Hello, Duelgundam here.

This is pretty much my first fanfic here (that I'm actually WILLING to post), so i'm uploading this to "test the waters", so to speak.

As you figured from the tags, this is indeed a Gundam SEED and Gundam 00 crossover. But, well...I'm still figuring out how to work this storyline, so bear with me for a bit.

A side note(or rather, a heads-up warning), i'm more of a casual writer, so I'll write out a story whenever I get the inspiration. So DON'T expect regular updates. this is your first, and only, warning. At fastest: I'll maybe update every two months. At slowest: Well, expect a drought.

Now, onto the important notes!


Talking: "Hello."

Whispering: "Hello."

Thought: 'Hello.'

I do not own either Gundam SEED or Gundam 00.(that's an obvious given.)

Copyright: Sunrise inc.

Gundam SEED: 2002, 2013

Gundam 00: 2007


Cosmic Era 71

September 27

Jachin Due, Lagrange 5

"I HAVE A WORLD I WANT TO PROTECT!" Kira Yamato exclaimed, as he charges at Rau Le Creuset and his Providence, with the beam javelin in hand. Fueled by the loss of those he thought precious, he charges at the enemy before him, closing in enough to take out the Providence's right hand, taking the beam rifle with it.

"Tch." Rau clicked his tongue, as he lost the last handheld weapon on the Providence. But he still had some DRAGOON pods left, and fired at the Freedom, hoping to slow it down for a finishing blow. The pods hit the Freedom head on, taking out the head unit, but the second pod missed the cockpit, and damaged the left side vent instead. He thought that the damage would at least force the damned brat to slow down, giving him the chance to rid the world of the Ultimate Coordinator.

He thought wrong.

As Kira pushed forward, and got ever closer to the Providence, Rau started to panic. As an experienced soldier, Rau knew full well that emotions like that could cost a soldier his life, but even he could not help but start fearing his impending death, at the hands of A BOY, no less.

No, he couldn't let that happen. He thought to himself: 'I can't die here! Not at this stage!', as that very thought flowed through his mind, he threw everything he had left at the brat, but none of his shots could connect. He had lost his focus, and in turn, couldn't maintain full control of even two of the last pods he had. Finally, the Freedom's last attack had connected, and pierced the chest of the Providence, straight through the cockpit, and caving it in.

But it was too late. Yakin Due's self-destruct sequence kicked in, and the base started to explode. To Rau, that meant his plan still worked, because he knew that nothing would stop that fool Zala from firing the Genesis at earth, not even death. His suspicions were confirmed, as the last working sensor in his cockpit blared at the high energy readings coming from the Genesis's firing chamber.

As he took his dying breath, he thought to himself: 'Ha, even in death, I STILL win.'

Noticing the incoming shot, Kira dropped the beam javelin, and escaped as fast as he could. But when the Providence was hit by the gamma beam, it caused a chain reaction, and caused the nuclear reactor in it to go off. Kira couldn't move fast enough, and the Freedom was bombarded by both the radiating heat of the Providence's nuclear explosion, and the ambient heat of the gamma ray beam.

As the Freedom's Phase-Shift Armor started peeling off from the heat, and parts started breaking apart, Kira started to think that this might be it. But before the shot could be fully reflected off the mirror satellite, the Justice's own self-destruct kicked in, and destroyed the firing chamber, causing the WMD to malfunction, and in turn, making it misfire.

Unknown to everyone, at that instant, the misfire somehow caused a strange reaction, and created a wormhole, and engulfing the Freedom in its pull.

The last thing Kira saw, as he started losing consciousness, was a bright light, and Flay's voice, telling him that "everything will be alright".

And...that's it for the prologue! Now, i wonder where our Coordinator friend ended up?

Okay, yeah, the prologue is pretty much a script rip of SEED's final episode(and so will most of this fic, for the 00 side), but where else was i gonna throw "Jesus Yamato" into the AD world? The Battle of Orb?

As this is actually my first fic, I would really appreciate the reviews.

Next Update(if likely): Feb 25th 2018