Drowning Lessons


Alright guys! I'm back with a new series for the new year. One that should be a bit fun. I hope you guys enjoy! And don't worry! The update for the last chapter of my Story Where We Stand will be posted either tomorrow or in a few days! I missed you guys a lot!


Katara interrogates Ozai for information on Zuko's mother's whereabouts. However; after discovering Lady Ursa's whereabouts, Katara leaves the Fire Nation. Returning home to help rebuild her Tribe, news of the former Fire Lord's escape reaches the South Pole. What will become of the Waterbender when she finds the man unconscious in the snow?

Chapter 1:

How long has it been? How many days? Months? Years? She wondered. The war had ended. But yet here she was, unable to stop reliving it. The fighting. The chaos. The fear. It played in her mind over and over again. But at the end of every flashback or dream, a pair of gold eyes shined brightly at her.

Zuko, her thoughts always ended with him. The son of that La awful tyrant. The boy that had betrayed her in the catacombs under Be Seng Sei. The boy that only wanted to go home but found himself joining the Avatar not long after returning. The boy that helped her find closure over her mother's death. The boy that nearly died saving her. He was no longer a boy. Now a man of Twenty-two years. The current Fire Lord. Her dearest friend. And the man she could never stop thinking of.

La! What is wrong with me?! Katara threw her sheets from her body and immediately got up out of bed. Groaning as she did. Dragging her lazy and tired self across the bedroom to the bathroom on the other side. She needed to get up. La knew these Fire Nation people woke at dawn and here it was, three hours passed it. Ugh! Why did she agree to this? Oh that's right! I can't ever say no to him! Ugh! Curse these feelings!

Getting into the bathroom, Katara ran the water and started removing her nightgown. Slowly beginning to sink herself into the hot water. A small moan escaped her. There were a very few things she liked about the Fire Nation and this was one of them.

After she washed up and put on her clothes for the day, the usual tribal clothes she'd bring with her every time she visited, Katara gave herself the prep talk in the mirror.

"You are the daughter of a Chieftain. You are not beneath these people. You will not cower from them. You are Katara. Water instructor to the Avatar and Savior of the Fire Lord." Her eyes fell a bit at the last part. "Savior of the Fire Lord." She repeated and then shook her head. "No, savior of the world." Her eyes lightened up a little.

A loud bang on her door caused her to jump back from the mirror and shriek. The door then opened without her even getting the chance to give her permission and in came, Mai, Katara narrowed her eyes.

The noblewoman that had been courting the Fire Lord for several years always seemed to feel the need to greet her in the morning. More like annoy, Katara thought.

Looking over the Water Tribe Ambassador, "I see you're up earlier than usual."

Rolling her eyes as she turned back to face the mirror. Katara really hated that- that- that- ugh! Whatever that is! Taking a deep breath, the waterbender went to brushing her hair, preparing for whatever meeting there was today. La, those meetings were the only thing that made her feel like she had some grounds here in this over luxurious palace.

"I know you and I have never gotten along but I would like to put that behind us." Mai said in that monotone voice that was as lifeless as her mother's corpse.

Trying not to pout in the mirror as the noblewoman could easily see her face, Katara took a few more deep breaths. Putting her brush down, she looked up into the mirror and looked at the reflection of Mai. She could do this.

Standing to her feet, Katara whipped around and held her head high. Her eyes looked directly into her rival's eyes. "The past has always been behind us. It is you that won't let it go." She said with a steady tone.

Knowing that all her courage she built up this morning had just gone into that silly reply, Katara walked passed Mai. Their shoulders brushing up against one another as she walked to the door to leave.

Grabbing the doorknob and pulling it to leave, the noblewoman had just one more thing to say before Katara left.

"He was mine first."

Biting back her words, Katara threw open the door and slammed it back on her way out. La! I swear!

"What?! There's no meetings for today?!" Katara looked completely destroyed by the news as the guard posted in front of the meeting chambers told her that the Fire Lord had to cancel due to several ambassadors not showing.

The guard could tell by the stacks of papers in her arms and the look of discouragement on her face that this was bad news for her. He had seen how the clumsy Water Tribe Ambassador had scurried around the palace, taking her job and position extremely serious. From what everyone here knew of the waterbender other than her achievements, she was strangely...reserved. Other than the fact she occasionally tripped over herself in the halls, the ambassador pretty much kept to herself. Whether that had to do with the rumors surrounding her and the current Fire Lord or not, the young woman kept a distance from everyone at court.

Offering her a sympathetic look, "My apologies, Ambassador Katara but perhaps you should see this as a chance to occupy yourself with something other than work."

Eyebrow twitching and eyes glaring, Katara threw the papers into the air before storming off mumbling angry words under her breath. Something other than work? Like what?!


Minding his own business and enjoying his day off, Zuko casually made his way through the palace acknowledging his subjects that bowed their heads as he approached. Today, he was in an especially good mood. He finally thought up a strategy for getting what he had been hoping to get for the last five years. This was sure to work. Of course, the person that would help him only need agree and everything would fall into place. This palace will start to feel more like home again.

Zuko sighed as he looked over the red pillar and gold tapestries, this place wouldn't be home until she was back in it.

Turning down the next hall, his amber eyes fell on a gloomy looking waterbender muttering a bunch of nothings to herself as she kicked her feet out from underneath her. Somehow the sight made her look like a child pouting after not getting her way. It was probably due to the meetings being cancelled. He figured it would be disheartening for her. Lucky her, he had something she could use to keep herself occupy. Something that would also help him get what he's wanted most.

"Katara." He said as he waved his hand at her. She practically stumbled back when she heard her name. Zuko tried not to laugh at her clumsiness.

"Z-Zuko- no. I mean, Fire Lord Zuko." Katara bowed her head after having made a fool of herself.

Reaching her, the Fire Lord marveled at how little she had changed. The only person he knew that didn't leave him wondering who he was talking to.

"There's no one around." He pointed out as she looked around to confirm. "Zuko works just fine."

Sighing as she held her hands in front of her and gazed off to the side. La, she had a way with making herself look like a complete fool sometimes. I'm so pathetic.

"Sorry, I've just been out of it today. I was hoping this meeting would give me the boost I need and well," waving her hand to him. "You went and cancelled it."

I knew it, Zuko thought with a grin. "Well I was actually coming to find you because I need your help with something."

Katara's eyes went to his almost instantly, "What?"

Crossing his arms, a smirk played on his lips. "Come with me and I'll explain everything."

The Fire Lord then pivoted and walked off, knowing full well she'd follow him to know what it was. And sure enough, the curious waterbender in need of something to do rushed behind him. Rolling her eyes as she did. La, why do I always find myself chasing after him?


A/N: Tell me what ya think so far! Miss you guys a lot!