Authors note: I guess I should have explained, there was a reason why the ending was how it was.

Hans could not just leave his responsibilities as Phoenix till fate dictated it, if he left too soon then his children even the world would be doomed to suffer disasters and worse (This was what happened when the past phoenixes died... yes they were killed off.. but regardless the consequences were the same). Because of this Hans did not give up or ended his life sooner, if he could he would have to be with Elsa, his children and friends, but he could not.

I also did that ending cause I wanted to leave it as an open ending, but I guess it did not end well... hopefully the changes in this ending will make up for it and such, plus again explain why.

Laughs and giggles were heard, walking through the garden Hans and Elsa held hands as they enjoyed the spring day. But it was hard to enjoy it, especially with what Hans had to say.

"But why? Why not let another take your place?" asked Elsa quite upset, in her opinion it was not fair, being the phoenix had been good for Hans yet the bad seemed to outnumber it as in her mind there was nothing more worse than outliving your loved ones.

"I wish it was that easy" said Hans sadly "But Fate is the one who dictates who will be the next phoenix, when the last one was killed it took over 100 years before I was chosen and during that time disasters happened" pausing he shook his head "I want to more than anything, but I cannot do it, not while knowing that others, especially my loved ones will pay the price for my doing".

Frowning Elsa took his hand and said "Its okay, till the time comes when a new one is chosen, I will be by your side how many lives it takes, I will not leave you alone",

"You don't have to" said Hans softly,

"But I want to..." said Elsa then added "I love you and I will not leave you to face these trials on your own",

"Your too good to me" said Hans softly, Elsa smiled and kissed him close, he held her as they deepened the kiss only to be interrupted by the sound of their children screaming "Mother, Father! Look what we found!".

Saying nothing they looked as soon a little girl and boy came running in, the girls pigtails bouncing, both her and her brother were all muddy from the clothes to the cheeks on their faces as if they had been playing in the mud.

Looking the two sighted at them, their eldest son Rosenrod and their daughter Sophia, their wonderful son and cute yet rather cheeky and naughty little girl, arriving Sophia jumped exited and said "Guess what I found, guess what we found",

"Sophia, Rosenrod what did we say about-",

"Come on guess" insisted Rosenrod, Elsa gave Hans a look, this one said "That is your side of the family", giving in Hans said "What is it?", pouting Sophia said "Your no fun" then smirked and said "Okay, here" with that she held up something, it was old cloth, decaying and muddy, yet it was recognizable for Elsa and Hans.

"We found it buried on the ground, looks like a glove" said Rosenrod then Sophia added confused "I wonder how it got buried underground though".

Elsa turned and looked at Hans who said "What? I did said that I buried them", she continued to give him that look so he continued "In my defense I had to make sure you would not try to get them back",

"What are you talking about?" asked Sophia confused, smiling Elsa turned to her daughter and son, patted their heads and said "I think your father has some explaining to do" with that she turned and left.

Hans was going to complain but she had already left leaving him alone to explain to Sophia and Rosenrod how the gloves got there, rubbing the back of his neck he though "This will be the most interesting how I met your mother stories they will ever hear... but I better leave out some details"

Ring, ring, that was what broke Hans from his memories. Blinking Hans looked around and frowned, he was no longer in Arendelle, with his wife and children... it was no longer the 1800's, no... he was in the 2000's.

How times changed, Hans had seen it all, the wars, the technology, everything was just so different that his time, his past sometimes seemed nothing more than a dream.

Sighting he rubbed his hand on the side of his face as he waited for his coffee in Starbucks.

He missed his side burns, but unfortunately they fell out of fashion and the last time he had them people stared at him as if he had grown three extra heads, so sadly he had to shave them off.

"Black coffee extra sugar for Johan!" called the barista.

Nodding Hans took his coffee and proceeded to leave. As he did he felt his phone vibrated.

Iphone... latest must have gadget in this time...

"Now I am starting to sound like an old person rambeling" though Hans shaking his head.

"Because you are old even if you do not look it" said his reasoning.

Taking out his phone he looked at it, it was a text message from his godchild William... yes... Prince William...

"Wanna talk about it?" he texted.

Hans sighted he looked at that message, the memory flowed back in his head. His wife Elsa, his children, Anna, Kristoff... Part of the burden was that he outlived everybody, he watched his friends die, his love die, his children, everybody... the only comfort he had was what he would see them again at some point, but that though just provided a small comfort when he has yet to see them again. He closed his eyes trying not to cry as he text back "I rather not",

"You sure? Me, Harry and Lars are worried" texted William,

"I am sure" Hans texted back "Tell Lars I will see him next week"

Suddenly there was a loud noise startling Hans, almost making him drop the phone as a car almost slammed into him. Reacting mentally Hans turned to smoke and back away, forming a foot or so away from the car.

The driver and he stared at one another, she was silvery blond, blue eyes open in shock and fear, she almost looked like...

"What were you doing?! Stupid head!" yelled the driver who had snapped from her shock and fear, got out from the car and marched over, proceeding to yell at him. Hans knew she was not really angry, this was her reaction when she was scared or panicking.

"Hey! I am talking to you!" yelled the driver as Hans continued to stare, getting a little worried she asked "Sir" as she reached then jumped when he grabbed her hand making her scream for a moment.

Taking his glove off he touch it, his eyes widen, it was her... Elsa...


"Uhh... Elsie actually" said "Elsa" as she back away,

"I am sorry, I will be more careful" promised Hans as he let go, nodding Elsa/Elsie walked away, got on her car and left. Hans watched her go and smiled as he though "This time I won't be making the same mistakes" before taking out his phone texting then leaving.

Many years later:

Wind roared outside as snowflakes danced through the snow white environment of Norway, bundling up a bronze tone 27 year old woman turned and walked inside the viking style cottage. Walking to the kitchen she took and washed two dishes, it was just her and her father now ever since his wife, her mother, passed away years ago.

In truth, they were not her parents, she had been adopted by them when she was 5 years old, a 5 year old who had many walls up because of the environment she was exposed to in the foster system. Despise them not sharing blood, they were her parents, they never gave up on her on her worst, they were there for her in goods and bad's, made sure she had all the help she needed, education, clothes on her back and all the love a child could ever want and need. Because of that they more than earned the right to call themselves her parents.

Finishing she set the dishes on the drying rack before going to the living room, peeking in she saw her father, the almost 70 year old was sleeping on the chair, he has been sleeping a lot the pass few days.

Frowning she walked over and touched his hand making him jump up wide awake, seeing her he groaned as he placed his hand on his chest and said "You really want to kill me don't you Selene?",

"Cinder father" said Selene "Cinder" as she moved and sat next to him,

"I am not going to call you something that is not your name" he said,

"Then I will call you Hans" said Selene cheekily, only to yell when he reached and slapped the back of her head, of course it was a soft pat, but it was annoying, "Why do you always do this?",

"I would stop if you learned to respect your elders" said Hans then added "Did I not taught you that?",

"Yes" said Selene snickered before she sighted and silence settled.

Time passed and she saw him dozing off again, this time she felt alarm bells ringing in her head, taking his hand she shook it making him wake up startled again.

"Wha?", Selene bit her lip and asked "Is it time?", he stared then looked away,

"Answer me Father" demanded Selene a bit more alarmed,

"I am tired Selene" said Hans sighting, this was all she needed to know before she stood up and said "NO! You can't go! Not now!",

"If not now then when?" asked Hans,

"Not now! I need you! I am not ready to be the Phoenix on my own! I, I just can't!" said Selene upset and scared, she was not ready! She needed more time, more training! He could not just leave her!,

"Yes you can, your more than ready" said Hans softly "You were taught everything that you need to know".

Selene said nothing more, she looked down at her glove covered hands, they were Elsie, well Elsas glove, her mother. She knew it was selfish of her to ask more time, he had already been years, ages in truth, away from his friends and family, it was well overdue that he go to be with them. But she could not help it, he was one of the greatest phoenix, how could she measure up to what he accomplished? Yes she had the advantage he did not have of being raised and trained by his predecessor. But that in her mind changed nothing.

"How will I manage without you?" asked Selene,

"You will be better than me" promised Hans, Selene nodded, she understood, he would not go if she did not let him, fate was not stopping him, she was. SO with a heavy heart Selene forced a smile and she said "Lilly, lullu, lulo, I let you go, I let you go",

"Thank you" said Hans softly, nodding Selene got up and hugged him, he hugged her back, kissing the side of her head. They held each other there for what seemed like forever. Snoring softly Selene had fallen asleep. Turning to the side Hans looked to the window as the snowflakes continued to fall, the sun set and night came as it did a light shone through the window.

It confused Hans as he and Selene lived in had huge acres of private land and he was not expecting visitors, carefully Hans got up with the help of his cane and not waking Selene up, carefully he made his way outside, opening the door he looked outside to almost fall to his knees.

Outside waiting was Elsa, just as he remembered ages ago.

"Elsa" he was barely able to croak out as he could not believe what he was seeing, she smiled and said "Yes I am here", walking over he said "Its been so long..I...I am sorry... I wanted to-",

"I am glad you did not" said Elsa softly "You always were careful about choices, putting me and our family first",

"I,I just did not wanted our children, everybody to suffer" said Hans softly "If I had joined you the first and second time I would have brought disaster, I just did not wanted that",

"I know and I am proud" said Elsa softly,

"I miss you... never once I stopped thinking about you... our children...Lars... everybody" said Hans softly,

"Now you won't have to, not anymore" said Elsa as she held out her hand "Come on, everybody is waiting", smiling Hans took her hand, before he hugged her, they held each other and shared a kiss which they both had missed so much before they walk away together.

The next day Selene woke up and found herself alone, she did not ask for she knew Hans had gone to be with his family and friends. She wanted to be sad, but could not as she knew he deserved it, he could not be with them when he should have because of Fate and the disasters that would happen if he abandoned his responsibilities too soon, so now that he was able to go and be reunited with his family and loved ones, she could not help but be happy for him. Sitting up she walked outside, for the next few minute she just stood there, admiring the sun rising before smiling. Pulling the hood of her hoodie over her head she changed to her phoenix form before flying off.

He always told her to be better, so she will be better so the phoenixes who come after her will not have to suffer what her mentor and father did.

The end...