I do not own anything related to Lucifer, DC Comics, or Sandman series, either thru television, written books, or film. Everything belongs to Tom Kapinos, Fox, and mentioned above. I do own all the created characters. I do not own any songs, or literature mentioned. They are included to enhance the written words. Please read, review, and enjoy!


Song(s): Broken Wings (Mr. Mister), Nights in White Satin (The Moody Blues)

July, 1986

Running his third red light as he cruised down Yonge Street, the dark-haired man felt the corners of his lips twitching in a slight smirk as he ran a hand over the scruff of his chin.

The night previous had been his last in the city of Toronto for business.


Was the last night for pleasure.…

And he was going to make the most of it.

Drumming his fingers against the wheel to the beats singing from the radio, he swallowed hard as the lyrics hit a little too close to home…

Take these broken wings
And learn to fly again
And learn to live so free
When we hear the voices sing
The book of love will open up
And let us in
Take these broken wings

Slamming his hand down, he rode in silence as he ran another red.

The night was young and full of promise as his mind thought of his final destination

Los Angeles, California.

"The City of Angels" he smiled, slowly down for a yellow light that was beginning to turn red.

"Can't win them all" he muttered, watching the idling police car to his left picking up speed as his light turned green.

Stepping on the gas pedal as the stoplight above turned green, Lucifer Morningstar flipped on his signal for a left turn as he thought of the perfect place for dinner, just as he slammed his foot down on the brake.

Feeling the wretch of the vintage car as it stopped dead in the middle of the lane, he gritted his teeth hard and stared up at the darkening night sky before letting out a string of curses

"Bloody hell, you give select humans access and they summon you at the most inconvenient of times"

Taste of China Seafood Restaurant, 338 Spadina Ave, Chinatown, Toronto, Ontario, Canada…

Wrenching the wheel of the '61 blood red Chevrolet Corvette convertible over to the curbside, the man ignored the blare of multiple car horns as he threw open the door.


Tightly clutching the car keys, he threw his brown eyes up onto the darkened windows of the top floor before feeling the snarl growing in the back of his throat.

"Nice ride…want me to take it for a spin? Keep the engine warm while you go eat?"

Hearing the voice from his left, Lucifer Morningstar halted in his steps and laid a protective hand on the hood of his vintage car.

"No need, I'm not hungry for food" he tasted, holding his gaze with the youth who had caught his attention.

"In fact, maybe you should watch it for me. I don't know what I would do if someone were to look upon it with lust and greed" he purred, tossing the keys into the air.

"Yeah…sure. Anything Mr. Morningstar" the boy choked.

Smiling as he turned towards the separate walkup steel door that would allow him access to the upper brick units, Lucifer narrowed his eyes as he slowly took the dirty stairs one by one.

He could smell the blood from the first level off the street.

Sniffing heavily as he pulled open the fire door on the sixth floor, he immediately turned right and halted outside apartment 606.

"Hmmmm" letting out the hum that had been building in the back of his throat, Lucifer smoothed the palm of his hand over the front of his crisp white dress shirt before bringing it up to knock.



Throwing the door wide open, he braced his foot for the impact of the door as he took a step over the threshold.


"Where are you Diana…" he sang, sweeping his eyes over the messy living room. Spying pieces of a broken wooden chair littering the carpeted floor, his eyes fell on the reflective shards of glass before hearing the crunch beneath his black dress shoes.

"Now what have we here." Bending down to pick up a large shard of glass, Lucifer took in a deep breath before tossing it aside.

He could smell Tom all over the place, and as he straightened up to his full six feet three inches in height, his ears picked up the slightest hint of a labored breath.

Moving down the narrow hallway, he passed closed bedroom, closet, and bathroom doors before coming to stand in the archway of the one bedroom whose door was open receiving.

And he snarled with the sight that was laid out before him.

Laying flat on her stomach, the once flawlessly attractive Diana Cross laid half clothed with her eyes open still and a bloody shotgun blast centered in her naked back. Watching the slow drips of blood as they fell into the dark pool at the edge of the bed, feet from where he stood, Lucifer clenched his teeth hard as his ears picked up the source of the labored breathing.

"Thomas…Thomas…Thomas…" he repeated as he walked forward, narrowing his dark eyes onto the bloody face of the man responsible for the stench of death in the room and the shattered glass about the small walk up apartment.

"Another drug deal gone array? Another night of too much alcohol and loss of control?" he seethed, stepping around Tom's outstretched leg as the man sat propped up awkwardly against the wall.

Spying the blood splatter behind Tom's head, Lucifer smiled as he noticed the recently fired shotgun lying in the man's lap.

"It looks like you missed your shot, your way out of consciousness my dear fellow."

Grabbed the muzzle of the gun, Lucifer pitched it hard behind him as it left a deep dent in the wall with a crack.

"You killed one of my favorites Tom, and I am not pleased" he growled, watching as the barely conscience man turned his head.

Spitting out a mouthful of blood against the fallen angels expensive Valentino dress shirt, he managed a toothy smile before blinking, blood falling from the hole in his head and against his nose.

"She told me who you were, you might as well call yourself a pimp, tyrant" Tom whispered, feeling his eyes growing heavy as he started to slump.

Slamming his closed fist hard against the man's chest, Lucifer smiled as Tom's eyes flew open wide before gasping for air.

"Oh no Thomas…you are not going to die so easily. Not on my watch anyways" he smiled, moving his eyes over onto Diana's body, half slumped off the mattress.

"While we are here alone together, I'd like you to tell me why you did it. Why did you decide to shoot her before trying to coward your own way out" he questioned, remembering the last time he had been in Diana's company….


"You've always been there for me Lucifer, and while I appreciate it, Lola and I are going to be moving back to Ottawa and in with my parents and away from Tom..."

Biting the tip of his tongue as he stared at the woman's dead body, Lucifer smacked the back of his hand up against Tom's head as the man groaned in agony.

"She was going to leave me. Said she was done with me and my fucking failures in life. She had it all figured out…but I showed her" he chuckled, coughing up another good-sized mouthful of blood.

"You may have showed her, but now you have me to contend with….and I now suddenly very excited to show you what you have coming your way" Lucifer spoke, smiling widely as he dropped his flesh faced falsehood.

Watching Tom's eyes growing wide with bloody tears, the Devil slowly rose to his feet and took a step backwards. Turning to Diana's lifeless body, he lowered his lips and placed the softest of kisses on her upper shoulder before turning back around.

Sweeping his hands out from his sides, he smiled as he held a small matchbook between his long thin fingers.

"A gunshot would have been easy for you, but you are going to feel the heat of what's coming for you when you get to my Hell."

Staring at the matches, Lucifer watched as the tips began to smoke before a large flame sprang.

Tossing the booklet down onto the carpet, he took a step backwards to stand once more beneath the archway as Tom struggled to turn his head.

Watching the flames growing in size as they licked and jumped from the stained carpet to the dingy second-hand furniture, Lucifer smiled as Tom's eyes went just as wide as his mouth as he started to scream.


Turning on his heel, the dark-haired man strode down the hallway and did a double take as he noticed one of the previously closed doors now open.

Feeling the heat of the flames against his back as they began to crawl along the walls, Lucifer continued towards the front door of the apartment just as he noticed a small human foot sticking out from underneath one of the coffee tables.

Taking in a deep breath as he kneeled down, his dark eyes found a hazel pair, wide and wet as the tiny child stared straight at him, clutching a blanket.

Looking over his shoulder as he heard Tom's final scream growing silent, he pursed his lips as he realized that the child had had an unobstructed view of his visit, and perhaps the events before concerning her mother and father.

Tapping the edge of his ring against the leg of the table, he heard the loud beeping of the smoke alarm from above as the flames of the fire crawled along the ceiling.

"This child has seen the death of both her parents and you, no doubt she is wondering if her time has come as well."

Sneering as the booming voice of Amenadiel sounded from behind him, Lucifer stared at the small girl as she continued to work herself backwards, away from him.

"She's afraid of the flames Lucifer."

"Yes, I can see that brother, but she's not my problem you see" Lucifer spat, rising to his feet as he turned and bumped directly into the winged angel.

"You would leave her to burn to death?"

Hearing the distant screams of sirens approaching the building, Lucifer refused the blink as the heavy dark smoke quickly spiraled around him, choking the view of the front door.

"No, you would leave her and cry out that it was His plan" Lucifer spat as he turned around and roughly upturned the coffee table. Spying the small child trying in vain to breathe through her blanket, he scooped her up into his arms, and strode across the spot where his heavenly brother had stood only seconds before.

Ripping open the door, he strode down the heavy smoked hallway as shouts and helmet lights rounded the corner, breaking through the smoke. Pulling the front of his black blazer up over the child's face, he strode confidently as firefighters clutching axes rushed past him, oblivious of his presence.

Feeling the warm air of the July evening against his face as he stepped onto the sidewalk, he ignored the curious stares of building residents as they noticed the blood smear across his chest and the soot against his cheek and collar as the small girl clutched her blanket tightly.

Spying the youth who had taken the safe possession of his keys, Lucifer snatched them out of the air as he lifted the child in his arms over the edge of the Corvette and onto the seat.

"I hope you are toilet trained" he muttered, rounding the front of the convertible before opening his own door. Inserting the key, he turned the engine over and pulled the gear into drive before immediately throwing it back into park.

"I suppose you need to be restrained" he spoke, reaching over the four-year-old for the seatbelt. Bringing the slack across her night shirted chest, he paused as she scooted against him, tucking herself just under his arm, her blanket balled up in her lap.

Releasing the belt as it snapped back into place, he stared down into her face as he took in her wet eyes and soot stained cheeks.

"Well I suppose my arm is stronger" he offered, throwing the vehicle into drive as the radio began to sing with a classic from 1967…

Nights in white satin
Never reaching the end
Letters I've written
Never meaning to send

Beauty I'd always missed
With these eyes before
Just what the truth is
I can't say any more

Toronto General Hospital, 200 Elizabeth Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada…

Walking through the automatic doors of the emergency room, the tall dark-haired man ignored the questionable glances as he shifted the tiny child's weight from his left waist to his right. Coming to stand at a ledge with a protective pane of glass, he let the child slide down before she clutched at his hand.

Feeling the unease and disgust of such an obvious need for care, Lucifer sneered as a tired looking nurse clad in blue scrubs pushed a clipboard towards him.

"You need to fill this all out" she began, noticing the blood across his shirt.

"Actually, I would like to deposit this child with you" he began as she pointed towards the blood.

"How bad is your chest wound?"

Cocking an eyebrow, he glanced down at his shirt and felt the venom in his throat before remembering that Tom would be waiting for him in the fiery pits.

"Not as bad you think, but this one here…she needs…something" he spoke calmly, hauling the child up and sitting her down on the ledge.

"Jesus Christ…BEN!"

Turning back around, the nurse blinked quickly as the dark-haired man no longer stood before her.

"Where…" Noticing the child teetering on the edge of the window ledge, she sprang up from her seat and rounded the enclosed station, catching her before she fell to the floor.

Feeling the warm night's breeze as it blew through the elegant feathers of his wings, Amenadiel watched as the red vintage Corvette sped off down the road before making a sharp left.

"Dear brother, don't you care that if you choose to intervene in the life of a human, you will always be connected?"

Thank you to all for reading! Please leave reviews and enjoy!

P.S. Profile picture for story belongs to: tantalizing – apples . blogspot . ca