Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and the character in it except for the OCs.

Summery: Jacob Potter was wrongly chosen as the boy who lived, Harry Potter was neglected and abused a few times. One day, James and Lily mistook Harry's action, they thought he tried to kill his twin brother, but truth is, he tried to help Jacob from falling from the stairs. Harry was kicked out of the family, James unofficially disowning him. Harry was now adopted by the Nightling. Bashing Potters, Weasley and a few, manipulative Dumbledore.

Author's Note: Voldemort will be a bit OOC but he's still a feared Dark Lord. He still fears death but he wants to change the corrupt wizarding, he doesn't like children but maybe Harry will be an exception... he still likes to be feared and have power and torture wizards so no need to worry!


"Talk" - 'Thinks'

'The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord, born as the seventh month dies and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have the power the Dark Lord knows not and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... But if chose wrong, then trouble may acure.'

Halloween 1981

Godric Hollow

It was a cold and dark night, kids were trick or treating and laughing. It was Halloween that time.

A cloaked man was walking down the street, a stick on his hands. He sneered as a kid bumped into him. The kid looked scared and screamed while running to his parents.

The cloaked man smirked and continued walking.

You see, the cloaked man is Lord Voldemort, once known Tom Marvolo Riddle, aka the Dark Lord. He was on a mission, a mission that includes killing the Potter twins.

As he arrives at the cottage, he blasted the door open, revealing a girl sitting on a chair. The girl screamed as she saw Voldemort blasted the door. She quickly dropped dead when he cast the killing curse at her.

He walked upstairs and goes to the nursery where the twins are at. He opens the door and goes to the nursery.

There was two crib in the room, one has a fat red haired babe with hazel eyes in it, Voldemort ignored that one. The other one revealed another baby, this one has black hair and oh... that big glowing green eyes. The baby is particularly glowing of magic. Light and yet dark magic.

"Yes... you are the one." The man hissed as he looked at the baby, Harry James Potter is the baby's name. The red-haired one was Jacob Alion Potter.

"You'll grow up as a powerful wizard, but alas you must die... I'm sorry for doing this." Voldemort says to the unblinking baby. Voldemort raises his wand, "Avada Kedavra!".

A green beam was shot at Harry's forehead, but before it can touch Harry a spike shot out of the shadows and shielded Harry, making the beam shot back at the man.

The Dark Lord was quick enough to react, dodging the light. He was shell-shocked, he then turns at the green-eyed baby who was playing happily at the spike that was made out of the shadows. Then the baby looked at the Dark Lord who was staring. The shadows picked Harry up and put him on the ground, the baby stood up but falls back down.

Voldemort snorts (he'll deny it later) and walks towards Harry, Harry looks at Voldemort with... admiration and happiness? He lets himself smile. But then the smile falls.

"You still need to die. You know that right?" He said to the baby, Harry stares and nods slowly. Voldemort sigh and points his wand at Harry one more time. "I don't know why, but I'm sorry... Avada Kedavra!" the curse was shot out of his wand once again and was now shot straight into Harry's forehead.

Suddenly, Harry was surrounded by shadows that were around them. The darkness consumed him, then the curse rebounded at Voldemort who thought he killed him. Voldemort let out an ear piercing scream, waking up Jacob who started to cry.

The spirit of Tom floated out of the body and stares at the know tearful Harry, "S-Sowwy..." the baby said. Tom slowly smiled sadly, "It's okay, Harry." the spirit touches Harry's head with his ghost hand and emerges into Harry's head.

Because of the power Harry used, the cottage's roof was crumbling. A piece of wood fell and made a deep scratch on Jacob's cheek, making a V shape. Harry's forehead now has a lightning bolt that was bleeding.

Harry was so exhausted that he fell asleep. The shadows quickly hold Harry so he won't hurt himself and put him back into the crib. The roof fell just in time as a lot of crack was heard.

Albus quickly walked into the ruined cottage, his heart beating walked up to the stairs and into the nursery, where he saw a crying Jacob and an unconscious Harry. The room was full of dark magic.

He saw that there were robes on the ground and ashes, "It can't be!".

He quickly picks up Jacob and checks him. He saw the scar on Jacob's cheek and feels the dark magic there. James and Lily barged into the room.

"Where are my babies?!" Lily yelled, she looked panicked and scared. James was as white as sheet.

Albus checks Jacob's magical core, it was full of magic. When he checks Harry's, he was disappointed as the baby's magical core was small. Albus turns around with Jacob in hand, the aurors we're standing behind James and Lily, expecting something.

"Ladies and gentlemen! I'll introduce you the boy who lived!" Albus says, holding Jacob up for everyone to see. There was the look of disbelief on everyone's faces. Then they cheered. The unconscious green-eyed boy was forgotten for the day.

The next day, Lily and James came back from the floo at 12:29 pm. Lily was holding Jacob tightly as she cries.

"Why is it our baby?" she sobs out. Jacob puts a comforting hand on her shoulder.


Lily and James came though the floo, into Dumbledore's office. "You called Albus?" James asked Lily holds Jacob tightly. "Ah, James Lily! Please sit." Albus smiled his grandfatherly smiled.

James and Lily sat on the chair, "Lemon drops?". "No thank you, sir." Lily denies. "Ah, alright." Albus frowns as he sits. "What's wrong Dumbledore?" James asked nervously, "Is this about Jacob and you-know-who?". Albus nods solemnly. "First, I need to talk about Voldemort-" the Potters flinch at the name "I fear he is going to come back." Lily's eyes widen as fear was etched into her face.

"WHAT?!" James jumped up and stares at Dumbledore incredulously. "N-No... " Lily was close to crying and held Jacob even tightly. "If Voldemort comes back then our baby will be in danger!" Lily says while she chokes a sob. James face hardens, "What do you suggest we need to do?".

"We can't do anything, but you can focus on Jacob. He needs all the courage and love he gets before the battle, he can't feel discourage or anything negative." Dumbledore says seriously but then his face softens and smiles sadly at them.

Lily looks like she was about to cry and quickly stood up, James looks at Dumbledore "Thank you for telling us, Albus." Dumbledore nods sadly and watches as James and Lily go through the floo.

-Flashback ends-

"We'll do anything for Jacob, you heard what Dumbledore said, we need to constantly love and encourage him. He'll even carry the marauders legacy!" James laughed, trying to lift the mood, and it did. Lily scowled but them smiled. They didn't noticed a baby, listening through the door while the shadows helped him.

They also didn't notice a black raven with red eyes listening through the window, its eyes filled with amusement.


Alright everyone! That wraps up the first chapter. I'm so SO sorry that this sucks, I can't promise you but I'll try to make my writing style better.