Invasion of Privacy!

Sheldon commits an unthinkable breach of trust and Leonard is through with him.

Disclaimer 1: I rarely, if ever, write cannon. I write how the story takes me.

Disclaimer 2: I don't own TBBT or their characters. To clarify, I OWN NOTHING.

Chapter 1: Breach of Trust

"Mother, I assure you, I am not having surgery so please drop it." Leonard said exasperated.

"Then why would Sheldon tell me that and why wouldn't you tell me?" Beverly said in her robotic voice.

"I don't know why Sheldon would tell you that. I don't talk to Sheldon about my medical business. The only thing he knows about me medically is that I have asthma and I'm lactose intolerant." Leonard explained.

"Well, if you were having surgery, you would you tell me, wouldn't you?" She asked.

"Of course, I would tell you mother." Leonard said lying through his teeth.

"Very well Leonard, I won't catch a plane to you if you are perfectly all right. I shall have a talk with Sheldon to find out why he would tell me such a thing."

Rubbing his temples to try to stop the pounding in his head, Leonard said

"No mother just let it go. I will talk to him."

"Very well Leonard; I will do as you wish and let it go. I won't speak to Sheldon on this subject."

"Thank you mother, I have to get back to work now."


Leonard looked at the phone; he couldn't believe she had just hung up like that.

"Well bye to you too mother." he said sarcastically still staring at the phone.

He was going to have a long talk with Sheldon. First of all, how did he know he was going to have surgery and secondly, why would he think it was all right for him to tell Leonard's mother. He hadn't talked to anyone about the surgery because he did not want them to worry. He especially didn't talk to Sheldon about it because he couldn't keep a secret. How did he know? A thought came to Leonard and he started getting very very angry. If he did what Leonard thought he did, that was going to be it. He was going to be through with Sheldon.

The rest of the day, Leonard was very quiet. He anger was simmering just below the surface and if it was set off, he didn't know how he would be able to rein it in. Leonard just hoped he was wrong. He didn't say anything to Sheldon on the ride home or on the walk up the stairs. When they entered their apartment, he let Sheldon do his after work routine and get comfortable at his work desk with his laptop. When he felt the time was right, he walked over to Sheldon and with no preliminary, asked him.

"Sheldon, did you tell my mother I was going to have surgery?"

"Yes." Sheldon replied

"And how did you know I was having surgery?" Leonard asked.

"I logged on to your computer and read the email you received from the hospital. You really do need to come up with a better password than Superman's Kryptonian name. You use Kal-El for your password on everything." Sheldon said as though he had not just admitted to breaking federal law.

"First of all, reading someone's email without their permission is illegal and if I had wanted my mother to know I was having surgery, I would have told her myself." Leonard stated hotly.

"I don't see what you're upset about. I would hardly call reading your boring emails illegal and I have saved you the trouble of telling your mother about your surgery. You're welcome." Sheldon said as he gave his Koala smile.

Leonard could not remember being so angry in his life. He knew it was pointless to try to talk to Sheldon so he went in his room and started packing a suitcase. This was the last straw. This invasion of privacy was bad enough but telling his mother of all people, that was just too much. When Leonard had finished packing his suitcase, he left his room and left the apartment. Sheldon never turned from his computer so he didn't see the suitcase in Leonard's hand.

Leonard went and rented a hotel room near the university for a week. He would probably need to make it a month while he looked for a place but he could worry about that later. He would need his laptop immediately. He had been so angry that he had left without it. It just so happened that this was date night for Sheldon and Amy so he could go back and pick it up along with some other things when Sheldon left.

While he was waiting, he started making phone calls taking Sheldon off all his emergency contact information. He also called and had his name removed as Sheldon's contact in case of emergency. He had this done at the university, the hospital, the bank and several other places. He called the Post Office and put a hold on all of his mail. He advised them that he would come to the post office to pick it up until further notice. He was determined to be totally free of Sheldon.

He looked at his phone and saw that Sheldon should be at Amy's now and the apartment should be empty. He drove back over and sure enough, Sheldon was nowhere around. He made several trips up and down the stairs filling his car with his stuff. He looked around and thought if he made one more trip tonight, he would have all his stuff out. Leonard drove back over to the hotel and got a dolly and was able to take all his stuff up to his room in two trips using the working elevator.

He drove back over and finished clearing out his stuff. He left the key on the kitchen counter and made sure the door was locked as he left the apartment for the last time. After getting his stuff up in his room, he started stacking boxes and putting things in the closet to make the room look presentable. He then called Penny.

"Hey Sweetie, why are you calling me? Just come on across the hall and talk to me face to face."

"I'm not across the hall Penny. I moved out tonight." He informed her.

Penny started to get nervous thinking he was going to ask if he could stay with her again. She loved Leonard but last time had been a disaster and she did not want to go through that again. She also had serious commitment issues but she did not want to hurt Leonard's feelings by turning him down.

"So um, are you out in the hall waiting to move in here" she asked nervously?

"Relax Penny; I know you don't want to live with me. I've rented a hotel room and will start looking for an apartment tomorrow. I was just calling to let you know what was going on and where to find me." Leonard explained.

Now Penny really felt bad. Something terrible must have happened for Leonard to move out like that and instead of being supportive the first thing that came to her mind was I don't want him to move in here. She felt like the worst girlfriend on earth. She knew, without a doubt, if the tables were reversed, she would not have to worry because Leonard would have been there for her immediately and unconditionally.

"Leonard I'm sorry." she sobbed. "I don't know what's wrong with me." Penny said sadly.

"Don't worry about it Penny. I'll come and take you out tomorrow after your shift and we can talk about it then. As I said before, I just wanted to let you know so you didn't worry. I will text you the name, address and room number of the hotel so you will have it."

"Ok Leonard, I'll see you tomorrow. I really do love you. You know that don't you?" She asked tearfully.

"Yes, I know and I love you too. Good night Love Bug."

"Good night Leonard."

Leonard sent a text to Sheldon letting him know he had moved out and he needed to find other means of transportation to work as he would no longer be taking him.

As Amy and Sheldon was wrapping up date night, Sheldon's phone buzzed with an incoming message. As Sheldon read the message he was having trouble comprehending the meaning of the message. Of course, in Sheldon's mind, Leonard would live with him forever and be available to serve him. "That's strange." he said out loud.

"What's strange?" Amy asked.

"Leonard just sent me a text stating he had moved out and I would have to find other means of transportation to and from work as he would no longer be taking me."

"What did you do?" Amy exclaimed.

"I did not do anything!" Sheldon denied.

"Sheldon, tell me the truth; what did you do to make Leonard so angry that he moved out and apparently wants nothing more to do with you?" Amy asked angrily.

"I'm telling you the truth Amy, I didn't do anything. We were having a discussion this afternoon and he asked me if I told his mother he was having surgery and I told him yes." Sheldon stated.

Amy narrowed her eyes at Sheldon and watched as he started getting nervous.

"Sheldon, there is something you're not telling me." Amy stated. Leonard is really private about his personal affairs, especially where his mother is concerned. I can see Leonard telling Penny about his surgery but why would he tell you?"

As Amy said the last part, she looked up quickly at Sheldon.

"Sheldon, just how did you know about Leonard's surgery? Did he tell you?"

Sheldon looked everywhere except at Amy. A tick started on his left eye.

"Sheldon!" Amy shouted, "Answer me." she demanded.

"Well, I might have hacked his email account and read the email from his doctor." Sheldon said casually.

"Sheldon, that's illegal, immoral and just unbelievably wrong." Amy admonished.

"Well, there's nothing to worry about. Leonard did not move out. He is just throwing one of his little hissy fits. He will sulk for a little while and then it will be as though nothing has happened." Sheldon stated confidently.

"I don't think so Sheldon. Besides the time he briefly moved in with Penny, has Leonard ever indicated before that he was moving out?"

"Well no."

"Remember, when he moved in with Penny, it wasn't for anything as serious as this breach of trust and invasion of privacy you just committed. I think Leonard would have still stayed your roommate even then, but telling his mother! I don't think he will be able to forgive you for that."

"But we have a roommate agreement so he can't just move out. Only I can break the roommate agreement and I refuse to do so. So he can huff and puff all he wants but he cannot move out and he still has to take me where ever I say. It's in the roommate agreement. I will take him to court if I must." Sheldon argued.

"Sheldon that roommate agreement will not stand up in court. Leonard just went along with it so you wouldn't bug him about it. It's not notarized and there were no witnesses. Lastly, and most importantly, that roommate agreement reads like Leonard is your slave. Slavery is illegal. If you did try to take Leonard to court, the judge might charge you. I think you had better face facts really fast that Leonard has moved out and does not want anything to do with you."

"You don't know what you are talking about Amy. No one knows Leonard better than me and I say he has not moved out. He is somewhere sulking but he will come to his senses and come Monday morning Leonard and I will ride into work together like always." Sheldon remarked.

Tired of trying to make Sheldon listen to reason, Amy just gives in "Ok Sheldon, if you say so."

"Well, I do say so. Now this hippy dippy date night is over so come and take me home." He stated petulantly.

When they arrive at Sheldon's apartment building, Amy pulled over to the curve and put the car in park but did not turn it off. Sheldon, who had gotten out of the car, looked back at her confused.

"Amy, aren't you going to walk me to my door?"

"No Sheldon. Good night." Amy responded.

"But Amy, its dark out, anything could happen to me from here to my door."

"Sheldon, I'm the woman, you're supposed to walk me to my door. If I walk up with you, there will be no one to walk me back to my car." Amy explained patiently.

"Oh, don't be ridiculous Amy, no one wants you but I am one of the greatest minds the world has ever seen. No doubt there are plenty of hooligans out there just waiting to get their grubby little hands on me for ransom." Sheldon stated arrogantly.

Amy was fed up and just pulled off leaving Sheldon standing there. Sheldon looked around and then hurried into his building and quickly ran up the stairs to his apartment. He fumbled with the key since he was rushing but finally got the door opened and rushed in quickly locking the door behind him.

He walked quickly to Leonard's room wanting to complain about Amy's rude behavior. He did his normal 3 knocks followed by Leonard's name but did not get a reply. He carefully opened the door and peered in. Not believing his eyes, he opened the door all the way and walked in. There was nothing of Leonard's left in the room. He went out into the living room and saw that all Leonard's stuff that was out there was also gone.

He went and sat in his spot on the couch to think. What could this mean? Where had Leonard hidden all of his stuff? Sheldon still wouldn't believe that Leonard had moved out. Well, tomorrow was Sunday and Sheldon decided he would have a talk with Leonard then about his rather rude behavior toward him. After all, he was Sheldon and Leonard was just his underling. With a plan decided, Sheldon got up and went to bed.

At the same time, other plans were being made. Penny, still feeling awful at the way she had reacted when Leonard told her he had moved out, was trying to come up with some way to make it up to him. She knew she truly loved him. There was no doubt about that. Leonard was everything she wanted.

Sure, in her immaturity, she had been looking for big, strong, muscular guys for her boyfriends but what had that gotten her; cheated on, slapped around, treated like a piece of meat and almost raped. Those guys didn't hold her in their arms and cuddle with her. After sex, they turned over and went to sleep.

Leonard on the other hand cherished her. He treated her with respect. He looked into her eyes when he talked to her. He supported her in anything she wanted to try. Most importantly, and the thing that had sealed the deal for her was he had asked for nothing in return. Before they were officially a couple, he was doing these amazing things for her and getting nothing in return.

Yes, when they started dating, she gave him access to her body but even then he didn't treat her like a piece of meat or another notch in his belt. He worshipped her body and cherished it. She always knew he was making love to her and not just using her body for a release.

He took care of her when it wasn't so pretty. When she would stumble home stinking drunk, he held her hair while she threw up. He gave her a shower or bath. He called her job and told them she was sick and was not able to work so she could stay in bed. He found the right combination of food she could keep down while battling her hangover. He helped her out with rent, electric and any other bills she needed help with and never made her feel like a failure.

Most importantly to her was the fact that he was the only boyfriend she had ever had that her father approved of. She thought it was because he was a well-respected scientist but she overheard her parents talking when she went to visit and what her father said brought tears to her eyes and summed it up for her as well.

Her father told her mother that he didn't have to worry about his slugger anymore because he knew love when he saw it and Leonard loved their daughter. He saw how Leonard treated her like a princess. He saw how Leonard looked at her and not her body. He saw how Leonard wanted to do things for her just to see her smile. He said he also saw how Penny looked at Leonard. All the things she used to be attracted too were not attributes that Leonard had. But not once had she mentioned it. She saw past that he was short. She saw past he wasn't muscular. She saw past he wasn't well coordinated. The man she saw was perfect because she was in love with him. "No" her father said, "I don't have to worry about my slugger anymore. She has a man worthy of her. She has a man who loves her as much as I do."

Penny still didn't have a plan in place but she did have a conviction in place. No matter what, Leonard would never have to worry about her love for him. She would show him in private. She would show him in public. She would show him at his job. She would show him at her job. She would make sure that everyone knew Leonard was her man and no other man mattered to her. She didn't care what it took but she was not losing Leonard, not even to her own stupidity.

Leonard thought he would have to put a big elaborate plan together to get on with his life but found he didn't. All he had to do was move out and find his own place. He would have loved to live with Penny but he understood her phobia and would not push her. They were in a good place right now with their relationship and he didn't want to mess that up.

He would look for a place with her in mind though. If they ever did get to the point where they wanted to move in together, it would definitely not be in that building with Sheldon. He pretty much knew her taste so finding a place, essentially for the two of them, would not be hard. He smirked to himself; a working elevator was a must.

He would start looking tomorrow as he had nothing on his schedule and then he would take Penny out to a romantic dinner. Yawning, he thought he better hit the sack. All that moving had really taken its toll on him. He wasn't used to that much exertion unless Penny was involved. Smiling at that thought, Leonard went to take a shower and hit the hay.