The boys were awoken by a scream coming from the halls of the hotel. Izuku and Iida were on their feet first, bursting out of the door to get onto the scene. Denki and Hellboy, however, were groggy as a result of being woken up so suddenly.

As the two boys were walking out of their door, a woman in one of the hotel's robes and loosely fitted clothes came around the corner. Her hair was a mess and her eyes were red from the apparent tears running down her cheeks.

"Please, help me! It took him! Oh, God, it took him away from me…"

The teacher along with Kraus came around the other corner. Hellboy finally trudged out of the room as well. Tenya was quick to take hold of the woman, being sure to hold her gently, yet firm, as the woman returned with her own tight grip, "Ma'am, calm down. Who was taken?"

"My baby! It took my baby boy!"

Her room was just down the hall after turning the corner. Many other guests were awoken themselves and curious about what the situation was about. Aizawa took charge, informing everyone that he was a hero and that it was being taken care of. Hellboy came around, his usual belt around his waist just above his sweatpants; his gun was not presently in the holster, however. He, Aizawa and Kraus were looking into the hotel room the woman was occupying. Outside of the room was a little girl, whom of which Izuku and Tenya were trying to comfort.

"Do you mind if we enter the room?" Aizawa asked.

The woman nodded.

He, Kraus and Hellboy entered the room.

The room was somewhat messy now, the sheets and covers scattered across the floor towards the door of the room rather than the two beds. Between said beds was a portable crib that was made up. An infant was crying inside the crib. Other than that, the room was much like every other room, no other signs of a struggle or a kidnapping were present. The window was open, but not enough for anything larger than an infant to crawl through.

Aizawa and the other two approached the crib cautiously, only to find a small boy crying helplessly in the bed in just a diaper.

The woman approached the baby's bed, "See? That thing isn't my boy, it's unnatural. It's evil!"

The teacher turned with a frown, his hair even standing up a little, "Are you sure you aren't just crazy?"

The teacher turned to walk out, but both Hellboy and Kraus hadn't yet. They both knew better than to judge something like this at face value.

The red student turned to the woman, "You're positive this isn't your son?"

"Are you kidding me?" She scoffed, "I know my son, and that monster is not him!"

He smiled to her, "A mother's instinct, right?" He turned back to the agent, who nodded to the red man before taking a few steps back from the crib.

Red took his right hand, grabbing the boy by the leg and lifting him into the air. The child wailed out. The devil pulled his left fist back.

Aizawa yelled out, "Hellboy Midoriya, what do you think you're doing?"

Kraus placed a hand on his shoulder, waving towards the scene. The teacher looked back to the student, still scowling at the situation.

Hellboy scoffed, "Maybe this will bring you out." He reached to his belt, pulling off a horseshoe. Quickly, he pushed it against the infant's stomach and it began to burn.

The child screamed, but the scream didn't belong to an infant. It was more akin to a chain smoker in his late forties. The boy began to change color and shape. Its skin turned to an unnatural yellow and it started to become more thin. The arms and legs stretched out, forming into much longer and thinner appendages than the chubby ligaments before. It's face changed to something twisted, a long, old nose and long, pointed ears replaced the human features before.

Aizawa turned to the agent next to him, "How do we know this isn't a product of a quirk?"

Kraus turned to him, "This is a fairly common entity that was found before quirks were a reality, Eraserhead. It's actually a form of fairy called a changeling which is known to take the place of children throughout European countries. And as you know, these creatures have been migrating as of late."

Meanwhile, Hellboy slammed the monster into the ground with just enough force to make the monster bounce upwards.

"Now, you bastard, you're gonna tell me where the kid is or else I'll have a friend make a bigger piece of iron to torture you with." The student threatened.

"AGH! I'll talk, I'll talk. Just stop it with the iron already!" It responded with a groan.

Hellboy picked the monster up by the neck, raising it high into the air and squeezing, "Then talk, before I get bored and take off your legs like a cricket."

"It's in the mountains," the monster explained, "I gave it to a really big guy that seems to thrive in the cold! But I don't know what it wanted with-."

There was a loud crack before the student let go and let the limp body of the changeling fall to the floor. Soon after, the body began to turn to ember like all the monsters before it had. Hellboy turned to the door, marching to the superior B.P.R.D agent.

"Why did you kill him, Hellboy?"

The student stood up, "What is that supposed to mean! He was a monster!"

"A monster with valuable information, he knew where the child was."

"Yeah, in the mountains."

The agent pointed his finger at him, "But we don't know where in the mountains. We are sitting in a mountain range, the boy could be anywhere by now."

Hellboy stepped forward, getting in Kraus' face. He wanted to say something but he just couldn't find a proper comeback.

Kraus turned to the door to Iida and Izuku. "This is case is now under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense branch of the Hero Association! Anyone who is not involved directly or is not an agent need not become involved." He turned to Hellboy, "I will inform Abraham about this and have him conduct an investigation of the room. Meet with me at the exit for the ski hill so I can give you the radio and equipment. On your way, have Reiko Yanagi and Fumikage Tokoyami join you."

The red student shook his head, "I said that I would-."

Kraus interjected, "This case, compared to most, is relatively tame and holds little danger even when compared to normal hero work. We need a proper evaluation of them for the bureau and this is the opportune time to do so."

Hellboy glared at the agent for a while before finally walking forward and out of the room. But not without purposefully bumping into the steam-powered man.

Reiko finally walked out of her room, meeting Hellboy who was waiting with his arms crossed. She was wearing a white winter coat with light blue pair of thermal pants. Her hair was still a bit messy and it was apparent she was half asleep.

Hellboy had changed into his hero outfit with the exception of his boots, opting to trust his hooves on snow and ice rather than shoes that weren't meant for it.

She looked up to the red student before yawning. They both began to walk towards the elevator. As they walked inside, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a sucker that he placed in his mouth. He pulled out a second one, offering it to the other temporary agent.

"I'm fine, thank you." He shrugged, shoving it back into the pocket that it came from. She turned to him, "Was the monster spotted? The one from the train briefing, I mean."

He shook his head, "We might fight it, but we ran into something else. Some little bastard took a kid and gave it to something in the mountains. We're getting him back."

She nodded, "I-I see. Is Tokoyami going to be joining us?"

"Yeah, I told him before I came to get you. He said he would meet us down there." Hellboy stated, "Something about meditating his shadow or something."

The elevator opened and Tokoyami was, in fact, waiting for them in the lobby. The boys nodded to each other and Yanagi received a wave herself. Tokoyami was wearing a black trench coat himself with his blue tracksuit underneath. The trench coat, in contrast with Hellboy's, was closed. The shadow spirit popped out from behind his head, glaring at Hellboy as he walked towards the classmate.

The red student ignored it, taking the lead towards the lobby for the ski mountain. Tokoyami turned to him, placing a hand on the spirit, "So, what exactly are we going to be looking for when we get out there?"

Red shrugged, "The snow stopped well before I went to bed, and it doesn't look like it snowed too much since then."

Yanagi placed her hands in her pockets, scrunching her brows into the nature through the windows of the lobby as they approached, "So we're looking for footprints in the snow?"

"Precisely!" a familiar voice with a German accent sounded. Kraus had just entered the lobby himself. He was holding three lanterns that were on fire, creating a warm glow around the four agents. "We could have used the changeling to find exactly where the child was, but Hellboy killed him before we could utilize that information. However, the changeling did still climb through the window and so must have travelled through the snow to get here; this is how we will find the child."

Before Hellboy could protest the agent, Tokoyami nodded, "Then we should get going so we can find save the kid as soon as possible."

The four walked out of the building into the cold of the Hakuba winter. They immediately moved to the side of the building that faced the forest, immediately catching the trail made by the changeling. It was then that the team shifted their trajectory to the forest.

It didn't take long for the cold to start getting to Yanagi and Tokoyami. The ghost girl's face was beginning to sting from the cold air licking her face. Tokoyami had it a bit better; his feathers and beak made it a bit more bearable to withstand the cold. For anything other than his head, however, the cold hit him just the same.

As the forest was explored, Yanagi made futile attempts to warm up her hands by breathing on them and rubbing them together. Tokoyami endured it only because he was too busy trying to keep the shadow spirit under control which was working easier than normal considering the bright moon light and the snow helping reflect some of the light little by little

Hellboy tapped Yanagi on the shoulder before leaning forward, "You okay?"

She jumped, which he apologized for before she answered, "Yeah, I'm okay. I'm, uh, just a bit nervous about this is all. I've never really been on a mission like this before, you know?"

"Yeah, you get used to it after a while though. I thought you already fought ghosts before, didn't you?"

She shook her head, "It wasn't exactly a fight. There were spirits in my house, but I accidentally threw out an object they were tied to, I think." She looked at the red devil, "What about you? It seems that you may know a lot about this kind of business."

Hellboy shrugged as they passed a tree that had a chunk of bark torn from the base as well as a few large branches that were snapped away from it. "I know a thing or two about this stuff." He looked forward to Kraus taking the lead. Ahead of them, the trees were torn more and more. "More or less."

Tokoyami turned back to them, "What do you think we're dealing with here?"

Yanagi blew into her hands another time, "Y-you don't think it could be the Yeti, do you?"

Kraus responded, "It couldn't be the Yeti. I met him; he's actually quite the gentleman. He lives in the Himalayan Mountains anyways; we would not meet him here."

"Wait, h-he's real?!"

"Very real. Perhaps one day you could meet him."

It was then that white flakes began falling from above. Snow had drifted in.

"Crap." Hellboy sighed, turning to Kraus, "We better hurry up before we lose the trail."

The group carried on through the forest. They got closer and closer to the mountains towards a valley that seemed to be artificially created. The closer they got, the less prominent the trail became and the larger the chunks in the trees became. By the time the trail was gone, trees were crushed and seemed almost ran through. Once they got to the valley, the trail was gone and the path before them was more of a clearing. They also saw where the monster had been staying.

The valley was filled with roughly crafted pillars made entirely out of ice. Some pillars were just that, blank pillars built like any other chunk of ice. Other pillars, however, were made into shapes of monsters or humanoid creatures. Scattered across the floor were bones and dried blood stained into ice and snow. This was the home of the monster.

There was no movement, however. Everything except the wind and snow drifting from the dark grey clouds above that littered the sky. The wind whistled through the valley, creating an eerie howl that ripped softly through the air.

The group walked forward, Hellboy taking the lead instead of Kraus. "Well, we've got an artisan on our hands." A chunk of ice dropped from above, smashing just in front of the red agent, "I'd really love to meet the artist of these masterpieces!"

Above was the monster, a towering beast that twinkled from the blue moon light. Shaped like something reminiscent of a hyena mixed with a lion, it dangled above like a chandelier. Its ice mane sparkled like crystals shaped to act as large spearheads. It looked down slowly to Hellboy and the rest of the group, every movement it made crashing into every other icicle jutting from its body.

It dropped from above, smashing into the ground with enough force to crack the ice past where the group stood. It reared its head back into a roar that crashed through the air with enough force to make ice as large as a man fall and crash from above.

Yanagi covered her ears and ducked while Tokoyami had his shadow spirit make a shield above everyone except for Hellboy as he was just out of reach. Though, no icicles fell on him anyways.

Once the ice monster was finished with his entrance, the red agent looked up at it. "Where'd you stash the kid, freak?"

The monster reeled back its hand, showing off the claws embedded into the base of the fingers.

Hellboy chuckled, "Fine, we'll do it your way."

The red student charged forward as the claw was brought downwards. He sidestepped, letting the claws smash into the ground. In response Hellboy threw the Right Fist of Doom into the wrist of the monster. The strike dealt enough force to snap the tips of the claw off and even throw the beast off balance. He moved forward, ready to backhand the head of the monster out of the way.

That plan, however, backfired as the monster began to roll forward. The iced mane zeroed in on him and was about give him a few new holes. Suddenly, Hellboy was jerked out of the way and thrown back towards the group; the counter-attack from the ice monster was successfully evaded.

He looked back, noticing the fatigued look on Yanagi's face. She looked up, "You're heavier than you look."

The grounded devil turned back to the ice monster, picking himself back up, "I'm gonna take that as a compliment, ghost girl." He pointed to the fallen ice shards, "Think you can chuck those at that ugly mug?"

"I can try, but I-."

"Good, try!" He rushed forward again, picking up a large chunk of ice himself and leaping up with the ice pointing forward.

Kraus turned to Tokoyami, "Protect her while she throws the ice! If you can, throw some ice of your own."

"What will you be doing?"

"We need to find the child if its not already too late." The agent turned away before continuing, "If the darkness unsettles your shadow spirit too much, try focusing it on the ice beast!"

Tokoyami's eyes widened. "W-wait, how did you know about that?"

"I'm an adept member of the B.P.R.D; it is my job to know these things." With that, Kraus rushed forward to the side of the battle to find the child.

Tokoyami turned back to the battle in front of them, picking up an ice chunk with the shadow spirit and throwing it at the back leg of the beast. Once it hit, the monster staggered and allowed Hellboy to get a solid uppercut onto the creature. The tip of the lower jaw shattered a little while the rest only cracked. A howl came from the beast as it recoiled and gripped its jaw with its non-broken hand.

As it did that, Hellboy jumped onto its shoulder, and then leapt towards the head. Once he had a good grip, he began to repeatedly bash the head of the monster with his right hand. The creature hunched over quickly, throwing the ice on his back like a porcupine, and the student along with it. He was stabbed by three ice shards that cut deep, one even shot through his shoulder. However, it began melting almost as soon as they entered his body. The ice he had gripped slipped out of his hand as it was sent out, just sending him to the ground rather than towards a wall of makeshift spears.

Before he could land, he was swiped by the monster which sent him flying away from the other students and almost landing on Kraus. He pushed himself off the ground, then shook his head. "God damn, that hurt!" He looked back up at the monster, which began to regenerate its icy limbs with a faint blue glow. Hellboy then turned to Kraus. "Hey, Steam Pipe, got any quick ways of taking this thing down?"

One of the other students threw a larger chunk of ice at the creature, drawing its attention away from the other two. A stray bit of debris flew towards them, which Kraus successfully ducked under. "Well, we could use the gas in the lanterns to-."

"On it!" The agent began another charge, this time slamming his right hand against the heel of the creature and jumping out of the view of Kraus.

The agent turned back to the structures of ice and scattered bones. From what he could tell, however, there didn't seem to be any remains from infants at all. Only adults and animals were able to be indentified.

The radio began to buzz through. Abe broke through, "Have you killed the monster yet?"

"As of right now," Kraus informed the aquatic agent, "it's still giving us a hard time. Hellboy and I devised a plan to burn it with our lanterns, however. We should be back shortly after we find the child. The monster isn't holding it, but the remains are no where to be found!"

"Is it possible that-? No, its unheard of. But it would make sense given the situation."

"Is what possible?"

Tokoyami created another shield with the shadow spirit at angle that redirected the attack past them. A bit of debris did get through, and it cut Yanagi's face across her cheek. Hellboy grabbed the arm and slammed it to the ground, which ripped the arm off from the elbow. He used said arm to slap the creature across the face, sending it crashing to the ground.

The red man moved swiftly towards the lanterns. Hurriedly, he reach for the lantern with his left hand.

Kraus shouted out at him, "STOP! We must change our plans!"


"I said we need to change the plan!" By this point, Kraus was joined back with the group, "Abraham just called in. The child has the ability to increase the mass of cold items he comes into contact with. His mother said so."

"Alright, so what?" Hellboy pointed to the monster which was just now pushing itself off the ground, "That has nothing to do with killing this monster."

"The monster is harnessing the child's quirk to increase its mass. No ice creature glows when it is harmed to regenerate its limbs, it takes time even for them. The child's quirk, however, is inside the creature to speed up the process. He needs to be extracted."

With a sigh, Hellboy turned back to the monster who had just gotten back on its feet. "So where's the kid?"

"I believe he is within the spiked mane of the creature!" The agent reasoned, "It is the most fortified part of the monster."

Red turned to Tokoyami, "How hard do you think you could throw me?"

The bird-headed student gave his attention to his classmate, "What are you planning?"

"Remember how me and my brother took out the trap robot in the entrance exams?"

"I do. I can do it." He turned to Reiko this time, "Can you make the monster stagger so I can get a clear shot?"

She nodded, waving her hands over a very large piece of debris. It lifted upwards slowly before it flew towards the monster towards its face. It went to block the face, which cued Fumikage to lift Hellboy with the shadow spirit and chucking him towards it marginally faster than he had with the icicles.

He sped towards the monster, yelling as he soared through the air. The decoy toss had just hit, smashing into pieces from the ice giant's block. This allowed Hellboy to travel right underneath its head and to its chest. He thrust his fist forward, crashing into and through the chest, allowing him to enter inside the ice beast. He could hear it howling in pain from the inside.

Alright, kid. Hellboy mentally bantered, where are you? You're about to make my job that much easier.

The red man sent another strong punch into the ice surrounding him, crushing even more ice around him. He was about to throw another, when the ice around him began to glow. However, a section of ice above him also began to glow, despite it not being broken like the section he was in.


The monster outside was obviously still in pain, but it seemed to prefer to channel that pain into rage at the first thing it could see. The only thing it could target was the three that were in front of it. It howled again, charging forward.

Kraus sprinted in one direction and the students in the other. The ice beast sent a fist downward, creating a dent where they were standing. Tokoyami stood between Yanagi, blocking the rocks and boulders of ice created by it. Rather than letting them fall, however, him and the shadow spirit held the debris in a ball woven by the shadow and swung it at the giant. It was smacked across the face which only made it angrier and resulted in a few more spikes in his direction as a result. He blocked most of the attack, but a small shard of ice made it past and impaled one of his thighs. It was small, but large enough still to bring him to one knee.

"Tokoyami!" Yanagi pulled him away with her quirk just in time for him to miss getting smashed by one of the ice fists. She caught him and let him fall on top of her, "Are you okay?"


Another strike was impending from the monster. Tokoyami's spirit began to make another shield around them before the ice fist exploded.

From the explosion, a wall of mist formed unnaturally in front of them in the shape of a man. It picked both Tokoyami and Yanagi up, then swiftly sped towards a jumpsuit that was laid on the ground.

Yanagi stood in bewilderment, "Kraus?"

The Right Fist of Doom continued upwards, smashing a chunk of it through and creating more space in the now replenishing ice surrounding him still. He sent one punch after another, after another, after another until finally, he came to an open section of ice where it was hollow. He began to crawl towards it, but got stuck. Looking down, he saw the ice had formed around his leg.

"Shit." He turned back to the hollow space, catching sight of the baby. He was encased in a spherical ice ball in toddler's pajamas. Otherwise, he hadn't been harmed in the slightest. "Just a second, little guy. I'll get you out of there really quick."

Hellboy slammed his right hand on the bottom of the sphere, destroying the ice structure and releasing the child from his prison. He caught the baby with the same hand, keeping him from touching any ice as he brought him close. Looking down, the ice had stopped forming around his leg, but had reached all the way up to his waist. He shifted the kid around to his left hand, then used his right hand to carve his way out.

He fell to the ground outside of the ice husk that remained still after the boy was rescued. The baby was still asleep and the agents were finally done.

Hellboy smiled, "Alright, now let's get back so we can finally get some rest like we were supposed to." He walked towards the group.

They joined him happily, both of his classmates still panting. Tokoyami looked up at Hellboy, "Rest is a torment far worse than any pain could amount t-." He began to grunt, looking down to the wound that was now clear of ice. He looked back up, "Let's go back already."

"Not yet." Kraus corrected, back in his jumpsuit. He turned and pointed towards the husk. A much smaller ice monster crashing out of the bigger shell on the opposite side Hellboy fell from. It roared, albeit a much softer roar than what they had been faced with.

Following the roar was a much smaller cry from Hellboy's arms. The student looked back at the golem, "You woke the baby."

He handed the child to Kraus. He charged at the golem who charged back at the red student. It took a single punch from the Right Fist of Doom to shatter the lower section of the golem. He grabbed the ice man by the neck, pulling him close.

"Any last words, you glorified snowball?" Without an answer, Hellboy shrugged and raised his fist, "Suit yourself."

He hadn't initiated the punch yet before the golem's eyes began to glow red. "This is just a mere taste of what is to come. This world, mankind, is doomed. These 'quirks' will not stop it. Neither will you."

Hellboy gave the final blow, shattering the head to pieces. He took a second to stand up straight before shaking his head, "This just got so much more complicated."

He turned back to the group, trudging forward and taking the lead towards the hotel. By dawn, the four agents were back at the hotel once again.