I dont own anything about Fate stay Night series

The story have been Beta thank to RedRat8.

"Congratulations Shirou!" Taiga yelled cheerfully as Illya stood next to her also smiling brightly at him as Shirou rubbed his head a bit in embarrassment as they enjoyed themselves having a party in Shirou's home celebrating his graduation from high school.

"Congratulations Shirou." Illya chirped as well.

"I can believe that Shirou has finally grown up now!" Taiga cried joyfully as both children of Kiritsugu looked flatly at her.

"Fuji-Nee, you said the same thing about me when I graduated from Middle School." Shirou deadpanned at his guardian.

"Bah, that's nothing." Taiga shrugged off. "It's different since you are now an adult." She said with a smile. "It's a whole new chapter in your life."

"Do you really need to be that dramatic?" Illya flatly asked.

"Hey!" Taiga barked as she pointed her finger at her. "I've been watching Shirou since he was a kid, of course I'm going to react like this!"

"And now I know you're drunk." A male voice rumbled out revealing it to be Fujimura Raiga, Taiga's grandfather. "Shirou was the one to watch over you because of how irresponsible you are all the times." He said laughingly before he sent a warm smile to Shirou. "I am sure your father would be happy to see you right now."

"Yeah, I guess he would." Shirou replied softly.

"And from what you told me is that you found a college in London that accepted your application as well." Raiga noted.

"Yeah, Rin told me about this place and after passing the entrance exams, I will be attending this Fall." Shirou explained, while keeping the fact that the place Shirou would be studying at would be Clock Tower itself.

"Shirou don't go!" Taiga sobbed as she wrapped her arms around him. "If you leave then who's going to cook for me?" She cried out causing everyone to look at her flatly.

"Taiga." Raiga sighed. "I believe it is time for you to learn how to be a self-sufficient woman now." He said before his expression brightened up. "By the way Shirou I have a gift for you." He said as he pulled out a box and placed on top of the table. "A graduation gift if you want to think about it." Raiga said gruffly.

"You didn't have to do that Raiga." Shirou said with a smile as he looked at the gift.

"Raiga laughed cheerfully at that. "Nonsense, this is your graduation so I have to get you something." He replied. "By the way I got it from an auction while back." He added in.

"So, what's inside it?" Illya asked as she looked at the box.

"It's the Holy Grail." Raiga said dramatically causing the two Magus in hiding to go silent as Raiga suddenly laughed. "It's not the real Grail, just a well-made replica mind you." He said with a grin.

Then Taiga laughed as well finding it to be a hilarious joke as both Shirou and Illya smiled awkwardly at each other. Especially since the real Grail was lost so long ago and the Holy Grail Wars were started in order replicate the possibility to grant wishes. It was also during that war that Shirou met his precious woman and fell in love with her.

"Shirou, is something the matter?" Taiga asked in concern. "You seem to be spacing out."

"Huh?" Shirou spoke up as he suddenly blinked at her. "Uh, nothing wrong Fuji-Nee." Shirou replied quickly as Taiga looked at him weirdly before shrugging and went back to drinking.

The four of them continued to party until Raiga had to bring a very drunk Taiga back home as both Shirou and Illya waved goodbye to them and soon they started to clean up the table.

"…You're thinking about her right?" Illya asked softly as she turned her attention to Shirou. She had known instantly who Shirou was thinking about when he made that face since she lived with him for a while and with her as well. Illya thought she would have made a great stern sister in her opinion.

"…Yeah." Shirou sighed out. "I guess I am." He replied as Illya offered him a comforting smile.

"Don't worry Shirou, you will meet her again." Illya consoled. "After all, you did make a promise, didn't you?" She asked.

"Yeah, you're right." Shirou said with a smile. "We did make a promise to see each other again no matter what happens." He said with a soft tone. No matter how long he had to wait, no matter how long he had to search. Shirou will find the woman he had met during the Fifth Grail War. He will find the woman that had charmed him so well. The King of Knights herself, Artoria Pendragon herself.

Memories of the War began to flash through his head. His encounter with Lancer, the first meeting with Saber after vainly trying to throw him off. The first battle against the Mad Demigod Hercules, the battle with the King of Heroes and the Fake Priest trying to kill them. And then the destruction of the Corrupted Grail and her final words to him as he she slowly vanished.

"Shirou…I love you."

Then suddenly a glowing radiated from the box so brightly that it caused Shirou and Illya to cover their eyes in shock. And then when the lights died down, they lowered their hands to see what happened but what happened caused them to widen their eyes in shock, especially Shirou's as he practically gasped at the sight.

Because standing before him was a woman wearing shiny armor with an old blue battledress underneath it with short golden hair held up in a bun and with sparking emerald green eyes. He knew her. Shirou instantly knew who she was, he could never forget who he fell in love with so long ago.

"Saber." Shirou gasped out.

"Shirou" Saber said softly before she smiled at him the same way she did at the end of their battles. Then his body moved on auto and before he knew it, he was now hugging Saber tightly before he looked at her and smiled at her. "I'm home." She said to him.

"Welcome back Saber." Shirou said on the verge of tears before he pulled her back in and kissed each other as Illya looked at the scene with a smile and sniffle in her face.

And thus, Shirou and Saber earned their happy ending without trying for long.

"Oh my, I never thought I would see the day that my sister started kissing a man." A silky voice spoke that sounded…enraged. "But more importantly kissing my lover of all people.

…Or maybe not.

"Father…what. Are. You. Doing?" Another voice spoke up also sounding furious as well…and sounding similar to Saber and the woman that spoke up. "And why are you kissing my boyfriend!" She shouted as well.

"I do not know what's happening but perhaps you can explain right now Shirou Dear." A kind voice spoke up but sounding absolutely miffed.

"Excuse me!" Another woman spoke up sounding annoyed. "Why are you kissing my lover?!"

"Umu, how dare you kiss my Praetor wrench!" An obnoxious but angered voice spoke up.

Saber, Shirou, and Illya stiffened about when they heard more voices spoke up and they slowly turned around to see what's what and when they saw who were the women speaking they were left with minds blown and dropped jaws. Because standing before them were about ten girls who all had the same face as Saber and they looked absolutely murderous at them. Saber and Shirou in particular but mostly Saber.

Meanwhile somewhere in the Multiverse. The Wizard Marshal sitting on his awesome couch surrounding by food and drinks, then suddenly he sensed a ripple, the ripple of someone summoning after the Fifth Grail War but more importantly, it was some male summoning females. Then he reached his senses out to see who it was. This sounded like a very interesting idea and the number of worlds that could have summoned that many heroes after the Fifth Grail War's end can be counted on his hands...maybe.

Now normally this would be interesting to him. But it would cause no end of trouble for humanity if the Heroes go out of control and Alaya and Gaia send their attack dogs to cause even more trouble. Or they might accuse each other of foul play and try to kill each other again as usual.

He really hoped it was the last one so he didn't have to interfere himself. That way he can go about his business of studying the various worlds that exist throughout the Multiverse. He was not looking forward to preventing another world ending calamity again.

Back to the issue at hand. Zelretch soon knew that this world had actually discovered the real Grail from what he can sense and that these are heroes from the Throne of Heroes. If not for the worrying prospect he would have been extremely interested in studying the Grail.

"Well I just hope it isn't so bad." Zelretch commented as he sat down trying to peer further into the reality in which these Heroes were being summoned in. "Please let it be a harem comedy, please let it be a harem comedy, please let it be a harem comedy." Zelretch prayed so he didn't have to interfere.

Then Zelretch took a closer look and what he saw caused his eyes to widen in shock before he umped up laughing in joy. "YES!" Zelretch shouted. "It's just a harem comedy with my favorite person in the roll of a Harem Protagonist!"

Then Zelretch calmed down and sat down with a bunch of food and drinks ready. "It's not a world ending calamity, just a man with a harem now." Zelretch said happily as he watched the chaos unfold.

I got inspire from Shirou summon a Harem make by ADdude. I plan to post it in New Year so late Happy New Year for you all. Let hape Shirou will survived in the next chapter since his problem only just a begin for new war (maybe) since I will be write it with litter like The Babysitter of Heroes so there will be more servant come.

On the side not. OH MY FUCKING GOD the trailer of Fate Grand Order 2 and Fate Extella Link make me so HYPE not to meantion Fate Extra Last Encode in this month so much Fate series. We finally see Galahad. I CAN NOT TAKE IT ANYMORE THE HYPE METER IS BROKEN.

The list of servant summon beside Saber

Saber: Artoria Pendragon (Saber Alter)

Saber: Artoria Pendragon (Saber Lily)

Saber: Mordred

Saber: Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus

Saber: Souji Okita (Sakura Saber)

Ruler: Jeanne d'Arc

Avenger: Jeanne d'Arc (Jeanne Alter)

Lancer: Artoria Pendragon

Lancer: Artoria Pendragon (Artoria Alter)

Caster: Morgan le Fay (Well there is many rumor and many fan art suggest that she is a saber face)

The reason Mysterious Heroine X and her Alter vesion not in this since they are not in my plan in this fic and well they more like the joke character to me

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