Chapter 4: contagion

Victoria Dallon, otherwise known as Glory Girl, looked warily at the interplay of shadows in the darkened streets and alleys beneath her as she flew over them. Armsmaster had called the Dallon house hold to warn them about Blacklight. Apparently the hero who looked a lot like a villain had been royally pissed off by the PRT, so Armsmaster had called to give her a heads up about the disgruntled hero.

She shivered as she remembered the way the teenage Blacklight's flesh had rippled and shifted into weapons with black and crimson streaked skin, hammer like fists, monstrous claws, and massive blades. She had been quickly overwhelmed and then knocked out. When she had came too, the PRT had arrived and promptly dressed her down, their director screaming at her for attacking someone without even bothering to ask her questions first.

And now, she was taking great care to ensure that she wasn't blindsided, she really did want to apologize to the other hero, but from Armsmaster's tone when he called, she might not be given the chance to.

That was why she was surprised but ready when whip the color of crisped flesh with veins of livid, bloody red, wrapped itself around her midriff and brought her crashing down into an alley, and in front of a armored Blacklight, the only Victoria was able to tell who it was was her head was still uncovered, the rest of her body, covered in insectile armor the same color as the whip. her mouth stretching in a sharklike smile, complete with razor sharp triangular teeth.

"HellO GLoRy GIrL, I tHInk ItS tIMe we hAd a cHaT…"

Victoria winced at the voice, it sounded like someone had shoved nails down the other girls throat. She took a deep breath and prepared to do something she never though shed do, something dangerous, something embarrassing, something she would only do to family…

Victoria Dallon, also known as Glory Girl of Brockton Bay's New Wave superhero team took a deep breath in and prepared to apologize.

Scene Break

"Im sorry!"

Blacklight paused, out of all the things she had expected the other girl to say after plucking her from the air with her whip attachment, that was not one of the. Blacklight stocked forward, each step cracking the concrete of the alley, towards the girl who looked pensive, but pure and undefiled, like a holy angel.

Blacklight shook herself out of her reverie and spoke, making an effort to subdue the roiling flesh of her vocal cords.

"Why wOuld you apolOgiZe?"

Glory Girl looked at her with an expression of honest remorse.

"I am apologizing because I did something wrong, when I attacked yo u I dint think, I only saw a villain beating up a bunch of other thugs, I thought it might be an initiation of some sort, so I rushed in without thinking," Glory Girl bowed her head low. "So I am very, very sorry."

Blacklight paused. Well crap. She could tell that Glory Girl was being completely honest, her infrared vision showing a constant and even distribution of heat, or translation, Glory Girl was telling the truth about her apology.

She froze as a smooth, masculine went through her mind.

Just because she's sorry now, does not mean you have to forgive her…

Blacklight whirled around, and saw the shade of the first human wielder of Blacklight, nonchalantly leaning against the brick wall of the alley.

Do you really think, once she knows about you, and about your weakness, and how your friends betrayed you, she'l be near you, let alone be your friend?

Blacklight hissed, like a boiling tea-kettle. Mercer was WRONG! She was strong now, and she could see for herself that Glory Girl was honestly apologizing. Mercer shrugged idly, the same sign she had on her coat, glowing on the back of his.

Maybe so, but do you think she will do any better then the rest of the heroes? As soon as she learns who cause your trigger, and just how powerful you are, then she'll want you on her team, and she will tell you to just get over your torture at Sophia's hands

Blacklight shook her head frantically, her helmet melting out of her armor to cover he head as Glory Girl looked at the teen who's sanity appeared to be rapidly dissolving. Blacklight was running through counterarguments in her head as quickly as she could, Mercer was just as quickly poking holes in them.

And what do you think will happen when she figures out that your nothing more then a collection of germs hmmm? Do you think she will still look at you with that hope or concern once she realizes that you could end all life on the planet?

Blacklight breathed in faster and faster despite not having lungs anymore, her head was spinning, she couldn't breath, she felt the walls of the of alley closing in.

The last things she heard as she passed out was Mercer's mocking laughter, and Glory Girls cries of distress.

Scene Break

Carol Dallon, also known as Brandish, was sitting at home in a warm sweatshirt and fluffy sweatpants, curled up on the sofa as she read a book and relaxed with a glass of wine. Her adopted- no, just her daughter, Carol mentally scolded herself, Amy was just as much her daughter as Victoria, was upstairs listening to music in her room, and Mark had gone out to pick up some take out, and Victoria should just be returning from a solo patrol, the first she had been allowed after in the weeks after her confrontation with the so called new 'hero' Blacklight. Carol winced as she remembered her stupid knee jerk reaction, it certainly hadn't helped the publics perception of New Wave for them to have released an incomplete video, however, with Amy working extra hours at the hospital and all of New Wave putting in extra appearances and patrols, the city would soon forget.

She sighed in satisfaction. Her life might not be perfect, but she was working at it.

And then the door slammed open and her prized, cherished, and loved eldest daughter rushed in with the seizing form of a teen girl she recognized as Blacklight. Victoria saw her mother staring at her in shock and gave a sheepish grin.

"Heyyy mom…. Uhh, so I found her, can we keep her?"

Carol good mood abruptly curdled as Victoria continued talking.

"Also, she kinda started seizing out of no where, so can I explain after we get Amy to take a look at her?"

Scene Break

Taylor awoke in a bed with pink sheets, she opened her eyes to see a mousey brunette starring at her with a expression of the utmost focus, before Taylor could even open her mouth, the other teen spoke.

"Hello Blacklight. My name is Panacea, and we need to have a talk."