Author Note: This is the sequel to Leading the Blind. I suggest to go read that trash I wrote almost two years ago. It has poor grammar and my loss of will to write is evident with each chapter. Apparently people liked it and it had a strong following even though it took me two years to write. For those who stuck by Leading the Blind, thank you. I would have never finished it without you. This is un-beta read, and I try my best but there us bound to be mistakes.

The story starts about seven years after Leading the Blind. There ages are roughly:

Nightwing: 26

Raven: 25

Starfire: 25

Beast Boy: 24

Cyborg: 27

The soft sound of laughter is what woke Nightwing.

Nightwing blinked once then twice before peeling himself from his dry drool covered keyboard. He took a moment to blink away sleep, rubbing the keyboard marks from his face. It was the third time this month he had falling asleep at the computer. Why? He wasn't sure why. Crime rate had been the same for years. Yet he finds himself in front of the computer every night looking at clues after clues.

The computer was still booted up and he had slept in superhero gear. Taking a whiff of his armpit he stuttered a breath. The smell is pungent, a weird mixture of onions and musk. He never suspecting to sweat that much during sleep, but in hindsight, sleeping in kevlar armor wasn't the smartest idea. Shower, shower seems like a good idea.

He leaned over the computer, finger hovering over the power off button only to hesitate. It was technically still early in the morning and having one last look wouldn't hurt.

Nightwing shook the mouse to wake up the computer from its hibernation. The screen lit up and he types in the long coded password. Long strings of names, locations and comments appeared on the screen. Nightwing stared at each line of information, looking for anything new that may have popped up during his nap. There were lists of planned robberies and small time crooks intel that the police could easily handle.

No point on sending his team.

With one click he sent it over to Jump City's police force. He looked at the remainder, eyes fixed over locations, names, and descriptions to find anything worthwhile. Anything thrilling, to an overly calm city. Sorting through nonsense he reads:

Dr. Light seen in Pier 2 at 3:13 am, Sunday.

Zookeeper last seen between second and first. 2:20 am, red duffle bag at hand.

Black Mask-

Nightwing freezed; Black Mask was not a Jump City villain. Black Mask ran a gun and drug cartel that was heavy embedded in Gotham. Nightwing frowned and continued to read over the words displayed in front of him:

Black Mask activity halted.

Nightwing blinked, eyes scanning the short message again and again. Black Masks is one of the hardest hitting villains in Gotham. His trade ran deep into Gotham. All into the veins of the rich and poor. Batman had tried desperately to halt his activity, take down the entire cartel. Yet no matter how often Batman placed Black Mask's associates in jail or Black Mask himself, dirty money always got them out. Had Black Mask activities been running through Jump City right under his nose only for it to be halted now?

The door slid open, and Nightwing took a look at the clock. Five in the morning and she was already awake. Maybe she sensed his panic or something within their bond told her to be by his side right now. Nightwing placed the thought as wishful thinking. She isn't here for him. She was here for information because it is her intelligence network.

A network was build on shady characters willing to turn a new leaf. A virtue Raven respected. The Titans offered them protection for the price of information. It was a small way to right their wrong when they were way too deep to find a way out. Most stayed for the sense of gratification but some because of their unjustified fear of Raven. Whatever kept them in the gray area of the law.

Raven footsteps echoed across the empty computer room. Nightwing looked behind him for a moment only to look back at the computer to stop himself from staring. Yet that is already too late, he burned her form to his memory. Her face flushed from the hot shower a contrast to her now porcelain white skin and wet dark almost black purple hair. He bit his lip as she doesn't speak a word, not even a 'morning', before hovering over him, her wet long wet strands of dark purple hair covering his view.

"Black Mask." Her jaw tensed as a slow hum left her lips. "Why are we getting intel on Black Mask?" Raven whispered as she took the mouse from Nightwings hands.

"Which one of your little birds called it in?" Nightwing asked, pushing himself away from the keyboard to give her space.

Raven's body tensed for a moment, and it's almost unrecognizable if he didn't know her so darn well. He thought the name was cute and endearing, but she hated when he called her Intel network 'little birds'. There were reasons, which to him, made no sense. Reasons she refused to elaborate on because they weren't the real reasons. He shook the thought away. That was not a can of worms he wanted to open again.

"It's blank, anonymous." Raven said before sighing and standing up.

"Anonymous?" Nightwing rolled himself close to computer eyes searching the data stream. "That's I'm—"

Raven shook her head, "The deal is they give us information and we keep them safe." Raven tapped her foot, the sound echoing inside the room. "Cyborg placed the anonymous feature encase the mole thought he was being tracked. "

"Information second, well being first" Nightwing muttered the rules under his breath.

His eyes glanced over the strings of information. Black Mask in Jump City spelled trouble. This felt like a little piece of Gotham had followed him back. The revelation was far from endearing— any piece of Gotham was far from a souvenir. It crossed his mind that the actual words are less significant and more of a warning. It isn't something new or unique for words to be littered in code.

"I know that look in your eye." Raven muttered and Nightwing turned to the sound of her voice.

Nightwing looked at her blue eyes, the color no longer purple ever since the accident seven years ago. They always seem to bring a pang of guilt even after all these years. He opts to smile at her instead of letting that feeling consume him. "I don't know—"

Raven bared a scowl before leaning down to rip the mask from his face.

"This is not becoming your new obsession." Raven warned him; dropping his mask on the keyboard.

Nightwing rubbed his face trying to soothe his skin. He wished she didn't know him so damn well. She looked at him and he knows there is a secret conversation forming in her head. Again he is stuck wishing their 'bond' was a two way street. If he could only catch a glimpse on what she thought or what she felt. Oh, how he would spend the entire Wayne fortune on that opportunity.

Maybe he was prying without his knowledge but she gave him a warning look. She rolled her eyes away from him and he quickly missed the attention. Nightwing bit his tongue to remember to hold back. He done such a splendid job the last two years, he can keep this up.

She shook her head before turning on her heel to leave.

"I'll gather the others" Raven said before looking over her shoulder and throwing him back his mask. "Also you should take a shower. You smell like a men's locker room."

"Nightwing! Prysm sick and she keeps—"


A green beam flew across scorching the wall next to Nightwing. Prysm sniffled, rubbed and wiggled her nose. Her eyes quickly shift to Nightwing, then back to the space between her feet.

Nightwing stared at the blackened wall. Running a team of super powered teenagers again, what was he thinking? It wanted to pass down his experience, he said. A new Teen Titan section to their Titan operation would help steer teenagers into the right direction, he pitched. Nightwing doesn't regret the decision, not one bit.

However, there is some sickly sense of exhaustion associated with managing superpowered teens. When he imagined the future, it wasn't really this. He never imagine just how many people would be floating with super powers, or have some really rich eccentric mentors. They could only live under the shadow of someone for so long though; a concept he understood. That's why he was no longer Robin, but Nightwing. A hero in his own respect. If he could do that, why not guide others to do the same?

Which lead to a transition. Transferring the name Teen Titans to a younger group more true to the name, and creating The Titans. Which was stressful within itself, having to obtain more backing from the Justice League. At least he had the backing of his team, well, most of his team.

"We should have some medicine in the medical bay." Nightwing sighed, rubbing the sides of his mask as a nervous tendency. "Flu season already?"

"Dude, there has been like three people sick in the last week." Changeling shouted from the kitchen his eyes scanning the fridge.

Nightwing gave Changeling a face, surprised that already three people have fallen ill.

Changeling had changed over the years. He was more level headed, and grew to be a great strategist. Raven credited the change to herself, teaching him chess years ago. The Changeling refuted the comment, but everyone knew he had oddly became scary good at a game he onced called 'kings, chicks and ponies'. He was a couple of inches taller than Nightwing now, no longer the runt of the litter, with an acrobat physique. He still had his sense of humor much to Raven's misery.

"Gosh darn it, who ate all the vegemite?" Changeling grumbled closing the refrigerator door.

Prysm gave a shy sniffle, wrapping her scarf a little tighter. Suddenly her eyes dart behind Nightwing, and she took a moment to stand a little straighter. Nightwing looked behind him to catch a glimpse of Raven with her arms crossed.

She walked past Nightwing, pressing the back of her hand to Prysm's forehead. "You are warmer than usual." Raven pulled down the hood of her cloak "Zachary take Prysm to the medical bay."

Zachary Zatara raised from the couch with a groan but besides that, there is a little resistance. Nightwing watched the subtle roll of his eyes and decides to ignore it. Zachary isn't the 'go out of his way to help others' type. Zachary wasn't much of a team player either. He was a heavy contrast to his cousin, which he bet was the only reason Zachary was in the Teen Titans.

Zachary shrugged, walking up to Raven's side. "Can't ya just fix it. You know with a little-" Zachary points to Prysm's head and made a buzzing noise.

Oh, he also seemed to have a slight fixation with Raven, much to Nightwing's agitation.

The empath shook her head while rolling her eyes at Zachary. "Not everything can be fixed with magic. Some T.L.C and medicine will do fine."

Prysm looked at Raven, shoulders raised and hands tightly folded in front of her. Prysm sniffled, taking a moment to look at Zachary. Zachary walked around Raven to her left, one finger taking a moment to twirl the ends of her hair. Raven glared, and Nightwing noted the small glint in Zachary eyes as the dark strands slides off his finger.

"With practice, magic can fix anything." Zachary smiled a spark of magic trickling from his white glove.

"Med Bay, now." Raven commanded ignoring his comment.

Zachary shrugged, folding his arms over his chest. "You heard the boss. Let's go Prysm"

Prysm sniffled, her nose twitching to hold in a sneeze. Zachary moved her along, walking behind her heels. Nightwing watched them, noticing Zachary whispering, 'don't you dare get me sick', under his breath.

Starfire passed by Zachary and Prysm in the hall before walking up to Nightwing. She flashed her old friends a smile and wrapped her arms around Raven shoulders. The empath becomes rigid at the contact but quickly relaxes. The alien giggled in response.

"Are the teams all assigned?" The Tamaranean asked, removing herself from Raven.

"Yes, but I am concerned-" Raven mumbled but Starfire quickly cuts in.

"We can not hold their hand forever. Have faith on the new generation." Starfire interjected before standing near Nightwing, giving him a smirk and nod.

The alien stood in the middle of the room, her eyes mentally counting their wards. The Tamaranean was still the same, dropping her special Tamaranean vernacular from her speech pattern years ago. Her beauty was unearthly, her hair long red strands ending in a fiery wisp.

Starfire clapped her hands, and the room fell silent. The alien turned to Nightwing giving him a cheeky smile. "All you, fearless leader."

Nightwing cleared his throat. "We have your assignments for today. You will be split into groups: blue and gold team. Your group members will not be the same as your previous assignment, but as always you are expected to work as a team."

All the Teen Titans groaned. Nightwing rolled his eyes.

Raven spook up, "Team is as followed: Blue team: Red Robin, Kid Devil, Wonder Girl, Blue Beetle"

Red Robin stirred from the couch, coffee mug in his hand, eyes blinking away sleep. It seemed to be a characteristic "I lived with Batman" habit.

"Gold Team: Zatara, Aqualad, Static, Pry-"Nightwing stopped and looked at Garfield shake his head violently.

"Uh, then I guess it's just Zatara, Static and Aqualad" Starfire shrugged.

"Now you probably all wondering, who is the team leader for this mission. There isn't one. The focus is to try to learn to compromise. I notice some of you have strong personalities. Leaders are there to make final decisions taking the considerations and comments of their teammates. They aren't there to tell everyone what to do." Nightwing explained.

"Now, we will be infiltrating the Wildebeest Society. The society has multiple members, which all have access to the super one commits the crime, while the others undermine the operation. We will be infiltration what intel tells us is their base of operation."

"Each team will go through different entry points. Blue team, you will be dropped southwest access point, while the gold team will enter via the submarine dock." Raven added.

"So you gonna sit back and just watch us do the dirty work?" Zachary called from behind, as he re-entered the room.

"Huh, yesterday I heard the complaint that we were giving you guys the kiddy missions." Raven glared at Zachary. "Now you are saying we are lazy. I guess we can be hard on them Nightwing, or not hard enough."

Nightwing smiled at her. "You are right, whatever will we do?"

Raven let out a sigh, "I guess we can also get Batman to plan the missions. Clearly we aren't doing a good enough job."

The room grew oddly silent and Red Robin's eyes grew wide awake.

Raven nostrils flared, "Is that fear I smell in the air or subordinance? As an empath I always get those two mixed up."

The old Boy Wonder chuckled, "I think it's the latter." He cleared his throat. "Now, as I was saying: Each team will do its part to take find the suit. Warning, only one person wears the suit at a time, but it doesn't mean that each member is powerless without it."

"Your goal is to gather intel, and try to find the suit to destroy it. Do not engage unless necessary. Challenging and Starfire will be your point of contact. Nightwing and I will monitor the facility through security cameras. If something goes wrong we will quickly get you out." The demoness added.

"I will be grading you on strategy, while Starfire will be grading based on your ability to work as a team." Changeling added, "Now we will be heading out in an hour. Red Robin go drink your third cup of coffee."

Once the meeting ended, the Teen Titans form into their groups. Nightwing turned to his team, his voice low over the loud chatter behind them.

"Today's intel was interesting. There may have been activity happening right under our noses without us realizing." Nightwing warned.

"Happened, past tense. The activity was halted." Raven added with a raised an eyebrow towards Nightwing.

"This is Black Mask, Raven. He doesn't stop." Nightwing grunted.

"Wait, I thought you were going to say Zookeeper or Cheshire, but who is Black Mask?" Changeling asked, confusion lined on his face.

"Black Mask is a villain from...home." Nightwing pursed his lips. "He use to be a cosmetic mogul, but due to his bad business management he soon became bankrupt. He now runs a drug and gun cartel, and trust me when I say he is a much better businessman."

"But what do we do now? The message says the activity was halted. Stop it before it starts again? Do we know who provided us the information?' Starfire looked at Raven.

"Anonymous" Raven crossed her arms.

"Then we can get Cyborg to track it down. Cyborg has said there is always a backdoor to every system." Starfire added.

"He is like, busy with Justice League business." Changeling rolled his eyes. "I do not know if he has time for this. Last time I heard he is does all their programs, maintenance, and anything to keep that spaceship afloat, while also running missions."

The group grows quiet before all eyes turned to Raven. Raven looked around and sighed. Cyborg always had a soft spot for Raven. He would come running if Raven needed anything. Ever since Cyborg excepted Justice League's offer, she had been the main line to their old team mate.

"Fine I'll talk to him about it." Raven shook her head.

Starfire giggled. "Cyborg does have a soft spot for you, but don't we all?"

Raven grunted. "Is that why you guys make me do the bulk of the work?"

Changeling laughed, taking a moment to place a boop on Raven's nose. Raven scowled. "Yup, plus you are sooo capable." Changeling said walking away. "I'm going to get the jet ready. Make sure no one eats my last avocado please?"

Starfire shrugged, and turned to Nightwing. "I'll go test the comms, now don't start obsessing over this intel okay Nightwing?"

"Too late." Raven muttered as Starfire floated away.

Nightwing frowned, crossing his arms over his chest. "Why does everyone think I'm obsessed."

Raven shrugged, tapping on Nightwing's shoulder. "Because we maybe old Nightwing, but certain things don't change."

Author Note: Please Read and Review. It is the only thing to keeps up my motivation. Thank you for taking the time out to read this! Ciao my loves!