Prologue: The Knights of Ren

The rain fell hard as an alien stood in the cold. The alien was covered in fur with pointed ears and had claws at the end of his fingers. The alien wore a blue padded jacket with a blaster on the side of his trousers.

Around him were over a dozen other various aliens as well as a few droids.

"Zygerrian, when's the ship coming? I'm freezing here." A devaronian said as he rubbed his cut off horns.

"Shut up." The lead alien said.

A nearby Wookie in the group growled.

The zygerrian shook his head as he looked around at the ruins of a town. Despite the rain, the metal buildings were burning, dozens of service and security droids in pieces with a few dead aliens and several dead humans.

Around the zygerrians were dozens of humans , several injured and many with their cloths torn as they sat on their knees with shackles around their hands and collars around their necks.

The zygerrian heard crying from a child , her mother trying to calm her down.

The alien growled as he came over and kicked the girl down.

"Be quite!" He growled.

"Trillok, we need to get out of here, this is a First Order world, if they find out we're here!" Another alien asked.

"This planet is a new colony. We'll be long gone before then."

"Why do we have to hunt for slaves in the First Order anyway?"

"First Order citizens go for twice as much to some people who still have fond memories of the Empire."The zygerrian said as a large brown rectangular ship set down.

A Mon Calimari came out with a greasy flight suit on.

"Sorry I'm late, I was tracking a squadron from the First Order, they're on their way."

"Get these humans inboard now."

The zygerrian saw as his men began to force the humans up , the zygerrian hearing the human girl cry again.

He growled as her mother tried to calm her down.

"Please Misarr, stop crying." She said before the zygerrian grabbed the little girl by the throat and lifted her up, growling.

He showed his fangs as the mother tried to reach her only for the wookie to hold her back.

That was when the zygerrian hear something on his com link.

"Zzt , Trillok! Zit! They're here! We're zzz zzaughtering us ztt" The aliens heard blaster fire and something else over the communication line.

Many gave uneasy looks as the zygerrian growled.

"What's going on, second squad what's happening!?"

"It's them, it's the knights of!" The com link went silent.

Aliens held their weapons up before they heard an explosion.

Several knocked off their feet as the zygerrian saw their Mon Calimari pilot's body land in front of them. Something had hit their ship and destroyed it.

"Who's there!?" He he shouted holding his blaster up and the girl in the other hand.

However, as a bolt of lightning struck , the zygerrian saw a dark figure watching them.

The figure wore a hood black cloak over black and dark grey plate armor almost similar to mandalorian or stormtrooper armor. The armor covering the figure's chest, arms, and legs. Under the hood was a black helmet with a distinct design and visor. In his right hand was a black lightsaber handle.

Moments later another figure wearing almost there same armor and cloak with two blasters in their hands and a pair of blue Lekku coming out of the back of her helmet.

Near her was another figure wearing very similar armor and a similar helmet and armor with black robes of him only no hood and a lightsaber in each hand.

Several more figures appeared around the aliens, each wearing similar armor and robes, some having a lightsaber, some blasters, some vibroblades, one with a pike like weapon in hand.

A another woman stood directly across from the first figure, wearing similar armor only more flexible with a hooded robe and a double bladed lightsaber.

The last figure didn't have robes on, just armor that had several curved spikes on it, and the gauntlets having artificial claws. The figure didn't have a weapon and was smaller physically than the others.

The aliens held their weapons in fear as the humans still looked afraid.

The first figure ignited his lightsaber, the blade glowed red but in an almost unstable fashion with cross guard of lightsaber energy coming out of the ends.

The figure with the pike ignited the top, revealing it to be a red lightsaber. The others with lightsabers igniting them as they glowed red, save the one with two who's glowed orange.

The figures with blasters began furiously gunning down the aliens while moving around in acrobatic fashions, every one of their shots hitting their marks.

The figure with two lightsabers furiously cutting down alien after alien, deflecting blasters as they came at him, the Twi'lek figure moving beside him firing.

The figure with the lightsaber pike similarly cut down several aliens before he saw the wookie and two others behind him.

He turned and closed his left hand before pulling it back at him.

The three aliens were pulled toward him as their skeletons were crushed.

The figure with the spiked armor used his hands to deflect blaster bolts away before his forearm's sparked with violet lightning before he created a surge of electricity between his hands, unleashing a bolt of lightning through three of the aliens, burning through their bodies.

The woman with the double bladed lightsaber deflected incoming blaster bolts. One of the aliens noticing her movements almost seemed unreal. She she would move from one alien to the next almost instantaneously. Each time cutting the next alien in half.

The zygerrian felt the girl get pulled from his hand by the first figure who held his hand out as the girl landed beside him.

The zygerrian growled as two more wookies with blades ran at the figure who held his lightsaber up.

When he slashed at the wookies, the zygerrian almost shook in fear as he saw when the lightsaber made contact, an explosion of force almost happened, the wookies blown apart.

As the figure slowly walked towards the zygerrian, each of his lightsaber strikes on the aliens did the same, what was left of their bodies flying through the air like rag dolls.

The zygerrian blasted one more time at the figure who held his hand up and caught the blaster bold in mid air. The zygerrian being held in place by an unseen force as the blaster bolt stayed there frozen in place before flying back and through the zygerrian.

The figure and his followers stood over the last five aliens who were on their knees.

"Please, we surrender, we surrender!" The alien said shaking in fear. The figure looking down at the aliens who looked terrified beyond belief. Some filling their trousers with liquid and matter, some tearing up.

The figure raised his hand and closed his fist before the five aliens were lifted up in the air, every bone in their bodies broken as their mangled corpses fell to the ground.

The ruins of the town were now silent as the figures stood over the bodies of the alien slavers and their droids.

A few of the figures began freeing the shackled humans, the figures with lightsabers deactivating them.

The lead figure seeing the little girl beside him.

He saw her looking up at him for a moment before she hugged him.

The figure didn't do anything but look at the girl before her mother grabbed her.

The other woman figure walking beside the lead figure and putting her hand on his shoulder as the rain continued to fall around them. A flash of lightning illuminating the scene.

Author's note

Hello, as I said in the description, this is meant to be a complete reimagining of the new star wars trilogy story with the same characters, but with a new story.

Because the old EU is so wonderful, I will be borrowing elements from it, but will also try to add just as much originality as well

So please let me know what you guys think as this will be one will be more of my own ideas rather than borrowing from other stories as much and know what you guys like and don't like helps.

So until next time,

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