Kari's diaper change a digimon adventure 01 fanfic

By greninjafan549848

Authors notes this is a fetish ticklish fanfic and kari just got home from the last day of school and plays video games until tai comes home from helping his mom

Tai: hey Kari what's up

Kari: nothing just playing video games

Tai: chuckles

Kari: continues to play video games

Tai: decides to do his secret on Kari. "Hey Kari I got something for you and I think you'll like it"

Kari: what is it tai

Tai: I got a machine

Kari: what machine

Tai: try it and see what happens

Kari: steps on machine and drinks the magic bottle potion

After Kari drinks the potion the bottle turned her into a baby and the arms come out and took all her clothes off except her diaper and she was restrained to a table and lay down and chained her arms and legs

Kari: Tai why am I a baby with only a diaper and why am I chained to a table.

Tai: you'll find out soon enough.

A few seconds later tai tickles her feet

Kari: kyeahahahahahahahahahahaha stop that tickles!

Tai: nope I'm going to keep tickling you coochie coochie coo.

Kari: laughs like crazy im ticklish Tai

Tai: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww you're so cute my little baby sister.

Kari: blushes you're embarrassing me tai.

Tai: stops then tickles her belly coochie coochie coo aww your tummy is so cute.

Kari: blushes then laughs.

Tai: I love it when you laugh so hard.

Kari: and I love it when you tickle my belly.

Tai: do you really

Kari: yes please tickle me more

Tai: continues to tickle her tummy.

Kari: yeah that's the spot tai I'm so ticklish

Tai: continues to tickle her belly then stops "Now Kari for the ultimate tickle move"

Kari: what's your ultimate tickle move.

Tai: you'll find out soon enough

Kari: ok

Tai: blows huge raspberries into Kari's tummy


Tai: you love being tickled don't you Kari

Kari: yes keep doing it tai

Tai: continues to make fart sounds on Kari's belly and swirls her belly button for 5 minutes

Kari: "Tai im going to pee"

A few seconds later Kari peed all over her diaper

Tai: oh my looks like somebody wet themselves.

A few seconds later Tai takes Kari to the changing room to change her diaper

Tai: alright Kari let's get your diaper changed

And then tai changes her and noticed Kari peed all over diaper

Tai: Oh my you peed all over.

Kari: blushes

Tai: takes her diaper off and grabs a wipe to clean her private parts

Kari: Tai that tickles.

Tai: looks like somebody loves getting their diaper changed a lot.

Then a few seconds later Tai puts baby powder on her soft butt and pats it a hundered times

Kari: oh that feels so good tai

Tai: you love this don't you kari.

Then he puts on a new diaper on her and puts a pacifier on her mouth

Tai: there all done