dawn and May clearly began to feel like they were intruding, and they took off, leaving Ash standing with the three Champions while others milled around, getting their foods.

"It wasn't the only thing we'd decided on," the blond Champion of Sinnoh spoke. Once more, Ash grew confused at her words, and Cynthia giggled out a little, while Steven and Lance laughed a bit behind her. She placed her hands behind her back and continued on with what she wanted to say. "There are a lot of regions out there; some that aren't even affiliated with the League. Maybe they want to be, or maybe knowing more about them will enrich our own cultures and livelihood, expanding the horizons of all trainers. So, we decided to create a liaison position: someone who can travel to these other regions, learn more about them and their cultures and bring it back here, joining us all as one.

"I can think of no one more suited to the position than you, Ash."

"Me?" Ash asked in surprise, now looking to Pikachu, who likewise hadn't expected it. They blinked at each other before turning back to look at the gathered Champions, all of them smiling softly. "But…why me?"

"You're a traveler," Lance insisted. There was no denying that, so Ash folded his arms and listened to what the red-haired man had to say. "The liaison position would afford those travels for you, just in a new way. It would allow you to battle all sorts of trainers and new Pokémon, and at the end of the day, would allow you to return home. We gave a lot of thought to it, considering we very much want you to be part of the bright future that we and others hope to create."

"I think it's very fitting for a Pokémon Master, yes?" Cynthia asked. Ash now looked directly at her, the offer still rocking him a bit. Yet, even as he looked to Serena, now speaking with Mairin and Alain, the seemingly new Elite Four member shooting quick looks to him, the idea was thrilling him. A challenge of traveling and battling new people and Pokémon, while still being able to be at home with his wife. "Maybe a little more restraining than some of your usual travels, considering you'd have to report back, but the freedom and what we all could accomplish would be worth it, as well as the ability to battle the best of the best. Even us Champions, if need be."

"Pikachu, what do you think?" Ash asked of his best friend. Pikachu placed a paw to his chin, and then grinned.

"Pikapi, pika!" Pikachu agreed, and he leapt up to slap his tail against Ash's.

"We'll take it!" Ash responded with a grin, soon reaching forward to hold his hand out to Cynthia. The blonde took it and smiled.

"It'll still take a bit of time to get the position in order, and I have to rearrange some things in the Sinnoh League," Cynthia insisted, turning to the table and grabbing a plate. Ash watched her a moment longer while Steven and Lance moved off to meet with some of the other trainers there. "I had been thinking about retiring and handing the reins to Paul, but with Diantha's death, I'll hold on for a little longer. Bertha seems ready to fully retire, however, and since I was going to offer Paul my position, I think he'll fit in well as a member of the Elite Four. Your own position will be a middle ground between us and them. Hope you're okay with that."

"It's fine with me!" Ash indicated, throwing his hands behind his head with a grin.

"Excellent. Now, which of these victuals should I have…hmm…" Knowing that Cynthia would be a while, Ash decided to return to mingling at the feast, the light of his new direction filling him with a certain happiness, something that even Serena seemed to be showing as she chatted around.

There was certainly a great number of people to chat with. Most of them seemed to have a direction set for them, solidified by the battle they had all taken part in. Cilan and Iris seemed to be returning home, planning to either retake or inherit their gyms, while Misty declared to Ash that she would make the Cerulean Gym the number one gym in Kanto. Ash had no doubt of that. Meanwhile, it seemed that Brock was planning to go on a trip around all the regions that had suffered damage, Aria at his side.

"With Serena's initiative," the former Kalos Queen had said, "I want to try and further the care of Pokémon. Brock is wonderful at it…and I wouldn't mind spending more time with him. He's quite the handsome man, isn't he?"

"Did you hear that, Ash? ! I'm handsome! Handsome!" Brock cried out joyously, making Ash rather amused. Croagunk looked horribly disappointed. "Don't worry, my queen! I shall treat you like the royalty you are!"

"Just don't get too excited," Ash noted, eyeing Croagunk before moving on with a chuckle. Brock reacted incredulously, but seemed to let him go with this rather knowing grin. It was a grin that was wiped off his face, replaced with a dazed expression as Aria reached up and gave a soft, chaste kiss to his lips. Ash laughed a bit.

Actually, now that Ash thought about it, there were a lot of knowing grins directed his way when it came to his friends. The only ones that didn't were those such as Paul and Kahili, the two glaring daggers at one another, as though hoping to settle the score now that they were both Elite Four members. Otherwise, even Sawyer seemed to be looking Ash over, like he was wondering if the raven-haired trainer was passing out. That didn't last long, however, before Miette slapped him for gawking. It was only at that moment that Ash realized she was wearing a ring that hadn't been there before, but since she didn't bring it up, he didn't press upon the subject.

At some point, Ash just decided to ask Clemont about what was going on. "Do you know why everyone's staring at me with weird grins?"

"No. Why?" Clemont asked in response. Next to him, Korrina and Bonnie facepalmed, but Ash shrugged it off, slinging an arm around Clemont.

"Must be nothing!" he replied with a grin. Clemont nodded in agreement, the two bumping fists. Ash chatted with the engaged couple a little longer, while Bonnie flashed another knowing grin and then disappeared to seemingly taunt a red-faced Max. Before long, the two young men finished their conversation about Ash's newly accepted role with the League (something Clemont excitedly rambled on about), and the raven-haired trainer went back to mingling with the various groups.

The only one that seemed to be standing on her own was Astrid, eating slowly as she watched everyone. She, at least, wasn't giving him a knowing look as he stood next to her. It did, however, become very apparent what was on her mind. "Can't believe Rocky's gone…"

"You cared a lot about him, huh?" Ash asked. In the shimmering lights, Ash's eyes caught sight of the castle in the distance, and he felt a yearning to go there, but instead decided to spend his moment with the blonde, her Absol snoozing next to her.

"I did. Didn't want to admit it, and now it's too late," Astrid sighed out, throwing the rest of her food in her mouth and swallowing. "But I don't regret a single moment of it, and I don't think he does either. He was able to get Bonnie and those there out safe, and that's good enough to me. He wanted to propose, you know?"

"Were you two even dating?" Ash asked. He still wasn't an expert on all things romantic, but he was pretty sure that stage came before the whole proposal thing. That was how he had done it, at least. Astrid laughed at that.

"Rocky was unconventional sometimes. I liked that about him," Astrid admitted. She turned her head towards Ash with a rather crooked grin. "Now, I'll just need to live on for him. Mind having a traveling buddy? I'll need something to get my mind off of it, and train myself up. Word's already spreading about your new League position, so I thought…"

"I don't mind at all. It'll be fun!" Ash confirmed, throwing his hand up and clasping hers in agreement. There was still a little pain in Astrid's eyes, but already, she was beginning to rapidly heal. Thinking on that, Ash's mind was pulled, once more and inexorably, towards Ancien Castle, and the spot where one person had finally begun to heal, herself.

Without even thinking about it, Ash moved on autopilot, exiting from the stadium before anyone really knew he was gone. There were some other farewells to be had, such as Maka and Keoni, who would be leaving hand in hand to start on a film relief project for Ancien the next day, but for the most part, Ash's movement went unhindered. Pikachu remained at his side while he walked through the still damaged city, crossing over to the square and then up the hill to where Ancien Castle sat, already mostly repaired from the damage caused. He didn't head inside, but decided to just watch it, while in the distance, already, the sky appeared to be lightening with the first rays of the sunrise.

"Thank you, Zinnia," Ash whispered out. Pikachu heard it, his ears twitching while his head bowed in reverence. "I hope…I hope you'll continue to do well. And maybe we'll see each other again, if Burnet and Gary's theory is anything to believe."

"Nin," called the sudden voice of Greninja. Ash turned around, and could see all of his Pokémon there, having followed him one-by-one from the feast to join him. Each of them had survived, become stronger, and were ready to take on any challenge together for the future. Even Latias hung above, inserting herself between the others with a grin. At the front were those Pokémon he had traveled with through Kalos, the four of them looking up at the castle, remembering the day that had truly solidified themselves as a team.

"But we're not stopping here, you guys," Ash announced to them all, throwing his hands out. Pikachu leapt from his shoulder to join with his comrades, all of them grinning with anticipation and determination. "There are a lot more places to go, and people to battle and Pokémon to discover. We're gonna do it all! Together!"

"Just don't forget me, Ash," laughed Serena's voice, and Ash could finally see his wife trudging up the hill with her usual soft smile. Her own Pokémon were trailing after her to join with Ash's.

"Like I ever could, Serena! You'll be with me…if you want, of course." She finished her ascent and came to stand at his side. Before Ash knew it, his wife had touched his face and leaned in for a kiss that lasted quite a while.

"There's no other answer," she whispered, before she drew back, her hand gripping to the blue ribbon that had been the symbol of their relationship all these years. That same hand slid down, before touching to her stomach. "And we won't be alone, no matter what the adventure is, at home or abroad. I'm not talking about our Pokémon, either."

"Uh…" Ash wasn't quite sure what to say, reaching up to scratch at his head. Pikachu facepalmed, while Greninja shook his head. Charizard's own head tilted in confusion, while Bayleef turned away, like she knew something he didn't. Ash just blinked. "What do you mean, then?"

Serena let out a laugh, one that echoed around the castle grounds as the sun suddenly shined over the horizon, illuminating her angelic figure. She stepped forward without answering, taking hold of his hand and pressing it to her stomach with her. "I mean, we're about to be a family of three humans."

Ash's eyes grew wide, and he stared at her face, and then down to her hand, and then up to her face again as she smiled. He began to tremble a bit, and he couldn't believe that there were tears leaking at the corners of his eyes. His mind flashed back, through all of it: Zinnia, Seamus, Team Neo and Dalton, Michael, his own father's death, his victories and defeats in Alola, caring for Lillie as a lost child, and his burning blow against Deirdre. All of that was a past chapter now, Serena's announcement ushering in a bright new future. The grin sprouted on his face, and he suddenly grabbed her, holding her up as he kissed her.

"I love that!" he yelled out, his own voice now echoing outwards. "I love us together! Our moments together! I love the kid we're gonna have! And I love you Serena, for now and always into the future!"

"And I'll always love you, too, no matter where our lives take us, Ash Ketchum, perfect or imperfect," she stated. Then she completed yet another kiss while all of Ash's Pokémon cheered out.

As the sun's rays finally hit upon the city, the two expecting parents turned out to look over Ancien City with their hands clasped, the city still yet on the mend. To Ash, though, it was the promise of a new world, and a new chapter in all of their lives, all while being a reflection of the very words he'd said to Deirdre.

Because the world wasn't perfect. It wasn't all tropics and sunshine. There would always be winners and losers. There would always be those who lost their way. There would always be horrible things that happened and couldn't be stopped. It was just a part of life. Yet not everything remained at a zero. Things that were broken could be made whole again. Times that were turbulent would always calm out. No matter the trials and tribulations before them, all of them would stand together, and with a bit of teamwork, everyone could have their chance to hold on tenaciously, towards the tomorrow that went on and on.

All anyone needed to do was make the choice to step beyond despair and find who they were on their own, and as part of that larger world. And finally, at long last, Ash was certain they had won that for everyone, now and far into the future.

With his wife and Pokémon at his side, Ash stared out over Ancien City and its skyline, a rainbow tinging the sky as a promise of all they had won and secured for the future beyond.

And Ash and Serena Ketchum embarked on a new beginning, the next chapter in their lives.


Author's Note: And so, it comes to an end. No Epilogue. No follow-up. This chapter, Chapter 26 of Tomorrow, Chapter 194 of the entire Ancienverse, is the definitive ending of a lot of things. The end of the Ancienverse, for one, but also the end of my career writing fanfiction. It's been a long ten years for me, but I think it's time. I really have to say goodbye to everyone who stuck with me, supported me even in the darkest hours of writing this series. But I'll get to that later. For now, let's talk endings.

I wanted to give a definitive ending to the series, while also that feel of a new beginning for the characters; one I choose to not elaborate on. You can feel free to imagine it yourselves. To that end, I doubt Serena's "announcement" to Ash was all that surprising to anyone (I swear, if this is all I see mentioned in reviews, I'm gonna flip), though I hope some of the other character's choices felt right to you in the new world they'd finally made, expunging Michael's stench at last. I really wanted it slightly bittersweet in a sense. Hopefully this ending was beautiful to read.

Of course, while my tenure as a writer is over, there are many others who continue on, and the Ancienverse remains open, as it were, for those who want to build on those cracks in the continuity (though, all ideas and stories would need to be run through me).

That out of the way, I have to give a really big thanks to some readers of mine who were so unbelievably supportive during the writing of this story. As they know, I had a very difficult time in my personal life during the writing of this, and I appreciated them for helping to push me forward and reminding me that I could take breaks I didn't, and that my stories would be at least decent. Those people are Captain Luky Greace, for her encouragement and art and being such an amazing friend to me since the days of the Kalos trilogy; potat lasaro, my one-time collaborator and ever a good friend on this project, whose story, Master Quest, you should really check out and review; XDiamondX90, who could be described as something like my kohai (ha ha), and I look forward to him being the next generation of amazing fanfic writers out there (seriously, check out his stuff). Of course, this list wouldn't be complete without mentioning AdvancedAlto. Like during the Alola Trilogy, he has been an amazing sounding board for myself, reading some of my passages and giving this fic a readthrough in general. I withheld stuff from him before then, but his insight has proven invaluable, and his encouragement overwhelming. He's even writing a prequel fic centered on IDEAL! Give that a shot when he publishes it. Really, this entire group is a group of people that, without which, the Ancienverse would have remained incomplete. A family for me, if you will.

However, this also would not have been complete without you all, my readers, who I must now thank. First, a quick thanks to NerdyWormy12 and Snakey1998 for favoriting. Now, I need to thank two people that have been around, diligently giving analytical reviews since Teamwork. Those people are ChE clarinetist and Ooobserver. Thank you both very much! Likewise, I need to give special mention to those who reviewed every chapter here: Amourshiper35, aliensinnoh, Rajiv A. Rajaram, Omegaz, Tenzalucard123, FantasyLover88, Alexandria Prime, ultimateCCC, AmourshippingCanon, The Aura Gardian and TheShapeH31. And, of course, I can't forget those who reviewed last chapter, including Darren1138, fanatical99, Dragon Mack, gamer212, Dark Hero12, EWNetwork, ScytherNoSwiping, ShiningAura, TheEnigmatic97, bankerrtx01, M, thatsmybusiness43 and 2 guests! A longer thanks will be found on my Twitter (EpicocityFanfic).

Really, though, this has been such a tremendous project for the last two years, really pushing me to my limits in the best of ways (and sometimes the worst, ha ha). Now that we're finishing on the day this all began in 2016, I have only a few words to share with you from a song I feel is most accurate in this moment, in the hopes that you'll share them with me:

And oh, where the road then takes me, I cannot tell

We came all this way, and now comes the day, to bid you farewell

And with that, in my final parting to all of you I've grown to love so much, please remember, now and forever,

Dare to Be Silly,
