English is not my mother language, so I apologize for possible grammatical errors or misuse of words. But I'll do my best!
Also, take a look at my other story "Ashen Minds" or at my art on Instagram. My account is called "between_dark_and_light"

We dive right into the story after the remaining rebels boarded the Millenium Falcon on Crait and escaped the attack of the First Order.

Rey still sat on the bench inside the Millenium Falcon as she held the broken lightsaber pieces in her hands, fresh memories of everything that has taken place just hours ago still on her mind. She felt so much sorrow thinking about how she was on the verge to bring Ben Solo back to the light - which ultimately failed, how she should have been there instead to help the Resistance evacuate their transport ships.

Her glance wandered up to Finn on the other side of the room, who just pulled a blanket over an unconscious dark haired girl she didn't know yet. It was obvious he cared about her deeply, judging by his gentleness and his puckered brows as he looked at her bleeding temple with worry in his eyes, while he caressed her cheek.
Rey missed out so much that had taken place during the evacuation of the rebel base from D-Qar while she was gone to Ahch-To to train with Luke. She didn't even know what her best friend Finn did all this time and what he and everyone else had to go through.

When she came back everything lied in ruins, the Resistance was no more and she barely managed to save the remaining survivors of the battle on Crait. Their numbers had been downsized from several hundred people with a huge base and a small armada of ships, down to a bunch of rebels who comfortably fit into the Millenium Falcon without anything left except for their lives.
Luke Skywalker was dead, she had felt the shift in the force. So there was no one left, who could train her to become a Jedi.
Nobody answered Leia's call for support and so their only possible action right now was to go into hiding and start from scratch.

"We are the spark, that will light the fire that will burn the First Order down."
Was something Poe has said before. In Rey's opinion, the spark was nearly gone and she felt devastated by their dire situation, seeing no way to ever rebuild what they had lost on this very day.

As Rey turned the two lightsaber pieces in her hands with slightly trembling fingers, she thought back to the fight against Snoke's guards with Ben...Kylo...Ben...Kylo Ren in the throne room. Kylo Ren was right. The boy Ben, she tried so desperately to bring back to the light was indeed - gone. Kylo Ren had killed him and had no wish to bring him back. "Let the past die. Kill it, if you have to." were his exact words, which was also something he did to himself, ruining any chance to become good again.
She was just too stubborn and gullible to see it before.

Rey was so sure he will stand by her side after he saved her from Snoke.
Stars, even the vision she saw when they touched hands showed her exactly that. Darkness meets light to bring balance in the force, to end the war, bring peace to the galaxy.
But obviously, force visions can be just plain wrong.
Kylo Ren ultimately fell back to the dark side, even tried to lure her into ruling together in a new order and then tried to kill everyone who was left of the Resistance, even herself and his mother. He was pure evil and now the leader of the biggest military force and on his way to taking over the galaxy.

She knew the day will come when she has to face him again.
But next time they won't be fighting together, they will fight against each other and just one of them will survive afterwards.
Rey's chest tightened at this thought, as she called back the fresh memory of his unreadable face she saw through their bond when she stood at the door of the Falcon, evacuating the other rebels.
Kylo Ren's lip was trembling and he was silently looking up to her from a kneeling position. She didn't know what he thought at this moment.
If he planned on finding and killing her, or if he was angry that the remaining rebels got away, or if he was surprised their bond was still intact. She certainly was, thinking it would vanish after Snoke's death, as he was the one who created it in the first place.
Obviously, it was still there. At least before she shut the door of the ship which also cut their connection at the same moment.

Several weeks later, the remaining Resistance members found a planet in the Outer Rim, where Leia had allies left, who'd, unfortunately,
weren't able to support them with the battle on Crait as it would have taken them days to reach the planet.
The very least their allies could do now was giving them shelter, spaceships to run some smaller missions and the technology to contact others. Which, they gladly did.

Leia went right into action - despite her still weakened state, and started working together with Poe on rebuilding the Resistance from its roots again, recruiting new people here and there and getting her hands on new spaceships.
This woman was irrepressible and Rey was utterly impressed by her eagerness and her will to never give up hope.
The girl, named Rose as she knew by now, of whom Finn took care with such gentleness, had woken up after several days of recovery.
They were the sweetest couple together, even when Finn sometimes acted pretty clumsily around her and said all the wrong things,
so she corrected or teased him with it.
But they supported each other, laughed, shared and expanded their knowledge about First Order mechanics and kept each company in a such a purposeful and loving way. Rey couldn't be any happier for Finn.

So Finn was mostly occupied with Rose, Leia and Poe were occupied with organizing the Resistance's comeback and gaining the support of their leftover allies throughout the galaxy. Rey felt out of place, useless and had no one to look up to right now or talk about what was happening with her, so she was mostly left alone with herself, or together with Chewie to repair ships, mainly the Falcon of course.
Not that she didn't know this feeling, she was alone for the majority of her like back on Jakku. So she was used to it.
This time she just felt lost, after finding her purpose to become a Jedi, but no way to fulfil it.

She sensed the force growing stronger within her every day, but Luke was gone so she could not ask him about anything at all.
She tried reading the sacred Jedi textbooks she secretly stole from the holy tree on Ahch-To but gave up after some hours as she couldn't read any of these foreign signs and words. No archive she had access to would hold information about the languages which were used there.
She would never be able to become a Jedi like that.
Rey had so many questions about the force and didn't know what else she was able to do,
except for controlling the minds of others and make rocks float in the air. Her lightsaber was broken. What worth is a Jedi without a lightsaber?

As her thoughts spiralled down once again, she decided to go into the nearby forest to blow off some steam and take her mind somewhere else.
She grabbed her trusty quarterstaff and marched off to woods not far from their ships.
Rey had neglected her training since their battle on Crait, but decided today is the day she should finally start again,
maybe also try using the force once again. Something has kept her from doing these things as if she had a blockade after all these events.
After walking away several miles from their small hidden base, she found an opening between the trees, where she decided this would be a good spot to train her skills. A wide beam of sunlight shone through the treetops on to a small patch of grass and several scattered big boulders.

First, Rey started swinging her staff against the tree in front of her, aiming for exactly the same spot every time, while approaching from different sides as if she was in a fight. Then she also started kicking the tree and ducking away as if she was attacked.
She kept repeating these sequences of movements until she started panting hard and her muscles started to hurt. Drops of sweat appeared on her face and her clothes clung to her body. After an hour or two she felt she was reaching the limit of her endurance, but she didn't stop there.
Rey wanted to go on, as rage and stubbornness were building up inside her, thinking about everything that had happened to her and her friends in the last months, which made her feel that she needed to get stronger to protect them in the future.

She was now furiously punching, kicking and attacking the trees around her like there was no tomorrow while screaming in frustration and exhaustion, getting even angrier with every hit. There were scattered twigs and branches all around her, which had broken off due to her attacks and she was already covered in dirt and fir needles.

Suddenly she sensed a humming, a sound, a feeling she was all too familiar with, which she hadn't felt since Crait.
Wide-eyed Rey turned around swiftly and saw him sitting right across her, on his bed in a room on some First Order ship, watching her.
She could see parts of his surroundings, not much but the ground under his feet and the sheets around him. Which meant he'd be able to see her surroundings too, which just happened one time before when they touched hands in the hut on Ahch-To.
Kylo Ren had dark circles under his eyes as if he hadn't slept for days and his mouth was slightly opened,
but apart from that, his face was expressionless towards her.

She stood still in a defensive position with the staff in her hands and watched him too, as she still breathed heavily from her training.
Their eyes locked for what felt like hours as her rage on him grew stronger, because of him deciding against calling back the attack on the Resistance fleet and how he tried to kill everyone after they fought for Luke's saber in the throne room. All these bad memories flooded her brain and she felt an incredible rage forming in her stomach.

The grip on her staff grew more intense, while she gritted her teeth in anger. In one fast motion, she darted forward with an enraged scream and directly attacked him, swinging her weapon right at his sitting form.
He didn't move an inch or tried to stop her, but she thought she could see him flinch the slightest bit when she lunged out.
But maybe he didn't as he still sat exactly like before on his bed while the staff just glided through him like he was a hologram.

She kind of expected this to happen as he was obviously there through the bond and not really sitting in the forest with her.
Which enraged her even more as the sole thing she wanted to do is to hurt this man, who hurt her and her friends so much,
who tried to lure her into the darkness and kill all her friends and even his mother.
So she swung one more time, aiming for his head. Another swing into his chest. At least she threw her staff defeated on the ground and a loud sob left her lips.

Rey gritted her teeth and growled as she felt angry tears forming in her eyes at his lack of reaction.
He just kept staring her, without blinking an eye. After silently watching her outburst, he suddenly stood up and loomed above her, easily being two heads bigger than her. She gasped for air and took a step back because she didn't expect him to actually react to her after all her attacks.
He took a step forward and reached to the side of his belt, gripping his lightsaber as if he was going to ignite it and attack her back finally.

But then he was gone. Just like that. Their connection has faded and Rey stood there, alone in the forest again.
Breathing and sweating heavily from this intense moment, until she started trembling and fell to her knees, burying her head in her palms as she and started weeping into them.