Control By The OcRayne

Part Five

If there were a moment where Evie could honestly say she was star-struck this would be it.

"Evie this is your Biological Mother Regina Mills, and I will leave you to it." Fairy Godmother said and what Regina notice first was a crowd of people who were around her daughter. Her Daughter was well-loved by all, but Evie said, "You're my Mother, and obviously dressed very Wicked."

Regina knew that the Black was her best choice, it was bold and showed that sometimes the good guys wear Darker colors.

"Good thing." Regina asked, and Evie responded, "It's a good thing."

"Your Aunt will be jealous that you called me that." Regina pointed out, and Evie asked why.

"Your Aunt in our world is the Wicked Witch of Oz..." Regina said, and Mal jumped in, "Evie is your daughter and Wicked Queen's niece." Regina gave Mal a look.

"I'm Mal, and I'm the daughter of Maleficent." Mal said holding her hand and Regina meeting out, "Your Daughter the daughter of the Dragon."

"She's a tiny Lizard right now for trying to hurt my friends and my Boyfriend." Mal told Regina, and Regina responded, "You are more than 17, and you did that." Evie couldn't stop staring and told her Mother, "Mal is very protective that way and one of the best friend's you could have, the future princess, I'm the advisor to the King." Regina was in awe that her daughter had reached such status in this land and Evie told her, "I have so many questions to ask you..." Mal began to get everyone away and looked at Jevon.

"I'm Evie's Boyfriend, Jevon," he said, and Regina notice the big grin on her face,

"My Daughter, I mean Evie seems very happy around you, and so I have to ask..." Regina notice and Jevon was listening... "Keep it that way..." Regina finished that sentence with a hint of a warning and Jevon nodded her head, kissed Evie then walked off.

"It's natural for you..." Evie notice and Regina nodded that is, so they began to walk.

"How did you react to the news?" Evie asked, and Regina told her, "Surprise, and I didn't believe it was possible to have to child...I couldn't believe I wouldn't remember given birth and it was my Mother, Your grandmother who told me. She had to wipe my memory of that since I had with your Father Robin and hadn't realized that when I finally met, I knew him."

"Why would she do it?" Evie asked, and Regina told her, "She wanted more for me than to be with a Thief and some years later Daniel but I would find Robin only for him to die in the midst planning to meet you. I mourn and then I found you."

"Robin?" Evie asked, and Regina told her, "Your Father is Robin Hood."

"This is hard to believe it..." Evie told her, and Regina answered with, "I could only imagine how you must be feeling..."

"Overwhelmed...So much heritage and legacies..." Evie said, and Regina reminded, "Look what you've created if you born like you were suppose to be. You have made a such a name for yourself."

"When I first came here, I was told to steal Fairy God Mother's wand and then marry with lots of Mirrors." Evie said, and Regina told her, "I hope I never meet the woman who raised you."

Evie hopes so too.