Hello dear readers! (Yo.)

My name is Mari Hatchsworth or just Guildmarm to some. Just a simple young guild lady with an intense interest for anything monster related ever since my teen years.

Now, you already know from the title what this book is about: Monster girls! Beings descendant from beings here long before man even set foot on dry land. As some of you may already know, Monster girls are a combination humanoid and beastial features, bluring the lines between humanity and beast in both looks and intelligence. Don't even get me started on some of their more powerful adaptations bodering on near deity levels of crazy (I can tell you firsthand).

For example, traits such as ample breasts, soft facial features, and bountiful posteriors will come with animalistic features such as scales, fangs, and other natural beast traits of the monster kingdom. Beyond those simple traits come with the more extreme qualities such as eternally floating, weather control, and enough power to topple larger villages with a simple headbutt.

Obviously, some people will take their looks with varying degrees, some with disgust, some with intense interest (like her) others with allure, and some don't even care at all (like me).

Either way, their here, their sexy, their deadly, and we gotta get used to it. Aaand judging from the assumption of you picking up this guide, your so used to it, your asking yourself one vital question: how can I get close to one and survive long enough for her to become my girlfriend?

Well, me and my boyfriend (test subject), Cain Wiles, AKA Doodle by me, are here to answer!

(Take note you guys, the guide here is a bit more dick oriented since monster girls are more primal in sexuality terms, I was her only test subject, and yes, we assume men are generally more into this. Now if you are a lady monster girl enthusiast, some monster girls such as the Rathalos and Toestra are more female oriented due to obvious reasons we'll get into later and all you need to do in general is just apply dick strategies to vaginal strategies. Or just carry a dildo/strapon. Either way works.)

Getting the chance to tame any monster girl may not be an easy task and once they've felt you've earned it, you may still have a ways to go. Like I said, just getting the chance can be difficult, since many are prone to just up and kill you. If you're lucky (subjectively), you might get the hit it and quit treatment. While obviously naturally programmed for the need to procreate and thensome thanks to dopamine and sentiance, their more hardwired to fight, struggle, and survive in the wild like the primals.

Which is why you're most likely reading this. You wanna get into the new frontier of "hunting". Let me tell you, like normal hunting, your prey varies. Some monster girls are more than eager to take it, some require a tribute of some kind, and others require a good old fashioned brawl. The list goes on and this is only putting it basically. But with great work comes great reward!

They can be passive and gentle or rage filled terrors, each require a set of skills and items to handle, some definitely more than others. Which is why you have this guide here. Through our (mostly my) documented experiences, you'll get the idea of what to do and be ready romance some MG's like an MC.

Also, if you're worried about diseases or something, don't be. They're cleaner than your average human (What a surprise). Evolution is so wonderfully convenient.

Now some might say this is wrong, bestiality, their our prey, and other "ethical" nonsense. Look, some people don't like monster girls and that's fine, but no, there's nothing wrong with liking them. And it's not bestiality, your not making love to a wild animal, it's a sentient humanoid of a diffrent species. Basically feral humans. They can learn to operate machines, solve problems, and even have their own languages. Hell, they can even attempt our language, though it's more a mimicry of what you might say. Not to mention they tend to exude more common sense than many humans. My point is, while their current life style may not require much brain work, love goes a long way and she will with you if you're willing.

But I digress. Now let's get started...

Class: Type of wyvern you're dealing with.

Threat Level: Threat they posses to your life. Ranges from low to moderate to high to massive.

Romace Difficulty: How hard it is to gain affection. Ranges from low to medium to prolonged to hard to intense.

Strong Element: Elements their strong against.

Weak Element: Elements their weak to.

Distinguishing Characteristics: The appearance of said monster girl. Essentially anthropomorphic female bodies of the primals. Cup size is relative to the monster scale, heights ranging from seven to twelve feet tall.

Weapons: They monster girl's natural arsenal.

Ailments: The status affects they can deliver in battle such as ailments like poison or elemental blight.

Habitats: Where they live.

Diets: What they eat.

Behavior: The way monster girls act.

How to Approach and Seduce: How to win a monster girls favor.

Romance: What to expect and sometimes do as progress your relationship.

Hardcores: Monsters within the more powerful category of their species. Subspecies are also generally more powerful as well.

AN: In 2018 I Decided to channel my inner comedic pervert and do some monster girl stuff. (Hail to our monster girl hentai fiction lord Lewdncrude!)

I choose to do this because I like monster girls, the MC Lewdncrude inspired me, plus I have too much free time. So I hope you guys enjoy! This story will include monsters from the main Monster Hunter Series and the Frontier series exclusive to Japan... lucky Japanese.