
It was far too loud. The music was booming all around them, bouncing off the walls and crashing back against Kuroko's skull. Parties weren't something he was particularly fond of, but Kagami had insisted they come along with the rest of the team. Apparently it would have appeared rude if they hadn't made an appearance as he was a core member of their team. He wasn't sure when the two of them had become a duo that one would never go anywhere without the other but he let it slip because secretly, he found it nice. People seemed to notice and acknowledge Kuroko when he was at Kagami's side which was a definite improvement from being a ghost among people.

"Smile, you look unhappy." Kagami's breath was warm against his cheek, with an undertone of alcohol coming from him, he let a small grin stretch his lips as he glanced up at his friend. "I'm not unhappy, I'm having a lot of fun."

Scoffing, Kagami reached behind him to retrieve a red cup filled with liquid. Sniffing it, Kuroko took a tentative sip and winced at the strength of it. "This tastes horrible, I'd much rather have a water." With his free hand, Kagami wrapped it around his slim waist and pulled him snugly against his body. It was warm and comfortable.

Kagami was always touching him one way or another, be it a hand on his back or an arm around his waist. He had never thought it was anything more than friendly.

He didn't question it as much as he probably should have but instead melted into his touch. With his eyes falling shut, he naively missed the smug grin on Kagami's face. The two stayed silent for several moments, completely unaware of the approaching drunken form of their basketball team's manager who was stumbling her way across the crowded living room. Sensing someone nearing them, Kagami edged backwards until his legs touched a bench situated at the end of the room. Pulling Kuroko down into his lap, he made sure he was fully enclosed by the time Riko made it to the pair.

Her eyes were glassy and movements sluggish as she collapsed at their side. "Hey, you two look awfully close? Am I missing something?" Her finger trailed up Kagami's exposed bicep until she reached his neck in what he could only assume was supposed to be a seductive manner. But from the look on his face, he only seemed repulsed at being exposed to such a mess.

"Nothing to miss Riko, Kagami is just keeping me safe. Everyone is awfully drunk and dancing like maniacs." Kuroko's blue eyes were wide as they stared at the makeshift dance floor in the centre of the open plan room, there stood alone was Teppei, topless and eagerly thrusting to some catchy pop song that was currently blasting through the speaker system.

Riko seemed mesmerised by the sight, which wasn't shocking as it common knowledge that she could appreciate a well sculpted male body. "Maybe you should go and join him?" Kagami nodded his head at the dancing male which peaked Riko's interest even more. "He looks awfully lonely over there…"

That and a gentle push was the encouragement she needed as she leapt from her seat and joined him but it didn't even seem that the giant of a man noticed, he was so immersed in his own dance moves.

Kuroko's head was feeling fuzzy, it was too dark. How many drinks had Kagami given him now? Four? Five? It should not have been enough to make him feel the way he was. Lifting his head up, he tried to speak but his tongue felt heavy. What was going on?

Darkness swallowed his vision as his eyes fell shut. A single muffled voice was all he could hear, it was soft and sweet in his ear. He could feel himself leaning towards the sound of that voice. It reminded him of someone dear to him. But no, he wouldn't be here. Then who was it that was touching him in such a familiar way?

"You like teasing me don't you? You're such a fucking tease." Cold air hit his torso but still he couldn't make himself move, he was a slave to these sensations racking his body. But they weren't gentle anymore, his skin was burning from their touch. He wanted to scream at them to stop.

A searing pain down his back forced a strangled noise from his throat.

Venomous words found his ears through the inky darkness.

"You won't get away from me Kuroko, I will always get you."

Like surfacing from an icy lake, Kuroko plunged up from the bed he was lying in and began panting, greedily gasping for air. That wasn't a dream or something of fantasy. It was a lost memory.

Feeling someone next to him, Kuroko froze in his place and felt his heart beating out of his chest. Was the dream still a reality? Fingers sought out his face through the darkness, once they found his skin they caressed in soothing patterns until he relaxed back against the mattress.

"You're fine, I'll always protect you. Just breathe." Akashi's voice was calm as he continued to comfort him until sleep reclaimed him. Fortunately for Kuroko, he couldn't see the murderous glow in his lovers eyes. How could he have known that he was mumbling someone else's name in his sleep?

The rage he had felt towards Kagami was now off the chart. He didn't just want to make him miserable by taking Kuroko for himself, he wanted to destroy him and all he stood for. That would include his pathetic excuse for a basketball team.

The demons were slowly beginning to crawl their way back into Kuroko's mind but lucky for him, he had the worst one on his side this time.

"Okay class, what are your ideas for this years school festival?" The teacher was incredibly unenthusiastic as he wrote down the words people shouted out. Kuroko watched intently as the chalked letters formed words.

Letting out a drawn out sigh, the teacher rubbed at his temples as if to relieve a headache. "So let me get this right, you all want a maid cafe for this years class project? Why am I not surprised."

All the males in the room seemed utterly giddy at the prospect of a maid cafe. He couldn't help but wonder if this was a common fetish for men? The image of the magazine in Akashi's room flashed in his mind, of a man in a maid uniform…

"I want to be a maid." Kuroko said abruptly as he rose from his seat with sparkling eyes. The room went silent as they all took in his words. Clearing his throat, the teacher let out an awkward laugh. "Yes I'm sure you do son, do retake your seat."

Slowly sitting back down, Kuroko couldn't hear the snickers coming from his fellow classmates, his mind was full of frilly frocks…

"I agree with Kuroko, Sensei." A female student raised her hand with a mischievous grin on her face. "I think it should be a maid cafe, but instead of the girls wearing the dresses, I think it should be the guys."

As soon as the words left her mouth, there was uproar in the classroom. All the males in the groom glared at Kuroko who was still oblivious to all the attention he was receiving. "Okay okay so it's decided, it's a maid cafe, for men."