Happy new year!
Yes, a new little fic by me. I got the idea for this because of a guest review for my one shot Smoking. If you ever read this: Thank you for that idea!
This fic takes place after the series and I pretend the happenings inside the series only took one and a half years. There might be a few deviations from the series like about Tori's mother. You'll see.
Yeah, this is only the prologue for my fic and seven chapters will follow. There won't be an actual... plot line. There'll just be a few secenes I thought off and wanted to share. ;) If anyone has a great idea for something to happen in this fic, feel free to share. I'll see if I can still work it into my plans for this fic now. :)
Yes, and if everything goes alright, I'll try uploading every ten days or something with the first chapter coming this weekend. That's something I can manage, I think.
Please, enjoy!

When Tori met Jade, she would've never thought that they would some day be family in a way. But that's apparently how it will turn out.

Tori got into Hollywood Arts in the middle of her Sophomore Year and met Jade there, promptly getting poured over with coffee by her.

Somehow, they became friends though (as much as people can be friends with Jade, at least) and then, Tori's father and Jade's mother met. Ironically, it was while watching the play, in which Tori and Jade had to play husband and wife.

Their parents got into talking as they were both amused about their children's performance – and started dating only shortly after.

During summer break for her Senior year, Tori also has gotten to know Jade's mother, Caitlyn, much better. She's a great woman. She also has sort of a dark humor, but otherwise has an easy smile and has treated Tori and Trina with great respect from the beginning on and every time they all went out to eat together.

She's nothing like Tori's mother of course, who lost her life seven years earlier in a tragic car accident, but she's the first woman next to Tori and Trina who makes their father smile again, truly smile after seven years. Tori loves to see it and therefore is quick to like Caitlyn too.

Now, it's two weeks before the end of summer break and Caitlyn and Jade are moving in.

Their father talked a lot to Tori and Trina about it. He said that he knows they could still wait until all their children are grown up, but that they want to be a family now, that they also want to include all of them in that.

Trina's starting college in LA and is still living at home. Jade and Tori are going to start their Senior year at Hollywood Arts.

Trina and Tori have to move into the same room, for Jade to have her own. Trina of course doesn't like that at all. And it's not like Tori loves that idea but she understands that Jade has to move from her home and therefore should at least get a room to herself in her new home. And it's not like the sisters don't get along at all. They often enough have slept in the same room their whole life anyway, because they do love each other.

Caitlyn and Tori's father both have a week off, which is why they choose the weekend two weeks before the end of summer break for the move. This way, they all have time to settle into the new home, into the new family. They have a week to get used to these living arrangements before first, both parents get back to their working lives and Trina starts college, and then Tori and Jade have to get back to school.

Tori doesn't know how it will work out. She isn't sure Jade cares about this at all. Whenever the whole new family has met, she has been texting or doing other stuff on her phone, only putting it away when her mother explicitly asked her to, to then glare at her. Yes, she did talk a little to Tori's father, especially as he tried so hard to get something out of her, whenever Caitlyn talked to Trina and Tori. She also wasn't especially mean or something, rather tame instead.

But she also doesn't seem to care much.

Though obviously they will spend much time now. So they will grow used to this. And as soon as their parents marry each other, they obviously will be family. Until then, they probably will already be used to spend much more time together than just in school and an afternoon here or there in their group of friends.

What Tori doesn't realize the day they move Jade and Caitlyn in with Beck being right there with them and helping out as much as he can, is that Tori won't just get used to Jade being in her home – in their home. But to Beck being there just as much.