AN: Someone requested a 5+1 story for Harry/Robb so here it is.

I do not own either HP or GoT. JK Rowling and GRR Martin own the respective stories.

Harry stared out through the slits in the door of the cupboard, watching as Uncle Vernon locked the door and walked off. He shivered at Vernon's little chuckle and mutter under his breath, something about 'those weird freaks'. Harry didn't think he had done anything unusual to end up on the school roof. He had just been running from bullies and had suddenly appeared on the roof.

He shuddered as Dudley ran down the staircase, jumping on the stairs once or twice just to scare him. Harry moved back away from the dust that fell and turned to his toy figures, the knight in full armor riding his horse. The toy king with a crown. Surely knights and kings weren't treated this way. Weren't locked in cupboards after school or had gotten food withheld from them after doing something that wasn't within their control. Harry hadn't known how he had ended up on the roof but maybe he was a freak.

He wished that he was a knight or maybe the best friend of a king. Surely kings took care of their subjects. He sighed and curled up in the corner of the cupboard, situating himself in his usual position. Harry felt something spark around him but ignored it. He turned around, finally settled, and his eyes widened.

He was no longer in his cupboard anymore.

Robb watched as his lady mother's eyes widened. "Mother?"

"What is that boy doing here?" Lady Catelyn asked, pointing to the far left corner of the Great Hall. Robb's little sister, Sansa, let out a cry at the movement and Catelyn smiled softly, peering down at her daughter. Robb's sister was now three years old, her third nameday having been a few days ago. Maester Luwin sat across from him, pointing to a map of Westeros. "Robb?"

Robb turned to look at where Catelyn pointed, thinking she was speaking of Jon, but the boy in the corner of the hall was not Jon. The boy was unfamiliar, looked to be of Robb's age, eight, and he looked cold. Robb stood up and walked over, staring at the boy curiously.

"Who are you?"

The boy had short, wild black hair and green eyes as he looked up at Robb. He also noticed the scar on the boy's forehead, the shape of it like a lightning bolt from a summer storm."I… I'm Harry. Who are you?"

"Robb Stark. Which house are you from? You don't look like a Stark to me."

Robb held out his hand to Harry and the boy grasped it, letting Robb help him up. He watched as Harry looked around the hall, glancing out through the windows behind them.

"House? What… What do you mean? I don't know where I am. Where are we?"

"We're in Winterfell." When Harry didn't look anymore happy, Robb explained more. "Winterfell is in the North of Westeros? It's the capital of the North and I'm the heir to it."

"I've never heard of a Winterfell or Westeros before," Harry said, his green eyes wide.

"Then where's your family?"

"My parents are dead. And…" Harry trailed off, his eyes going dull at a thought.

Robb blinked at Harry's admission. "You're an orphan then?"

"Yes. My aunt and uncle let me live with them out of the kindness of their hearts," Harry finished, his stomach growling a little.

"You sound like you don't like them." Robb gestured over to the table. "It's almost time for the last meal of the day. You want to eat with us?"

Harry's eyes lit up though he still hesitated. "You wouldn't mind?"

Robb shook his head. "Of course not. If I minded, I wouldn't be a good future Lord, would I?"

"Future lord?" Harry repeated, following him and sitting down next to him at the big stone table.

"He is the heir to Winterfell," Maester Luwin remarked, raising an eyebrow. "And who might you be? You just appeared in the corner over there."

"Must be like how I appeared on the roof of my school," Harry offered, wrinkling his nose. "I don't know how I did that or appeared here. I just did."

"You're not a Baratheon or Lannister then?" Luwin asked.

Harry shook his head. "I don't think so. I've never heard of either person."

Robb laughed and Harry glared at him, crossing his arms.

"What's so funny?"

"Baratheon and Lannister are not people. They're Houses. House Baratheon is the ruling house. House Lannister is the house of the Queen. Just like House Stark sits in Winterfell."

"You have kings and queens here?" Harry stared at them, turning to look at Robb. His eyes were lit with excitement. "And knights? Do you have knights?"

"Yes. King Robert Baratheon sits the throne with Queen Cersei Lannister. There are a lot of knights in Westeros now, with the best being the knights of kingsguard."

Harry nodded. "The place I'm from doesn't have kings and queens. Or well it does but I don't think they're similar to the royalty here."

Little Sansa let out a cry, drawing Harry's attention. "Is this your sister?"

Lady Catelyn peered over at him, dipped her head in a nod. "Yes, this is Robb's sister. Sansa Stark. Arya and Bran are already abed."

"I don't have any siblings but I do have a cousin," Harry spoke, frowning a little. "My cousin's not very…

"Not very what?" Robb echoed, shuffling over closer to Harry.

"Not very nice," Harry finished. "You said you were the heir to Winterfell. Do you have a father?"

"He's off fighting the ironborn," Robb answered, grinning widely. "He's Lord Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell, and he's my father."

"I wish my parents were alive," Harry muttered. "My parents would probably love me and wouldn't call me freak."

Robb stared at Harry. "Your aunt and uncle call you a freak?"

"That's what they've always called me. It's either that or my name," Harry said, grimacing. "Freak is for when I do something unusual. Like appearing on the roof of a building or floating things in the air."

"You can do that?" Robb asked, shuffling closer towards Harry as the servants started to come into the hall with food. "That sounds cool!"

"I can't do it on purpose but it just happens."

"That's still no reason for them to call you names though," Robb argued. "It's no way for a lord or lady to behave."

"Well, my aunt and uncle are not lord and lady of a castle," Harry replied, his stomach growling louder as the smells of the food wafted in. Robb grinned at Harry's awed expression, looking the boy over more. Harry looked like one of the smallfolk, like he hadn't seen this much food in a while. "I don't have to do anything to eat, do I?"

Maester Luwin's eyes widened a little as he shook his head. Robb watched as Luwin put together a plate for Lady Catelyn since she was holding Sansa. Robb piled together food for his own plate and gestured to Harry to do the same. "No. You are a guest here."

"We will have ravens sent out to look for your aunt and uncle," Lady Catelyn offered. "In the meantime, you can stay here."

"I don't think you'll find my relatives. They don't like me usually but they're not… You haven't heard of England?"

Robb shook his head as Harry started to pile his plate with food. "No. That's the name of the city you're from?"


"Come on, you can share my bed," Robb spoke, leading Harry out of the great hall and turning left. "Jon should be done with his dinner by now."


"My half brother. He's a bastard though, that's why he didn't eat with us."

"Is that a rule?" Harry questioned, as he followed him, glancing around at the old stone walls as they walked down the halls. Harry stopped to glance out of one of the open windows and his eyes widened. Robb grinned, enjoying showing Winterfell around to a stranger that was his own age. It had been a mild enough summer, which made for warm weather and little to no clouds in the sky. "Bastards can't eat with the family?"

"No. Lady Catelyn doesn't want him to eat with us while Lord Stark is gone," Robb said, wrinkling his nose. "Most bastards are treated worse than Jon though. My father is the only Northern lord who acknowledges his bastard child."

Harry nodded. "Bastards are… children of unmarried parents?"


"Winterfell is beautiful. What's that over there?"

Robb turned to look where Harry was pointing. "Oh, that's the godswood. It's where the weirwood tree is. Weirwood trees are where the old gods are."

"Old gods?" Harry echoed, looking at Robb briefly before staring out the window again.

"They're what my father prays to and most of his bannermen," Robb explained. "Most people in the south pray to the seven but we're older than most of the houses down there."

"It's a big castle," Harry whispered, awed. "And old too."

"It is. It's held hundreds of Starks throughout the years and even held the Kings of Winter."

Harry turned around, his green eyes lit up at Robb's words. "Kings of Winter?"

Robb nodded. "Kings in the North. The last one was King Torrhen Stark and he knelt to King Aegon the Conqueror."

"King Aegon?"

"Aegon Targaryen. The Targaryens conquered Westeros with dragons but they're gone now."

Harry glanced out of the window again, shivered, then turned back to Robb.

Harry followed Robb to the hall that held the other boy's room and the room of Jon. Robb knocked on the door and a minute later, another boy poked his head out, glancing at the two of them and staring at Harry in confusion.


"Jon, this is Harry. Harry, this is Jon Snow."

Harry stared back at the other boy. "Hi."

"Where'd you come from?"

"Not from around here," Harry answered, yawned and looked at Robb briefly before glancing to Jon. "I just arrived here before the meal."

"He's going to stay with us until we can find his aunt and uncle," Robb spoke.

"He's not a bastard?"

"His last name is Potter, not Snow."

Harry looked between the two boys, raised an eyebrow. "Is Snow a common last name?"

Robb grinned. "Snow is the last name that people give their bastards in the North. There's a last name for bastards in every region. Storm in the Stormlands, Snow in the North, Flowers in the Reach…"

"We don't have bastards where we come from. Their mothers just give their children their name," Harry said, shrugging. "And what's with the banner with a wolf on it? I've seen it everywhere."

Jon's lips twitched up into a small grin. "That's the direwolf, for House Stark. Every house has a sigil like it though they each have their own animal or design."

"House Baratheon has the stag," Robb explained. "House Targaryen had the three headed dragon."

"Dragons are awesome," Harry said, grinning slightly. "Are direwolves bigger than regular wolves?"

"They're supposed to be," Robb answered. "Come on. Let's get to bed. How can you think dragons are awesome?"

"Because they are," Harry argued, grinning wider. "They can fly!"

Robb grinned. "Flying doesn't sound fun to me."

"It does to me. You can escape all your problems that way."

"Then you fall back down to the ground because the dragon doesn't like you," Robb argued, as they said goodnight to Jon.

"No, you wouldn't. I would get the dragon to like me first," Harry said, crossing his arms. "If the dragon likes me, it wouldn't let me fall off."

"You should listen to one of Old Nan's stories," Robb replied, looking at Harry in amusement. They stopped at the room next to Jon's and slipped inside. Robb lent Harry a pair of sleep clothes and they both scrambled underneath the furs on the bed. "She tells good stories."

"Are the Targaryens still around with their dragons?" Harry asked, as he burrowed into the bed and the fur. It had been warm in the castle, warmer than he had expected, but then again, he wasn't an expert on medieval keeps and castles.

"No. The dragons died off ages ago and the Targaryens themselves were killed."

"Ahhh," Harry complained, turning to look at the other boy and frowning. "I would have liked to meet a dragon."

Robb snorted. "Get some sleep, Harry. I can show you the rest of the castle tomorrow. We could even play knights and heroes. Jon and I like to play as King Daeron the Young Dragon and Ser Aemon Targaryen, the Dragonknight. You could be Durran Godsgrief, the man who built Storm's End and I could be Bran the Builder. He founded House Stark and built Winterfell. They were friends, just like my father and King Robert."

"Was he a hero?"

Robb nodded. "Definitely. He was the founder of House Stark who lived during the Age of Heroes."

Harry grinned. "I would like that. Definitely better than participating in my cousin's games. He likes to play a game called 'Harry hunting' and that's never fun."

Robb grimaced. "Do your aunt and uncle do anything?"

"No. They call me freak, remember? They don't care what I do except force me to stay hidden when guests visit."

"Maybe you're a bastard."

"I don't think so. My parents were married when they had me. At least I think but I've never heard of this kind of bastard in my world."

Maester Luwin watched as the three boys ran about the godswood the next morning, playing with wooden swords. Robb, Jon and Harry were running about in the light snowfall, with each of them pretending to be a hero. Harry was Durran Godsgrief, the builder of Storm's End. Jon was Azor Ahai, the legendary hero that wielded Lightbringer and Robb was Bran the Builder, the founder of House Stark.

The three of them were chasing imaginary creatures, wielding their wooden swords as one. Their yells drew Lady Catelyn and Luwin turned to look at the Lady of Winterfell. Lady Catelyn grinned as Robb yelled the loudest, proclaiming that Durran Godsgrief was his friend and that Azor Ahai was their knight. Though Catelyn's eyes narrowed unhappily as Robb and Jon played together.


The three children stopped what they were doing, freezing mid swing, and turned to look at Lady Catelyn. Both Harry and Robb had wide grins on their faces, both breathing heavily and enjoying their play.

"Come in. It's getting cold out there," Lady Catelyn spoke, gesturing them inside.

Robb and Harry started to race in, followed by Jon, and just as the three boys reached the stone entrance to the keep, Harry vanished between one minute and the next. Robb immediately turned around, his blue eyes wide, as he looked around for Harry.

"A raven came a few hours ago," Luwin offered, as Robb frowned and exchanged bewildered glances with Jon.

Robb's eyes lit up. "Is it Father? Is he coming home?"

"Yes, he is. The ironborn submitted to King Robert," Luwin answered, smiling when Robb grinned. "Your lord father is coming home."