Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue.

Archive: This and any subsequent fiction may be archived, just drop me an E- mail and tell me where.

A/N: This is my first fan fiction, so I hope you enjoy.

One Night

*CRASH!!! BANG!!! BOOM!!!* Yet another Danger Room drone had succumbed to Storm's fury. She flew around the upper reaches of the room in a graceful dance on her winds, moving in a way that contradicted the violence of her actions.

Logan watched her, silently admiring her from the observer/control box set to the left-hand side of the Danger Room, positioned high in the ceiling. Despite the way in which she was disposing of her adversaries he couldn't help but admire the primal beauty of the way she used her manipulation of natural elements to serve righteous fury down on her unwitting opponents. Such power, such awesome power Logan thought to himself, but what a worthy person to wield it. Ororo was fair and undogmatic in her assessment of what was right and what was wrong. He supposed that it was the pagan in her that gave her that unique moral character, never dogmatic or judgemental. She respected the naturalness of the violent and dark sides of human nature as being as equal and necessary as the good.

Logan sighed at the thought as he stumped his cigar out on the metallic floor of the observation booth, Storm respected and loved him as a teammate, not in spite of his feral side but because of it. Because he accepted and respected that side of his nature, she understood his need to release it like no other member of the X-Men did and that was why he was draw to her.

One last robot crashed to the ground as her left foot connected with its 'neck', sending its head flying across the room, sparks cascaded from the broken circuits as the body dropped to the ground. Storm descended to the ground to stand before it, her chest rising and falling in short, laboured pants, her hands fisted at her sides as the Danger Room scenario began to close down at its completion, the room around her being replaced by gleaming metal panels as a soft, computerised voice read out an over view of the session.

"You O. K?" Logan's deep, gruff voice echoed through the large chamber, startling Storm to her senses. She peered up at the observation desk, gave Logan a short, forced smile and proceeded to exit the room. At that point Logan ran from the deck to meet her at the Danger Room door. As he exited the stairwell, he saw her walking down the cold, rounded metallic corridor.

"Hey 'Ro, wait up!" Ororo turned to face him with a sigh, she wasn't in the mood to talk right now.

Logan strode up to where she was standing quickly, but as he did so his eyes raked up and down her sweat glistening body, admiringly taking in her attire. Small grey Lycra crop top with 'Xavier Institute' printed high on the left-hand side, standard issue these days for staff, denim hot-pants, frayed at the edges and navy canvas pumps finished off her 'battle' gear.

"What is it Logan?" She replied almost irritated, her African accent coming across quite thickly.

"Nothing much darlin'," Logan shrugged, "You just seem real edgy after yesterday's mission is all. That husband of yers givin' ya grief?"

"No, not really." She lied, giving a short laugh and yet another unconvincing smile.

Logan certainly wasn't fooled, "Come on 'Ro, ya think you can fool me? How long have we known each other?"

"It is nothing, I am just---."

Logan interrupted her, true irritation in the tone of his voice now. "Cut the crap darlin', I care about ya, an' I know when you ain't happy. That Cajun been gettin' at you about what happened yesterday?"

"Logan please, I do not need this right now." Ororo turned to leave, but Logan grabbed her arm, spinning her round to face him once more.

"Come on 'Ro, talk to me. We've never kept secrets from each---."

Now it was Ororo's turn to interrupt, she put her right index finger to his lips and lay her left hand on his shoulder. "O. K, you win, I'll talk. But only over something very strong and alcoholic!"

A large grin spread on Logan's face under Storm's finger, he reached up and took her hand from his mouth, clasping it tightly, almost too tightly. "You read my mind girl," he said, his grin widening to a true smile. "You read my mind!" Logan slipped his muscular arm around Ororo's slender waist as he escorted her down the hallway.

* * *

Ororo leaned back in the patio chair at the front of the Xavier Institute, listening to the sounds of the still night and gazing at the full moon overhead. "Truly the other Bright Lady." She whispered to herself, admiring the awesome natural beauty of the blue and white orb. But she was broken from her thoughts as Logan stepped through the open patio doors, swigging from his beer bottle as he handed Ororo a cool vodka and cranberry.

"Thank-you Logan." She said as she took the slender, tall glass from his hand, taking a quick sip. She sighed in contentment and closed her eyes, contemplating the taste as the ice cold liquid slipped down her throat.

"So---ya gonna spill?" Logan asked, looking out at the lawn as he settled into the chair next to Ororo.

"Tell you what Logan?" Ororo countered as she turned her head to look at him, one slender eyebrow raised. "You seem to have assumed so much already. You appear to have made your mind up about Remy and I." She took another small sip from her glass as she settled back into her chair, closing her sapphire blue eyes as she did so.

"I'm not assumin' anythin' darlin', I know how much you love Remy. How you both sacrificed your relationships with Rogue to be together." Logan stopped to take a lengthy swig of his beer. "It's just that everyone around here has noticed the tension between the two of you lately. That's all I'm sayin' beautiful."

Ororo sighed, her shoulders jerking up and down sharply as she turned her head as far away from Logan's gaze as she could. She didn't want him to see the expression on her face, an expression of pain and resignation to his, and apparently everyone else's observation. She had been having trouble with her husband lately and it had come to a head yesterday after a very taxing mission for the X-Men. It pained her to even remember.

"Come on 'Ro." Logan encouraged as he looked at her intently, his bluish, green eyes soaking up her presence with quiet relish but also with concern.

"It' s just so hard Logan, everyone here expects us to fall at the first hurdle. I know they are our friends but I know that they think my marriage to Remy is doomed to failure. That is why it makes it so hard to admit to anyone when we do have an argument." Storm almost slammed her glass down on the tiled table in front of her, the crimson liquid sloshing energetically up the sides of the tall glass.

"I'm not judging ya sweetheart, you know that. Get it off yer chest." He shifted, turning his broad body towards her.

Ororo hesitated for a moment, feeling strangely uncomfortable at the thought of discussing her marriage problems with Logan, despite the fact that he was a close and trusted friend to both of them. After a brief silence, she finally relented. "O. K," she grimaced slightly, despite herself. "It came to a head yesterday evening."

* * *

"What de fuck 'Ro?!" Remy threw his brown, leather duster onto their bed with a vicious force. "Why yo' speak to me like dat in fron' of de whole team? Couldn' yo' 'ave waited?"

"For goddess sakes Remy, it was not personal, you went directly against my orders on a mission. Your actions could have cost the lives of those hostages!" Storm shouted at her husband, fury burning in her blue eyes. The pair had just returned from a very emotionally taxing mission, involving the lives of hundreds of potential victims.

"Yah, I disobeyed yo' but wit good reason chere, I had to take mah chance to get dose 'ostages out of danger. Remy saw de chance, he took it. Simple as dat!" Remy turned from his wife then, who was glaring at him, still angry despite his explanation of his rash actions earlier that day. He stalked over to their bed, stripping off his uniform with angry, jerking movements until he was stood naked before her. Despite her anger, Ororo couldn't help but be slightly aroused by the sight of his taut, toned and tanned body, but she was shaken from such thoughts as he began to pull on a grey 'Xavier' T-Shirt that had had its sleeves ripped off and a pair of faded, navy jeans that were torn at the knees.

"That is not the issue at hand here Gambit!" She spat the word 'Gambit' out at him, the sudden formality of the situation hitting him hard as his wife used his code name to address him. Ever since they'd married, Ororo never called him that outside of a mission. "You disobeyed me," she continued, "You defied my explicit orders. You belittled me in front of the team. MY team! You---."

"Oh I'm sorry yo' Majesty, mah Goddess!" Remy bowed to her in a sarcastically exaggerated manner. "Remy shall obey yo' wishes from now on chere, even if it do mean to death of innocents. I shall obey thee!" He glared at her intently, but she only returned the look with contempt and a little disbelief.

"You really believe that is the issue here?" Ororo spoke softly, it betrayed the vitriol contained within her words. "How much of an egotistical bastard are you Remy Le Beau? How dare you accuse me of chastising you for personal, egocentric reasons!" A brief thought came to her about how she had been accusing him of belittling her just a few minutes earlier but she was too angry and hurt to assess her right and wrongs right now, so she just continued. "I genuinely believed that you were putting those lives at risk, not to mention your own! How dare you!" Thunder clapped loudly outside the mansion, quickly followed by sporadic forked lightening in the inky, navy sky.

"Well I don' know chere, is it?" Remy was too angry and injured to back down now, not to his wife, despite the fact that something in him panged when she had accused him of egotism and that made him feel slightly foolish. How could he have thought that Storm would intentionally belittle him. Even though she had slung that accusation at him, he knew she would be incapable of such a thing. She just wouldn't do it, it would be too much of a---a---a male thing to do, he thought ruefully. "I'm---I'm sorry." He muttered, backing down just after he thought he couldn't. He titled his head down like a guilty child as he said the words, not being able to look Ororo in the eyes, his thick, auburn hair falling down to cover his handsome face.

After an endless moment of silence, Storm retorted to his apology with yet more anger, she fond that she was past the point where she could control it and that didn't happen very often. "Oh really? You are sorry once again are you?! How many times am I going to hear that phrase from your mouth Le Beau?" Ororo continued with her steely gaze, hands on her curving hips, an indignant expression upon her face.

"Dat's no' fair 'Roro!" Remy shouted, jerking his head up to meet her eyes, his crimson on black ones burning with renewed anger. "I wasn' tryin' to--- ."

Her rage was to far gone to even listen to the ends of his sentences as she cut across him, "Was not trying to what Remy? Huh! Was not WHAT?! What where you trying to prove?" Storm's powerful yet feminine voice bellowed through the attic space. "I do not know how much longer I can do this Remy." The final words came out in one great sob as her tall, proud form dropped to the bare polished wooden floor, her shoulders shaking in silent anguish as she cried on her knees in front of him.

Remy looked down at his wife's sobbing form, wanting so much to grab her, wanting desperately to comfort her in his strong arms, but pride prevented him from doing so. Instead he simply replied to her statement, "Neither do I ma cheri---neither do I."

With that he left Ororo there, a quivering mess on their bedroom floor. Making his way down to the garage he mounted his Harley, minus helmet or even a jacket and rode off into the night that was now wild with heavy, lashing rain. All down to the reeling emotions of his broken wife.

Over a day later he had yet to return.

* * *

Logan contemplated what Ororo had just told him for a moment as he downed the last of his beer. Without warning he stood, turning toward where Storm sat, "I think we're gonna need more supplies, darlin'." He shot her a crocked smile as he made his way back to the drinks cabinet. He came back quickly with one bottle of Charlie's fourteen year old malts in his thick hand and two small whiskey glasses in the other.

"This should do!" He chimed as he plonked himself unceremoniously back in his chair. Ororo let out a small amused chuckle at his lumbering actions; the adamantium afforded him little grace.

"You really expect me to drink that?!" Her smile beamed at him and he winced inside at the sight, she had no idea what it did to him when she smiled like that. He only just about managed to return the sentiment. "O. K, I'll drink it this once just to humour you!" She laughed as she accepted the glass of glowing amber liquid that was being offered to her, taking a small, tentative sip. Her nose screwed up at the taste and stinging tears of shock sprung to her eyes but she put up with it for Logan's sake. If she was tough enough to lead the X-Men, she was sure she could get through a glass of this liquid torture!

After a while Logan finally spoke, breaking the comfortable silence that had begun to settle over them. "So, you an' Gumbo had a little tiff, so what? You think Jeannie and Scott are the perfect couple?"

Ororo shot a confused look at Logan as she took another sip of whiskey, her taste buds beginning to become acclimatized. "Why, what do you know? Jean has mentioned nothing to me of trouble between her and Scott."

"Hmph! ---Ah hell, it's nothin'." He replied, looking down into his glass as he swirled the liquid that lay within. "It's just---Jeannie kinda made a pass at me a few weeks back. I know she only did it 'cause o' this shit between One-Eye and Frost---hell, a few years ago I'd a' jumped at the chance, but not anymore. I told her---I told her, it wouldn't work between us..." Logan trailed off, thinking over his own words. It was the first time he'd admitted out loud or to anyone that he no longer loved Jean Grey- Summers. But he felt oddly pleased that he'd admitted it to Ororo Munroe-Le Beau.

"I see." Was all she could say for a moment, and then she gathered her thoughts. "I know it was hard for you Logan, watching the woman you had fallen in love with commit herself to someone else before your very eyes, but you dealt with it and accepted it. I respect you for that. You never went out of your way to cause them any harm."

"Hmph, that's me ain't it darlin', that's me all over. The good guy who never gets the girl. For one reason or another." The last part of his sentence coming out in a rather bitter tone. Ororo laughed softly, the sound much more genuine and relaxed, the alcohol starting to work its magic. "What's so goddamn funny 'Ro?" Logan didn't take to kindly to being laughed at when he was laying his soul to bear like this.

"I am not laughing at you my dear, dear friend." Ororo pulled herself up in her chair, composing herself. "It is just the irony. You are the one who sits back and lets everyone else's happiness come before your own. The 'good guy who never gets the girl' as you put it, but it is just so ironic that the reason most of those women are attracted to you in the first place is because you are the sexy but safe 'bad guy', the danger man'. Jean, Yukio even Viper, all were attracted to you because you were the dark, dangerous prospect!" Storm took rather a large gulp of her drink, finishing it in one go. "But at the same time you are honourable and loyal. My dear Logan, life really has dealt you a bum deal at times, I can only hope that one day soon you receive all the happiness and love your good heart deserves. With interest!" At this point Ororo reached up and caressed the side of his face.

Logan brought his hand up to cover hers, clasping it firmly as he closed his eyes tightly to hide the torture that swam in them. He sighed heavily as he slowly opened them again, his pained orbs looking directly into the tropical oceans that were hers from beneath a knitted brow. "Wouldn't you just know it? I've found that girl 'Ro. The one who understands me, who I respect, love and cherish more than anyone else in the world. Only once again, I was to damn foolish to see her, staring me right in the face. Once again someone else snapped her up before I got the chance."

"Who Logan?" Ororo's face bore a look of genuine curiosity; she really did have no idea.

"For gods sakes 'Ro---it's you, if I was really honest with myself, I'd admit that it's always been you---ever since Charlie brought ya back from Africa. Fuck...." He grazed a weathered hand over his face. "Me bein' either the stupid or just plain arrogant bastard that I am, mebbe I though ya'd always be here---waitin'. Mebbe I didn't think I had ta rush, then Gumbo came back on the scene and pulled his head outta his ass quicker than I did..." Logan trailed off, gazing down at his now empty glass. An odd silence began to grow between the pair, nothing like the one that they'd shared before, so he reached over for the whiskey bottle that sat uncapped on the table before him. He poured himself a rather large measure and then reached over to fill Ororo's glass with the same amount, but she took no notice. All she could do was look at Logan as a torrent of conflicting emotions, like the warring weather patterns she was so used to feeling spring up in her.

At first Ororo had felt slightly angry at his presumption that she had always been there and would be his for the taking when he decided that he wanted her, but those thoughts were swiftly pushed down as other feelings raced through her. The magnitude of what he was admitting to her sunk in slowly, leaving her almost numb, then panic, fear, embarrassment and something like---elation?, settled in her.

After a moment that seemed to stretch out into eternity she finally spoke, her voice soft and trembling. "I---I had---oh goddess, Logan, I had not the first clue. I---I mean, how long? Are you sure?" Ororo stared at him in utter disbelief as she continued to ramble. "I can't get my---." But Storm's nervous jabbering was abruptly cut off by the forceful meeting of her lips with Logan's. She was too stunned to respond at first but suddenly under all the layers of confusion and yes, she had to admit, guilt, she found herself opening her mouth under his, letting his tongue invade her, explore her inside. His arms ran down from their position on her bare, smooth shoulders, grazing her spine to settle gently, but firmly on her hips. Their kiss suddenly became much more passionate and forceful as they stood from their chairs simultaneously, small yet harsh gasps escaping their mouths every time their lips parted. Before he knew what he was doing, Logan had wrapped one powerful arm around Ororo's slender waist as the other hand slipped down the outside of her silky brown thigh, settling in the soft, curving underside of her knee. He then lifted her up onto the patio table behind her, laying her flat on its surface as he stood, positioned between her long, sturdy legs.

# What the hell am I doing?!# Ororo thought wildly as she stared up at Logan, stood between her thighs, looking down at her with barely contained lust in his eyes. #I am married! Logan is my best friend---he is Remy's friend! Oh goddess!#

"This is madness!" Was all the weather witch could manage to hiss from her mouth, her breath coming out in short, laboured pants as her body began to burn at the promise of impending passion.

Logan shook his head slightly, "I know darlin', but I can't help it. I want you so much. No, I NEED you, I've needed you so bad for so long now that it hurts to be near you." He leant down and kissed her passionately again, then he began to trail them, hot and moist down her writhing body. "Wantin' to touch you so much." He growled, the words gruff and trembling as they fell from his mouth. Ororo simply entwined her nimble, slim fingers into his dark hair as he made his way down her body. As he came to her navel he wasted no time in unbuttoning her hot pants, slipping them, with her underwear over and off her hips, along her legs and to the floor.

"I love you Ororo Munroe." The words were whispered into her mouth as he kissed her, mounting the table himself. Ororo just let all her inhibitions go at hearing those words. She forgot about being responsible, being a leader, being an X-Man---being Remy Le Beau's wife, she simply responded to Wolverine's touch. An attraction they had both kept concealed for far too long.

But here they were now, living out both their fantasies on the patio table, observed only by the shinning light of the moon.