The idea of jumping dimensions is rather unheard of. Only spoken about in stories and thought about in our dreams.

It's a notion that is ignored, for the idea of having an alternate lifestyle where things run differently is unsettling.

If it can be done, would the person remain the same? Or would they slowly change to accommodate their alternative reality?

"So is this really how you're going to end it all, Sadie?" Eri Itou questioned as she stared at one of her oldest friends, Sadie Saunders. One that she trusted without question. However, that was extremely stupid of her, the signs of her betrayal were all there.

"Unfortunately yes, I can't exactly have you telling everyone of the information you've come across tonight. It would ruin the organization." Sadie, with hard eyes and a sadistic smile, tightened the hold on her gun.

Eri raised her one good arm in surrender, tossing her firearm away. "Fine, then shoot if you must."

This seemed to make the woman falter for the briefest of moments before she pulled the trigger. This bullet grazed her left shoulder and the next her left leg. Eri felt the stings of pain but did not fall nor did she retaliate, she simply laughed. A laugh filled with despair before she felt one finally hit her abdomen pushing her backward and into the cold abyss beneath her.

Eri did nothing but sink downward and close her eyes, only to feel another pain seconds later. Struggling this time to get up, the young woman realized that she was no longer in a cold ocean but instead on the hard pavement. It was no longer night time and instead of being alone, she was surrounded by civilians, some of which were screaming, other rushing to her aid.

Eri heard a little girl scream, possibly at her predicament. This time, Eri's eyes started to focus as she realized what was wrong. With blood trickling down her head, and a sharp metal pipe embedded in her side, she groaned in agony.

"Somebody call an ambulance!" Several voices screamed.

"Get the bike off of her!" Another voice said. Several footsteps sounded closer and closer. "Miss are you okay?!"

The voices started to blur together as they approached her. Someone finally taking off whatever headgear she was wearing and allowing her to properly lay on the ground until help arrived.

"Conan-kun. Will she be alright?" A child's voice asked.

The woman didn't get a chance to see who it was nor did she hear 'Conan's' response for she had finally passed out from the pain.


Conan and his friends were shocked. They in no way suspected that someone, a woman at that, would risk her life to save the group of children. To make matters worse, she did so on a motorcycle, causing heavy injuries to her body that would perhaps put her to sleep permanently.

"You guys don't run!" Conan shouted, having a terrible feeling in the pits of his stomach.

"Come on Conan, hurry up!" Mitch, a friend of his called out as they ran across the street, not seeing that a car didn't stop and continued speeding towards the group of children. Conan and Haibara watched as their friends stopped in fright, frozen at the sight of the car heading their way. He and a few others screamed in fright until something seemed to crash into the car, pushing it enough so that it would avoid any people, only injuring the one in the car and the person on the motorcycle who seemed to have flipped over and landed on its owner.

Conan and the others rushed forward, some towards the car and others towards the motorcyclist who seemed to stop moving momentarily. Most feared the worst for whoever was underneath all that.

Soon, after the person was discovered to be a woman, she who looked worse for wear, Conan and the others watched as she was hauled away.

"Conan, we should go visit her," Ayumi said, a stray tear still falling down her cheek.

Conan and the others nodded, watching as the ambulance faded into the distance.


It was soon revealed that the woman that had saved the children's lives was in a coma. Conan and the others were dishearted but visited as often as they could as the weeks passed by. Soon the weeks turned into months and the kids found themselves not going anymore, believing that the woman would never wake up. The only exception was Conan who continued his frequent visits as he took up an investigation with the FBI. One that involved a certain CIA agent and the Black Syndicate.

Three months had passed before the woman showed any signs of activity. After multiple tests were conducted, the doctors concluded that it was only a matter of time before the woman would wake up. She was healed so the rest was left to her.

"Visiting her again, Cool kid." Jodie Starling stated as she entered the room, spotting the young boy changing the flowers in her vase.

Conan nodded. "Yea, she seems to have no one after all." He took a look at the strawberry blond woman. "She saved the lives of the kids after all."

Akai Shuichi spoke up, seeming to leave his corner of the room. "That's not the only reason is it?"

A glare covered the eyeglasses of the young boy as he glanced back at the two FBI agents. "No, it isn't."


It was the rays of sunlight that prompted the young woman to awaken. Next was the constant beeping and finally the voice of a woman. Opening her eyes to discover a white room, Eri looked at the woman in front of her, she who had a gentle smile on her face.

"You're finally awake. Thank goodness, I was beginning to lose hope." The older woman, perhaps around her forties with a motherly aura surrounding her, admitted.

Eri blinked, not quite believing her eyes. "Umm.." As she tried to speak, the nurse gave her a glass of water. Her voice wasn't as smooth as it should be due to lack of use. Attempting a small smile that only came out as a grimace as she tried to sit up, Eri finally spoke up. "Where am I?"

The nurse smile sadly at the young woman. "At the hospital, you've been in a coma for 3 months due to a motorcycle accident. Apparently, you tried to save the lives of a few children and were injured because of it. Do you not remember it?"

Eri shook her head, clutching it in pain as she attempted to remember what was going on. For the last thing she actually did remember was getting shot by someone very dear to her.

"No family I take it?" She questioned rather softly, trying to see if the young woman was having amnesia.

"No, at least none that I know off," She smiled once more at the nurse. "Sorry I think I need a minute to regain my senses, can I use the restroom?"

Nodding, Eri was helped out of bed, taking a few steps to slowly start regaining feeling in her limbs. Now in the restroom and looking at the mirror, Eri yelped softly as she took in her reflection. Standing at 5'7, Eri had strawberry blond hair and sterling gray colored eyes. The slight change to her features gave her a small panic attack that went away as soon as a knock came from the door.

"I brought you a change of clothes, let me know if you need anything else." The nurse informed the woman, also bringing the bag she had on her just in case she needed something.

Thanking the older woman, Eri's smile faded as she looked for her identification card. Not only did the changes on there shock her but the discovery that she lived in Japan instead of the US set her back a few steps.

'Calm down Eri, Deep breaths, everything is fine. Let's just get through the day before I try anything else.'

It took her a few minutes but soon Eri was feeling refreshed and ready to think about her situation. Now back in her bed, she noticed the flowers next to her bedside.

Seeing her look at them, her nurse, Hiromi-san smiled brightly. "Your friend and a small little boy around 8 years old visit every so often. They just changed your flowers a few days ago.

'Friend, boy? Who is she talking about?'

"They seem like a lovely pair, that American woman as well. They'll be glad to know that you are up. Well... I hope they are. The man looks rather brooding." She admitted with a slight giggle to her tone.

A knock at the door got their attention before a boy came in with another bouquet of flowers in hand.

"Oh, hello there Conan, look who's up."

The young boy froze in his tracks, finally realizing that sleeping beauty had awakened.

"Hello," Eri said, mentally cursing as she looked at the bespectacled boy, finally recognizing who he was. "So you're my secret admirer, Conan-kun."

The boy nodded, putting on a cheery smile. "Glad to see you're finally awake."

The nurse excused herself. "I'll be back shortly with a doctor, we need to catch you up with a few things."

Now alone, Eri looked at the young boy. His smile dropped and his friendly aura was gone. "Eri-san when did you get back to Japan?"

Panicking the slightest, the strawberry blond not really knowing what to say.

Now with a smirk on his face, Conan looked at the women confidently. "You're not Eri." He stated.

The woman didn't have a chance to respond for a blond with bright blue eyes entered the room, introducing herself as Jodie, an English high school teacher. "Conan-kun, it's time for us to leave."

Nodding, Conan switched the flowers in the vase and discarded the old ones. "Eri-san, I'll be back tomorrow."

'Conan Edogawa, Jodie Starling, this is ridiculous there is no way I'm in a different world. An anime at that. '

"Eri-san!" Her nurse shook her from her thoughts, sighing as she finally got her attention. "Are you alright?"

"Sorry, I was just thinking."

"Well, that's good. Now I know that with amnesia somethings might be scary but I assure you that with some time you'll regain your memories." She said, reassuring the woman.

"You think so."

"I know so." Grabbing her hand reassuringly before withdrawing it and walking towards her door. "Now, get some sleep. You need to regain your strength for the days to come."


Conan and company came back 2 nights later, quiet to not disturb the sleeping woman as he changed the flowers in her vase once more. He hated seeing dying flowers in a patients room. Despite becoming slightly wary of the woman, he couldn't help but feel drawn to her. For some reason, he felt as he could trust her.

"Why is it that you keep going back to her?" Akai questioned the young boy as they roamed the halls after a long day.

The boy shrugged. Choosing not to answer his question he asked one of his own. "Does something seem off about her?"

Akai nodded but didn't give an explanation.


The following days were hectic, following a series of food poisoning, and bombs hidden in presents, Conan, and his companions had little time to see the woman and vice versa. Though there were some occasions where Eri spotted the little boy, he never seemed to see her. It wasn't until her last day did Eri finally regain some of her memories.

'An anime huh? Never thought I would see that coming.' She looked out her window. 'And detective Conan at that.'

Venturing out, and taking a short walk around the facility before her departure later that evening, Eri found herself bumping into the said protagonist of the anime she apparently joined. "Oh Conan-kun, come to visit have we?" She teased.

The boy looked startled, not answering as the woman's eyes ventured over to the man beside the boy. "Sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier. " She extended her arm out before rethinking it and bowing slightly. "I'm Eri Itou. You are?"

Akai Shuichi narrowed his eyes at her small slip up before nodding in respect to the younger woman. "Just this boy's guardian until his parents come back."

Eri raised an eyebrow. "Is that so. Well, pardon me but I must get going." She bent down slightly to pat the boys head. "Thank you for the flowers. It was very nice of you to continue bringing them. Oh and apparently, I'm suffering from amnesia. Sorry for not remembering who you were." She stood up, "Well I hope I'll be seeing you around. Good luck with your mission, Detective."

She walked swiftly away, her hair swinging behind her back as she left the males in the hallway.

'Just who exactly was this woman?'


Conan had every intention to visit the young woman only to find her room empty except for the nurse who had been taking care of the girl the past few months. "Oh, Conan-kun, she left just a few minutes ago," She took out a note from her pocket. "She told me to give this to you." She handed him the note.

"Thank you." Conan exclaimed before rushing out the room and over to the 'base', the FBI had established.

"Conan-kun, What's that?" Jodie questioned as he saw him with a card in his hands.

In perfect cursive English, Conan handed the note to Jodie given she knew better English than he and Akai who joined earlier. "Thank you for the flowers, Conan. It was nice to have visitors despite being in a coma. I hope to repay the favor someday. Give me a call if you ever need help with anything. I'm sure I'll be seeing you soon. As for your friends, tell Jodie-san and Akai-san that I'll help with whatever research they need with their predicament. I'm sure they know how to find me easily. Until then. Eri Itou."

Jodie read and turned the card around to find two separate phone numbers. One with her real name the other with what she assumed was an alias. Ballantine

"Ballantine?" She whispered, mostly to herself.

"It's the alias of the new author in the rising is using. The one who wrote that novel you liked several months ago."

Jodie nodded. "Then, could she be her?"

Conan looked at the man beside him taking interest in the conversation but storing it for later for there was one thing that bugged him. "Ne Akai-san, you never gave her your name did you?"

Jodie looked at both of them questionably before her eyes narrowed at the card. "How did she know?"