Doug no such thing as permanent records

Mr. Bone again threatned to put stuff on permanent records of students and some students wants to find has no idea that it is just grades called transcripts. And behavior isn't used so it isn't permanent but just a yearly one in fact. Those kids is Doug, Skeeter, BB, and Patty. And wants to find them but will find nothing there. And knows Mr. Bone uses scare tactics on students. And could get him fired or needs to explain himself in a good way. For no such thing as permanent records unless it is a criminal record. Doug and them will be relived to know that and is heading there now talking soft there.

"I hope we see them and read them and have them whipped clean in fact," said Doug, "For Mr. Bone said he could put stuff which can ruin our lives."

"I think there is no such thing for i heard transcrips is just grades not behavior," said Patty, "And we can get them after high school or college."

"I hope it isn't real for behavior could go on them if they was indeed real," said Skeeter, "And glad we are going there to find out for sure."

"Mr. Bone said he would put stuff on it for Roger would have a bad one," said BB, "And we are almost there now by the way."

"You kids has nothing to fear they aren't real for i work here as a janitor at nights," said the night janitor, "For none of you served time in juvenile hall."

And know Mr. Bone uses scare tactics so they turned that in to the school board and told him to come to them. And told to explain himself of why he threatens kids with stuff like that. He said it is to make kids be on their best behavior and do well in school. And fired him and replaced him with someone who won't threatned kids with something that doesn't exist. And was hired by a strict private school which has stuff even though it isn't legal. And Doug and them are glad he is out of their lives. We still see them all talking at school the next day.

"I am glad he is out of our lives at last and the new person a woman is nice," said Doug, "She was a teacher here for a year here and three years before."

"I am glad the night janitor told us they aren't real just grades is," said Patty, "And glad we ran into him here in this school here."

"We don't have a night janitor for it is locked and two has the key," said a teacher, "But it could have been a thief or something."

"It could have been a ghost or a thief or just some random person," said Skeeter, "Or maybe it was a teacher or something."

"Explain what that man looked like so we can know if he is a criminal," said that teacher, "Because rumors have it an escaped convict is loose."

It was just a man who has the third key so teacher lied to them and was fired. And i hope you liked this one shot story here that no such thing as school permanent record just scare tactics. The end.