"What do you mean, moving to Paris?" asked Danny, in disbelief.

Danny's mom laughed, "that's exactly what we mean! It's only temporarily, honey, but we just gotta get you out of the house this summer! So you, Jazz, Jack, and I will all head over to the capital of France for a whole two weeks!"

"No!" The boy groaned, raking his hands down his face.

Jazz sighed. "It's alright, Danny. In fact, I'm kind of excited. We've never been to another country! I mean, Paris?"

Danny shook his head, "I'd rather stay here where I can keep an eye on Vlad..." he muttered, glancing at a photo of his rival.

And so, the Fenton family headed over to Paris, settled down in an apartment beside a bakery.

It was only the second day when Jasmine offered to take him to the restaurant next door.

"Look, Danny, you have nothing to worry about. Tucker and Sam have Vlad handled, and they've agreed to do patrol. Besides, you need a break! Just look at you," his sister offered.

They walked into the little corner store, and Danny shook his head, "I just don't know, Jazz... I feel like something's wrong. Not in Amity Park... It's something here."

Jazz rolled her eyes and went up to the counter. "Hmm... See anything that looks good?" she glanced at her brother, who gave her a dirty look. "I guess we'll have two of those," she pointed at the macaroons, "and two of those," she gestured towards the croissants. "S'il vous plaƮt?" she asked hesitantly.

The dark haired woman behind the counter smiled, "of course!" She used tongs to pick up the baked goods and put them inside bags, which she handed to Jazz.

"Come on, Danny," Jasmine urged sweetly.

He lowered his head, before rolling his eyes. "Fine."

The woman behind the counter tilted her head at Danny. "You're not from around here, are you?"

Danny's eyes widened, "no, I'm not, why?" he asked, wondering how she could tell.

"Well, most people are more mindful of their emotions... If you know what I mean." She offered a smile.

Danny rolled his eyes, "no, I don't. And I don't have time for this cryptic stuff, either." He angrily walked out the door, following his sister.

The woman sighed. "Well, they can't say I didn't try..." she muttered.

In some secret lair, somewhere in Paris, a circular window slowly opened to reveal the infamous villain, Hawk Moth. "Ah... A concerned little brother, paranoid and confused... The perfect prey for my akuma," he said, placing a hand over the white butterfly that floated into his palm. When he let it go, it ceased to be white, but dark, with streaks of purple. The once innocent looking butterfly took to the air, and drifted out the little opening in the window.

Danny gasped, as blue colored fog escaped his mouth. "A ghost? Here? Now?" he looked around, and jumped in a nearby abandoned alley. "Going ghost!" he shouted, before turning from his human form to his ghostly form.

In the aforementioned secret lair, Hawk Moth growled, frowning. "Those emotions... Where did they go?!" he asked, gripping his cane tight. This had not happened too many times before. But unlike the times before, this one made no sense. The boy's troubles vanishing like that? Without even a ghost of an emotion to speak of? Wait...

Danny Phantom looked around the street, until he saw a peculiar black butterfly, and he frowned. "Is that normal?" he asked no one in particular.

The butterfly seemed confused as well, flapping around with no real direction.

Danny got out his Fenton Thermos, the device he used to catch ghosts, and tried it on the butterfly. Miraculously, it was sucked right in. He capped it, and frowned. "Huh, didn't expect that to work..." He shrugged.

"AHH! AN AKUMA!" yelled a voice from below, pointing at him.

The ghost boy frowned, "An a-what-a?"

Citizens ran from him in fear, screaming.

"Your days of evil doing are done, akuma!" cried out a voice, as a girl with pigtails slid into the scene. She wore a matching outfit and mask, red with black dots. She pointed at Danny.

The white haired boy cocked his head. "What's an - an akuma? Am I saying that right?" He thought to himself for a second.

A blond boy leapt next to the girl, "How do you always get here first? You're impeccable with your timing! Just the cat's meow!" he said, which was funny, because he wore a black cat suit.

Danny Phantom couldn't help but start laughing. He drifted to the ground. "Wait, so, are you ghost hunters? Because you look like superheroes-" The girl's yo-yo came right at him, but he turned intangible a second before it hit him.

She gasped. "He's... A hologram?!"

The ghost frowned at the girl. "Not a hologram! I'm Danny Phantom? I thought I was famous..." he muttered, looking at the ground.

The cat boy shook his head, "Ladybug, where do you think the akuma is? His thermos?"

Ladybug nodded, "worth a try! But how can we touch him when he becomes intangible?"

"Uh, hello? I'm right here? Why are you discussing your plan right in front of me?" Danny asked, waving his arms. "And what's an akuma?"

Ladybug frowned. "Wait, he hasn't hurt any civilians yet, he doesn't seem to know what an akuma is, and he hasn't asked for our miraculous yet... Chat, he might not be an akumatized victim!"

"EXCUSE ME!" Danny shouted. "What is an akuma? Who are you guys?"

Chat Noir chuckled, "I'm glad you asked... I'm Chat Noir, and this is my sidekick, Ladybug, and we protect all of Paris from Hawk Moth's evil akumas!"

Ladybug frowned, shooting a dirty look at her partner, and began walking towards the ghost boy, "and who are you, if you're not an akuma? Are you an another miraculous holder?"

"What's a miraculous...? Um, no, I'm a ghost boy! I'm Danny Phantom..." the boy explained, with a smile. "I came here because I sensed a ghost with my ghost sense... But all I found was a black butterfly!" He chuckled.

Ladybug gasped, "that's an akuma! Where did it go? I have to purify it!"

Danny tapped his Fenton Thermos. "I caught it in here. So, if that's an akuma... What's so dangerous about it? Butterflies aren't scary from where I come from."

"An akuma isn't a butterfly. It's a monster. An evillized creature, containing power to transform any human into a supervillain!" Chat Noir explained.

The ghost boy gasped, "wow! That's kinda actually cool... Tucker would flip if he heard about this!" He gasped, suddenly, realizing he disappeared on Jazz. "Ah, I gotta go! Cya around, uh, protectors of Paris!" he zoomed back into the apartment, turning invisible and intangible just beforehand.

"What about the-" Ladybug sighed, when there was no sight of the ghost boy, "akuma...? Hmm... That was weird, huh, Chaton?" She glanced at her partner.

He chuckled, "at least we didn't have to fight an akuma. I just got my nails done," he said, posing with them.

She rolled her eyes, "of course. Well, now that the danger has passed, I've got to go."

"Of course. Cya around, my lady!" He hopped away.

Hawk Moth frowned, as he could sense the boy's disturbed emotions once more. "Hmm... He's able to elude my empathy, if only temporarily... Perhaps I should keep an eye on this one," he muttered, putting a hand to his chin in thought. He wasn't sure what this kid was, yet, but he could tell that Danny Fenton was no miraculous holder...

(A/N: To be continued! Honestly I didn't think I was gonna go very far with this but I like the chemistry between the trio and honestly now that I think about it Danny is kinda overpowered compared to Ladybug and Chat Noir, I mean he can go through walls, disappear and fly, never mind all the abilities he gained in season three that I may or may not include in this particular fiction)