AN: This fanfiction is brought to you by myself and Diana Moore on this site/LadyDiana2000 over on Ao3 in our first collab. Diana wrote her characters parts i.e: The girls, Arika, Misaki and Annie. I would then reply with mine ie: All the diaboys.

Yui and the Tsukinami's will not be featured in this fic, and some boys receive more attention than others. This fic is essentially focusing on the boys at school and their relationships with the students, rather than if the girls were Sacrificial Brides. All in all, grab a cup of your favourite beverage and don't take this one too seriously, it was a lot of fun to write and we hope you enjoy it for all it's wish fulfilment glory, with it being more character driven than plot heavy.

Rated M for sexual content, abuse and the usual themes found in DL. None of the relationships in this fic can really be considered 'healthy' so please don't think of this series as glorying abuse. The franchise in general is tagged as a dark romance for a reason.


Chapter One

The school bell had sounded ten minutes ago, ringing out harshly. Arika click locks her bike and tucks the keys into her pocket, feeling that she should be a little more concerned about being late than she is. But hey, 'mornings' demanded coffee. She felt she needed the caffeine to keep her going if she'd last the day. Night school was great in theory, but in practice, it took a slight toll on her sleep schedule.

She speedwalks to the classroom, but overall remained unconcerned. The test isn't until next period.

She slides the door open and mumbles a half assed apology, padding to her seat.

The teacher glares at her. "That's every day this week, Miss Amane," he points out.

She shrugs. "The line was long. You'd be angrier with me if I was uncaffeinated."

At the very back of the room, a figure shifts slightly. Pale fingers drum against the surface of the desk, before clenching and drawing away, arms folding. He could already tell that moving up a grade was a mistake. What good would it do? He wasn't any smarter than before. At least he was spared the small mercy of not having to interact with the Triplets in any of his classes. He felt the silent stares of his new classmates draw away to look at the blonde girl who'd been late. Subaru's shoulders relax slightly with the attention off him.

The teacher just sighs at the girl and shakes his head, going back to the lesson. Arika pulls her things out of her bag, but doesn't bother taking notes. She takes a drink of her coffee, glad for it. It ain't my fault sleeping is difficult, she thought.

Unlike her, Subaru does try to take notes. But notes were never the problem. The easy thoughtlessness of the pencil was enough to calm him slightly more as he sat amongst the strangers. He kept this up until the next class started, signalled by the harsh ring of the bell. Unfortunately, while his ears were still recovering, a test was brought up.

Subaru automatically tensed. "Ha?" he grunted. He hadn't been told this. What kind of bullshit was that on the first day he'd transferred a grade?!

Arika sharpens her pencil coolly as she regards the test. Functions. Fuck this noise.

She raises her hand, though she doesn't wait to be called on to speak. "Sir, if they're throwing the alphabet inside of maths now, how long until we start seeing Cyrillic?" she asks, unimpressed.

"Be quiet and write your test," he snaps, making her roll her eyes.

At least he wasn't the only one suffering, but Subaru was too distracted to really pay attention. He focused intently on his test, gripping the paper. His fingers slowly tighten, until the page creases under the stress of his hand. He didn't know a single answer! His shoulders begin to shake, teeth gritting. He felt stupid. And of course, unwilling to accept this, his fingers clenched harder into the paper, before he stood, chair knocking over behind him.

"This is bullshit!" he yells. "Did my brothers set this up, ha? Or was this you teach? Giving this out on the first day?! Fuck it!" He tears the test papers in half and yanks the window open, throwing the pieces outside and scattering them to the wind.

The teacher startles and stares at him. "J-just do your best," he says weakly, brow furrowing. "I was told when you entered this class that you could handle it..."

The entire class stares, and there's pindrop silence. Until, of course, Arika stands up and tears her test as well. "Vive la révolution?"

Another classmate, a friend of Arika's, stands as well. "Vive la révolution!" Ryuji yells, laughing raucously. Several others, mostly the thugs, follow suit.

Subaru blinks and looks at them briefly, before he retreats and steps onto the window ledge, ducking underneath it with a 'screw this' and promptly jumping. He falls, hair ruffling in the breeze, and lands smoothly on both feet. Glancing up at the two story height and putting his hands in his pockets, he walked away.

The teacher's face turns red with anger as several students flock to the window to see if he was dead. When they discover he's not, a loud 'wooooow' ensues.

"Arika, Ryuji, Kento, Kaoru. Office. Now," he hisses. "The rest of you. Finish your tests."

Arika received a week of detentions, but the principal was suppressing a smirk the whole time. They'd gotten to be good friends- she says she's being a disciplinarian, but Arika totally knows she's kidding. The bitch, she sneers. Arika's spent more than her fair share of time in the office, and likes to play it up as some sort of friendship- albeit a one-sided one.

Subaru slides back the door and gives the room a brief sneer, stalking to his seat and sitting down for his month's worth of detentions. He folds his arms and glares at the window, lips thinning.

By some small mercy it wasn't their teacher that was running the detentions. Instead, the gym teacher, a known pothead who barely cared about anything, was covering. Arika pads to her seat when she comes in, smirking when she sees the teacher's already asleep in his chair.

Subaru looks at the invalid and huffs to himself. "Tch.. How are they even supposed to know I showed up? This is pointless.." he mutters, running a hand through his hair and exhaling.

Arika turns around in her seat and scoffs quietly. "They don't, until they know ya didn't. It's total bullshit." She regards him quietly for a second. "Oi, why'd you switch classes?"

Subaru blinks, glancing at her, surprised she was talking to him- but bristling soon after. "None of your business," he grunts quietly.

She rolls her eyes. "Oh, calm your tits,"Arika mutters, turning back and leaning back in her chair. "Wasn't a damn invasion. Just trying to make conversation."

Subaru tsks and folds his arms, looking out the window. "Talk to someone else, then," he grumbles. Of course, the classroom lay silent and empty, as others hadn't arrived yet. He mentally winces as she rolls her eyes at him again. What a defensive idiot.

Ryuji enters shortly and hands her a coffee, smirking knowingly as she grins with gratitude. He steps past to the desk beside her, leaning on the table. "Kaoru's dropped out."

Arika winces. "Shit, really? Thought I had talked him outta that."

"He's pissed about the detentions. Couldn't be bothered."

Subaru relaxes slightly when the girl's attention focuses elsewhere. With the air disturbed by the guy's arrival however, Subaru finally notices her scent. It wasn't bad, he supposed. Out of hours if he had a chance to, he wouldn't have minded trying to sink his fangs into her. His mind drifts, before he shook himself. That wouldn't be a smart thing to do at school.

She lets out a sigh and takes a long drink from her coffee. "Ugh, what a pain," she mutters.

Ryuji nods. "Ain't nothing we can do about it. Oi, Snowflake, that was pretty cool when you jumped out the window. Didn't sprain nothing, did ya?" he asks, jutting his chin towards Subaru.

Red eyes flash as he glares at him. "Agh? Don't call me Snowflake. Tch.. No I didn't sprain anythin'," he grumbles.

Ryuji snorts, grinning. "Nah, nah, course not, Snowflake. Second floor, though. Bunch of chicks were squealin' and shit."

Arika scoffs. "I think there was one. The pregnant one."

Subaru's jaw clenches. His fingers tighten into a fist. "I didn't do it for that kind of crap. I needed to get out quickly," he grits out. Sighing, he clicks his tongue and glances at them. "Since I've already been screwed over by that test, I wanna guys don't share any classes with the Sakamaki Triplets, right?" he checks.

It takes her a second to picture them, but Arika slowly shakes her head. "Uh, no... I think I've spoken to uh... Ayato? Like maybe twice... why?"

Subaru shifts in his seat. "Nothin. Can't stand them is all," he says, a sour hint to his tone.

"That's fair. I know the other red one... fuck, can't remember his name, is a total fucking pervert. Tried to get in my friend's pants last year," she mutters irritably.

Ryuji hums. "Never spoken to any of 'em. Don't worry, Snowflake, you're good."

Subaru growls, making sure his lips are pressed tightly shut to keep from flashing his fangs. "OI. I TOLD YOU TO STOP-" the door slides back curtly, cutting off his train of thought.

A dark haired student walks into the classroom, a cold, calm air clinging to him. He met each of their eyes levelly, before walking to the teacher and waking him up nonchalantly. He speaks to the groggy man in a low, quiet voice. Meanwhile, two other students entered the classroom for detention- late arrivals.

Arika slouches down in her seat more, scowling. Fucking annoying. She's seen him around before, never spoken to him. Ryuji seems to think much of the same as he sits down, leaning forward on his arms.

The teacher rouses himself and pads out of the room dazedly.

Sharp blue-grey eyes turn to the class as the newcomer puts his hands in his pockets. "Unfortunately, I've been asked to oversee this detention despite being only a year older," he explains. "Extra credit. Luckily for you.. I don't intend to pass the time idly," he says, a sadistic curve to his lips.

Subaru bristles. "Who the hell are you?" he sneers. He didn't like this guys air, and he sensed about him. The newcomer directed his gaze to him. "Mukami Ruki. Nice to meet you, Sakamaki Subaru."

Arika glances behind her, raising an eyebrow. Huh. So there would be some relation, there. She makes a mental note to ask later, before turning back to the self important prick up front. It isn't so much that she has a problem, than that she's bored and annoyed. "Suck a bag of dicks."

Ruki turns his sights to her. The full force of his attention settled upon her. "Was that directed at me, Amane Arika?" he asks. "Or a general statement?"

Arika juts her chin out, narrowing my eyes and not shrinking away. Prissy suckups are always fun. "Nah, you can suck a general bag of dicks, if that's more your style. I'm easy."

Ruki's lips tilt up slightly, but soon smooths his expression and picks up a pen, writing something on the board. One of the thugs in class brought his arm back, firing a paper airplane into the air. It sailed to the front of the class leisurely- and a pale hand snapped out, crushing it. Ruki calmly dropped it into a bin without a word. He then shifts and taps the board gently. "Eyes forward. If you pay attention, you might learn something," he mutters quietly.

Subaru frowns."This ain't a lesson. It's detention."

"Yeah," Arika echoes, going grumpy with the lack of reaction to her bait. Boring old coot. "Too much of a priss to have ever been in detention before?"
Ryuji snickers. "Bet he's a virgin," he fake whispers. You can hardly speak, Arika thinks dryly.

Ruki keeps his voice level, not affected in the least, and ignoring Arika a second time. "I've been told this is what you're studying in history at the moment. So we'll start with the basics of the subject: Who can tell me what year the Boxer Rebellion started?" he asks.

She growls under her breath. "1899, it doesn't fucking matter, though," she scowls, slamming her hands on the desk and standing. He'd better not ignore this one.

"You ain't a teacher, so sit your ass down or go away."

Ruki smirks a touch and turns to her. "I'd think twice about disregarding me. You can be excused early under my permission. The way you're going though, Miss Amane... perhaps you want to be kept after hours?" he asks softly.

She crosses her arms and stays right where she is. "Nice fucking power trip," she grits out. "Since that was so clearly admitted. You don't get to decide shit. I'd think twice about getting your panties in a twist, thinking you're so powerful."

Ruki lifts a shoulder. "I could have it arranged. You fancy yourself a free spirited little thing, don't you? What was it again?.. Vive la revolution?" he asks, a mocking lift to his voice.

Her upper lip lifts in a snarl. "Don't patronize me. I'm not gonna kiss your ass to keep a little prettyboy pet happy."

Ruki's grey-blue eyes narrow slightly. "I would despair if you did," he mutters, shuffling a few sheets of paper neatly in his hands after bringing them out of his bag."If the rest of you want to be excused early, then answer these questions. If you get the majority right, then I'll overlook it."

Subaru frowns. "What'll that prove?"

Ruki glances at him. "Hopefully you'll view it as a reward, and proof that you don't need to be here. It was my intention to prove this from the start, but Revolution here disrupted that. Therefore, she's exempt from the test," he explains, shifting a cold gaze to Arika.

Ryuji grits his teeth, curling his hand into a fist, but Arika touches his arm lightly and gives a look. "I wanna see how this goes," she mutters quietly. He breathes out, shuffling forward with everyone else to grab a test. She retakes her seat and crosses both her legs and arms, glaring unceasingly at Ruki.

Subaru folds his arms and stays where he is. Ruki glances at him and Subaru lifts a shoulder. "I'm fine," he grumbles. Truthfully, he didn't think he could pass the test, and wants to avoid the subsequent embarrassment. Ruki just nods in acceptance.

Arika does not take her eyes off of Ruki for one second, as Ryuji and the others write his test. This whole thing is so stupid, such an obvious power trip.

Ruki glances at her during the long bout of silence, and his eyes appraise her, as if assessing her worth. She had blond hair pulled back into a ponytail, some bangs framing either side of her face. Fierce blue stared back at him, unwavering, a stubborn strength to her features that her slender frame bellied. His intent gaze falls away to his notes, dismissing her.

Once the time was up, he rose from his seat and walked to each desk, glancing over the answers. He looks at Ryuji after reading his test. "You may go," he utters, passing him to walk to another desk. At this student, he pauses. "You're two marks off. These two, specifically.. If you review pages 11-12 of the textbook, you'll be able to find the answers. You may go though.." he says, allowing the thug to stand, who let's out a 'whoop!' Several students leave quickly after being excused.

Ryuji stands and leaves the classroom, but wears a distrustful look on his face. If he wasn't being such a jackass about it -Arika vagley muses, she would almost think what he was doing was kinda cool- testing students so they know what they need to review to improve. But right then, she was seeing red. When all the students had been reviewed, it left only Subaru and Arika in the classroom. Ruki glances at Arika. "Are you going to keep glaring at me like that?"

She shrugs. "Yeah, probably. You gonna keep being a self important man bitch?" she asks, recrossing her legs and not breaking her gaze.

Ruki moves over to her slowly, brushing past a desk. "You obviously have a problem with authority- as you've proved to be exactly as I thought you were. Both of you, actually," he mutters, glancing at Subaru, who tenses.

"Ah? You got somethin' to say?" he growls. Ruki raises a brow.

"Not particularly. It's just that I arranged this to see who'd be left, and I acted a certain way. You took the bait too easily."

"It isn't up to you to bait us, so it isn't fucking surprising. You're not real authority. You're a self important puppet," she growls. "Teacher's pet at best."

He looks down his nose at her calmly. "You're right. It's not up to me. It's up to you to decide how to act. I just find it a pity that you obviously have some intelligence, yet you disrupted a test." He leans a little further down to her, voice dropping from a calm, lulling tone-into steel. "A test my brother slaved over." The words rushed out. "Both of you disrupted him that day, after days spent sleepless over it," he utters quietly, staring at her.

Arika shrinks back, startling. Alright, wasn't expecting that. "Wait, who's your brother?" she asks, confused and dismissing the rest of his statement for now.

Ruki slowly straightens, moving away and resuming his calm air. "I doubt you would have noticed him. But it's Mukami Azusa," he mutters quietly, walking back to the desk after gathering the tests.

She frowns, but it takes a second. The quiet, weird kid that sat at the back of class flashed in her mind. "Oi. It isn't like I sat and yelled randomly constantly. It was a short little coup, barely five minutes before my boy launched himself out the window," she says with a nod to Subaru. "Shouldn't have disrupted him that badly."

Subaru blinked. "My boy?" he mutters to himself, confused.

Ruki hums. "Well colour me intrigued. Azusa mentioned you'd been late every class for awhile. Instead of hating me, perhaps you should both take something away from this little exercise," he says, walking towards the door. "Oh.. And if either of you cause trouble for him again, you'll be seeing me around," he warns darkly, before their regular teacher, Mr. Nenaki walked in.

"What's going on here?" he asks, surprised. "Where are all the students?"

Ruki lifts a shoulder. "They've been excused by Mr. Hanji," he mutters, referring to the pothead casually, the lie rolling off his tongue with practiced ease..

Arika rolls her eyes, staying quiet for once. She's starting to feel something of a personal vendetta against this asshole who just can't seem to mind his own business, and that requires much more careful planning, as opposed to her usual string of angry insults.

As Mr. Nenaki blusters, Ruki hands him the tests promptly. "What's this?" the teacher blinks.

"Your students are quite bright. I recommend working more closely with them, rather than shutting them away for four hours in detention." Ruki states quietly, leaving without another word..

Subaru raises a brow. "Geeze..."

Arika slouches down on her desk, glaring at the spot he had left from. What a self important bastard. She glances back at Subaru, about to ask if he wanted to get in on this, before deciding against it and turning back to the front.

The next day, she skips class entirely. Arika makes her way up to the roof, having not told Ryuji, and pulls out a cigarette. She pushes it between her lips and lights it, looking out behind the chain link fence they installed to keep them from jumping off.

As soon as Subaru smells the repugnant smell, his eyes snap open. All he'd wanted was one damn nap somewhere private and this happened. He appears next to her as she's looking away and growls; "The fuck are you doing!"

Arika shrinks back in surprise and her eyes widen. "Oi, where the fuck did you come from?" she asks, her heart skipping a beat. It takes her a second to place his question as she raises an eyebrow and pulls the carton out. "You want one?"

Subaru grabs them from her, crushing the pack in his hand and taking out the cigarette from between her teeth. "You'll ruin your damn scent- and your skin and- dammit!... I didn't smell any of these on you before," he mutters, throwing them carelessly into the bin.

"Oi, that shits expensive!" she yells, pushing him irritably and glaring. "The fuck you mean, 'ruin my scent'? It's not THAT bad."

Subaru backs up to keep from doing something stupid at school, irritation marring his brow. If he had his way he would have bitten her for pushing him. "You damn idiot. I can just smell it, alright?!" he growls, running a hand through his hair.

She grits her teeth. "Oh, bite me. I don't care if you can smell them. You're not my fuckin' mom."

Subaru lunged forward- calm forgotten as his hand hits the wall beside her head. He leans in close, looking her dead in the eye as his red ones flash. "Poor choice of words, idiot, if you didn't want me to take it literally..." he says lowly, voice slightly different.

A swift uppercut is automatically delivered to his ribs. Half out of fear, half out of reflex. "Get off," Arika growls, using the other fist to hit him a second time.

Subaru winces, more out of surprise than anything, but he could feel that if he were human, maybe the hits would have hurt. He steps back and snarls loudly, his hand in front of his mouth, though she hadn't punched him in the face. Fuck- he wanted to bite her. Or rip her head off her shoulders. His fangs were ready. In frustration, he turned and kicked the bin over, the cigarettes spilling out. "Damn it. Take them then!" he growls, swiftly turning and dropping his hand. "Try and tell a girl that she smells decent, but no- fucking idiot," he mutters disjointedly to himself, heading straight for the stairs.

She narrows her eyes at his retreating figure. "The fuck does that even mean? Have you ever even SPOKEN to a girl before?" She calls, anger knotting in her stomach as she feels an overwhelming urge to bait him. "Can't say I've ever been picked up by guys sniffing at me like a bloodhound."

Subaru stopped, his hand on the metal handle. It dented silently under his palm. "Ha?! I wasn't trying to pick you up!" he glared at her over his shoulder, a blush rising to his cheeks in a mix of emotions.

"Whatever. Friends, even. Ryuji doesn't go around sniffing at me. I'll smoke if I goddamn feel like it." She leans down and grabs the carton of cigarettes, but in the process, a sharp rock scratches her finger. "For the sake of fucks," she grumbles under her breath, straightening and watching a small bead of blood appear.

Subaru stills, going rigid. A second later- he stood in front of her. His hand clamps over hers, staring at her bleeding finger.

He was like... twenty feet away. Arika's eyes widen and she tries to tug her hand back. "O-oi. Let go," she mutters.

Subaru holds her hand steady, slowly raising it up to his mouth. His lips part, revealing a glint of a fang, tongue drawing out and running over the wound. Hot, wanting breath fans over her skin. His eyes are hazy as the thirst spikes, and he crushes caution under his heel. He clamps his fangs into her hand in one sharp bite. Shoving her hard against the wall, logic is also cast aside as he shoves his leg between hers, less of a sexual move and more to keep her in place.

Arika makes a small whimpering noise as shock sets in and she freezes up. A slow tremble moves over her body as she stares at Subaru.

Subaru drinks her blood, but finds that he wants more, from a better source. He pulls his fangs free, before sliding her hair away from her neck and sinking his fangs into her flesh. Arika's hands tighten into fists, arms limp at her sides and trapped by his. She lets out another quiet whimper of pain, as pale fingers curl into her hair beside her ear, stroking the shell of it by accident. Subaru grunts as he drinks, finding that her blood wasn't affected, which meant that... she hadn't been smoking for very long, if at all. He frowns slightly.

"S-stop..." she whispers, eyes sliding shut as she continues to tremble.

Subaru pulls away just slightly, panting quietly into her neck. "You don't smoke... you liar," he mutters quietly, as if that was the major issue. His nose skims her jaw line as he pulls back to look at her face, some of her blood smeared on the side of his mouth.

She shifts uncomfortably. "Why the fuck did you do that?" she whispers, a cold feeling settling into her stomach. Fear, probably. She doesn't comment on the smoking bit. It isn't his business.

Subaru tsks. "You kept pushing, damn idiot. Take better care not to cut yourself next time- or piss me off." He mutters, drawing away from her. He licks the side of his mouth and glances at her. "You gonna tell people what I did?"

She shakes her head quickly. "N-no," she says meekly. She wouldn't want to tempt him to kill her if she did. And who the fuck would listen to me, anyway? It isn't like the principal would take a thug that's saying she got bit by an emo very seriously. "O-oi... you're a cultist, right?"

Subaru blinks, thrown. He then blinks again. "Ha?" He asks intelligently.

"Like... a cultist. I dunno. You drank my blood, right? That seems pretty cult-y. And you're pretty emo. You're trying to be a vampire, right?" she asks nervously.

Subaru feels his soul leave his body temporarily. Oh God, what had the youth become? Was he that lame? No... it was their fault. She was just stupid, a prized idiot. He pressed a hand to his forehead. "...Yeah. Totally," he grits out. Well.. He wasn't supposed to tell anyone anyway, but his pride stung.

She winces and touches her neck where he had bit her. "I'll castrate you if you try that again," she mutters, glaring at him irritably. "Fucking weird."

Subaru glares right back at her. He then closes his eyes forces out the words. "I just... really don't like smoking. Don't do it again," he says lamely. He then drags himself to the stairs miserably. He needed to go kill someone, somewhere off of the premises.

Arika watches him go, glancing down at the cigarette carton. It's probably all bullshit anyway, about them numbing stuff...

She figures she may as well leave them, thinking she'd cough up a lung with the crap anyway. Waiting a short while after Subaru had left, she then heads out to the lot cautiously. Mounting her bike, she breathes out, feeling the familiar weight of it under her. She starts the engine, and pushes away- beginning the journey home.