A/N: I had this idea for a long time haunting me. I always pushed it aside, thinking "no, too crazy". But fate wouldn't let me not write it down. I first read "Deceptions & Secrets" by divergentpanda46 and FourTrisHEA, and then later read a short story called "Abnegation" by Gambe. Both stories contained elements of the idea that has already been plaguing me, and saw it as a sign. What were the odds to pick to read two stories that would contain the same crazy elements my sick mind entertains (no offense to anyone)? So, naturally, I started writing it down.

I want to congratulate the three authors of the two mentioned stories, and acknowledge how their work inspired mine. If you haven't read them yet, go check them out.

The title of the story has a double meaning. Fume, according to google, is an amount of gas or vapor that smells strongly or is dangerous to inhale. But as you could see the title is in fact an acronym. FUME or Fuck U Marcus Eaton.

I also want to thank Daydreamerdb, badass4ever, and ItsHardIknow for beta-ing this, and sharing their opinions and ideas with me. Thank you!

Chapter 1


"Wait, are you serious?" I ask my father incredulously as he sits on my desk chair, his stern eyes fixated on me. He had just informed me that he decided, together with his friend, and fellow Abnegation leader, Marcus Eaton, that I was to marry Tobias Eaton, Marcus's eighteen-year-old son.

"Beatrice, this is a wonderful opportunity for you, and for our family. With you and Tobias married, this will guarantee you both a leadership position," my dad says, smiling cautiously.

"Dad, you can't be serious. Do you hear yourself?"

"Beatrice, that's enough. Marcus and Tobias will be here any minute for dinner," he starts saying, and I flip out.

"You called them to dinner? Already?" I yell. "What is the matter with you?"

"I said, that's enough, Beatrice," he yells back, and before I can argue back, we hear a knock on the door. "Let's go downstairs, and meet with your fiancé."

"Over my dead body," I mutter quietly. I let dad walk out of my room, and then slam the door behind him. I jam the lock, and hear my dad knocking on the door frantically.

"Beatrice, open the door!" he shouts, knocking forcefully on my door. My father isn't used to this kind of disobedience, but I have to say, I am not used with this kind of behavior from my father, either.

"No!" I yell.

"Beatrice!" he growls. I hear more voices coming from outside my bedroom, and recognize Caleb's voice, inquiring what is going on, but is send downstairs to greet our guests, without any kind of answer. A moment later, I hear my mother's voice, and then Marcus. Wait, what the hell is he doing here?

"Beatrice, please, open the door, sweetheart," my mother says, her voice gentle.

"No!" I respond stubbornly.

"Natalie, may I try?" I hear Marcus ask. There is a pause, and then I hear some shuffling. "Beatrice, this is Marcus Eaton. Please open the door," he requests politely.

"No!" I keep up my stubbornness.

More silence falls, but I hear some strange noises coming from my door. Too late, I realize they are un-jamming my door, and a moment later the door flies open, causing me to stumble backwards. In the doorway stand Marcus and my father. My father looks angry, but the evil glint in Marcus's eyes makes me shiver.

"Beatrice, I understand this is difficult for you, after all, you are still a child," Marcus says, talking to me as if I was a toddler.

"Interesting that I am a child when I don't open my door, but you deem me old enough to marry your son, Marcus," I spit. My dad's jaw drops, but he quickly composes himself.

"Beatrice, apologize at once."

"Make me!" I challenge.

I have never been this disobedient in my life. I always struggled with Abnegation rules, but I respected them as much as I could. Not once, have I ever talked back to my parents, let alone yell at any of them. But this situation is unusual as it is. The fact that they are so willing to marry me off is unsettling. Even Abnegation customs allow you to pick your wife or husband. It's not the parents' job to find your life partner for you, so what made my parents suddenly decide it was any of their business? I don't understand.

I watch carefully as my father stares at me with disbelief. Marcus, on the other hand, clenches his fists, as if he wants to physically hurt me for my disobedience. I'd like to see him try. Asshole!

Before either of them can do anything, my mother steps inside, and directs dad and Marcus to wait for us downstairs. They go, figuring that my mother would be the one to get through to me.

"Well, Beatrice, that was very rude," she murmurs, a disapproving look on her face.

"I was rude? You are the ones selling me to the highest bidder. That's called slavery!" I yell, not giving a damn whether the people downstairs can hear me.

"Keep your voice down," my mother instructs. I remain quiet, but mainly because I don't have anything left to tell her. "You will come downstairs, you will meet Tobias, and you will behave yourself." Her voice is calm, but I can hear the finality in it. I gingerly watch my mother. I don't know what to think of all of this. This is highly unorthodox, and unsettling. I don't want to fight with my parents, but I'd rather die than allow them to marry me off. I nod my head reluctantly, and we both go to meet the others downstairs.

At the bottom of the stairs, Marcus is waiting with my father, and I can see the tall figure of the teenage boy who is supposed to become my husband, behind the two older men. I do as my mother instructed, and for the first time I sigh in defeat. It is more for the sake of those around me, because inwardly I'm already planning to burn down the whole faction, just to get out of this. Marcus gives some bullshit speech about the importance of this union, and I fight very hard to keep myself from rolling my eyes. I don't know if my mother expected me to listen to her or if she silently suspects that this is just the calm before the storm, but she doesn't say anything.

I faintly hear mom ask Caleb to help her bring the food to the dining room, while Tobias and I get acquainted. When Marcus is finally done with that lecture of his, he steps aside, and reveals his son. Tobias is as tall as his father, but he is lean, and his features are sharper. His complexion is a tad darker than Marcus's, his crooked nose is adorned by a set of beautiful dark blue eyes, that seem to penetrate my very soul. Even the full bottom lip makes him look more attractive than I've ever seen anyone. He is truly handsome, I can give him that, but that won't change the fact that he is the reason I am in this mess. He reaches out his hand, and I look at it surprised. It is frowned upon in Abnegation to have any kind of physical contact, even close friends or relatives. I have no idea as to why. But that's just one of the dumb rules around here. I look at my father as he nods his head in approval, and then I extend my own hand. We shake hands awkwardly, and pull away when we hear Marcus laugh. I turn my head slightly toward him, just in time to hear him say, "I've told you, haven't I?". I narrow my eyes at him, but he doesn't see it. He follows my father into the dining room, and I stay behind with Tobias. I don't look at my "fiancé" because I just can't.

"If it makes you feel any better, I don't want this any more than you do," he whispers, and another shiver runs down my spine. But unlike the one Marcus gave me, which bordered on something evil, the one I get now is filled with anticipation. What is this feeling?

We join our parents and my brother in the dining room, not saying another word to the other. Throughout the meal, Marcus talks to my father about some shit at work, while mom send unnecessary glances my way. She catches me glaring at dad and Marcus a few times, and, with her eyes tells me to knock it off.

Once the Eatons leave the house, I head straight up to my room without as much as a goodnight, let alone doing the dishes as I am supposed to. If dad thinks he can decide my future for me then I will show him what an undesirable wife I can turn out to be.

A/N: What do you think so far?